试卷代号:2148 中央广播电视大学2009一2010学年度第二学期“开放专科”期末考试 英语口语(3)口试题签 (学生用卷1A) 2010年7月 In this test,you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use spoken English.The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Questions and Answers. Part 2 Role-play. Part 3 Mini-talk, Part 1 Answer the questions the examiner asks you. Part 2 Complete a role-play task with your conversation partner,using the information provided in the following box.You have 4 minutes for this part. Student A and Student B are close friends.They are chatting about their lives. The following is the procedure the students should follow. ●】 Tell B you have a cold again (giving detailed description); ●】 Respond to B's questions regarding your daily habits;ask about B's daily habits (such as diet,sleep time,physical exercise,etc.)(concentration and interest); Respond to B's suggestions;ask how B keeps fit (asking for detailed information); Say you enjoy B's company and value B's suggestions (concluding). Part 3 Speak on the following topic for 2-3 minutes. What are the differences between British English and American English?Give examples to show the differences in vocabulary or pronunciation or structure. 858
试卷代号 4 8 中央广播电视大学 0 0 2010 年度第 末考 英语口语 ) 口试题签 (学生用卷 2010 年7 In this test , you will have an opportunity to demonstrate yo町ability to understand and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Questions and Answers. Part 2 Role-play. Part 3 Mini':'talk. Part 1 Answer the questions the examiner asks you. Part 可plete a role-play task with yo町conversation partner, using the information provided in the folio咧ng bo民You have 4 minutes for this Student A and Student B are close friends. They are chatting about their lives. The following is the procedure the students should follow. • Tell B you have a cold again (giving detailed description) ; • Respond to B's questions regarding your daily habits; ask about B's daily habits (such as diet , sleep time , physical exercise , etc. ) (concentration and interest) ; • Respond to B's suggestions; ask how B keeps fit (asking for detailed information) ; • Say you enjoy B' s company and value B' s suggestions (concluding). Part 3 Speak on the following topic for 2-3 minutes. What are the differences between British English and American English? Give examples to show the differences in vocabulary or pronunciation or structure. 858
试卷代号:2148 中央广播电视大学2009一2010学年度第二学期“开放专科”期末考试 英语口语(3)口试题签 (学生用卷1B) 2010年7月 In this test,you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use spoken English.The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Questions and Answers. Part 2 Role-play. Part 3 Mini-talk. Part 1 Answer the questions the examiner asks you. Part 2 Complete a role-play task with your conversation partner,using the information provided in the following box.You have 4 minutes for this part. Student A and Student B are close friends.They are chatting about their lives. The following is the procedure you should follow. Respond to a properly;ask a about a's daily habits (such as diet /sleep time/ exercise etc.)(concentration and interest); Advise A to lead a healthier life,such as doing more outdoor exercise,sleeping more regularly,having a more balanced diet,etc.(persuasion); Suggest a list of foods /fruits /ways to exercise,etc.(exemplifying); Express hopes that A is getting better and healthier soon (showing concern). Part 3 Speak on the following topic for 2-3 minutes. Name some interesting sights you know of in the US that you would like to visit some day and explain why. 859
试卷代号 4 8 中央广播电视大学 2010 学年 学期 考试 英语口语 口试题签 (学生用卷 2010 年7 In this test. you will have an opportunity to demonstrate yo町ability to understand and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Questions and Answers. Part 2 Role-play. Part 岛lfini-talk. Part 1 Answer the qu臼tions the examiner 副ks you. Part 2 Complete a role-play task with yo町co 创on pm using the information provided in the following bo民You have 4 minutes for is rt Student A and Student B are close friends. They are chatting about their lives. The following is the procedure you should follow. • Respond to A properly; ask A about A' s daily habits (such as diet / sleep time/ exercise etc.) (concentration and interest); • Advise A to lead a healthier life , such as doing more outdoor exercise. sleeping more regularly. having a more balanced diet. etc. (persuasion); • Suggest a list of foods /fruits / ways to exercise , etc. (exemplifying); • Express hopes that A is getting better and healthier soon (showing concern). Part 3 Speak on the following topic for 2-3 minutes. Name some interesting sights you know of in the US that you would like to visit some day and explain why. 859
