Chapter III General introduction of immune system
Chapter III General introduction of immune system
Immune system Immune organs or tissues bone marrow thymus spleen lymph nodes Immune cells lymphocytes: T cells, b cells and nK cells phagocytes: Dendritic cells macrophage PMN immune molecules antibod complement(补体) cytOKines adhesive molecules
Immune system immune organs or tissues bone marrow thymus spleen lymph nodes Immune cells : lymphocytes : T cells , B cells and NK cells phagocytes: Dendritic cells ,macrophage ,PMN immune molecules : antibody complement (补体) cytokines adhesive molecules
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Immune organs a Central immune organs or primary lymphoid organs The site that lymphocytes generate and mature into functional cells Bone marrow and thymus Peripheral immune organs or secondary lymphoid organs and tissues The sites that t and b lymphocytes reside in and respond to antigens spleen, lymph nodes, mucosal or cutaneous lymphoid tissues
Immune organs ◼ Central immune organs or primary lymphoid organs The site that lymphocytes generate and mature into functional cells Bone marrow and Thymus ◼ Peripheral immune organs or secondary lymphoid organs and tissues The sites that T and B lymphocytes reside in and respond to antigens spleen , lymph nodes , mucosal or cutaneous lymphoid tissues
Central lymphoid organs Peripheral lymphoid organs Recirculation B lymphocytes Bone marrow stem cell B lymphocyte Bursa of Fabricius(birds) Blood Lymph nodes lineage Bone marrow(mammals) Spleen Mucosal and T lymphocyte Thymus Blood cutaneous neage lymph lymphoid tissues T lymphocytes Recirculation Figure 2-2 Maturation of lymphocytes Development of mature lymphocytes before antigen exposure occurs in the generative lymphoid organs, and immune responses to foraign antigens occur in the peripheral lymphoid tissues
Section I Central immune organs
Section I Central immune organs
I Bone marrow 1. The bone marrow is the site of generation of all circulating blood cells in the adult, including immature lymphocytes
I. Bone marrow 1. The bone marrow is the site of generation of all circulating blood cells in the adult, including immature lymphocytes
Self-renewing enter progenitor Pluripotent stem cell Thymus Natural killer (NK)cell B lym T lymphocytes 。 Erythroid CFU Megakaryocyte Basophil CFU Eosinophil CFU Granulocyte-monocyte CFU Erythrocytes Platelets Basophils Eosinophils Neutrophils Monocytes Figure 2-7 Hematopoiesis. The development of the different lineages of blood cells is depicted in this "hematopoietic tree. The regulation of hematopoiesis by cytokines is illustrated in Chapter 11, Figure 11-18, CFU, colony-forming unit
Self-renewing stem cells Pluripotent stem cells( CD34+ Stem cell antigen-1) Myeloid progenitor and lymphoid progenitor Thymus B cells t cells and nk cells Erythroid, magkaryocyte, Basophil, Eosinophil ganulocyte-monocyte lineage erythrocyte platelets basophils eosiniphils neutrophils, monocytes
Stem cell Pro-B Pre-B Immature B Mature B 2. The bone marrow is the site of b cell maturation
2. The bone marrow is the site of B cell maturation