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上海建桥学院(商学院):课程教学大纲——iBA-国际金融 International Finance Syllabus-会计学班


SJQU-QR-JW-033 (AO) 【iBA-国际金融】 (iBA-International Finance) 基本信息 Bas ic Informat i on 课程代码 Course code:【2060803】 课程学分 Course Credits:【3】 面向专业 Major:【20会计学 Accounting】 课程性质 Characteristic of the course:【系级必修课 Department-level required courses】 开课院系 Department:【商学院 Business college】 使用教材 Teaching and Reference materials 教材 Textbook:【 International finance国际金融(作者: Thomas a. Pugel托马斯·普格尔 /中国人民大学出版社/第17版)】【 nternational Finance International Finance( by Thomas A Pugel Thomas Pugall/ Renmin University of China Press/17th Edition) 参考书目 Bibliography: 1. (Capital Markets: A Global Perspective, Thomas H. Mclnish, Blackwell Publishers (The Wall Street Journal and The Financial Times(selected editions during trip)) 课程网站网址 Online learning Website url:无 先修课程 Preface Course:商业经济 Business Economy、商务沟通 Business communication 课程简介 Course Description 在上个世纪八十年代,金融与普通百姓日常生活的关系不太密切,所谓的金融,大致集中在 银行,至于百姓最关心的事也只是银行利息的升降,而对于股票、期货、外汇等方面知识知之甚 少,甚至可以这样认为,以上这些领域在上个世纪八十年代时候几乎在国内不存在,如今随着国 内经济的迅速发展,普通百姓也更加注重在日常生活中的投资,这就与金融领域的关系就进一步 加深了。通过该学科的学习,让学生对金融方面的基础知识有所了解,这其中有相当一部分是关 于外汇市场、汇率与利率的关系,以及国家政策的汇率的影响,例如固定和浮动汇率,而且有关 汇率方面的知识对学生也具有相当重大的意义,原因在于学生几年后出国留学,必然要将人民币 兑换外汇,如果对汇率的知识有所了解,至少在兑换外汇方面可以尽量做到避免会汇率的变动导 致不必要的损失。 In 1980s, it was once poor relationship between finance and peoples daily lives. In those days, it was mostly focused on banking sector. In the meantime, average people were just concerned about the interest rate shown by home banks, which would rose or drop, but poor knowledge about the security, debt bond, and future trade as well as foreign exchanges. More seriously, It was considered that the above-mentioned fields had been never existing under the planning economy. At present, along with high economic development at home, average people have been increasingly attaching great importance to their investment act in the current market environment. In the case, it has been further tight relation deepened between finance and people's daily routine. Through learning the course, it: significant for them to touch the business theories in financial sector at fundamental level, a substantial part of which includes foreign exchange market, the relationships between interest rate and exchange rate as well as impact by national policies, such as fixed and brisk exchange rate system. On the other and, as the relevant knowledge about the exchange rate, it is significant for students because they will soon go abroad for education after several years. In the case, they must covert RMB into USD or other

【iBA-国际金融】 【iBA- International Finance】 一、基本信息 Basic Information 课程代码 Course Code:【2060803】 课程学分 Course Credits:【 3 】 面向专业 Major:【20 会计学 Accounting】 课程性质 Characteristic of the Course:【系级必修课 Department-level required courses】 开课院系 Department:【商学院 Business college】 使用教材 Teaching and Reference Materials: 教材 Textbook:【International Finance 国际金融(作者:Thomas A. Pugel 托马斯·普格尔 / 中国人民大学出版社 / 第 17 版)】【International Finance International Finance (by Thomas A.Pugel Thomas Pugall / Renmin University of China Press / 17th Edition)】 参考书目 Bibliography: 1. 【Capital Markets: A Global Perspective, Thomas H. McInish, Blackwell Publishers, 2000. 】 2. 【The Wall Street Journal and The Financial Times (selected editions during trip)】 课程网站网址 Online Learning Website URL:无 先修课程 Preface Course:商业经济 Business Economy 、商务沟通 Business Communication 二、课程简介 Course Description 在上个世纪八十年代,金融与普通百姓日常生活的关系不太密切,所谓的金融,大致集中在 银行,至于百姓最关心的事也只是银行利息的升降,而对于股票、期货、外汇等方面知识知之甚 少,甚至可以这样认为,以上这些领域在上个世纪八十年代时候几乎在国内不存在,如今随着国 内经济的迅速发展,普通百姓也更加注重在日常生活中的投资,这就与金融领域的关系就进一步 加深了。通过该学科的学习,让学生对金融方面的基础知识有所了解,这其中有相当一部分是关 于外汇市场、汇率与利率的关系,以及国家政策的汇率的影响,例如固定和浮动汇率,而且有关 汇率方面的知识对学生也具有相当重大的意义,原因在于学生几年后出国留学,必然要将人民币 兑换外汇,如果对汇率的知识有所了解,至少在兑换外汇方面可以尽量做到避免会汇率的变动导 致不必要的损失。 In 1980s, it was once poor relationship between finance and people's daily lives. In those days, it was mostly focused on banking sector. In the meantime, average people were just concerned about the interest rate shown by home banks, which would rose or drop, but poor knowledge about the security, debt bond, and future trade as well as foreign exchanges. More seriously, It was considered that the above-mentioned fields had been never existing under the planning economy. At present, along with high economic development at home, average people have been increasingly attaching great importance to their investment act in the current market environment.In the case, it has been further tight relation deepened between finance and people's daily routine. Through learning the course, it is significant for them to touch the business theories in financial sector at fundamental level, a substantial part of which includes foreign exchange market, the relationships between interest rate and exchange rate as well as impact by national policies,such as fixed and brisk exchange rate system.On the other hand, as the relevant knowledge about the exchange rate, it is significant for students because they will soon go abroad for education after several years. In the case, they must covert RMB into USD or other SJQU-QR-JW-033(A0)

