模块十:出口制单结汇 [教学目的与要求] 明确对外贸易中结汇和议付的含义、作 用,以及常用的结汇单证的内容和作用。 [教学重点] 各种结汇单证的缮制及缮制时注意的问 题 [教学难点] 各种单据制作时间的把握
模块十: 出口制单结汇 ❖ [教学目的与要求] ❖ 明确对外贸易中结汇和议付的含义、作 用,以及常用的结汇单证的内容和作用。 ❖ [教学重点] ❖ 各种结汇单证的缮制及缮制时注意的问 题 [教学难点] 各种单据制作时间的把握
教学内容] §10—1产地证 §10-2汇票 §10-3提单 §10-4受益人证明书 §10-5装船通知书 §10-6其它 §10—7单据的时间顺序
[教学内容] ❖ §10-1产地证 ❖ §10-2汇票 ❖ §10-3提单 ❖ §10-4受益人证明书 ❖ §10-5装船通知书 ❖ §10-6 其它 ❖ §10-7单据的时间顺序
§10-1原产地证书 冷原产地证书( Certificate of origin) 1、含义:又称产地证,它是证明中国出口货物符合 《中华人民共和国出口货物原产地规则》,货物确系 中华人民共和国原产的证明文件 2、分类: 冷1)一般原产地证书简称产地证(cO) 由贸促会或质检总局出具两种,性质、作用、内 容一样。 令2)普惠制产地证。由各地出入境检验检疫机构签发。 3)厂商产地证
§10-1原产地证书 ❖ 原产地证书(Certificate of origin) ❖ 1、含义:又称产地证,它是证明中国出口货物符合 《中华人民共和国出口货物原产地规则》,货物确系 中华人民共和国原产的证明文件。 ❖ 2、分类: ❖ 1)一般原产地证书简称产地证(C.O.) ❖ 由贸促会或质检总局出具两种,性质、作用、内 容一样。 ❖ 2)普惠制产地证。由各地出入境检验检疫机构签发。 ❖ 3)厂商产地证
普通产地证签证程序 1、注册登记与审核 令提供:营业执照副本、进出口权文件和申请 表。允许三名手签人员和三名申领员。 2、申领和签发 最迟在报关出运前三天向签证机关申办
普通产地证签证程序 ❖ 1、注册登记与审核 ❖ 提供:营业执照副本、进出口权文件和申请 表。允许三名手签人员和三名申领员。 ❖ 2、申领和签发 ❖ 最迟在报关出运前三天向签证机关申办
一 般 原 产 地 证 样 单
Exporter(full name, and address) Certificate No CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN OF 2, Consignee(full name, address, country) THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA 3, Means of transport and route 5, For certifying authority use only De estination port 普通原产地证模板 6、 Marks and numbers of7、 Number and kind of|8、Hs、ode|9、Qmnt10、 number description of go weighted Invoices 11, Declaration by the expor 12、 Certification The undersigned hereby declares that the above It is hereby certified that the declaration by the details and statements are correct, that all the goods exporter is correct. were produced in China and that they comply with the Rules of Origin of the peoples republic of China Place and date, signature and stamp of certifying signatory lace and date, signature and stamp of authorized signatory
1、 Exporter(full name, and address) 2、 Consignee (full name, address, country) Certificate No. CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA 3、 Means of transport and route 4、 Destination port 5、For certifying authority use only 6、Marks and numbers of packages 7 、 Number and kind of packages; description of goods 8、H.S. Code 9 、 Quantity or weight 10 、 number and date of invoices 11、Declaration by the exporter The undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statements are correct, that all the goods were produced in China and that they comply with the Rules of Origin of the People’s Republic of China. P lace and date, signature and stamp of authorized signatory 12、Certification It is hereby certified that the declaration by the exporter is correct. Place and date, signature and stamp of certifying signatory 普通原产地证模板
原产地证书 ORIGINAL 1 Exporter(full name and address 填写出口公司的详细 CERTIFICATE NO: 0897898 SHANGHAI TEXTILES IMP. EXP CORP 地址和名称 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN 27 CHUNGS HAN ROAD E. SHANGHAL. CHINAO THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA 填写给惠国最终 2. Consignee(full name, address, count CRYSTAL KOBE LTD 收货人名称和地 签证当局填写 1410 BROADWAYROOM 3000 NEW YORK.N Y. 10018 U.S.A. 运输方式和运输路线,应注明启运 地、且的地以及运输方式 3. Means of trans port and route 5 For certifying authority use only FROM SHANGHAI TO NEW YORK BY SEA 目的地或最终目的国,即填 4. Country / region of destination US.A. 写货物最终到达的国家。 6. Marks and numbers 7. Number and kind of packages 8. H.S. Code 9. Quantity 10. Number and date of CRYSTAL KOBE LTD NEW description of goods 6109 S00DOZS Invoices YORK ONE HUNFRED TWENTY(120) **本 STP015088 STYLE NO. H3233ISE CARTONS Now.8th. 2001 ORDER NO. 21SSG-017 LADIES 55% ACRYLIC 45% L02-03437 COTTON KNITED BLOUSE CINNO. 1-120 STYLENO. H3233ISE ⅣN CHINA I 1. Declaration by the exporter 12. Certification The undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statement are it is hereby certified that the declaration by the exporter is correct. correct; that all the goods were produced in China and that they comply with the Rules of Origin of the People's Republic of Chir 中国国际贸易促进委员会 单据证明专用章 SHANGHAI TEXTILES IMP. EXP CORP SHANGHAI Nov 8th, 2001 CHINA COUNCIL FOR THE PROMOTION OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE SHANGHAI Nov 8th. 2001 XXX Place and date, signature and stamp of authorized I signatory Place and date, signature and stamp of certifying authority
