ues c 电子科学与工程学院 966 1.1常见天线及应用简介 无刚 从过前司
教学目的 天线是各种无线系统必不可少的重要部件,其指标直 接影响着系统性能。本课程的目的是使学生了解天线领 域的现状及发展方向,并且力争反映出天线领域的最新 研究动态。课程讲授既注重理论分析,也注重工程实际 应用,提高研究生分析与解决天线及相关领域问题的能 力,为以后研究工作打下坚实的理论基础
教学目的 天线是各种无线系统必不可少的重要部件,其指标直 接影响着系统性能。本课程的目的是使学生了解天线领 域的现状及发展方向,并且力争反映出天线领域的最新 研究动态。课程讲授既注重理论分析,也注重工程实际 应用,提高研究生分析与解决天线及相关领域问题的能 力,为以后研究工作打下坚实的理论基础
本课程的特点 知识点多,但较零碎; 涉及面广,如“电磁理论”、“天线基础”、“微 波电路”等; 综合性强,需要将多方面知识综合在一起加以学习;
本课程的特点 知识点多,但较零碎; 涉及面广,如“电磁理论”、“天线基础”、“微 波电路”等; 综合性强,需要将多方面知识综合在一起加以学习; ……
Antenna History Dipole and loop antennas Heinrich Rudolf Hertz's experiment(1886-1888) 振子 谐振器 感应圈
Antenna History Heinrich Rudolf Hertz’s experiment (1886-1888) Dipole and loop antennas
Guglielmo Marconi's antenna (1901) Marconi's first transmitter,consisting of a copper sheet capacitive antenna(top)connected to a Righi spark gap (left)powered by an induction coil (center)with a telegraph key(right)to switch it on and off to spell out text messages in Morse code
Marconi's first transmitter, consisting of a copper sheet capacitive antenna (top) connected to a Righi spark gap (left) powered by an induction coil (center) with a telegraph key (right) to switch it on and off to spell out text messages in Morse code. Guglielmo Marconi’s antenna (1901)
Yagi-Uda antenna(1920s) The Yagi antenna was invented in Japan,with results first published in 1926.The work was originally done by Shintaro Uda,but published in Japanese.The work was presented for the first time in English by Yagi (who was either Uda's professor or colleague),who went to America and gave the first English talks on the antenna, which led to its widespread use.Hence,even though the antenna is often called a Yagi antenna,Uda probably invented it
Yagi-Uda antenna (1920s) The Yagi antenna was invented in Japan, with results first published in 1926. The work was originally done by Shintaro Uda, but published in Japanese. The work was presented for the first time in English by Yagi (who was either Uda's professor or colleague), who went to America and gave the first English talks on the antenna, which led to its widespread use. Hence, even though the antenna is often called a Yagi antenna, Uda probably invented it
Horn antenna (1930s) In the 1930s the first experimental research (Southworth and Barrow,1936) and theoretical analysis (Barrow and Chu,1939)of horns as antennas was done.The development of radar in World War II stimulated horn research to design feed horns for radar antennas.The corrugated horn invented by Kay in 1962 has become widely used as a feed horn for microwave antennas such as satellite dishes and radio telescopes. The first modern horn antenna in 1938 with Robert W.Wilson (left)and Arno A.Penzias inventor Wilmer L.Barrow. (right)stand in front of the antenna
Horn antenna (1930s) The first modern horn antenna in 1938 with inventor Wilmer L. Barrow. In the 1930s the first experimental research (Southworth and Barrow, 1936) and theoretical analysis (Barrow and Chu, 1939) of horns as antennas was done. The development of radar in World War II stimulated horn research to design feed horns for radar antennas. The corrugated horn invented by Kay in 1962 has become widely used as a feed horn for microwave antennas such as satellite dishes and radio telescopes. Robert W. Wilson (left) and Arno A. Penzias (right) stand in front of the antenna
Reflector antenna (1930s-1950s) Archimedes burning mirrors,212 BC Newton's 4 cm parabolic reflector telescope,1672 Early cylindrical parabolic antenna, The 26 meters antenna built for Project Echo by the 1931,Nauen,Germany. Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)in1958
Reflector antenna (1930s-1950s) Archimedes ' burning mirrors, 212 BC Newton's 4 cm parabolic reflector telescope, 1672 Early cylindrical parabolic antenna, 1931, Nauen, Germany. The 26 meters antenna built for Project Echo by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in1958
Helix/Spire antenna(1940s) The first helix antenna(1946) US Navy communication (1946)
Helix/Spire antenna (1940s) The first helix antenna (1946) US Navy communication (1946)
Microstip antenna/Patch antenna (1950s-1970s) 国客E TRAN8 ACTIOX8 ON ANTENNA5ANDP0PA行AON,JANUART1974 UNCLASSIFIED 南LD 055RC MICROSTRIP MICROWAVE ANTENNA W.Sichak By Georges Deschamps FEES Federal Telecommunication Laboratories 8t1mC时0陈t框 P周000 Contract AF33(038)-13289 Pig.1.Mcrostrip wraparound antenna. Deschamps and Sichak paper(1953) Munson micsrostrip antenna paper(1974) Single element Array
Microstip antenna/Patch antenna (1950s-1970s) Deschamps and Sichak paper(1953) Munson micsrostrip antenna paper (1974) Single element Array