major currencies worldwide. If they know a little about knowledge covering the exchange rate, it will be helpful for them to avoid unnecessary loss owing to the fluctuation of exchange rate 三、选课建议 Suggestion for Selection of Course 在日常生活中,金融和人们的接触面不是很多,因此该课程具有一定难度,尤其是采用英语 版本教材上课,在该领域又出现许多新的英语单词,是学生在考四六级时,不会通常遇到的,因 此对学生的英语要求也比较高,建议该课程应放在二年级以后开始,比较合适,其次、国际金融 与经济学、国际贸易有着紧密的关系,因此,建议学生在学习了相关商业课程后才适合学这门课 In people's daily lives, it has been little connection between average person and international finance so the subject has its uniqueness and difficulties at a certain degree, especially the English-version teaching material available. In the field, there are a lot of fresh words, which is little the subject should be set for students at senior grade On the other hand, as international finance ls 3 touched by students taking CET4 or 6 exam. Therefore, it is high requests to students In my opinio closely connected with economics and international business, consequently, students are suggested to major in the subject after learning the relevant business courses 四、课程与专业毕业要求的关联性 The Correlation between Curriculum and Graduation Requirements 专业毕业要求 关联 graduation re Relation LO1:表达沟通理解他人的观点,尊重他人的价值观能在不同场合用书面或 口头,能够就会计信息与报表使用者进行有效交流,并清晰表达自我观点 能使用口头或者书面形式进行有效沟通 LOl: Express, communicate and understand views of others, respect the values of others, capable of utilizing share written or oral information in different ate with users of accounting formation and statements, and clearly express self views. Be able to communicate effectively in oral or written form LO2:自主学习能积极自主的参与学习,能够确定自己的学习目标,并主动 地通过搜集信息、分析信息、讨论、实践、质疑、创造等方法来实现学习目 标 LO2: Spontaneously learn, able to actively participate in learning, determine the self-learning objectives, and actively achieve learning objectives by collecting information, analyzing, discussing, practicing, questioning and creating Information LO3:专业能力 LO3: Professional abilities LO31:财务管理分析能力掌握财务管理四大核心技能:投资、筹资、营运及 利润分配,并能对财务相关问题进行预测、决策、分析和评价 LO31: Provided with financial management analysis ability, grasp four core skills of financial management including the investment, financing, operation and profit distribution, and able to predict, decide, analyze and evaluate financial related issues LO32:会计核算与监督能力掌握企业会计工作流程、会计记账流程、记账规

