The autonomic nervous system
The autonomic nervous system
overview The nervous system exerts its influence by the rapid transmission of electrical impulses over nerve fibers that terminate at effector cells
overview ◼ The nervous system exerts its influence by the rapid transmission of electrical impulses over nerve fibers that terminate at effector cells
Introduction to the nervous system Anatomical divisions central nervous system(CNS) peripheral nervous system efferent division and afferent division autonomic system somatic system
Introduction to the nervous system ◼ Anatomical divisions central nervous system (CNS) peripheral nervous system efferent division and afferent division autonomic system somatic system
Nervous System Peripheral Central Nervous Nervous System System 58 69a时 Autonomic Somatic System System Parasympathetic Sympathetic Figure 3.1 Organization of the nervous system
ente四8 三eeto Figure 3.2 Efferent neurons of the autonomic nervous system
Autonomic system Sympathetic neurons increase heart rate,blood pressure,dilation of the pupils and the bronchioles Parasympathetic neurons visceral and cardiovascular systems
Autonomic system ◼ Sympathetic neurons increase heart rate, blood pressure, dilation of the pupils and the bronchioles ◼ Parasympathetic neurons visceral and cardiovascular systems
Functions Fight or flight response adrenal medulla Rest and digest Often oppose each other
Functions ◼ Fight or flight response adrenal medulla ◼ Rest and digest ◼ Often oppose each other
dype■ympathetic actions LACRIMAL GLANDS nt type parasympathetc actions Stimulates tears SALIVARY GLANDS ntraction of iris radial ce(pupil dilates) traction of iris sphincter vedoaam ACHEA AND BRONCHIOLES HEART increased rate:Increased contractility GASTROINTESTINAL Decrease in ETERS AND BLADDER GENITALIA-FEMALE Reiaxation of uterus BLOOD VESSELS Diletation ENITALIA-MALE BLOOD VESSELS erection Conatriction 3.3 of sympathetic (bold type)and parasympathetic (ight type)nervous systems on effector organs
Chemical signaling Local mediators do not enter the blood and are not distributed thought the body ■Hormones Neurotransmitters communication between nerve cells-and between nerve cells and effector organs
Chemical signaling ◼ Local mediators do not enter the blood and are not distributed thought the body ◼ Hormones ◼ Neurotransmitters communication between nerve cells-and between nerve cells and effector organs
Type of neurotransmitters 6 signal compounds- norepinephrine,acetylcholine,dopamine,serotonin, histamine,aminobutyric acid cholinergic and adrenergic are the primary chemical signals in the autonomic nervous system
Type of neurotransmitters ◼ 6 signal compoundsnorepinephrine, acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, histamine, aminobutyric acid cholinergic and adrenergic are the primary chemical signals in the autonomic nervous system