Module4Uni2 Does lingling like oranges?教学设计 科目版本小学英语(三年级起点)外研版三年级下册 Module 4 Unit 2 课名Mode4Um2 Does Lingling like oranges? 学习目标 能听懂、会说met,rie, noodles, fish,mik. Do you like.Yes,ldo.No, I dont 2.能运用“ Do you like.?”来询问对方的喜好,运用" Yes, I do."/No, I dont"来表达自己的喜好 重难点能运用“ Do you like”询问对方的喜好,运用esdo07Ndo表达自己的喜好 教学环节步骤学生活动 教师活动 设计意图 T: Hello, boys and girls! Welcome to our English clas Today we will learn Module 4 Unit 2 Does lingling like oranges? Are you ready? Ss: Y 导入 复习巩固上一节课的句 this box, we have all the words for food we learnt fror 型,为新知识的学习做好 两人一组到台上抽词组句| Unit 1. Do you remember them? 完成对话 首先,我们来做一个游戏,这个盒子里有我们第 铺垫 单元学习的所有食物单词,你们还记得它们吗 Ss: Read ing out words one by one T: Good job! First I will ask a question. I'll pick omeone to answer it
1 Module 4 Unit 2 Does Lingling like oranges? 教学设计 科目版本 小学英语(三年级起点) 外研版 三年级下册 章 节 Module 4 Unit 2 课 名 Module 4 Unit 2 Does Lingling like oranges? 学习目标 1. 能听懂、会说 meat, rice, noodles, fish, milk. Do you like...?Yes, I do./No, I don't. 2. 能运用“Do you like...?”来询问对方的喜好,运用“Yes, I do.”/“No, I don't.”来表达自己的喜好。 重难点 能运用“Do you like...?”来询问对方的喜好,运用“Yes, I do.”/“No, I don't.”来表达自己的喜好 教学环节/步骤 学生活动 教师活动 设计意图 导入 2min 两人一组到台上抽词组句 完成对话 T: Hello, boys and girls! Welcome to our English class. Today we will learn Module 4 Unit 2 Does Lingling like oranges? Are you ready? Ss: Yes. T:First of all, let’s play a game, let’s pick and say. In this box, we have all the words for food we learnt from Unit 1. Do you remember them? 首先,我们来做一个游戏,这个盒子里有我们第一 单元学习的所有食物单词,你们还记得它们吗? Ss: Reading out words one by one. T: Good job! First I will ask a question. I’ll pick someone to answer it. 复习巩固上一节课的句 型,为新知识的学习做好 铺垫
(教师示范,从一个盒子中抽出食物卡,读出上面 的单词,从另一个盒子中抽出一个学生的名字,上 前问他“ Do you like.?”学生回答后继续抽词组句, 并抽其他学生的名字让别人回答。 T: Today daming is doing a survey on fruits. He comes to his friend Sam and Lingling. no deo, please notice which fruits Daming asks about 今天大明要在同学们当中做一个关于水果的调查, 他请Sam和玲玲回答了一些问题。请认真看动画 告诉老师,Sam和玲玲都喜欢什么水果呢? 观看第二段动画 T: oK. What do sam and lingling like? 以学生感兴趣的水果单 S: ( Giving different answers 词为切入点,引导学生初 步感知动画 T: Now let's work out this form together 下面,我们一起来完成统计表。 任务呈现 T First, does Sam like bananas and pears? Listen. min T: Now, does Lingling like oranges and apples? Listen (与学生一起完成PPT上的表格。) 跟随动画,逐句朗读 This time let's follow the video and read sentence by体会对话的连贯性,跟随 sentence.(断句播放动画) 动画纠正自己的发音 鼓励学生大声读出句子, 尽量模仿原文语音语调 并从视觉上初步认知所 学内容