试卷代号:2148 中央广播电视大学2009一2010学年度第二学期“开放专科”期末考试 英语口语(3)口试题签 (教师用卷1) 2010年7月 In this test,students will have an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to understand and us spoken English.The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Questions and Answers. Part 2 Role-play. Part 3 Mini-talk. Part 1 Ask each student two different questions,with the following topics for your reference Each student has about 1.5 minutes. 1.How do you usually spend your weekends?What would you like to do this weekend 2.What do you dream of becoming?Why? 3.How do you get the latest news?Are you interested in local,national or internationa news??Why? 4.What TV program or programs do you watch regularly?Does TV play an importan role in your life?Why or why not? Part 2 Student A and B will complete a role-play task.Their conversation should last minutes. Student A and Student B are close friends.They are chatting about their lives. 860
试卷代号 中央广播电视大学 00 2010 年度第二 专科 英语口语( 3) 口试题签 (教师用卷。 2010 年7 In this test , students will have an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to understand and us spoken English. The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Questions and Answers. Part 2 Role-play. Part '1ini-talk. Part 1 Ask each student two different questions, with the following topics for your reference Each student has about 1. 5 minutes. 1. How do you usually spend your weekends? What would you like to do this weekend 2. What do you dream of becoming? Why? 3. How do you get the latest news? Are you interested in local , national or internationa news? Why? 4. What TV program or programs do you watch regularly? Does TV play an importan role in your life? Why or why not? Part 2 Student A and B will complete a role-play task. Their conversation should last ' minutes. Student A and Student B are close friends. They are chatting about th巳ir IiYes. 860
The following is the procedure the students should follow. Student A Student B Tell B you have a cold again (giving ● Respond to a properly;ask A about detailed description); A's daily habits (such as diet /sleep time/exercise,etc.)(concentration and interest); Respond to B's questions regarding O Advise A to lead a healthier life,such your daily habits;ask about B's daily as doing more outdoor exercise, habits such as diet,sleep time, sleeping more regularly,having a more physical exercise,etc.)(concentration balanced diet,etc.(persuasion); and interest); O Respond to B's suggestions;ask how ● Suggest a list of foods fruits ways B keeps fit asking for detailed to exercise,etc.(exemplifying); information); Say you enjoy B's company and value ●】 Express hopes that A is getting better B's suggestions (concluding). and healthier soon (showing concern). Part 3 Student A and B will speak on the following topics.Each student should talk for 2-3 minutes. Topic for Student A What are the differences between British English and American English?Give examples to show the differences in vocabulary or pronunciation or structure. Topic for Student B Name some interesting sights you know of in the US that you would like to visit some day and explain why. 861
The following is the procedure the students should follow. Student A • Tell B you have a cold again (giving I • detailed description) ; Student B J Respond to A properly; ask A about i A' s daily habits (such as diet / sleep I time/ exercise. etc.) (concentration i and interest) ; • • • Respond to B' s questions regarding I • your daily habits; ask about B' s daily habits (such as diet. sleep time. physical exercise. etc. ) (concentration and interest) ; Respond to B' s suggestions; ask how • B keeps fit (asking for detailed information) ; Say you enjoy B' s company and value I • B's suggestions (concluding). Advise A to lead a healthier life. such as doing more outdoor exercise. sleeping more regularly. having a more balanced diet. etc. (persuasion); Suggest a list of foods / fruits / ways to exercise. etc. (exemplifying); Express hopes that A is getting better and healthier soon (showing concern). Part 3 Student A and B wiJl speak on the following topics. Each student should talk for 2-3 minutes. Topic for Student A What are the differences between British English and American English? Give examples to show the differences in vocabulary or pronunciation or structure. Topic for Student B Name some interesting sights you know of in the US that you would like to visit some day and explain why. 861
