Outline Point cloud Signed distance field Implicit function Grid Pixel, Voxel ◇ Quad-tree, Octree Mesh Triangle, Tetrahedron Data structure Halfedge File format Obj, Off
Point cloud Xi P={P1,,PN,},pi= ER3 Zi 3D scanners A set of data points in some coordinate system
𝒫 = {𝒑1, … , 𝒑𝑁𝑣 }, 𝒑𝑖 = 𝑥𝑖 𝑦𝑖 𝑧𝑖 ∈ ℛ3 A set of data points in some coordinate system 3D scanners
Applications scanners ◇Reverse engineering Physical Part Generate Scan Data Create Mesh Finished Assembly Modeling Process Region Group
Depth camera Ambient light sensor Speaker True Depth Camera Proximity sensor Microphone Flood Illuminator 7MP camera Infrared camera Dot projector
True Depth Camera
Depth Image Gray image:pixel represents distance from camera. Real capture by Kinect. Nearer is brighter. Nearer is darker
Gray image: pixel represents distance from camera. Nearer is brighter. Real capture by Kinect. Nearer is darker