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上海交通大学:《Structural and Chemical Characterization of Materi》教学资源_OM2 Specimen preparation for metallography


no artifacts Specimen preparation for metallography

Specimen preparation for metallography 1 no artifacts

A good specimen is half the battle. 2

A good specimen is half the battle. 2

Metallography(金相学) ·Metallography: -A systematic method to examine microstructure of materials(mainly metallic materials) Can also be used to examine ceramics, polymers and semiconductors 3

Metallography (金相学 ) • Metallography: – A systematic method to examine microstructure of materials (mainly metallic materials) – Can also be used to examine ceramics, polymers and semiconductors 3

Robert Hooke(1635-1703) 于17世纪晚期设计的显微镜 图1铁阴石腐刻后直接印制的魏氏组织(1820) Count Alois von Beckh Widmanstatten Π.几.AHOCOB H.C.Sorby A.Martens F.Osmond Fig:5

4 Count Alois von Beckh Widmanstätten П.П. Аносов H.C. Sorby A. Martens F. Osmond Robert Hooke(1635-1703) 于17世纪晚期设计的显微镜

Sectioning 取样 Preparation 制样 How to minimize and remove the damaged layer during sectioning,grinding Etching 浸 and polishing. 蚀 Observation 观察 5

5 Sectioning 取样 Preparation 制样 Etching 浸 蚀 Observation 观察 How to minimize and remove the damaged layer during sectioning, grinding and polishing

Where to section the specimen 礼制表新 轧剂方阿 奢 …2 3 3 图1~1轧制型材金相试样的切取 1一与轧制彩预Y行的纵断面2一与轧制表面垂直的纵断面 3一横断面4一放射纵断啊6一切向纵断面 6

Where to section the specimen 6

Sectioning DK770线 Abrasive cutting Electric discharge machining(EDM,电 火花放电加工) 图104数控线切新加工原理 可4可55g司 1一数控装量:2一浓找简!3一界轮:4一电假丝:5一工件: 6一喷嘴:7一绝壕板:8一高频林冲发生露:9一系1 10一工作液:11一步速电机 7

7 Sectioning Abrasive cutting Electric discharge machining (EDM, 电 火花放电加工 )

Sectioning (a) Microtomy: · Useful for preparing soft materials such as polymer samples. Steel,glass or diamond knives in a microtome can Specimen Specimen holder block Block Specimen cut samples into very thin Knife sections. Knife Cut section Sections (b) 。@d (a)Adapted from http://www.me.ust.hk/-meiswu/. Copper Microscope slide (b)From http://blass.com.au/definitions/microtome mesh grid 8

Sectioning 8

Damaged layer 退火工业纯钛的切割损伤 recast layer thickness=45 um 切割面 AISI P20钢电火花切割表面重熔层 夹钳造成的变形孪晶 9

Damaged layer 9 退火工业纯钛的切割损伤 AISI P20钢电火花切割表面重熔层

Sectioning 取样 Preparation 制样 How to minimize and remove the damage layer during sectioning,grinding Etching 浸 and polishing. 蚀 Observation 观察 10

10 Sectioning 取样 Preparation 制样 Etching 浸 蚀 Observation 观察 How to minimize and remove the damage layer during sectioning, grinding and polishing

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