major currencies worldwide. If they know a little about knowledge covering the exchange rate, it will be helpful for them to avoid unnecessary loss owing to the fluctuation of exchange rate. 三、选课建议 Suggestion for Selection of Course 在日常生活中,金融和人们的接触面不是很多,因此该课程具有一定难度,尤其是采用英语 版本教材上课,在该领域又出现许多新的英语单词,是学生在考四六级时,不会通常遇到的,因 此对学生的英语要求也比较高,建议该课程应放在二年级以后开始,比较合适,其次、国际金融 与经济学、国际贸易有着紧密的关系,因此,建议学生在学习了相关商业课程后才适合学这门课。 In people's daily lives, it has been little connection between average person and international finance so the subject has its uniqueness and difficulties at a certain degree,especially the English-version teaching material available.In the field, there are a lot of fresh words, which is little touched by students taking CET4 or 6 exam. Therefore, it is high requests to students.In my opinion, the subject should be set for students at senior grade.On the other hand, as international finance is closely connected with economics and international business, consequently, students are suggested to major in the subject after learning the relevant business courses. 四、课程与专业毕业要求的关联性 The Correlation between Curriculum and Graduation Requirements 专业毕业要求 Graduation Requirements 关联 Relation LO1:表达沟通理解他人的观点,尊重他人的价值观,能在不同场合用书面或 口头,能够就会计信息与报表使用者进行有效交流,并清晰表达自我观点。 能使用口头或者书面形式进行有效沟通。 LO1: Express, communicate and understand views of others, respect the values of others, capable of utilizing share written or oral information in different occasions, be able to effectively communicate with users of accounting information and statements, and clearly express self views. Be able to communicate effectively in oral or written form. LO2:自主学习能积极自主的参与学习,能够确定自己的学习目标,并主动 地通过搜集信息、分析信息、讨论、实践、质疑、创造等方法来实现学习目 标。 LO2: Spontaneously learn, able to actively participate in learning, determine the self-learning objectives, and actively achieve learning objectives by collecting information, analyzing, discussing, practicing, questioning and creating information LO3: 专业能力 LO3: Professional abilities · LO31:财务管理分析能力掌握财务管理四大核心技能:投资、筹资、营运及 利润分配,并能对财务相关问题进行预测、决策、分析和评价。 LO31: Provided with financial management & analysis ability, grasp four core skills of financial management including the investment, financing, operation and profit distribution, and able to predict, decide, analyze and evaluate financial related issues. LO32:会计核算与监督能力掌握企业会计工作流程、会计记账流程、记账规

则、报表生成及财务报表运用等知识,具备会计岗位工作能力 LO32: Provided with financial accounting and supervision abilities: Master the ng rules, statement generation and financial statement application, and provided with the working ability for accounting job LO33:会计软件操作与应用能力系统地掌握一种或者多种财务软件,并能应 用该类软件进行会计核算、会计业务处理、会计信息流管理。 LO33: Provided with the ability of operation and application of accounting software, systematically master one or more financial software, and be able to conduct the financial accounting, accounting business processing and accounting information flow management with the software LO34:风险管理控制能力系统地掌握风险管理理论与方法,掌握其在会计、 财务中的运用,具有解决风险管控实际问题的能力。 LO34: Provided with the risk management and control ability, able to systematically grasp the theories and methods for risk management, and appropriate application in accounting and finance, and provided with the ability to solve practical problems of risk management and control LO35:跨文化理解能力 LO35: Trans-cultural understanding 掌握与国际接轨的知识与技能,增强能够参与企业国际事务和国际竞争的能 力,学生考取本专业相关的国际企业会计职业技能证书。 Master the knowledge and skills compatible with international standards, improve the ability to participate in international affairs and competition of enterprises and acquire the professional accounting skills and certificates relating to this LO4:尽责抗压遵守纪律、守信守责:具有耐挫折、抗压力的能力。(“责任 为我校校训内容之 LO4: To be conscientious and anti-stress, abide by the discipline, keep promise and responsibility; is capable of withstanding setbacks and stress. ( the "responsibility"is one of motto contents of school motto) LO5:协同创新同群体保持良好的合作关系做集体中的积极成员;善于从多 个维度思考问题,利用自己的知识与实践来提出新设想 LOS: Provided with collaborative innovation ability, keep good cooperative relationship with the group and act an active member of the group; skilled in thinking about problems from perspectives and raising new ideas with knowledge and practices by virtue of self-owned knowledge LO6:信息应用具备一定的信息素养,并能在工作中应用信息技术解决问题。 LO6: Information application, provided with certain information literacy, and capable of applying the information technology to solve problems in work LO7:服务关爱愿意服务他人、服务企业、服务社会为人热忱富于爱心,懂 得感恩(“感恩、回报、爱心”为我校校训内容之 LO7: Service care, willing to serve others, businesses and society; enthusiast loving and grateful ("gratitude, return and love"is one of contents of school motto)