2 (教师示范,从一个盒子中抽出食物卡,读出上面 的单词,从另一个盒子中抽出一个学生的名字,上 前问他“Do you like…?”学生回答后继续抽词组句, 并抽其他学生的名字让别人回答。 任务呈现 2min 观看第二段动画 T: Today Daming is doing a survey on fruits. He comes to his friend Sam and Lingling. Now we will watch a video, please notice which fruits Daming asks about. 今天大明要在同学们当中做一个关于水果的调查, 他请 Sam 和玲玲回答了一些问题。请认真看动画, 告诉老师,Sam 和玲玲都喜欢什么水果呢? T: OK. What do Sam and Lingling like? S: (Giving different answers.) T: Great! T: Now let’s work out this form together. 下面,我们一起来完成统计表。 T: First, does Sam like bananas and pears? Listen. T: Now, does Lingling like oranges and apples? Listen. (与学生一起完成 PPT 上的表格。) 以学生感兴趣的水果单 词为切入点,引导学生初 步感知动画。 跟随动画,逐句朗读 This time let’s follow the video and read sentence by sentence.(断句播放动画) 体会对话的连贯性,跟随 动画纠正自己的发音。 鼓励学生大声读出句子, 尽量模仿原文语音语调, 并从视觉上初步认知所 学内容
四人一组,进行配音练习 s time, let's act(静音播放动画) T We have 5 new words for food from this text. now let's look at them one by one 配合老师进行跟读、自读等(展示课文中水果词的图片,播放读音让同学们跟 单词学习活动 在理解单词意义的基础 T: Now please read the words by yourselves 手指黑板上的单词让学生大声朗读) 操练读法更有效率。 T: Now can you help these food find their names? (让学生为每幅食物图片找到对应的单词并大声读 T: You did a great job! Thank you boys and girls Now lets practice! Look at all the things on our screen, 依次说出英语单词 do you know how to say them in English? 孩子们,下面我们看看屏幕上的物品,你们能用英 语说出它们的名字吗? 巩固本课的重点句型,同 训练巩固 学生按座位顺序一人一个说出屏幕上的物品单词。时复习之前学过的食物 T: Now Miss Qi wants to ask a question, it is a quest词、运动词,新旧知识融 about someone you love, your mom. 合复习 T: Irene. Does your mom like football? Irene: No. she doesnt 与搭档进行句型练习 T: Brain. Does your mom like rice? Brain: Yes. she does
3 四人一组,进行配音练习 This time, let’s act. (静音播放动画) 单词学习 2min 配合老师进行跟读、自读等 活动 T: We have 5 new words for food from this text, now let’s look at them one by one. (展示课文中水果词的图片,播放读音让同学们跟 读) T: Now please read the words by yourselves. (手指黑板上的单词让学生大声朗读) T: Now can you help these food find their names? (让学生为每幅食物图片找到对应的单词并大声读 出) 在理解单词意义的基础 上操练读法更有效率。 训练巩固 2min 依次说出英语单词 与搭档进行句型练习 T: You did a great job! Thank you boys and girls. Now let’s practice! Look at all the things on our screen, do you know how to say them in English? 孩子们,下面我们看看屏幕上的物品,你们能用英 语说出它们的名字吗? 学生按座位顺序一人一个说出屏幕上的物品单词。 T: Now Miss Qi wants to ask a question, it is a question about someone you love, your mom. T: Irene. Does your mom like football? Irene: No, she doesn’t. T: Brain. Does your mom like rice? Brain: Yes, she does. 巩固本课的重点句型,同 时复习之前学过的食物 词、运动词,新旧知识融 合复习
T: Good job, Irene and Brain! Now please work with artner and ask if his or her mom likes something 学生两人一组进行练习 T: Very good, boys and girls In Module 4, we have learnt many words for food. In the end, Miss Qi want to teach you another 2 words for food. Look, what are they?展示姜和辣椒的图片。 在歌谣韵文的帮助下让 任务完成2m|跟随教师说唱歌谣 Ss姜!花椒大料!调料! T: They are ginger and spice. Here is a little boy who学生巩固单词记忆。 accidentally eats some spice, how does he feel, lets watch 今天有一个同学不小心吃了生姜和其他的调料,他 是什么感觉呢,我们看看下面的歌谣。 T: Good job everyone! Please practice these words and sentences. Now it 's time to learn new letters 孩子们,你们唱得很棒!要多练习今天学习的单词 和句子哦。下面我们来学习两个新的字母 T. First. let 's see how we write these letters 注意它们在四线三格中占上中格。 字母教字跟随教师指令进行书空写等(播放按笔顺演示写法的幻灯片。) 任务 T: Now please trace the letters with me (让学生书空,按笔顺写出两个字母的大小写。同 时示范他们在单词中的发音。) T: What sound does h make in letters? (讲解H在单词中的发音并举例带读。)