原产地证书 ORIGINAL 中国国际贸易促进委员会 单据证明专用章 (沪) CHINA COUNCIL FOR THE PROMOTION OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE SHANGHAI Nov.8th,2001 × × × SHANGHAI TEXTILES IMP. & EXP. CORP. SHANGHAI Nov.8th,2001 × × × 1.Exporter(full name and address) SHANGHAI TEXTILES IMP. & EXP. CORP. 27 CHUNGS HAN ROAD E .1 . SHANGHAI, CHINA⊙ CERTIFICATE NO:0897898 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA 2.Consignee(full name, address, country) CRYSTAL KOBE LTD., 1410 BROADWAY,ROOM 3000 NEW YORK,N.Y. 10018 U.S.A. 3.Means of transport and route FROM SHANGHAI TO NEW YORK BY SEA 5.For certifying authority use only 4.Country / region of destination U.S.A. 6.Marks and numbers CRYSTAL KOBE LTD., NEW YORK STYLE NO. H32331SE ORDER NO. 21SSG-017 L-02-I-03437 CTN/NO. 1--120 MADE IN CHINA * * ************* 7. Number and kind of packages description of goods; ONE HUNFRED TWENTY(120) CARTONS LADIE’S 55% ACRYLIC 45% COTTON KNITED BLOUSE STYLENO.H32331SE * * ******************** 8.H.S.Code 61.09 * * *** 9.Quantity 500DOZS * * ****** 10.Number and date of invoices STP015088 Nov.8th,2001 * * ******** 11.Declaration by the exporter The undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statement are correct;that all the goods were produced in China and that they comply with the Rules of Origin of the People’s Republic of China. 12.Certification it is hereby certified that the declaration by the exporter is correct. Place and date, signature and stamp of certifying authority Place and date, signature and stamp of authorized signatory 填写出口公司的详细 地址和名称 填写给惠国最终 收货人名称和地 运输方式和运输路线,应注明启运 址 地、目的地以及运输方式等内容。 •目的地或最终目的国,即填 写货物最终到达的国家。 签证当局填写
(一)一般原产地证书的陶容和繕制要 共有12项内容。 冷1、 Exporter(出口商) 冷2、 Consignee(收货人) 3、 Means of transport and route(运输方式和路线) 冷4、 Country/ Region of Destination(运抵国/地区) 冷5、 For certifying authority use only(供鉴证机构使用) 冷6、 Marks and numbers(唛头及包装件号) 7. Description of goods, number and kind of packages (商品名称、包装伴数及种类) 8、H.S.Code(H.S.编码) 冷9、 Quantity or weight(数量及重量) 10、 Number and date of invoices(发票号码及日期) 令从第6项开始用“*”符号打成横线表示结束。 11、 Declaration by the exporter(出口商声明) 12、 Certification(签证机构证明)
(一)一般原产地证书的内容和缮制要求 ❖ 共有12项内容。 ❖ 1、Exporter(出口商) ❖ 2、Consignee(收货人) ❖ 3、Means of transport and route(运输方式和路线) ❖ 4、Country/Region of Destination(运抵国/地区) ❖ 5、For certifying authority use only(供鉴证机构使用) ❖ 6、Marks and numbers (唛头及包装件号) ❖ 7、Description of goods, number and kind of packages (商品名称、包装件数及种类) ❖ 8、H. S. Code (H. S. 编码) ❖ 9、Quantity or weight(数量及重量) ❖ 10、Number and date of invoices(发票号码及日期) ❖ 从第6项开始用“*”符号打成横线表示结束。 ❖ 11、Declaration by the exporter(出口商声明) ❖ 12、Certification(签证机构证明)
普惠制产地证签发程序 1、注册登记(出入境检验检疫机构) 2、申请出证(出运前五天) ◆提供:申请书、普惠制产地证格式A一式 份、商业发票副本1份、含进口成分成本明细 单(如有)、其它文件。 3、签发证书 4、申请更改和后发
普惠制产地证签发程序 ❖ 1、注册登记(出入境检验检疫机构) ❖ 2、申请出证(出运前五天) ❖ 提供:申请书、普惠制产地证格式A一式三 份、商业发票副本1份、含进口成分成本明细 单(如有)、其它文件。 ❖ 3、签发证书 ❖ 4、申请更改和后发
ORIGINAL GENERALIZED SYSTEM OF' PRE FERENCES ERTIFIGATE OF ORI 2. Goods consigned to(Consignee name, adds ess, co Issued in THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA 3 Means of transport and route (as far as know 4、 For officia use 普惠制产地证样单 packages tt is naseby certified on the basis of control caned out. that the declatation by the exporter is corect and ha they compAy wtf Axowmmwn CHINA produced in specified for those goods in Preferences for goods exported to Piace nf rate signature and same nt cet ly mg anNot Pwe a tata signaure d sorites story