则、报表生成及财务报表运用等知识,具备会计岗位工作能力。 LO32: Provided with financial accounting and supervision abilities: Master the knowledge of enterprise accounting workflow, accounting accounting flow, accounting rules, statement generation and financial statement application, and provided with the working ability for accounting job. LO33:会计软件操作与应用能力系统地掌握一种或者多种财务软件,并能应 用该类软件进行会计核算、会计业务处理、会计信息流管理。 LO33: Provided with the ability of operation and application of accounting software, systematically master one or more financial software, and be able to conduct the financial accounting, accounting business processing and accounting information flow management with the software. LO34:风险管理控制能力系统地掌握风险管理理论与方法,掌握其在会计、 财务中的运用,具有解决风险管控实际问题的能力。 LO34: Provided with the risk management and control ability, able to systematically grasp the theories and methods for risk management, and appropriate application in accounting and finance, and provided with the ability to solve practical problems of risk management and control. LO35:跨文化理解能力 LO35: Trans-cultural understanding ability 掌握与国际接轨的知识与技能,增强能够参与企业国际事务和国际竞争的能 力,学生考取本专业相关的国际企业会计职业技能证书。 Master the knowledge and skills compatible with international standards, improve the ability to participate in international affairs and competition of enterprises, and acquire the professional accounting skills and certificates relating to this major. LO4:尽责抗压遵守纪律、守信守责;具有耐挫折、抗压力的能力。(“责任” 为我校校训内容之一) LO4: To be conscientious and anti-stress, abide by the discipline, keep promise and responsibility; is capable of withstanding setbacks and stress. (the "responsibility" is one of motto contents of school motto) LO5:协同创新同群体保持良好的合作关系,做集体中的积极成员;善于从多 个维 度思考问题,利用自己的知识与实践来提出新设想。 LO5: Provided with collaborative innovation ability, keep good cooperative relationship with the group and act an active member of the group; skilled in thinking about problems from perspectives and raising new ideas with knowledge and practices by virtue of self-owned knowledge. LO6:信息应用具备一定的信息素养,并能在工作中应用信息技术解决问题。 LO6: Information application, provided with certain information literacy, and is capable of applying the information technology to solve problems in work. · LO7:服务关爱愿意服务他人、服务企业、服务社会;为人热忱,富于爱心,懂 得 感恩(“感恩、回报、爱心”为我校校训内容之一) LO7: Service & care, willing to serve others, businesses and society; enthusiastic, loving and grateful ("gratitude, return and love" is one of contents of school motto)

LO8:国际视野具有基本的外语表达沟通能力与跨文化理解能力,有国际竞 争与合作的意识,了解国际财会法律与相关信息,系统地掌握会计专业英语, 具备阅读国际财务报表的能力 LO8: International vision, have basic foreign language expression communication and cross-cultural understanding abilities, the awareness of international competition and cooperation, understandings on international accounting laws and relevant information, and systematically master accounting professional English, and provided with the ability to read international financial statements 备注:LO= earning outcomes(学习成果) 五、课程目标/课程预期学习成果(预期学习成果要可测量/能够证明) Course Objectives /Course Expected Learning Outcomes 课程预期 课程目标 序号 学习成果 (细化的预期学习成果) 教与学方式 评价方式 Course Expected Teaching and LearningAssessment Learning Course Objectives(Detailed Methods Method Expected Learning Outcomes) Outcome a basic knowledge of how Teacher: to explain the Quiz international financial markets theory methods Homework work Student: To preview and 小测验 作业 对全球金融市场有一个基本老师:讲解理论和方法 L003 的了解 学生:预习和复习 An understanding of exchange Teacher: to explain the Quiz rates and why currency values theory, methods Homework fluctuate 小测验 Student: To preview and 理解利率和货币价值的波动| review 作业 背后的因素 老师:讲解理论和方法 学生:预习和复习 Explore methods used to Teacher: to explain the Quiz manage risk in the global Homework financial crisis 小测验 Student: To preview and 理解在全球金融危机下为了 review 作业 避免风险所采用的方法 老师:讲解理论和方法 LO06 学生:预习和复习 An in-depth understanding of Teacher: to explain the Quiz the process and techniques used to make international Student: To preview and|小游 theory methods investment decisions 作业 review 深度了解国际投资的过程和老师:讲解理论和方法 技能 学生:预习和复习