试卷代号:2148 中央广播电视大学2009一2010学年度第二学期“开放专科”期末考试 英语口语(3)口试题签 (学生用卷2A) 2010年7月 In this test,you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use spoken English.The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Questions and Answers. Part 2 Role-play. Part 3 Mini-talk. Part 1 Answer the questions the examiner asks you. Part 2 Complete a role-play task with your conversation partner,using the information provided in the following box.You have 4 minutes for this part. Student A and Student B are close friends.Student A is telling Student B about plans for the holidays. The following is the procedure you should follow. Tell B about your plans to go on a week-long visit to a scenic spot during the holidays) (possibility); Give details of your plan (where to go,how,who are going,why to go,etc.and ask B to join in (urging); Offer to teach B/help B in what he wanted do;persuade B to join in your planned visit this time (persuading); Promise to phone B/send B a text-message about the details B needs (reassuring). Part 3 Speak on the topic of your choice for 2-3 minutes. What do you think is the most popular way of travelling in China?What advantages and disadvantages are there in this way of travelling? 862
试卷代号 4 8 中央广播电视大学 0 0 2010 学年度第二学 英语口语 ) 口试题签 (学生用卷 2010 年7 In this test , you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Questions and Answers. Part 2 Role-play. Part 脚lini-talk. Part 1 Answer the questions the examiner asks you. Part 2 Complete a role-pI task wi伽yo咀r conver回lion ,udng 伽e infω哑lation provided in the following box. You have 4 minu阳for this part. Student A and Student B are close friends. Student A is telling Student B about plans for the holidays. The following is the procedure you should follow. • Tell B about your plans to go on a week-long visit to a scenic spot during the holidays) (possibility) ; • Give details of your plan (where to go , how , who are going , why to go , etc. ) and ask B to join in (urging); • Offer to teach B / help B in what he wanted do; persuade B to join in your planned visit this time (persuading); • Promise to phone B / send B a text-message about the details B needs (reassuring). Part 3 Speak on the topic of your choice for 2-3 minutes. What do you think is the most popular way of travelling in China? What advantages and disadvantages are there in this way of travelling? 862
试卷代号:2148 中央广播电视大学2009一2010学年度第二学期“开放专科”期末考试 英语口语(3)口试题签 (学生用卷2B) 2010年7月 In this test,you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use spoken English.The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Questions and Answers. Part 2 Role-play. Part 3 Mini-talk, Part 1 Answer the questions the examiner asks you. Part 2 Complete a role-play task with your conversation partner,using the information provided in the following box.You have 4 minutes for this part. Student A and Student B are close friends.Student A is telling Student B about plans for the holidays Ask for some details about the scenic spots A mentions (interest); ● Express interest in A's plans but say you have other plans such as you need toto learn a new skill badly or you have decided to take a training course on computer,etc. (possibility and impossibility); ● Agree to think about a's invitation and ask for more information such as cost what to bring,where to stay etc.(interruption); Say you will join A if the cost is reasonable if the weather is fine etc.(condition) Part 3 Speak on the following topic for 2-3 minutes. What role does body language play in the language?Give some hand gestures that Chinese British /American use and explain what they mean. 863
试卷代号 中央广播电视大学 0 0 2010 度第 开放专 期末 英语口语 ) 口试题签 (学生用卷 2010 年7 In this test , you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Questions and Answers. Part 2 Role-play. Part 3 Mini-talk. Part 1 Answer the questions the examiner asks you. Part 2 Complete a role-play task with your conversation partner, using the information pro讨ded in the following box. You have 4 minutes for this Student A and Student B are close friends. Student A is telling Student B about plans for the holidays. • Ask for some details about the scenic spots A mentions (interest ) ; • Express interest in A's plans but say you have other plans ( such as you need to to learn a new skill badly or you have decided to take a training course on computer, etc. ) (possibility and impossibility); • Agree to think about A's invitation and ask for more information ( such as cost , what to bring , where to stay , etc. (interruption); • Say you will join A if the cost is reasonable / if the weather is fine , etc. (condition). Part 3 Speak on the following topic for 2-3 minutes. What role does body language play in the language? Give some hand gestures that Chinese / British / American use and explain what they mean. 863
