Respiratory Function Test Department of internal medicine Chen Yu
Respiratory Function Test Department of internal medicine Chen Yu
Respiratory Function Test Lung volumes Ventilation function Gas exchange Blood flow Respiratory motive force
Respiratory Function Test Lung volumes Ventilation function Gas exchange Blood flow Respiratory motive force
Lung Volume and Subdivisions IRV IC VC TLC VT ERV FRC RV RV
Lung Volume and Subdivisions VT IRV ERV RV IC FRC VC RV TLC
Basal Lung Volume VT (tidal volume):500ml IRV (inspiratory reserve volume) ERV (expiratory reserve volume) RV (residual volume)
Basal Lung Volume VT (tidal volume): 500ml IRV (inspiratory reserve volume) ERV (expiratory reserve volume) RV (residual volume)
Basal Lung Capacity IC (inspiratory capacity):VT+IRV FRC (functional residual capacity): ERV+RV VC (vital capacity):IC+ERV normal men:4217ml women:3105ml TLC (total lung capacity):VC+RV
Basal Lung Capacity IC (inspiratory capacity): VT+ IRV FRC (functional residual capacity): ERV + RV VC (vital capacity) : IC + ERV normal men: 4217ml women: 3105ml TLC (total lung capacity): VC + RV
Some Explanatory Points Lung volume is to describe the changes of the lung volume during one breathing at static conditions,also called static lung volume. VT,VC,TLC are used at clinical.VT and VC are determined by Spirometric trace but FRC and RV by indirect method: Helium or Nitrogen analyses method
Some Explanatory Points Lung volume is to describe the changes of the lung volume during one breathing at static conditions, also called static lung volume. VT, VC, TLC are used at clinical. VT and VC are determined by Spirometric trace , but FRC and RV by indirect method: Helium or Nitrogen analyses method
Clinical Significance VC depends on sex,age and height. VC%<80%is abnormal. VC restrictive ventilation disorder severe obstructive ventilation disorder
Clinical Significance VC depends on sex, age and height. VC% < 80% is abnormal. VC : restrictive ventilation disorder severe obstructive ventilation disorder
Clinical Significance RV/TLC%(residual air rate) normal 35% emphysema:40 old person can be 50%. FRC 1 emphysema FRC|interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
Clinical Significance RV/TLC% (residual air rate) normal : 40 % old person can be 50%. FRC : emphysema FRC : interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
Ventilation Function Test It is called as dynamic lung volumes. Fast spirometric trace to illustrate timed ventilation tests (air volume and air flow during breathing)
Ventilation Function Test It is called as dynamic lung volumes. Fast spirometric trace to illustrate timed ventilation tests (air volume and air flow during breathing)
Ventilation Function Test Lung ventilation volume VE and MVV Forced vital capacity (FVC) Maximal mid-expiratory flow (MMEF MMF) Alveolar ventilation (VA)
Ventilation Function Test Lung ventilation volume VE and MVV Forced vital capacity (FVC) Maximal mid-expiratory flow (MMEF. MMF) Alveolar ventilation (VA) ·