备注:LO=learning outcomes(学习成果) 五、课程目标/课程预期学习成果(预期学习成果要可测量/能够证明)Course Objectives / Course Expected Learning Outcomes LO8:国际视野具有基本的外语表达沟通能力与跨文化理解能力,有国际竞 争与合作的意识,了解国际财会法律与相关信息,系统地掌握会计专业英语, 具备阅读国际财务报表的能力。 LO8: International vision, have basic foreign language expression, communication and cross-cultural understanding abilities, the awareness of international competition and cooperation, understandings on international accounting laws and relevant information, and systematically master accounting professional English, and provided with the ability to read international financial statements. 序号 No. 课程预期 学习成果 Course Expected Learning Outcomes 课程目标 (细化的预期学习成果) Course Objectives(Detailed Expected Learning Outcomes) 教与学方式 Teaching and Learning Methods 评价方式 Assessment Methods A basic knowledge of how international financial markets work. 对全球金融市场有一个基本 的了解 Teacher: to explain the theory, methods Student: To preview and review 老师:讲解理论和方法 学生:预习和复习 Quiz Homework 小测验 作业 1 LO03 An understanding of exchange rates and why currency values fluctuate. 理解利率和货币价值的波动 背后的因素 Teacher: to explain the theory, methods Student: To preview and review 老师:讲解理论和方法 学生:预习和复习 Quiz Homework 小测验 作业 Explore methods used to manage risk in the global financial crisis 理解在全球金融危机下为了 避免风险所采用的方法 Teacher: to explain the theory, methods Student: To preview and review 老师:讲解理论和方法 学生:预习和复习 Quiz Homework 小测验 作业 2 LO06 An in-depth understanding of the process and techniques used to make international investment decisions. 深度了解国际投资的过程和 技能 Teacher: to explain the theory, methods Student: To preview and review 老师:讲解理论和方法 学生:预习和复习 Quiz Homework 小测验 作业

六、课程内容 Course content 第1单元国际经济学是一门独立的学科理论课时4 教学内容 1.1国际经济学的四个争议 2经济与国家之间的关系 知识要求: ①知道国际经济的四个争议 ②能够理解当代国际宏观经济的背景 ③运用并且掌握金融相关的学术术语 ④分析国际经济形式对于国际金融的影响 ⑤综合了解国际经济和国际金融的关系 ⑥入门课程较难会放慢速度详细解释国际经济的背景知识 能力要求 通过阅读相关课本,掌握四个宏观的国际经济事件 教学难点: 掌握国际经济金融的相关英语词汇 Unit 1 International economics is an independent discipline Theory Course 4 Teaching Content: 1. 1 Four controversies in international economics 1.2 Economics and nation-state Knowledge requirements O Know the four controversies in the international economy 2 Able to understand the background of contemporary international macroeconomics 3 And master the academic terms related to finance 4 Analyze the influence of international economic situation on international finance 6 Comprehensive understanding of the relationship between international economy and 6 It is difficult for introductory courses to slow down and explain the background knowledge of international economy in detail By reading relevant textbooks, we can master four international economic events Teaching difficulties Master English vocabulary related to international economics and finance 第2单元国际收支理论课时4

六、课程内容 Course content 第 1 单元 国际经济学是一门独立的学科 理论课时 4 教学内容: 1.1 国际经济学的四个争议 1.2 经济与国家之间的关系 知识要求: ① 知道国际经济的四个争议 ② 能够理解当代国际宏观经济的背景 ③ 运用并且掌握金融相关的学术术语 ④ 分析国际经济形式对于国际金融的影响 ⑤ 综合了解国际经济和国际金融的关系 ⑥ 入门课程较难会放慢速度详细解释国际经济的背景知识 能力要求: 通过阅读相关课本,掌握四个宏观的国际经济事件 教学难点: 掌握国际经济金融的相关英语词汇 Unit 1 International economics is an independent discipline Theory Course 4 Teaching Content: 1.1 Four controversies in international economics 1.2 Economics and nation-state Knowledge requirements: ① Know the four controversies in the international economy. ② Able to understand the background of contemporary international macroeconomics. ③ And master the academic terms related to finance. ④ Analyze the influence of international economic situation on international finance. ⑤ Comprehensive understanding of the relationship between international economy and international finance. ⑥ It is difficult for introductory courses to slow down and explain the background knowledge of international economy in detail. Capability Requirement: By reading relevant textbooks, we can master four macroscopic international economic events. Teaching difficulties: Master English vocabulary related to international economics and finance. 第 2 单元 国际收支 理论课时 4

