Q民胖晶战曾 块 tianfinUmmivesitpi] Technology 酬刪且 halter lnternational Canga nanobot 授课教师:狄琳娜
Chapter 4 International Cargo Transport 授课教师:狄琳娜
⑥天串科抗等。遇 eaving objective 1, 7a learm the aded of tandon, eoe, acean tandhotation -2. 7a uvdenotavd the mature of linen trandpont 3. 7a underdtand the carious kido of 8/4 4. 7a understand the comtent df tranport claude 授课教师狄琳娜
授课教师 狄琳娜 Learning Objectives ◼ 1.To learn the modes of transport,esp. ocean transportation. ◼ 2.To understand the nature of liner transport ◼ 3.To understand the various kinds of B/L ◼ 4.To understand the contents of transport clause
无串科拉大等潘删 y 1. Sea transportation (ocean transportaTion) According to ways of operation ocean 货 物 transport can be divided into liner 输 transport and charter transport 第一节 输 方式 授课教师狄琳娜
授课教师 狄琳娜 1.Sea transportation (ocean transportation) ◼ According to ways of operation, ocean transport can be divided into liner transport and charter transport. 第 四 章 国 际 货 物 运 输 第 一 节 运 输 方 式
⑥天串科抗等。遇 第四章国际货物 1. 1 Liner Transport (1) Characteristics of liner transport a FiXed sailing date(an advertised schedule) 输 fixed route(operating on a regular route), making calls at scheduled ports and relatively fixed freight rate b Liner freight covers loading and unloading 第一节 charges, so the carrier is responsible for the loading and unloading Liner transport is suitable for cargo of small 输 quantit ity 方式 授课教师狄琳娜
授课教师 狄琳娜 1.1 Liner Transport ◼ (1) Characteristics of liner transport ◼ a.Fixed sailing date (an advertised schedule), fixed route(operating on a regular route), making calls at scheduled ports and relatively fixed freight rate. ◼ b.Liner freight covers loading and unloading charges, so the carrier is responsible for the loading and unloading. Liner transport is suitable for cargo of small quantity. 第 四 章 国 际 货 物 运 输 第 一 节 运 输 方 式
⑥天串科抗等。遇 ■(2) Freight Rate Freight rate is stipulate in the tariff. It contains basic 货 freight rate and various kinds of surcharges 运■(2.1) Standards of collecting freight 输 aweight: for items marked with"W"in tariff, the freight thereon is to be calculated per metric ton on weight( weight ton a b Measurement: for items marked with"M, the freight 第一节 is to be calculated per cubic meter on measurement of the cargo(measurement ton) C Weight or measurement for items marked with W/M 输 the freight is to be calculated on basis of either 方式 weight or measurement ton, subject to the higher one 授课教师狄琳娜
授课教师 狄琳娜 (2) Freight Rate ◼ Freight rate is stipulate in the tariff. It contains basic freight rate and various kinds of surcharges. ◼ (2.1) Standards of collecting freight: ◼ a.weight:for items marked with “W” in tariff, the freight thereon is to be calculated per metric ton on weight( weight ton) ◼ b.Measurement:for items marked with “M”, the freight is to be calculated per cubic meter on measurement of the cargo (measurement ton) ◼ c.Weight or measurement:for items marked with W/M, the freight is to be calculated on basis of either weight or measurement ton, subject to the higher one. 第 四 章 国 际 货 物 运 输 第 一 节 运 输 方 式
⑥无串科太等m潘删 第四章国际货物 ■d.3ad.Val!’: for items marked with“Ad∨al:, the freight is to be calculated on the basis of 输 the price or value of the cargo concerned. For some valuable goods like gold, platinum, silver, precision instrument, expensive fur 第一节 usually 1-5%of the price e W/M or ad val for items marked W/m or 输 Ad Val. the highest rate is adopted 方式 授课教师狄琳娜
授课教师 狄琳娜 ◼ d.’ad. val.’: for items marked with “Ad Val.” , the freight is to be calculated on the basis of the price or value of the cargo concerned. For some valuable goods like gold, platinum, silver, precision instrument, expensive fur, usually 1-5% of the price. ◼ e.W/M or Ad val.:for items marked “W/M or Ad Val.” the highest rate is adopted. 第 四 章 国 际 货 物 运 输 第 一 节 运 输 方 式
⑥天串科抗等。遇 四(2.2)0 various kinde In addition to the basic freight rates, there are 货 many kinds of surcharges that can not be 物 ignored 输 a bunked adjustment factor b port surcharges C transshipment surcharges 第一节 a d heavy lift and long length additional 输 方式 授课教师狄琳娜
授课教师 狄琳娜 (2.2) Various kinds of surcharges ◼ In addition to the basic freight rates, there are many kinds of surcharges that can not be ignored. ◼ a.bunked adjustment factor ◼ b.port surcharges ◼ c.transshipment surcharges ◼ d.heavy lift and long length additional 第 四 章 国 际 货 物 运 输 第 一 节 运 输 方 式
灭沣技等 Tianjin University of Science Technol 货 物 a Company a exports 100 cases of good X to London The volume per case is 40 输 cmX30cmX20cm, and the gross weight is 30kg. On the List of Classification of Commodities good X falls within the scope of class 10, and the 第一节 freight is based on W/MOn the Freight Tariff (China-London), the basic freight rate for class 10 is USS222, with 10% port surcharges 输 方式 授课教师狄琳娜
授课教师 狄琳娜 The following is an example of calculation of freight: ◼ Company A exports 100 cases of good X to London. The volume per case is 40 cmX30cmX20cm, and the gross weight is 30kg.On the List of Classification of Commodities, good X falls within the scope of class 10, and the freight is based on W/M.On the Freight Tariff (China-London), the basic freight rate for class 10 is US$222, with 10% port surcharges. 第 四 章 国 际 货 物 运 输 第 一 节 运 输 方 式
⑥天串科抗等。遇 第四章国际货物 How much i the total height ■ Answer 1.7 otal weight:0.03M×100=3M什 ■2. Total volume:0.4X0.3X02×100=24M3: 输 3 Total weight >Total volume sO, W is the basis for collecting freight 第一节 Total freight =total weight X(basic freight rate+ surcharge) 输 US$7326 方式 授课教师狄琳娜
授课教师 狄琳娜 How much is the total freight? ◼ Answer: ◼ 1.Total weight:0.03 M/TX100=3 M/T ◼ 2.Total volume:0.4X0.3X0.2X100=2.4M3: ◼ 3.Total weight >Total volume ◼ so, “W” is the basis for collecting freight. ◼ Total freight =total weight X (basic freight rate+ surcharge) =US$ 732.6 第 四 章 国 际 货 物 运 输 第 一 节 运 输 方 式
⑥天串科技大塑 第四章国际货物 1. 2 Chanter tranport (1)Voyage charter transport astipulation of loading and unloading 输 charges a b lay days 第一节 (2)Time Charter transport 输 方式 rUssel rex 授课教师狄琳娜
授课教师 狄琳娜 1.2 Charter transport ◼ (1) Voyage charter transport ◼ a.stipulation of loading and unloading charges ◼ b.lay days ◼ (2) Time Charter transport 第 四 章 国 际 货 物 运 输 第 一 节 运 输 方 式