试卷代号:2148 中央广播电视大学2009一2010学年度第二学期“开放专科”期末考试 英语口语(3)口试题签 (教师用卷2) 2010年7月 In this test,students will have an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to understand and use spoken English.The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Questions and Answers. Part 2 Role-play. Part 3 Mini-talk. Part 1 Ask each student two different questions,with the following topics for your reference. Each student has about 1.5 minutes. 1.What is your ideal job?Do you approve of frequent change of jobs?Why or why not? 2.If you could live anywhere in the world,where would you choose to live in and why? 3.What are the main entertainment facilities in your hometown?Are you a frequent user of the facilities?Why or why not? 4.Are you a regular Internet user?Why or why not? Part 2 Student A and B will complete a role-play task.Their conversation should last 4 minutes. Student A and Student B are close friends.Student A is telling Student B about plans for the holidays. 864
试卷代号 4 8 中央广播电视大学 0 0 2010 学年 二学 末考 英语口语 ) 口试题签 (教师用卷 2010 年7 In this test, students will have an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to understand and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Questions and Answers. Part 2 Role-play. Part 1ini-talk. Part 1 Ask each student two different questions, with the following topics for your reference. Each student has about 1. 5 minutes. 1. What is your ideal job? Do you approve of frequent change of jobs? Why or why not? 2. If you could live anywhere in the world , where would you choose to live in and why? 3. What ar巳the main entertainment facilities in your hometown? Are you a frequent user of the facilities? Why or why not? 4. Are you a regular Internet user? Why or why not? Part 2 Student A and B will complete a role-play task. Their conversation should last 4 minutes. Student A and Student B are close friends. Student A is telling Student B about plans for the holidays. 864
The following is the procedure the students should follow. Student A Student B ● Tell B about your plans to go on a ● Ask for some details about the scenic week-long visit to a scenic spot during spots A mentions (interest); the holidays)(possibility); ● Give details of your plan (where to go, ● Express interest in A's plans but say how,who are going,why to go,etc. you have other plans such as you and ask B to join in (urging); need toto learn a new skill badly or you have decided to take a training course on computer,etc.)(possibility and impossibility); Offer to teach B help B in what he ●】 Agree to think about a's invitation wanted do;persuade B to join in your and ask for more information such as planned visit this time (persuading); cost,what to bring,where to stay, etc.)(interruption); Promise to phone B /send B a text- Say you will join A if the cost is message about the details B needs reasonable if the weather is fine, (reassuring). etc.(condition). Part 3 Student A and B will speak on the following topics.Each student should talk for 2-3 minutes. Topic for Student A What do you think is the most popular way of travelling in China?What advantages and disadvantages are there in this way of travelling? Topic for Student B What role does body language play in the language?Give some hand gestures that Chinese /British /American use and explain what they mean. 865
The following is the procedure the students should follow. Student A Student B Express interest in A' s plans but say you have other plans ( such as you need to to learn a new skill badly or you have decided to take a training course on computer, etc. ) (possibility and impossibility) ; Agree to think about A' s invitation and ask for more information ( such as cost , what to bring , where to stay , etc.) (interruption) ; Say you will join A if the cost is reasonable / if the weather is fine , etc. (condition). • Tell B about your plans to go on a I • week-long visit to a scenic spot during the holidays) (possibility); • Give details of your plan (where to go , I • how, who are going , why to go , etc. ) and ask B to join in (urging) ; • Offer to teach B / help B in what he I • wanted do; persuade B to join in your planned visit this time (persuading); • Promise to phone B / send B a text- I • message about the details B needs (reassuring). Ask for some details about the spots A mentions (int erest ) ; scemc Part 3 Student A and B will speak on the following topics. Each student should talk for 2-3 minutes. Topic for Student A What do you think is the most popular way of travelling in China? What advantages and disadvantages are there in this way of travelling? Topic for Student B What role does body language play in the language? Give some hand gestures that Chinese / British / American use and explain what they mean. 865