教学内容: 1.1国际收支平衡 12经常项目下收支平衡的宏观意义 知识要求: ①知道国际收支的定义 能够理解国际收支平衡的会计学原理 运用国际收支平衡解释国际贸易间的顺差和逆差 ④分析国际收支平衡对一国宏观经济的影响 ⑤综合了解国际收支平衡以及各国政府相应的经济政策 ⑥这个章节需要学生有一定的会计记账基础 能力要求 通过计算国际收支平衡表,进一步理解各国间货物金融贸易的流动 教 学难点 国际收支平衡表的试算 Unit 2 Payment among nations Theory Course 4 Teaching Cont 1. 1 Balance of payment 1.2 The macro-meaning of the current account 1.3 International investment O Know the definition of balance of payments (2 Be able to understand the accounting principles of balance of payments 3 Explain the surplus and deficit in international trade by using the balance of payments 4 Analyze the impact of balance of payments on a country's macro economy 6 Comprehensive understanding of the balance of payments and the corresponding economic policies of various governments 6 This chapter requires students to have a certain accounting basi apability Requirement By calculating the balance of payments, we can further understand the flow of goods finance and trade among countries Teaching diffic Trial calculation of balance of payments 第3单元外汇市场理论课时4

教学内容: 1.1 国际收支平衡 1.2 经常项目下收支平衡的宏观意义 1.3 国际投资 知识要求: ① 知道国际收支的定义 ② 能够理解国际收支平衡的会计学原理 ③ 运用国际收支平衡解释国际贸易间的顺差和逆差 ④ 分析国际收支平衡对一国宏观经济的影响 ⑤ 综合了解国际收支平衡以及各国政府相应的经济政策 ⑥ 这个章节需要学生有一定的会计记账基础 能力要求: 通过计算国际收支平衡表,进一步理解各国间货物金融贸易的流动 教学难点: 国际收支平衡表的试算 Unit 2 Payment among nations Theory Course 4 Teaching Content: 1.1 Balance of payment 1.2 The macro-meaning of the current account 1.3 International investment Knowledge requirements: ① Know the definition of balance of payments. ② Be able to understand the accounting principles of balance of payments. ③ Explain the surplus and deficit in international trade by using the balance of payments. ④ Analyze the impact of balance of payments on a country's macro economy. ⑤ Comprehensive understanding of the balance of payments and the corresponding economic policies of various governments. ⑥ This chapter requires students to have a certain accounting basis. Capability Requirement: By calculating the balance of payments, we can further understand the flow of goods finance and trade among countries. Teaching difficulties: Trial calculation of balance of payments. 第 3 单元 外汇市场 理论课时 4

教学内容: 1.1货币交易的基础 12对外贸易的需求与供应 1.3即期汇率下的套汇 知识要求: ①知道货币交易的基础 ②能够理解货币交易与国际贸易之间的关系 ③运用货币的升值与贬值解释国际贸易间的供需平衡 ④分析汇率的波动对于国际贸易的影响 ⑤综合理解即期汇率下的套汇 ⑥国际汇率需要学生对于各国之间汇率的波动有一定程度的理解 能力要求 通过分析汇率的波动,理解各国的关于本国货币的宏观财政政策 教 学难点 国际汇率波动对于全球贸易的影响 Unit 3 Foreign exchange market Theory Course 4 Teaching Cont 1. I The basics of currency trading 1. 2 Demand and supply for foreign trade 1.3 Arbitrage within spot exchange Know the basis of currency trading (2 Able to understand the relationship between currency transactions and international trade 3 Explain the balance between supply and demand in international trade by currency appreciation and depreciation Analyze the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on international trade 6 Understand arbitrage under comprehensive spot exchange rate 6 International exchange rate requires students to have a certain degree of understanding of exchange rate fluctuations among countries Capability Requirement By analyzing the fluctuation of exchange rate, we can understand the macro-financial policies of each country about its own currency Teaching difficulties Influence of international exchange rate fluctuation on global trade

教学内容: 1.1 货币交易的基础 1.2 对外贸易的需求与供应 1.3 即期汇率下的套汇 知识要求: ① 知道货币交易的基础 ② 能够理解货币交易与国际贸易之间的关系 ③ 运用货币的升值与贬值解释国际贸易间的供需平衡 ④ 分析汇率的波动对于国际贸易的影响 ⑤ 综合理解即期汇率下的套汇 ⑥ 国际汇率需要学生对于各国之间汇率的波动有一定程度的理解 能力要求: 通过分析汇率的波动,理解各国的关于本国货币的宏观财政政策 教学难点: 国际汇率波动对于全球贸易的影响 Unit 3 Foreign exchange market Theory Course 4 Teaching Content: 1.1 The basics of currency trading 1.2 Demand and supply for foreign trade 1.3 Arbitrage within spot exchange Knowledge requirements: ① Know the basis of currency trading. ② Able to understand the relationship between currency transactions and international trade. ③ Explain the balance between supply and demand in international trade by currency appreciation and depreciation. ④ Analyze the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on international trade. ⑤ Understand arbitrage under comprehensive spot exchange rate. ⑥ International exchange rate requires students to have a certain degree of understanding of exchange rate fluctuations among countries. Capability Requirement: By analyzing the fluctuation of exchange rate, we can understand the macro-financial policies of each country about its own currency. Teaching difficulties: Influence of international exchange rate fluctuation on global trade

