第一章 有机化合物分子的 结构基础
第一章 有机化合物分子的 结构基础
第一章重点讲解问题 1.有机化学的定义 2.杂化轨道理论与有机化合物结构特点 3.有机化合物的基本骨架和官能团 4.有机化合物的结构与性质的关系 (1)共价键 (2)非共价作用 (3)立体结构
第一章重点讲解问题 1. 有机化学的定义 2. 杂化轨道理论与有机化合物结构特点 3. 有机化合物的基本骨架和官能团 4. 有机化合物的结构与性质的关系 (1) 共价键 (2) 非共价作用 (3) 立体结构
1、有机化学的定义 a Organic derived from living organism Vital force theory Organic compounds needs a vital force” to create then 1828, Friedrich Wohler Heat NH4 OCN NH
1、有机化学的定义 Organic —— derived from living organism Vital force theory —— Organic compounds needs a “vital force” to create them 1828, Friedrich Wohler NH4+ -OCN NH2 O NH2 Heat
1、有机化学的定义 1845年,柯尔柏合成了醋酸( CH COOH 之后,不断有有机物被人工合成,如石蜡 烃、醇、脂肪酸、甘油、苹果酸、甲醛糖、 毒芹碱和尿酸等 ■特别是在1854年,贝特罗合成了脂肪 ■这一发现引起巨大轰动,因为脂肪是细胞组 织内的物质 它的人工合成意味着“生命力论”被彻底推翻
1、有机化学的定义 1845年,柯尔柏合成了醋酸(CH3COOH) 之后,不断有有机物被人工合成,如石蜡 烃、醇、脂肪酸、甘油、苹果酸、甲醛糖、 毒芹碱和尿酸等 特别是在1854年,贝特罗合成了脂肪 这一发现引起巨大轰动,因为脂肪是细胞组 织内的物质 它的人工合成意味着 “生命力论”被彻底推翻
1、有机化学的定义 Modern Definition of Organic Chemistr - Organic Chemistry is the Chemistry of Carbon Compounds Question Why is an entire branch of chemistry devoted to the study of carbon-containing compounds?
1、有机化学的定义 Modern Definition of Organic Chemistry ——Organic Chemistry is the Chemistry of Carbon Compounds Question: ——Why is an entire branch of chemistry devoted to the study of carbon-containing compounds?
2 自然界中碳的 CO2 O2 O H2o 能量 动物食植物 燃料的一 石油 煤 环 化学工业 燃料:天然气、汽油、柴油等 消费品:食品、塑料、药物等
自 然 界 中 碳 的 循 环
Organic Chemistry is the Chemistry of Carbon Compounds The answer is Carbon-containing compounds makes life possible We need carbon-containing compounds in nature for our food, medicines, clothing and energy We depend on millions of synthetic carbon containing compounds in our daily life
Organic Chemistry is the Chemistry of Carbon Compounds The answer is : Carbon-containing compounds makes life possible We need carbon-containing compounds in nature for our food, medicines, clothing, and energy We depend on millions of synthetic carbon -containing compounds in our daily life
Organic Chemistry is the Chemistry of Carbon Compounds ■ Question What makes carbon so special? Why are there so many carbon- containing compounds
Organic Chemistry is the Chemistry of Carbon Compounds Question: ——What makes carbon so special? ——Why are there so many carboncontaining compounds?
Organic Chemistry is the Chemistry of Carbon Compounds Please try to draw out all the structures corresponding to the formula ■a.C2H2O ■b.C2H2O
Organic Chemistry is the Chemistry of Carbon Compounds Please try to draw out all the structures corresponding to the formula: a. C 2 H 6 O b. C 3 H 6 O
C2HO: CH3OCH3 CH3CH2OH ■| t shares e| ectrons with several kinds of C3H60: CH2=CHOCH3 CH2=CHCH,OH atoms0、N、P CH4CO(H2 CH3CH-CHOH S、Si、Metc CH3COCH3 CH3CH2CHO It shares electrons OH with other carbon atoms OH CH C-C single, double and triple bond ■ chain, or cvc| o-links OH CH3 CH3 H口 Isomerism FoH phenomenon
It shares electrons with several kinds of atoms——O、N、P、 S、Si、M etc. It shares electrons with other carbon atoms C-C single, double and triple bond chain, or cyclo-links Isomerism phenomenon C2H6O: CH3OCH3 CH3CH2OH C3H6O: CH2=CHOCH3 CH2=CHCH2OH CH3C(OH)=CH2 CH3CH=CHOH CH3COCH3 CH3CH2CHO CH3 H H H O H H CH3 H O OH O C C H OH H CH3 C C OH H H CH3