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实用数值计算方法 胡上序教授 陈亚秋副教授 浙江大学材料与化工学院 2000.5 水 浙江大学研究生学位课程《实用数值计算方法》

浙江大学研究生学位课程《实用数值计算方法》 1 实用数值计算方法 胡上序 教 授 陈亚秋 副教授 浙江大学材料与化工学院 2000.5

目录 第一章基本知识 第二章插值方法 线性代 第四章非线性代数方程和方程组的求解 第五章数值求积和数值求导 第六章常微分方程的数值求解方法 第七章偏微分方程的数值求解方法 第八章综合运用 水 ( 浙江大学研究生学位课程《实用数值计算方法》

浙江大学研究生学位课程《实用数值计算方法》 2 目 录 第一章 基本知识 第二章 插值方法 第三章 线性代数方程组的求解 第四章 非线性代数方程和方程组的求解 第五章 数值求积和数值求导 第六章 常微分方程的数值求解方法 第七章 偏微分方程的数值求解方法 第八章 综合运用

参考书目 Numerical Recipes The Art of Scientific Computing William H. Press Brian P. Flannery Saul A. Teukolsky William T Vetterling Cambridge University Press 1986 浙江大学研究生学位课程《实用数值计算方法》

浙江大学研究生学位课程《实用数值计算方法》 3 参考书目 Numerical Recipes The Art of Scientific Computing William H. Press Brian P. Flannery Saul A. Teukolsky William T. Vetterling Cambridge University Press 1986

Numerical Recipes -The Art of Scientific Computing NR Cambridge University Press 1986 William H. Press, Brian P. Flannery, Saul A. Teukolsky and William T Vetterling 1. Preliminaries 2. Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations 3. Interpolation and Extrapolation 4033 4. Integration of Functions 5. Evaluation of Functions 6. Special Functions 浙江大学研究生学位课程《实用数值计算方法》

浙江大学研究生学位课程《实用数值计算方法》 4 Numerical Recipes --The Art of Scientific Computing NR Cambridge University Press 1986 William H. Press, Brian P. Flannery, Saul A. Teukolsky and William T. Vetterling 1. Preliminaries 4 2. Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations 10 3. Interpolation and Extrapolation 13 4. Integration of Functions 13 5. Evaluation of Functions 9 6. Special Functions 30

7 Random Numbers 8. Sorting 51 9. Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations 13 10. Minimization or Maximization of Functions 16 11. Eigensystems 12. Fourier Transform Spectral Methods 13. Statistical Description of Data 342 14. Modeling of Data 15. Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations 16. Two Point Boundary Value Problems 17. Partial Differential Equations 18. References ∑ 205 浙江大学研究生学位课程《实用数值计算方法》

浙江大学研究生学位课程《实用数值计算方法》 5 7. Random Numbers 15 8. Sorting 11 9. Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations 13 10. Minimization or Maximization of Functions 16 11. Eigensystems 7 12. Fourier Transform Spectral Methods 13 13. Statistical Description of Data 21 14. Modeling of Data 12 15. Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations 8 16. Two Point Boundary Value Problems 8 17. Partial Differential Equations 2 18. References  = 205

International Mathematical Statistical Libraries MSL 1. A Analysis of Variance 2. B Basic Statistics 3. C Categorized Data Analysis 4. D Differential Equations, Quadrature, Differentiation 5. E Eigensystem Analysis 33 6. F Forecasting, Econometrics, Time Series, Transforms 24 7. G Generation and Testing of Random Numbers 56 8. I Interpolation, Approximation and Smoothing 2★ 9. L Linear Algebraic Equations

浙江大学研究生学位课程《实用数值计算方法》 6 International Mathematical & Statistical Libraries IMSL 1. A Analysis of Variance 17 2. B Basic Statistics 33 3. C Categorized Data Analysis 9 4. D Differential Equations,Quadrature, & Differentiation 36 5. E Eigensystem Analysis 33 6. F Forecasting, Econometrics, Time Series, & Transforms 24 7. G Generation and Testing of Random Numbers 56 8. I Interpolation, Approximation and Smoothing 28 9. L Linear Algebraic Equations 45

10. M Mathematical and Statistical Special Functions 11. NNon-Parametric Statistics 26 12. o Observation Structure and Multivariate Statistics 13. R Regression Analysis 14. S Sampling 15. U Utility Functions 16. V Vector and Matrix Arithmetic 154 7. Z Zeros and Extrema, Linear Programming 675

浙江大学研究生学位课程《实用数值计算方法》 7 10. M Mathematical and Statistical Special Functions 69 11. N Non-Parametric Statistics 26 12. O Observation Structure and Multivariate Statistics 18 13. R Regression Analysis 33 14. S Sampling 8 15. U Utility Functions 31 16. V Vector and Matrix Arithmetic 154 17. Z Zeros and Extrema, Linear Programming 55 = 675

Numerical Methods, Software, and Analysis IMSL Reference Edition John R Rice McGraw-Hill 1983 浙江大学研究生学位课程《实用数值计算方法》

浙江大学研究生学位课程《实用数值计算方法》 8 Numerical Methods, Software, and Analysis IMSL Reference Edition John R.Rice McGraw-Hill 1983

Numerical Methods, Software, and Analysis: NMSA. IMSL Reference edition McGraw-Hill 1983 John rice 1. Mathematics and Computer Science Background 2. Numerical Software 3. Errors, Round-off, and Stability 4. Models and Formulas for Numerical Computations 5. Interpolation 浙江大学研究生学位课程《实用数值计算方法》

浙江大学研究生学位课程《实用数值计算方法》 9 Numerical Methods, Software,and Analysis: NMSA, IMSL Reference Edition McGraw-Hill 1983 John R. Rice 1. Mathematics and Computer Science Background 2. Numerical Software 3. Errors, Round-off, and Stability 4. Models and Formulas for Numerical Computations 5. Interpolation

6. Matrices and Linear Equations 7. Differentiation and Integration 8. Nonlinear Equations 9. Ordinary Differential Equations 10. Partial Differential Equations 11. Approximation of Functions and Data 12. Software Practice, Costs, and Engineering 3. Software Performance Evaluation 14. The Validation of Numerical Computations 15. PROTRAN 16. Reference material 浙江大学研究生学位课程《实用数值计算方法》

浙江大学研究生学位课程《实用数值计算方法》 10 6. Matrices and Linear Equations 7. Differentiation and Integration 8. Nonlinear Equations 9. Ordinary Differential Equations 10. Partial Differential Equations 11. Approximation of Functions and Data 12. Software Practice, Costs, and Engineering 13. Software Performance Evaluation 14. The Validation of Numerical Computations 15. PROTRAN 16. Reference Material



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