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王勇翔 2002年毕业于复旦大学药学院药理专业。 本科期间获得原上海医科大学优秀学生奖学金 及复旦大学人民奖学金一等奖三次、二等奖一次并 被评为校三好学生。 2002年9月免试录取为复旦大学上海医学院卫生 部分子病毒学重点实验室病原生物学专业硕士研究 生,导师为闻玉梅教授,2004年转为博士生。发 研究论文3篇,参加大型国际会议二次,其中一次 为口头报告。

复旦大学新视野系列研究生课程:科研论文的构思、撰写和发表 交流一科研的捷径 复旦大学上海医学院 病原生物学专业博士研究生 王勇翔

复旦大学新视野系列研究生课程:科研论文的构思、撰写和发表 交流 —科研的捷径 复旦大学上海医学院 病原生物学专业博士研究生 王勇翔

王勇翔 2002年毕业于复旦大学药学院药理专业。 本科期间获得原上海医科大学优秀学生奖学金 及复旦大学人民奖学金一等奖三次、二等奖一次并 被评为校三好学生。 2002年9月免试录取为复旦大学上海医学院卫生 部分子病毒学重点实验室病原生物学专业硕士研究 生,导师为闻玉梅教授,2004年转为博士生。发 研究论文3篇,参加大型国际会议二次,其中一次 为囗头报告

王勇翔 2002年毕业于复旦大学药学院药理专业。 本科期间获得原上海医科大学优秀学生奖学金 及复旦大学人民奖学金一等奖三次、二等奖一次并 被评为校三好学生。 2002年9月免试录取为复旦大学上海医学院卫生 部分子病毒学重点实验室病原生物学专业硕士研究 生,导师为闻玉梅教授, 2004年转为博士生。发 研究论文3篇,参加大型国际会议二次,其中一次 为口头报告

Communication“ pathways” personal communication Journal club/group meeting Meeting communication

Communication “pathways” • personal communication • Journal club/group meeting • Meeting communication

Abstracts of papers presented at the 2005 meeting on o Molecular Biology of e Hepatitis B Viruses September 18-21, 2005. University of Heidelberg C

文件(E)编辑()查看()收藏()工具(T)帮助( ⊙后退·②凶图哈搜素收藏夹动媒体色③回·□圆8 地址①)htt:/ hbvmeeting.org 囝转到链接” So out O Q搜索·/子下载管理看新闻2个已拦截精品插件意M International Meeting on the Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses September 18-21, 2005 Home Heidelberg Germany Registration Abstracts Heidelberg Travel accommodations Travel Grants Meeting History Sponsors Contact View pictures of the 2005 HBV Meeting Here Organizers This year marks the 20th ar 79s ents in antiviral therapies against these two viruses Prof, Timothy block, Hepatitis B Foundation and Dr. Stephan Urban University of Heidelberg Heidelbe German Home Program Registration Abstracts I Heidelberg Travel Accommodations Travel Grants Meeting History Sponsors Contact Internet

3 Int I Meeting on the Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses Meeting Assistant- Mic 文件()编辑(E)查看)收藏(A)工具(T)帮助( 后退凶图P搜素次收藏夹动媒体的③回口 tht(d)ohtTps://uw.meetingassistant.com/hepb2005/inDex,php?page-registration 转到链接”6 International Meeting on the Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses -RECEIPT CONFIRMATIONIFOR LOGY OF HEPATITIS B VIRUSE Jul 14 User profile We are pleased to confirm your registration for the: International Meeting on the Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses Shanghai Medical College, Fudan Univ Yi Xue Yuan road 138 Shanghai, Shanghai China Fax:86-21-64174578 Email:boldawing@yahoo.com.cn Registration Reference ID is: HEPB 2005-15DRODU REGISTERED FOR: Pri graduate student htseeing of Heidelberg If you have arry questions or problems with your registration pleas please notify the administrative contact at the address below Be sure in include your CANCTTTATION POT TA\

s httr ft Internet Explorer 区 件()编辑E)查看)收藏(A)工具T)帮助( ⊙后退·图哈搜素☆收藏夹动媒体 地址(①)htt:/ w. hbvneet.arg/ 守转到链接”在 Accommodations accommodations Travel Grants Meeting History nake your owon h includes lodging s fl she be Sp Contact Please note that every participant will get a ticket that ort system ial pricing arrangement itis B" in 2005 There are a imited humber of rooms, reserved at tel, so we encourage you to make your reservations early. Close to Kirchhoff Institute 5-10 minute wal Heidelberg Marriott Hotel(Expensive Www.mar hotels. com/hbmc Best Western Rega Hotel Heidelberg(Moderate) StraBe 63 8680 Double ur/night(80 -Eur/weekend wwwnh-hotels.com Ibis Heidelberg (Inexpensive) Moderate Distance

