2016年数字出版与数字图书馆融合发展国际研时会cDP 2016 International Conference on Integrated Deyelopment lof Digital Publishing and Digital Libraries(CDPDL) 2016.7.10-7.12 浙江·杭州 Hangzhou· China The Benefits of collaboration 协同合作的价值 蔡佳展( Eddie Tsai) 大陆首席代表 EBSCO Information Service etsai@ebsco.com EBSCO
The Benefits of Collaboration 协同合作的价值 蔡佳展(Eddie Tsai) 大陆首席代表 EBSCO Information Service etsai@ebsco.com
EBSCO Corporate Background °70 years serving the ·100,000 information needs of institutions organIzations around the world ·5,700 employees use EBSCo products 1, 100+ employees and services for outside the U.s information professionals 100 million page views per day on EBSCO's online research service one of the busiest for-fee websites in the world EBSCO Overview
EBSCO Corporate Background • 70 years serving the information needs of institutions • 5,700 employees • 1,100+ employees outside the U.S • 100,000 organizations around the world use EBSCO products and services for information professionals • 100 million page views per day on EBSCO’s online research service, one of the busiest for-fee websites in the world EBSCO Overview
EBSCO的蛻變( Elton b. Stephens Company) 2000+ 2007 2009 Screen Reader, 2000+ CENTER 2008 EBSCOhost Accessible, TTs Internat'n Content view 2005 BSL SRC CHC 2011 1997 Product UIs e Book Viewer 1999+ 2009 EBSCOhost EBSCOadmin 2006 2008 2012 SmartLinking EBSco 2005 EBSCOho LEBSCO Mobile 2.0 Locals Cn Custom Links $2 MsonNXML Paper CD PC Web Mobile Web e Readers 2008 2010 1996 2005 2006 2014 1999 American NetLibrary Academic Search Corporate Plum Antiquarian Society Acquisition Research Database DynaMed Products Acquisition NetLibrary opIUm Health Libra CINAHL
2005+ BSI, SRC, CHC, … Product UIs 2008 Content Viewer 2008 EBSCOhost Integrated Search 1997 EBSCOhost 2000+ Screen Reader, Accessible, TTS 2000+ Internat’n 2009 EBSCOhost Mobile 2009 EDS 2011 eBook Viewer 1996 Academic Search 1999 Subject Specific Research Databases 2005 Medical References 2008 American Antiquarian Society Release 2010 NetLibrary Acquisition 1999+ EBSCOadmin 2000+ SmartLinking Locals Cn Custom Links 2006 Corporate Products 2005 Skyscape Mobile apps 2007 2006 EIT 2012 Mobile 2.0 EBSCO的蛻變 (Elton B. Stephens Company) 2014 Plumx Acquisition $2 billion
Challenge 英国公共图书馆3年关闭300多专家建议向咖啡馆学习服 务 14年12月18日20 来源:人民网 回手机看新闻 打印网摘纠错商城分享推荐因人民微博食关 号围 人民网伦敦12月18日电一个由文化部门和地区政府等委托的研究小组将发布关于英 国公共图书馆的调查报道。据英国广播公司报道’告的作者指,如果不能提供新的 自2011年以来,英国已经有300多个公共图书馆关闭,目前整体行业处于危机状态 年来6000员工失业,到图书馆进行借阅和看书的人们也越来越少。 专家建议图书馆应该像咖啡馆一样,提供w-Fi,沙发和热饮等服务,同时增加联网 设施,提供电子借阅等。 英国整体社区图书馆水平参差不齐,但是对居民而言地位非常重要,有35%的人经常 使用,在最贫困地区比例更上升为50% 人民日报客户端下载如2 EBSCO
EBSCO USer research: Leadershi 先以提升读者体验来出发 Kate Lawrence, vP of User Research am an Explorer Kate has been a UX practitioner for 25+ years. User Research is by far her favorite role. her journey has taken her from health care to online travel now she is embracing her inner librarian at EBSCO, since 2011 Deirdre Costello, Sr User Researcher. Im an Informavore!
EBSCO User Research: Leadership 先以提升读者体验来出发 Kate Lawrence, VP of User Research: “I am an Explorer.” Kate has been a UX practitioner for 25+ years. User Research is by far her favorite role. Her journey has taken her from health care to online travel; now she is embracing her inner librarian at EBSCO, since 2011. Deirdre Costello, Sr. User Researcher: “I’m an Informavore!
,学严 Design User experience
Two Leading Aggregators Collaboration n↑佩 EBSCO EBSCO
Two Leading Aggregators’ Collaboration
Were starting on namEd n Business ∠ ENERGY& R red by ebscobos SOURCE MILITaRY& GOVERNMEN Central and Eastern Arab World Research Source COLLECTION European Academic SourCe 1… Criminals 1 Engineering Abstracts withF Source Nursing Reference Center FRSCOHed ●超過70多个库,由同方代理 ●代理区域:政府、企业、医院、公图、职教及公办、民办中小 学(国际学校除外)市场。含高中职,军事院校,成人教育。 EBSCO
We’re starting on… l 超過70多个库,由同方代理。 l 代理区域:政府、企业、医院、公图、职教及公办、民办中小 学(国际学校除外)市场。含高中职,军事院校,成人教育
We’ re still working on Discovery Service's Plan n EBSCO Discovery Service cnki. net EBSCO
Discovery Service’s Plan We’re still working on…
Discovery Service American Libraries May1,2015 Adoption Worldwide [Marshall Breeding EBSCO Discovery Service(EDS) 8. 246 installations Primo central 1.529 installations LIBRARY Summon SYSTEMS 697 installations REPOR by Marshall Breeding 5discoveryebsco.com EBSCO Discovery Service