第4单元外汇市场理论课时4 教学内容 1.1即期汇率下的套汇 12市场的作用,本章节的结论讲解 知识要求: ①知道即期汇率的定义 ②能够理解即期汇率的套汇 ③运用金融学知识理解各国的外汇储备策略 ④分析不同的金融市场的作用 ⑤综合理解即期汇率下的套汇 ⑥国际汇率需要学生对于各国之间汇率的波动有一定程度的理解 能力要求 通过分析汇率的波动,理解各国的关于本国货币的宏观财政政策 教 学难点 国际汇率波动对于全球贸易的影响 Unit 4 Foreign exchange market Theory Course 4 Teaching Cont 1. 1 Arbitrage within spot 1. 2 Exchange market and summary Knowledge requirer o Know the definition of spot exchange rate (2 Able to understand arbitrage of spot exchange rate 3 Understanding foreign exchange reserve strategies of various countries with financial o Analyze the role of different financial markets 6 Understand arbitrage under comprehensive spot exchange rate 6 International exchange rate requires students to have a certain degree of understanding of ge rate fluctuations among countries Capability Requirement By analyzing the fluctuation of exchange rate, we can understand the macro-financial policies of Influence of international exchange rate fluctuation on global trade 第5单元远期交易理论课时4

第 4 单元 外汇市场 理论课时 4 教学内容: 1.1 即期汇率下的套汇 1.2 市场的作用, 本章节的结论讲解 知识要求: ① 知道即期汇率的定义 ② 能够理解即期汇率的套汇 ③ 运用金融学知识理解各国的外汇储备策略 ④ 分析不同的金融市场的作用 ⑤ 综合理解即期汇率下的套汇 ⑥ 国际汇率需要学生对于各国之间汇率的波动有一定程度的理解 能力要求: 通过分析汇率的波动,理解各国的关于本国货币的宏观财政政策 教学难点: 国际汇率波动对于全球贸易的影响 Unit 4 Foreign exchange market Theory Course 4 Teaching Content: 1.1 Arbitrage within spot 1.2 Exchange market and summary Knowledge requirements: ① Know the definition of spot exchange rate. ② Able to understand arbitrage of spot exchange rate. ③ Understanding foreign exchange reserve strategies of various countries with financial knowledge. ④ Analyze the role of different financial markets. ⑤ Understand arbitrage under comprehensive spot exchange rate. ⑥ International exchange rate requires students to have a certain degree of understanding of exchange rate fluctuations among countries. Capability Requirement: By analyzing the fluctuation of exchange rate, we can understand the macro-financial policies of each country about its own currency. Teaching difficulties: Influence of international exchange rate fluctuation on global trade. 第 5 单元 远期交易 理论课时 4

教学内容: 1.1汇率的风险 12远期汇率的市场原则 知识要求: ①知道汇率的风险 能够理解汇率的变动以及其可能带来的国际经济金融环境的变化 运用金融学知识理解远期汇率以及各国的金融市场 ④分析远期汇率的潜在风险与优势 ⑤综合理解在不同金融市场下的远期汇率 ⑥需要学生能够结合国际间不同的金融市场去理解远期汇率的市场原则 能力要求 通过分析汇率的波动,理解远期汇率的市场原则和潜在风险 教学难点 远期汇率的市场原则 Unit 5 forward exchange and international financial investment Theory Course 4 Teaching Cont L I Know the risk of exchange rate 1. 2 Market basics of forward exchange O Know the definition of spot exchange rate (2 Be able to understand the exchange rate changes and the possible changes in the international economic and financial environment 3 Understand the forward exchange rate and financial markets of various countries by using financial knowled 4 Analyze the potential risks and advantages of forward exchange rate 6 Comprehensive understanding of forward exchange rates in different financial markets 6 Students are required to understand the market principle of forward exchange rate in combination with different international financial markets apability Requirement y analyzing the fluctuation of exchange rate, we can understand the market principles and potential risks of forward exchange rate Teaching difficulties Market principle of forward exchange rate 第6单元汇率的决定理论课时4

