REFERENCES Zheng Zhong, Li Shaojing, Xu Zhenzu, 1989. Marine Planktology China Ocean Press & Springer-Verlag 郑重, 李少菁, 许振祖, 1984. 海洋浮游生物学 海洋出版社; 1992 繁体 字版 台湾水产出版社; 1996 修订再版 台湾水产出版社 金德祥, 1991. 海洋硅藻学 厦门大学出版社 Bougis P., 1976. Marine Plankton Ecology Raymont J. E. G., 1980, 1983. Plankton and Productivity in the Oceans Vol. I, II Miller C. B., 2004. Biological Oceanography 金德祥等, 1965. 中国海洋浮游硅藻类 郑重, 1986. 海洋浮游生物生态学文集 郑重, 曹文清, 1987. 海洋枝角类生物学 郑重, 李少菁, 连光山, 1992. 海洋桡足类生物学 郑重, 1993. 郑重文集(续) 中国动物志, 中国海藻志, 海洋学报, 海洋与湖沼 Journal Plankton Research, Journal Marine Biological Association, Marine Biology
REFERENCES Zheng Zhong, Li Shaojing, Xu Zhenzu, 1989. Marine Planktology China Ocean Press & Springer-Verlag 郑重, 李少菁, 许振祖, 1984. 海洋浮游生物学 海洋出版社; 1992 繁体 字版 台湾水产出版社; 1996 修订再版 台湾水产出版社 金德祥, 1991. 海洋硅藻学 厦门大学出版社 Bougis P., 1976. Marine Plankton Ecology Raymont J. E. G., 1980, 1983. Plankton and Productivity in the Oceans Vol. I, II Miller C. B., 2004. Biological Oceanography 金德祥等, 1965. 中国海洋浮游硅藻类 郑重, 1986. 海洋浮游生物生态学文集 郑重, 曹文清, 1987. 海洋枝角类生物学 郑重, 李少菁, 连光山, 1992. 海洋桡足类生物学 郑重, 1993. 郑重文集(续) 中国动物志, 中国海藻志, 海洋学报, 海洋与湖沼 Journal Plankton Research, Journal Marine Biological Association, Marine Biology
INTRODUCTION 1. Definition 2. The Relation Between Marine Planktology and Other Disciplines of Oceanography 3. Ecological Groups of Plankton 4. Economic Importance 5. Brief History and Prospects
INTRODUCTION 1. Definition 2. The Relation Between Marine Planktology and Other Disciplines of Oceanography 3. Ecological Groups of Plankton 4. Economic Importance 5. Brief History and Prospects
1 Definition Plankton (planktos, Victor Hensen, 1887): drifters of the open ocean Nekton = free swimmers of the sea Benthos = dwellers of the sea floor Planktology: the science of studying the life and activities of plankton
1 Definition Plankton (planktos, Victor Hensen, 1887): drifters of the open ocean Nekton = free swimmers of the sea Benthos = dwellers of the sea floor Planktology: the science of studying the life and activities of plankton
Introduction 1. Definition 2. The Relation Between Marine Planktology and Other Disciplines of Oceanography 3. Ecological Groups of Plankton 4. Economic Importance 5. Brief History and Prospects
Introduction 1. Definition 2. The Relation Between Marine Planktology and Other Disciplines of Oceanography 3. Ecological Groups of Plankton 4. Economic Importance 5. Brief History and Prospects
2 Relationship Planktology: morphology, taxonomy, ecology, physiology, biochemistry Marine Biology Biological Oceanography Relation between Marine Planktology and Other Disciplines Biology Oceanography Aquaculture Fishery Meteorology Marine Sedimentology (Marine Geology) Environmental Science
2 Relationship Planktology: morphology, taxonomy, ecology, physiology, biochemistry Marine Biology Biological Oceanography Relation between Marine Planktology and Other Disciplines Biology Oceanography Aquaculture Fishery Meteorology Marine Sedimentology (Marine Geology) Environmental Science
Phytoplankton Zooplankton 25 Fe CO 22
Phytoplankton Zooplankton 25 Fe CO 22
Introduction 1. Definition 2. The Relation Between Marine Planktology and Other Disciplines of Oceanography 3. Ecological Groups of Plankton 4. Economic Importance 5. Brief History and Prospects
Introduction 1. Definition 2. The Relation Between Marine Planktology and Other Disciplines of Oceanography 3. Ecological Groups of Plankton 4. Economic Importance 5. Brief History and Prospects
3 Ecological Groups 3.1 Type of Nutrition Phytoplankton: autotrophic bacteria and unicellular algae (Bacillariophyta, Pyrrophyta, Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta, Chrysophyta, Xanthophyta, Cryptophyta and Euglenophyta) Zooplankton: heterotrophic Protozoa, medusae, Rotifera, Crustacea, Chaetognatha, pelagic Mollusca, Tunicata, larvae of invertebrate and lower chordates
3 Ecological Groups 3.1 Type of Nutrition Phytoplankton: autotrophic bacteria and unicellular algae (Bacillariophyta, Pyrrophyta, Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta, Chrysophyta, Xanthophyta, Cryptophyta and Euglenophyta) Zooplankton: heterotrophic Protozoa, medusae, Rotifera, Crustacea, Chaetognatha, pelagic Mollusca, Tunicata, larvae of invertebrate and lower chordates
Phytoplankton 1: Diatom
Phytoplankton 1: Diatom
Phytoplankton 2: Dinoflagellates Gonyaulax polyedra Gymnodinium breve Noctiluca sp Olisthodiscus Peridinium sp Ceratium tripos Prorocentrium micans
Phytoplankton 2: Dinoflagellates Gonyaulax polyedra Gymnodinium breve Noctiluca sp Olisthodiscus Peridinium sp Ceratium tripos Prorocentrium micans