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四川大学华西药学院:《药事管理学 Pharmacy Administration》课程教学资源(PPT课件)序、第一章 绪论(胡明)

药事、药事管理的概念及发展 药事管理学科的形成和发展 药事管理学科的性质、定义、研究内容及范围 药事管理学研究方法(调研实践)

药事管理学 Pharmacy administration 主讲:胡明讲师 药事管理学教研室 2005年3月

药事管理学 Pharmacy Administration 主讲:胡 明 讲师 药事管理学教研室 2005年3月

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Why To learn This subject? 为什么要学本门课程? *1 It is a major subject of pharmacy professional courses *—药学专业课程之 *2. It is a bridge between theory and pharmacy practice *—联系自然科学知识与药学实践的桥梁 *3. It is an important component of licensed harmacist examination *—执业药师考试的重要内容之

Why To Learn This Subject? 为什么要学习本门课程? 1、 It is a major subject of pharmacy professional courses ——药学专业课程之一 2. It is a bridge between theory and pharmacy practice ——联系自然科学知识与药学实践的桥梁 3. It is an important component of licensed pharmacist examination ——执业药师考试的重要内容之一



What Can We Learn From This subject? 从本门课程中我们能学到什么? 1. The basic concepts of pharmacy administration 药品管理领域的基本概念 *2. Pharmaceutical affairs law and regulation 药学实践必须遵守的法律规范 3. The regular pattern of management in pharmaceutical manufacturing areas, supplying areas and utilizing areas *——药品生产、经营、流通等领域的基本管理规则 4. Code of ethics for pharmacist *—药师职业道德的和必须遵守的行为规范 5. The method and technical ability to settle problems meeting in pharmacy practice *—解决药学实践问题的方法和技能

What Can We Learn From This Subject? 从本门课程中我们能学到什么?  1. The basic concepts of pharmacy administration  ——药品管理领域的基本概念  2. Pharmaceutical affairs law and regulation  ——药学实践必须遵守的法律规范  3. The regular pattern of management in pharmaceutical manufacturing areas, supplying areas and utilizing areas  ——药品生产、经营、流通等领域的基本管理规则  4. Code of ethics for pharmacist  ——药师职业道德的和必须遵守的行为规范  5. The method and technical ability to settle problems meeting in pharmacy practice  ——解决药学实践问题的方法和技能

本门课程的要求是什么? *1、掌握药学实践中的基本法律法规 *2、明辩药学实践行为中合法与违法 *3、分析社会实践领域中的各种药学现 象和问题

本门课程的要求是什么? 1、掌握药学实践中的基本法律法规 2、明辩药学实践行为中合法与违法 3、分析社会实践领域中的各种药学现 象和问题

How To Learn This subject? 如何学习本/7课程? *1、 Understanding *理解 2、 Practice *实践 *3、 Reading *阅读

How To Learn This Subject? 如何学习本门课程? 1、Understanding 理解 2、 Practice 实践 3、 Reading 阅读

本门课程的学时安排与计分方法 *共54学时:39学时理论教学 15学时实验(社会调查实践) *成绩: *共100分:期末考试成绩60分 实验成绩30分 平时成绩10分

本门课程的学时安排与计分方法 共54学时:39学时理论教学  15学时实验(社会调查实践) 成绩: 共100分:期末考试成绩60分  实验成绩 30分  平时成绩 10分

AR The Structoepof Eth y igk PART I: pandect Chapter 1: introduction Chapter 2: drugs, pharmacy, and pharmacist Chapter 3: pharmaceutical affair constitution PART II: pharmaceutical affairs law and regulation Chapter 4: legislation of pharmacy andthe drug administration law of prc Chapter 5: register administration of the drugs Chapter 6: administration of drug package, trademark and advertisement Chapter 7: administration of drugs under special control Chapter 8: administration of traditional Chinese drug

The Structure of This Book  PART I: pandect Chapter 1: introduction Chapter 2: drugs, pharmacy, and pharmacist Chapter 3: pharmaceutical affair constitution  PART II: pharmaceutical affairs law and regulation Chapter 4: legislation of pharmacy and “the drug administration law of PRC” Chapter 5: register administration of the drugs Chapter 6: administration of drug package, trademark and advertisement Chapter 7: administration of drugs under special control Chapter 8: administration of traditional Chinese drug 本书主要内容

PART II: specification Chapter 9: the management of pharmaceutical enterprise and gMP Chapter 10: pharmaceutical marketing and administration of drug distribution Chapter 11: administration of hospital pharmacy Chapter 12: utility of computer in pharmacy administration

PART III: specification Chapter 9: the management of pharmaceutical enterprise and GMP Chapter 10: pharmaceutical marketing and administration of drug distribution Chapter 11: administration of hospital pharmacy Chapter 12: utility of computer in pharmacy administration

共41页,可试读14页,点击继续阅读 ↓↓


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