3http://www.hbvmeeting.org/-microsoftInternetExplorer 文件(E)编辑()查看()收藏()工具(T帮助 后退··国的⑥搜素☆收藏夹的媒体的·回·□ 地址①)自ht:/www.hbvmeeting.org/ 司转到链接”在 International Meeting on the Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses September 18-21, 2005 Home Heidelberg Germany Abstracts Heidelberg Travel Grants accommodations Travel Grants The mee Meeting History Sponsors Contact Registration Form if you need travel support Awards nced funds are secured and those who have submitted an abstract wlll bety basis given priority Home Program Registration I Abstracts Heidelberg Travel Accommodations Travel Grants Meeting History Sponsors Contact

the Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses Meeting A Mic 文件()编辑(E)查看)收藏(A)工具(T)帮助(B ⊙后退·的P搜素☆收藏夹的媒体的品回回 ttht(d)ahttp://www.meetingassistant.com/hepb2005/abstRactrmulti/index.php 转到链接”西 International Meeting on the Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses Current Abstract:(#1327)Amino acid substitutions at rt306P User: Yong-Xiang revealed a putative target for inhibition of HBV replication Wang (Logout) Abstract Printable Version) Submission Abstract Preview Title Authors The following is a preview of your abstract. This abstract is Body Text COMPLETE", however you may continue to edit this abstract at any time up until the abstract submission deadline 0 Figure(s) Information Amino acid substitutions at rt306P revealed a putative target · Preview for inhibition of HBV replication Abstract Save Yong-Xiang Wang, Chen Luo, Zhang-Mei Ma, Hua-Liang Abstract Jiang, Yu-Mei Wen (Abstract Complete) Key Laboratory of Medica/ Molecular Virology, MInistry of Education and Health, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University Center for Drug Discovery and Design, State Key labora Drug Research, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Shanghai institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of sciences Ve have reported that substitutions of rt306P by serine or other amino acids of a genotype b HBv isolate resulted in decreased replication competency. Sequence alignment showed that rt306P

Yahoo!电邮-boldawinggyahoo.com. Microsoft int et Explorer 文件()编辑(E)查看①)收藏(A)工具(T)帮助(B ⊙后退·国回P搜素☆收藏夹时媒体的,品园回 地址①Ohttp://cn.f154.mail.yahoocom/ym/showletteR?sgid=2383_0_21577_1532_38049_02_11_715692_835005470_os0bkyn4ur5hqvzr2mdutmbx8tp转到链接” H哭 刀一该邮件未标记。[标记邮件-标记为未读 收件箱 发件人:" Fonta Reilly <Fonta@ hepb.org?添加到地址簿 乌已发送邮件 6垃级邮件(14)空 主题 HBV Meeting G已删除邮件储空 日Fn,19Ag200512:3737-0400 曰20容量+POP+来信提醒 We are pleased to write that, based upon your preference and the advce from three reviewers, your abstract has been selected a al present wap. yahoo. com. cm着信 Abstract Number/ title 1327/ Amino acid substitutions at rt306P revealed a putative target for inhibition of HBV replication 人电话聊天、商务 话会议请拔118321 Primary Author. Dr. Yong-Xiang Wang 千元做老 商板 折供货,月赚10 (program outline attached) For onal presentation power pount presentaton a few minutes for discussion. Please be sure to load your electronic file on to the projection system at least 1 hour before your session. If your presentation is in the first morning session, please load your file the day prior to your talk Your session ⑤也线心描! chair will be asked to help coordinate this, and we wll have a projectionist/ technician available at the meeting room and you wll be able to view your presentation. or Poster Prese advantage of the poster walk this opportunity we are introducing, this year, and prepare a 5 minute oral over-view of your work This will be presented by you, while standing in front of your poster. The idea is that an audience will be led from poster to poster by a session co-chair, during the poster session Please limit the poster size to 94cm width x 120cm high. Back boards and push pins will be provided Please let us know as soon as possible if you wll be unable to present Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting. Timothy Block and Stephan Urban Fonta Reilly Education and Grants coordinator atitis b foundation 700 East Butler Avenue 15489490 2154894920(fax)



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