High Power Diode laser ROFIN DI Series ROFIN DL X75 750 W ROFIN DL 010 000 W ROFIN DL 015 500 W ROFIN DL 020 2000 W ROFIN DL 025 2500 W ROFIN DL 030 3000 W ROFINE SINAR LASER 4/2000-RSL·1
4/2000 - RSL - 1 High Power Diode Laser ROFIN DL Series ROFIN DL x75 750 W ROFIN DL 010 1000 W ROFIN DL 015 1500 W ROFIN DL 020 2000 W ROFIN DL 025 2500 W ROFIN DL 030 3000 W
High Power Diode laser ROFIN DL-S Series ROFIN DL X75s 750 w ROFIN DL 010 S 1000 W ROFIN DL 015S 500W D创鵾 ROFIN DL 020 S 2000 W ROFIN DL 025 S 2500 W ROFIN DL 030 S 3000 W ROFINE SINAR LASER 4/2000-RSL-2
4/2000 - RSL - 2 ROFIN DL x75 S 750 W ROFIN DL 010 S 1000 W ROFIN DL 015 S 1500 W ROFIN DL 020 S 2000 W ROFIN DL 025 S 2500 W ROFIN DL 030 S 3000 W High Power Diode Laser ROFIN DL-S Series
High Power Diode laser ROFIN DE Series (high power) Fiber coupled diode las ROFIN DF 010 1000 W ROFIN DE 018 1800W ROFIN DF 022 2200W ROFINE SINAR LASER 4/2000-RSL-3
4/2000 - RSL - 3 High Power Diode Laser ROFIN DF Series (high power) Fiber coupled diode laser: ROFIN DF 010 1000 W ROFIN DF 018 1800 W ROFIN DF 022 2200 W
High Power Diode laser ROFIN DF Series (ow power) Fiber coupled diode las ROFIN DE×0330W ROFIN DF XO6 60W ROFIN DF M08 ROFINE SINAR LASER 4/2000-RSL-4
4/2000 - RSL - 4 High Power Diode Laser ROFIN DF Series (low power) Fiber coupled diode laser: ROFIN DF x03 30 W ROFIN DF x06 60 W
The way from the diode chip to the diode stack 10 mm Solder 115 Ca.70°x15 Source E Lemer Laser FocusWorld Jan 1998 1. Light from the pn-Transition 2. Laser-bar( ca 3w)(fast-andslow-axis) 3. Mounting onto a micro channel cooler ca 30 W Setup of a diode laser stack electrically in se water cooling in parallel 4. Beam forming using microchannel lenses 5. Stacking of microchannel coolers(diodes)->1 6. Diode stack ROFINE SINAR LASER 4/2000-RSL-5
4/2000 - RSL - 5 The way from the diode chip to the diode stack ca. 10 mm 115 µm 600 µm ca. 70° x 15° 2. Laser-bar (ca. 3W) ("fast-" and "slow"-axis) 4. Beam forming using microchannel lenses Setup of a diode laser stack - electrically in series - water cooling in parallel 5. Stacking of microchannel coolers (diodes) --> 1 kW 3. Mounting onto a micro channel cooler ca. 30 W P opt P Q Solder 6. Diode stack! p-dotiert pn-Übergang n-dotiert - - - - - - - - - 1. Light from the pn-Transition Source: E.Lerner, Laser FocusWorld Jan. 1998
Comparison of diode lasers with conventional lasers State-of-the -art co laser High power diode laser (example 2 kW) (example 2 kW) large(1-3 m) e compact(0,02 ma) heavy 1000-3000 kg d light(10 kg +75 kg +150 kg) high energy consumption(efficiency 3- 10%) efficient(30-50%) high running costs d 1/10 of running costs possible P beam quality too low ROFINE SINAR LASER 4/2000-RSL-6
4/2000 - RSL - 6 Comparison of diode lasers with conventional lasers High power diode laser (example 2 kW) State-of-the-art CO2 laser (example 2 kW) • large (1 - 3 m³) • heavy 1000-3000 kg • high energy consumption (efficiency 3 - 10 %) • high running costs G compact (0,02 m³) G light (10 kg + 75 kg + 150 kg) G efficient (30 - 50 %) G 1/10 of running costs possible H beam quality too low
Welding with HPDL: Comparison with Conventional Lasers EEEx9 3.5 NdYAG. 700 W HLDL, 700 W cw =2x104Wcm2 I=2x 10/? 881:g“8:餐 Ls时 intensity in Wunf Dicke im m welding speed for Nd: YAG and HPDi ROFINE SINAR LASER 4/2000-RSL-7
4/2000 - RSL - 7 Welding with HPDL: Comparison with Conventional Lasers 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 0 0,25 0,5 0,75 1 1,25 1,5 1,75 2 2,25 2,5 2,75 3 Dicke im mm Schweißgeschwindigkeit in m/min NdYAG, 700 W cw I = 2 x 106 W/cm² HLDL, 700 W cw I = 2 x 104 W/cm² welding speed for Nd:YAG and HPDL
Diode Lasers in Comparison with Conventional Lasers (today) values based on 1e2(86% criterion 1.000 Q●● 8。895 ExEE苍 Lamp pumped Nd: YAG lasers Diode pumped Nd: YAG lasers 10 Disc lasers CO, lasers Solid state lasers 0.1 1.000 10.000 Industrial available ● Diode lasers ROFIN ZI SINAR°4 LASER 4/2000-RSL-8
4/2000 - RSL - 8 Diode Lasers in Comparison with Conventional Lasers (today) 1 10 100 1.000 10.000 0.1 1 10 100 1.000 CO2 lasers Solid state lasers Diode lasers Diode pumped Nd:YAG lasers Disc lasers Lamp pumped Nd:YAG lasers Laser power [W] Beam parameter product [mm x mrad] Fiber coupled diode lasers Diode lasers Industrial available Values based on 1/e² (86% criterion)
Parameter field for the Materials processing with Lasers 1000 Hardeni For F-number =4 Reme Brazing Clade E×EEoo 10 Soldering Deep Penetration Welding Printing Technolo utting E arking Limit of today diode lasers 0.1 1000 Laser power w ROFINE SINAR By P. Loosen Fraunhofer-Institut fur Lasertechnik LASER 4/2000-RSL.9
4/2000 - RSL - 9 Parameter field for the Materials Processing with Lasers By P.Loosen, Fraunhofer-Institut für Lasertechnik 1 10 100 1.000 10.000 Laser power [W] 0.1 1 10 100 1.000 Beam parameter product [mm x mrad] Drilling Marking Printing Technology Polymer Welding Soldering Cutting non-metals Brazing Hardening Remelting Cladding Limit of todays diode lasers Deep Penetration Welding Cutting Welding Sintering For F-number = 4
Examples for Diode Laser Welding Welding of thin (150 um)stainless steel sheets Diode laser power: 500 W Spot ca. 3.8x 1.8 mm 100um Power density: ca 7 X 10W/ cm2 Welding Speed: 6000 mm/min atel X5CN1810 Application Tube welding Welding of foils Cross Section of welded sheet metal: Colour etch wenyan ord ROFINE SINAR LASER 4/2000-RSL·10
4/2000 - RSL - 10 Examples for Diode Laser Welding: Welding of thin (150 µm) stainless steel sheets Diode laser power: 500 W Spot size: ca. 3.8 x 1.8 mm² Power density: ca. 7 x 10³ W / cm² Welding Speed: 6000 mm/min Material: X5CrNi18 10 Application: Tube welding Welding of foils by courtesy of Cross Section of welded sheet metal: Colour etch 100 µm