教学内容: 1.1 汇率的风险 1.2 远期汇率的市场原则 1.3 结论与分析 知识要求: ① 知道汇率的风险 ② 能够理解汇率的变动以及其可能带来的国际经济金融环境的变化 ③ 运用金融学知识理解远期汇率以及各国的金融市场 ④ 分析远期汇率的潜在风险与优势 ⑤ 综合理解在不同金融市场下的远期汇率 ⑥ 需要学生能够结合国际间不同的金融市场去理解远期汇率的市场原则 能力要求: 通过分析汇率的波动,理解远期汇率的市场原则和潜在风险 教学难点: 远期汇率的市场原则 Unit 5 forward exchange and international financial investment Theory Course 4 Teaching Content: 1.1 Know the risk of exchange rate 1.2 Market basics of forward exchange 1.3 Summary Knowledge requirements: ① Know the definition of spot exchange rate. ② Be able to understand the exchange rate changes and the possible changes in the international economic and financial environment. ③ Understand the forward exchange rate and financial markets of various countries by using financial knowledge. ④ Analyze the potential risks and advantages of forward exchange rate. ⑤ Comprehensive understanding of forward exchange rates in different financial markets. ⑥ Students are required to understand the market principle of forward exchange rate in combination with different international financial markets. Capability Requirement: By analyzing the fluctuation of exchange rate, we can understand the market principles and potential risks of forward exchange rate. Teaching difficulties: Market principle of forward exchange rate. 第 6 单元 汇率的决定 理论课时 4

教学内容: 1.1短期汇率的决定 12长期汇率决定了购买力 1.3评价购买力 知识要求: ①知道汇率的短期和长期影响 ②能够理解汇率的变动带来的短期影响 ③运用汇率知识来分析各国的汇率决策 ④分析汇率的变动带来的长期影响 ⑤综合分析全球贸易战背景下的汇率变动对于购买力的影响 ⑥需要学生能够就各国的汇率变动分析其国际购买力的变动 能力要求 通过分析汇率的波动理解各国的国际购买力的长期影响 教学难点 汇率变动的长短期影响 Unit 6 what determines exchange rate Theory Course 4 Teaching Cont 1. 1 Exchange rates in the short run 1. 2 The long run purchasing power 1. 3 Parity O Know the short-term and long-term effects of exchange rate (2 Able to understand the short-term impact of exchange rate change 3 Use exchange rate knowledge to analyze exchange rate decisions of various countries 4 Analyze the long-term impact of exchange rate changes 5 Comprehensive analysis of the impact of exchange rate changes on purchasing power under the background of global trade war 6 Students are required to be able to analyze the changes in international purchasing power terms of exchange rate changes in various countries Capability Requirement Understand the long-term influence of countries'international purchasing power by analyzing the fluctuation of exchange rate Teaching difficulties Long-term and short-term effects of exchange rate changes 第7单元汇率的决定理论课时4

教学内容: 1.1 短期汇率的决定 1.2 长期汇率决定了购买力 1.3 评价购买力 知识要求: ① 知道汇率的短期和长期影响 ② 能够理解汇率的变动带来的短期影响 ③ 运用汇率知识来分析各国的汇率决策 ④ 分析汇率的变动带来的长期影响 ⑤ 综合分析全球贸易战背景下的汇率变动对于购买力的影响 ⑥ 需要学生能够就各国的汇率变动分析其国际购买力的变动 能力要求: 通过分析汇率的波动理解各国的国际购买力的长期影响 教学难点: 汇率变动的长短期影响 Unit 6 what determines exchange rate Theory Course 4 Teaching Content: 1.1 Exchange rates in the short run 1.2 The long run:purchasing power 1.3 Parity Knowledge requirements: ① Know the short-term and long-term effects of exchange rate. ② Able to understand the short-term impact of exchange rate changes. ③ Use exchange rate knowledge to analyze exchange rate decisions of various countries. ④ Analyze the long-term impact of exchange rate changes. ⑤ Comprehensive analysis of the impact of exchange rate changes on purchasing power under the background of global trade war. ⑥ Students are required to be able to analyze the changes in international purchasing power in terms of exchange rate changes in various countries. Capability Requirement: Understand the long-term influence of countries' international purchasing power by analyzing the fluctuation of exchange rate. Teaching difficulties: Long-term and short-term effects of exchange rate changes. 第 7 单元 汇率的决定 理论课时 4



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