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outline 总体要求 掌握内外环境对企业战略制定的作用,以及内外 环境的交互匹配。重点在于理解环境分析思路和 内外环境作用价值,初步了解资源观、能力观、 制度观等理论背景和环境分析最新理论发展,并 掌握运用环境分析工具—SW0T分析、波特分析模 型、六力互动模型、内部资源定位等。 具体目标 环境战略互动框架 ·内部条件决定论 ·外部环境影响论 环境分析工具
总体要求 掌握内外环境对企业战略制定的作用,以及内外 环境的交互匹配。重点在于理解环境分析思路和 内外环境作用价值,初步了解资源观、能力观、 制度观等理论背景和环境分析最新理论发展, 并 掌握运用环境分析工具—SWOT分析、波特分析模 型、六力互动模型、内部资源定位等。 具体目标 • 环境战略互动框架 • 内部条件决定论 • 外部环境影响论 • 环境分析工具
4.1环境一战略互动框架 内部环境 外部环境 组织结构 社会环境 组织文化 特殊环境 一战略资源 (任务环境) 组织能力 行业分析 优势与劣势 机会与威胁 业务和战略的确定
内部环境 —组织结构 —组织文化 —战略资源 —组织能力 外部环境 —社会环境 —特殊环境 (任务环境) —行业分析 优势与劣势 机会与威胁 业务和战略的确定
4.1环境-一战略互动框架 组织外部 组织外部 客爽进靡异行业资派有形资产 资源分配 观资源主观解 行业范围响应 资源分配 成败界定 企业战略构思 资源分配 释 庞文化:信誉、认知、成败亚文化:知识、信念、形象
组织外部 主 观 解 释 客 观 资 源 组织外部 市场:进入障碍、行业 集中、产品差异 资源:有形资产 庞文化:信誉、认知、成败 亚文化:知识、信念、形象 行 业 范 围 响 应 企 业 战 略 构 思 资源分配 成败界定 资源分配 资源分配
4.2内部条件决定论 机遇总是垂青有准备的人! 优势和劣势的相对性和可转化性 机遇与威胁的相对性和可转化性 内因是根本;外因是条件
机遇总是垂青有准备的人! • 优势和劣势的相对性和可转化性 • 机遇与威胁的相对性和可转化性 内因是根本;外因是条件
Corporate governance Business ethics Whom should the Which purposes should be organization serve? ioritized? .How should purposes be determined? Why? Organizational purpose Resources and Competencies Mission Strategic assets Objectives and Capabilities Stakeholders Cultural context Whom does the Which purposes are prioritized? organization serve? Why?
Organizational purpose • Mission • Objectives Corporate governance • Whom should the organization serve? •How should purposes be determined? Business ethics • Which purposes should be prioritized? • Why? Stakeholders • Whom does the organization serve? Cultural context • Which purposes are prioritized? • Why? Resources and Strategic assets Competencies and Capabilities
Steps in outside environmental analysis Assess the nature of theenvironment Audit environmental influences dentify key competitive forces Identify competitive position ldentify key opportunities and threats Strategic position
Assess the nature of the environment Audit environmental influences Identify key competitive forces Identify competitive position Identify key opportunities and threats Strategic position
EnVironmental condition Simple Complex static Historical Analysis Decentralization Forecasting oforganization ● Experience & learning Scenario planning Dynamic
Simple static Dynamic Complex • Historical Analysis • Forecasting Decentralization of organization • Experience & learning Scenario planning Environmental Condition
APESTaalysisoferironmentaliniuences What environmental factors are affecting the organization? Which of these are the most important at present time? In next year? Political/legal Economic factors Monopolies legislation Business cycles Environmental protection laws GDP trends Taxation policy Interest rates Foreign trade regulation Money supply |· Employment la Inflation Government stability Unemployment Disposable income Sociocultural factors Energy availability and cost Population demographics Technological Income distribution Government spending on research Social mobility Government and industry focus on Lifestyle changes technological effort Attitudes to work and leisure New discoveries/development Consumerism Speed of technology transfer Levels of education Rates of obsolescence
• What environmental factors are affecting the organization? • Which of these are the most important at present time? In next year? Political/legal • Monopolies legislation • Environmental protection laws • Taxation policy • Foreign trade regulation • Employment law • Government stability Sociocultural factors • Population demographics • Income distribution • Social mobility • Lifestyle changes • Attitudes to work and leisure • Consumerism • Levels of education Economic factors • Business cycles • GDP trends • Interest rates • Money supply • Inflation • Unemployment • Disposable income • Energy availability and cost Technological • Government spending on research • Government and industry focus on technological effort • New discoveries/development • Speed of technology transfer • Rates of obsolescence