Chap.8 Combined Mechanisms Chap.8.1 Classification Chap.8.2 Application
Chap.8 Combined Mechanisms Chap.8.1 Classification Chap.8.2 Application
Chap.8.1 Classification Named by the sub-mechanisms Named by the patterns of transmission route
Chap.8.1 Classification ◼ Named by the sub-mechanisms ◼ Named by the patterns of transmission route
Series Combined Mechanisms 4 777777777 5 input output Mechanism Mechanism II (Iink1,2,5) (link2,3,5) Output motions of one basic mechanism is the input motion of the next basic mechanism
Series Combined Mechanisms Mechanism Ⅰ (link 1,2,5) Mechanism Ⅱ (link 2,3,5) input output Output motions of one basic mechanism is the input motion of the next basic mechanism. 5
Parallel Combined Mechanisms The n Output motions of the n single DOF basic mechanism are input simultaneously to a basic mechanism with n DOF and then combined to produce an output Mechanism input 1ink2,3,4,10) Mechanism IlⅢ output Mechanism I 1ink4,5,9,8,10) (1ink6,7,8,10)
Parallel Combined Mechanisms input output Mechanism Ⅰ (link 2,3,4,10) Mechanism Ⅱ (link 6,7,8,10) Mechanism Ⅲ (link 4,5,9,8,10) The n Output motions of the n single DOF basic mechanism are input simultaneously to a basic mechanism with n DOF and then combined to produce an output. 10 9
Feedback Combined Mechanisms ∠ 7刀 刀 A differential mechanisms has two DOF 3∠☑ In some differential 4 mechanism,one of the inputs comes from the driver output directly.The other input is input Mechanism the feedback from the output (ink1,2,4) of the differential mechanism Mechanism II through the single DOF mechanism (1ink2,3,4)
Feedback Combined Mechanisms input output Mechanism Ⅰ (link 1,2,4) MechanismⅡ (link 2’,3,4) A differential mechanisms has two DOF. In some differential mechanism, one of the inputs comes from the driver directly. The other input is the feedback from the output of the differential mechanism through the single DOF mechanism. 4
Mixed Combined Mechanisms A mechanism system formed through more than one combination pattern is called mixed combined mechanism. 自由度大于1的差动机构称为组合机构的基础机构; 自由度为1的基本机构称为组合机构的附加机构。 所谓封闭式传动机构,是指用一个机构去约束或影 响另一个多自由度机构所形成的封闭式传动系统
Mixed Combined Mechanisms ◼ A mechanism system formed through more than one combination pattern is called mixed combined mechanism. 自由度大于1的差动机构称为组合机构的基础机构; 自由度为1的基本机构称为组合机构的附加机构。 所谓封闭式传动机构,是指用一个机构去约束或影 响另一个多自由度机构所形成的封闭式传动系统
Chap.8.2 Application 1.Complex path 2.Complex motion form
Chap.8.2 Application 1. Complex path 2. Complex motion form