试卷代号:2148 中央广播电视大学2009一2010学年度第二学期“开放专科”期末考试 英语口语(3)口试题签 (学生用卷3A) 2010年7月 In this test,you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use spoken English.The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Questions and Answers. Part 2 Role-play. Part 3 Mini-talk. Part 1 Answer the questions the examiner asks you. Part 2 Complete a role-play task with your conversation partner,using the information provided in the following box.You have 4 minutes for this part. Student A and Student B are close friends.They are chatting about personal experiences and talking about weekend plans. The following is the procedure you should follow. Ask B about B's (funny/embarrassing frightening important/memorable) experience when B was young (asking for details); Respond to B's questions regarding your own personal experience;introduce a new topic-tell B about your hopes to visit a place together with B on weekends;ask B to join you (possibility,urging); Say you won't go if B can't join you (condition); Make final arrangements with B (concluding). Part 3 Speak on the following topic for 2-3 minutes. In your opinion what measures should be taken for environmental protection?What have you done or what can be done to help protect the environment in your hometown? 866
试卷代号 中央广播电视大学 2010 学年 末考试 英语口语( 3 ) 口试题签 (学生用卷 2010 年7 In this test , you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Questions and Answers. Part 2 Role-play. Part 3 Mini-talk. Part 1 Answer the questions the examiner asks you. Part 2 Complete a role-play task with )'our conVeI回tion partner 因ing the information pro讨dcd in the folio响Fing bo民You have 4 minutes for this part. Student A and Student B are close friends. They are chatting about personal experiences and talking about weekend plans. The following is the procedure you should follow. • Ask B about B' s (funny/ embarrassing / frightening / important/ memorable) experience when B was young (asking for details) ; • Respond to B' s questions regarding your own personal experience; introduce a new topic - tell B about your hopes to visit a place together with B On weekends; ask B to join you (possibility , urging); • Say you won' t go if B can' t join you (condition); • Make final arrangements with B (concluding). Part 3 Speak on the following topic for 2-3 minutes. In your opinion what measures should be taken for environmental protection? What have you done or what can be done to help protect the environment in your hometown? 866
试卷代号:2148 中央广播电视大学2009一2010学年度第二学期“开放专科”期末考试 英语口语(3)口试题签 (学生用卷3B) 2010年7月 In this test,you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and us spoken English.The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Questions and Answers. Part 2 Role-play. Part 3 Mini-talk. Part 1 Answer the questions the examiner asks you. Part 2 Complete a role-play task with your conversation partner,using the information provided in the following box.You have 4 minutes for this part. Student A and Student B are close friends.They are chatting about personal experiences and talking about weekend plans. The following is the procedure you should follow. Respond to a's questions regarding your own experience;ask A about A's (funny, embarrassing/frightening important/memorable)experience when A was young (concentration and interest) ● Say you have other plans so you can't join A in a's planned visit,tell A of your plan for the weekend (impossibility); ● Suggest a solution;find out other times that suit both A and B (persuasion ) Tell A you enjoy A's company and look forward to the planned visit (reassuring). Part 3 Speak on the following topic for 2-3 minutes. If you were offered a free trip to anywhere around the world,where would you like to go,how would you like to travel?Why? 867
试卷代号 中央广播电视大学 2010 二学期 开放专 末考 英语口语 ) 口试题签 (学生用卷 2010 年7 In this test , you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and USI spoken English. The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Questions and Answers. Part 2 Role-play. Part 3 Mini-talk. Part 1 Answer the questions the examiner asks you. Part 2 CoD1(llete a role-play task with yo町conversation partner, using the information provided ill the following box. You have 4 minu阳for 伽is pM. Student A and Student B are dose friends. They are chatting about personal experiences and talking about weekend plans. The following is the procedure you should follow. • Respond to A's questions regarding your own experience; ask A about A's (funny/ embarrassing / frightening / important/ memorable) experience when A was young (concentration and interest) • Say you have other plans , so you can't join A in A's planned visit , tell A of your plan for the weekend (impossibility); • Suggest a solution; find out other times that suit both A and B (persuasion) ; • Tell A you enjoy A's company and look forward to the planned visit (reassuring). Part 3 Speak on the following topic for 2-3 minutes. If you were offered a free trip to anywhere around the world , where would you like to go , how would you like to travel?Why? 867