4 T: Good job, Irene and Brain! Now please work with partner and ask if his or her mom likes something. 学生两人一组进行练习。 任务完成 2min 跟随教师说唱歌谣 T: Very good, boys and girls. In Module 4, we have learnt many words for food. In the end, Miss Qi want to teach you another 2 words for food. Look, what are they? 展示姜和辣椒的图片。 Ss:姜!花椒大料!调料! T: They are ginger and spice. Here is a little boy who accidentally eats some spice, how does he feel, let’s watch. 今天有一个同学不小心吃了生姜和其他的调料,他 是什么感觉呢,我们看看下面的歌谣。 在歌谣韵文的帮助下让 学生巩固单词记忆。 字母教学 3min 跟随教师指令进行书空写等 任务 T: Good job everyone! Please practice these words and sentences. Now it’s time to learn new letters. 孩子们,你们唱得很棒!要多练习今天学习的单词 和句子哦。下面我们来学习两个新的字母——H, I . T: First, let’s see how we write these letters. 注意它们在四线三格中占上中格。 (播放按笔顺演示写法的幻灯片。) T:Now please trace the letters with me. (让学生书空,按笔顺写出两个字母的大小写。同 时示范他们在单词中的发音。) T: What sound does H make in letters? (讲解 H 在单词中的发音并举例带读。)
(同样的步骤处理字母I。) T: We have learned so many words for food from this module, now can you ask your partner about the food like. and make a lunch menu for them? remember there has to be at least 3 kinds of food 2m/联随教师指令完减活动/这个快中我们学习了很多的食物单司,复习第一单元的食物词 重点巩固 现在请你问一问你的搭档,他们喜欢什么食物,为再次巩固本模块的重点 他们制作一份午餐菜单好吗?记住,每份菜单里至句型 少需要有三种食物哦 (学生两两一组,用“ Do you like.”来询问自己的 搭档,筛选出他她喜欢的三种食物记在菜单里,并 把对应的食物卡片交给搭档。) T: You did a really good job today be 孩子们,你们今天的表现真棒!今天我们学习了四 个水果的单词,分别是 banana,, pear, orange and 总结 aple还学习了用" Does he like.?“ Does she 在教师总结的时候跟随读句\e…”来询问他人的喜好。回答的时候如果是肯定|最后巩固,提炼要点。 的答案,我们说" Yes. he does.”或者"Yes. she does.”; 如果是否定的答案,我们说No, he doesnt”或者 No. she doesnt 你们都学会了吗?
5 (同样的步骤处理字母 I。) 重点巩固 2min 跟随教师指令完成活动 T: We have learned so many words for food from this module, now can you ask your partner about the food they like, and make a lunch menu for them? Remember there has to be at least 3 kinds of food. 孩子们, 这个模块中我们学习了很多的食物单词, 现在请你问一问你的搭档,他们喜欢什么食物,为 他们制作一份午餐菜单好吗?记住,每份菜单里至 少需要有三种食物哦。 (学生两两一组,用“Do you like…”来询问自己的 搭档,筛选出他/她喜欢的三种食物记在菜单里,并 把对应的食物卡片交给搭档。) 复习第一单元的食物词, 再次巩固本模块的重点 句型。 总结 1min 在教师总结的时候跟随读句 子 T: You did a really good job today, boys and girls! 孩子们,你们今天的表现真棒!今天我们学习了四 个水果的单词,分别是 banana, pear, orange and apple。 还学习 了用“Does he like…?” “Does she like…?”来询问他人的喜好。回答的时候如果是肯定 的答案,我们说“Yes, he does. ”或者“Yes, she does. ”; 如果是否定的答案,我们说“No, he doesn’t.” 或者 “No, she doesn’t.” 你们都学会了吗? 最后巩固,提炼要点
1.学生能听、说、认读 banana, pear, orange, apple. Does he/ she like.?Yes, he/she does no, he/she doesn't 进步标志 2.学生能用“ Does he/she like.”和有关水果的单词进行简单对话
6 进步标志 1. 学生能听、说、认读 banana, pear, orange, apple. Does he/ she like…? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn’t. 2. 学生能用“Does he/she like…?”和有关水果的单词进行简单对话