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《计算机辅助翻译》课程PPT教学课件(Computer Aided Translation)第2讲 计算机辅助翻译的主要形式

课前思考: 1、你对计算机辅助翻译的认识是什么? 2、什么是信息时代?什么是“翻译的职业化时代”? 3、职业译者在新形式下应该掌握什么样的IT技术?

计算机辅助翻译 Computer Aided Translation 第二讲计算机辅助翻译的主要形式

计算机辅助翻译 Computer Aided Translation 第二讲 计算机辅助翻译的主要形式

课前思考 1、你对计算机辅助翻译的认识是什么? 2、什么是信息时代?什么是“翻译的职业化时代”? 3、职业译者在新形式下应该掌握什么样的技术?

课前思考: 1、你对计算机辅助翻译的认识是什么? 2、什么是信息时代?什么是“翻译的职业化时代”? 3、职业译者在新形式下应该掌握什么样的IT技术?

种类型的翻译软件 Three types of translation software 1.E-dictionary 2. machine translation translation of the whole text Logomedia, Systran abroad e-dictionary software in China 3. CAT

三种类型的翻译软件 Three types of translation software: 1.E-dictionary 2.machine translation, translation of the whole text Logomedia,Systran abroad e-dictionary software in China 3.CAT

唾确保翻译的一致性 高质量的翻译可以提高客户的满意度 加速翻译进度 越快建立您自己的翻译记忆库, 越能提高您的翻译速度 减少翻译项目的花费 同样的句子不需要翻译两次 减少人工审校周期 为未来的项目积累翻译资产 现在就开始建立您的知识资产库,将您 的语言转化为企业资

翻译记忆库的好处 确保翻译的一致性 – 高质量的翻译可以提高客户的满意度 加速翻译进度 – 越快建立您自己的翻译记忆库, 越能提高您的翻译速度 减少翻译项目的花费 – 同样的句子不需要翻译两次 – 减少人工审校周期 为未来的项目积累翻译资产 – 现在就开始建立您的知识资产库,将您 的语言转化为企业资产

Translation Memories Translation memories (TMs for short are databases that store source sentences and their translations as segment pairs. These are called translation units (TUs). the tmremembers each sentence that is translated if an identical or a similar sentences comes up later, it does not need to be translated from scratch. Instead, the translation can be easily retrieved from the tm database This technology offers two main advantages: A Faster turnaround times and cost-savings, as repetitive content can be translated much more quickly B Better consistency and quality: with Tm technology you can make sure that you do not translate repeated occurrences of the same sentence differently, which can be confusing to readers

Translation Memories Translation memories (TMs for short) are databases that store source sentences and their translations as segment pairs. These are called translation units (TUs). The TM ’remembers’ each sentence that is translated. If an identical or a similar sentences comes up later, it does not need to be translated from scratch. Instead, the translation can be easily retrieved from the TM database. This technology offers two main advantages: A. Faster turnaround times and cost-savings, as repetitive content can be translated much more quickly. B. Better consistency and quality: with TM technology you can make sure that you do not translate repeated occurrences of the same sentence differently, which can be confusing to readers

提高多语言内容的质量,保持品牌的统 确保在整个翻译项目中品牌的一致性 在翻译过程中,使用经过评审的术语确保表述清 晰提高翻译质量 为所有的术语使用者提供中心访问平台 工程师市场人员,写作人员和译员可以共享集中 存储的术语确保源文档内容、多目标语言的译文 以及企业的全球品牌的一致性 减少花费并提高生产率 从文档的写作开始就使用统一的术语库,从而提 高翻译的效率和翻译的一致性 表述一致的术语减少了错误以及重复查找术语所 花费的时间,从而减少了翻译费用

提高多语言内容的质量,保持品牌的统一 – 确保在整个翻译项目中品牌的一致性 – 在翻译过程中,使用经过评审的术语,确保表述清 晰,提高翻译质量 为所有的术语使用者提供中心访问平台 – 工程师,市场人员,写作人员和译员可以共享集中 存储的术语,确保源文档内容、多目标语言的译文 以及企业的全球品牌的一致性 减少花费并提高生产率 – 从文档的写作开始,就使用统一的术语库,从而提 高翻译的效率和翻译的一致性 – 表述一致的术语减少了错误以及重复查找术语所 花费的时间,从而减少了翻译费用 术语管理的好处

Terminology Databases erminology databases or termbases are similar to electronic dictionaries. Rather than storing whole sentences, they contain single words or expressions. Creating and maintaining termbases is useful for storing organization-specific terms Which cannot be found in standard dictionaries Example: a termbase used for software localization may contain terms such as dialog box, dropdown list, taskbar, etc. Termbases offer the following main advantages A Cost and time savings as you avoid tedious extra work such as researching and typing long-winded expressions B Quality increases as the same expressions are used consistently throughout a document termbases help you effectively avoid unnecessary variations, which can be confusing to readers

Terminology Databases Terminology databases (or termbases) are similar to electronic dictionaries. Rather than storing whole sentences, they contain single words or expressions. Creating and maintaining termbases is useful for storing organization-specific terms, which cannot be found in standard dictionaries. Example: a termbase used for software localization may contain terms such as dialog box, dropdown list, taskbar, etc. Termbases offer the following main advantages: A. Cost and time savings, as you avoid tedious extra work such as researching and typing long-winded expressions. B. Quality increases, as the same expressions are used consistently throughout a document. Termbases help you effectively avoid unnecessary variations, which can be confusing to readers

自动提示词典 AutoSuggest Dictionaries While TMs store whole segments, AutoSuggest dictionaries are used for retrieving segment fragments When you use an auto Suggest dictionary it will automatically suggest segment fragments while you are typing. For example, when you start typing the letter d, it will suggest relevant expressions that fit the current context

自动提示词典 AutoSuggest Dictionaries While TMs store whole segments, AutoSuggest dictionaries are used for retrieving segment fragments. When you use an AutoSuggest dictionary, it will automatically suggest segment fragments while you are typing. For example, when you start typing the letter d, it will suggest relevant expressions that fit the current context

Why TM? How does tm work? 100%match automatic translation other percentage referential translation 科学研究表明,翻译中重复的工作量高达30%,许多企业的这个数字 更高。如欧盟的许多资料翻译重复率接近100%,微软的许多项目重复 率也高达60%。 Trados的翻译记忆技术使“相同的句子永远不需要翻 译第二遍”,这不仅大大提高了工作效率,而且有助于形成统一的翻 译风格

• How does TM work? • 100% match automatic translation • other percentage referential translation 科学研究表明,翻译中重复的工作量高达30%,许多企业的这个数字 更高。如欧盟的许多资料翻译重复率接近100%,微软的许多项目重复 率也高达60%。Trados的翻译记忆技术使“相同的句子永远不需要翻 译第二遍”,这不仅大大提高了工作效率,而且有助于形成统一的翻 译风格。 Why TM?





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