体育学院教师课堂教学常规 1.准时上下课,并在课前提前准备好所需器材,下课后如数交回,如有 丢失损坏应写明情况。(1-3分) 2.因事、因病不能上课者应提前一天请假,并将教学进度送教研室主任 以备代课人按教案上课。不请假或请假未准或私自找人代课、调课者按旷课论, 事假每次课(3分),旷课按有关规定处理 3.严格执行经过教研室和学院批准的教学进度,同一年级同一课程要使 用同一教学进度。如需调整进度,应提前报教学秘书和系主管主任批准。(1 2分) 4.课前应认真编写教案。教案应在上课前一周写好,系、室不定期抽查 教案。无教案不准上课,每缺一次教案扣2分。 5.教师上课应保持良好仪表,男教师不准留长发,女教师不得化浓妆 术科教师要穿着便于运动的服装,鞋袜(并不得赤背或只穿无袖背心)理科教 师热天不得用扇子。任何场合不得在授课中吸烟,除年老体弱教师,不得坐着 授课。(1-3分) 6.上课开始教师应向学生问好,并认真记录出勤情况,按时将学生出勤 上报教务办公室。(1-2分) 7.上课应首先向学生概述本次课的内容、要点、任务、要求,术科还应 安排好见习生的活动。(1-2分) 8.教师授课中语言要文明,不得使用粗俗语言和比喻,不得过多谈论与 授课无关的内容。(1分) 9.注意安全,消除事故隐患(1分)。 10.爱护场地器材和教学设备、教学用具(1分)。 11.认真布置和检査、批改作业。(1-2分) 12.认真作好课后小结(1分)。 注:私自停课、调课、找人代课按旷课论。每学期中,第一次旷课从评估 总分中扣10分,第二次扣15分,第三次将本学期教学工作定为不合格,每次 旷课除按规定扣分外,按一次教学事故记入个人业务档案。定为教学工作不合 格者,按前述教学工作考核不合格的处理方法处理
体育学院教师课堂教学常规 1.准时上下课,并在课前提前准备好所需器材,下课后如数交回,如有 丢失损坏应写明情况。(1-3 分) 2.因事、因病不能上课者应提前一天请假,并将教学进度送教研室主任 以备代课人按教案上课。不请假或请假未准或私自找人代课、调课者按旷课论, 事假每次课(3 分),旷课按有关规定处理。 3.严格执行经过教研室和学院批准的教学进度,同一年级同一课程要使 用同一教学进度。如需调整进度,应提前报教学秘书和系主管主任批准。(1 -2 分) 4.课前应认真编写教案。教案应在上课前一周写好,系、室不定期抽查 教案。无教案不准上课,每缺一次教案扣 2 分。 5.教师上课应保持良好仪表,男教师不准留长发,女教师不得化浓妆, 术科教师要穿着便于运动的服装,鞋袜(并不得赤背或只穿无袖背心)理科教 师热天不得用扇子。任何场合不得在授课中吸烟,除年老体弱教师,不得坐着 授课。(•1-3 分) 6.上课开始教师应向学生问好,并认真记录出勤情况,按时将学生出勤 上报教务办公室。(1-2 分) 7.上课应首先向学生概述本次课的内容、要点、任务、要求,术科还应 安排好见习生的活动。(1-2 分) 8.教师授课中语言要文明,不得使用粗俗语言和比喻,不得过多谈论与 授课无关的内容。(1 分) 9.注意安全,消除事故隐患(1 分)。 10.爱护场地器材和教学设备、教学用具(1 分)。 11.认真布置和检查、批改作业。(1-2 分) 12.认真作好课后小结(1 分)。 注:私自停课、调课、找人代课按旷课论。每学期中,第一次旷课从评估 总分中扣 10 分,第二次扣 15 分,第三次将本学期教学工作定为不合格,每次 旷课除按规定扣分外,按一次教学事故记入个人业务档案。定为教学工作不合 格者,按前述教学工作考核不合格的处理方法处理
体育教育系田径必修_课项目_Walk第_1次课 1, To study walk technique 内容2、 To study hip action 目标 3、 To study feet action 4、 To study arm action 教学重点 To study hip action 组织、教法与要求 时间 分配 开始部分:(集合队形如图1) 图1 (一)、班长整队,报告人数。 (二)、师生问好,教师检查学生 学生 服装填写考勤表 (三)、教师宣布本次课的主要内 教师 容和教学任务。 (五)要求:1、在田径场地 (四)、教师安排见习生。 2、背风、背阳 、 preparation parts 15 (-)、warm-up l、jog400600m 2, pop arm print to back) 3、 turn upper body 4 bent trunk and turn trunk 5、 cross- step walk 7、 press l lunge position 8、 press legs in side 9、 turn ankles 三、 Teaching components 65 (一)、 teaching methods l、 To study hip action (1) turn hip drill (2) cross-step walk 2、 To study feet action 3、 To study arm action
体育教育 系 田径必修 课 项目 walk 第 1 次课 内 容 目 标 1、To study walk technique. 2、To study hip action 3、To study feet action 4、To study arm action 教学重点 To study hip action 组 织、教 法 与 要 求 时间 分配 一、开始部分:(集合队形如图 1) 图 1 (一)、班长整队,报告人数。 (二)、师生问好,教师检查学生 学生 服装填写考勤表。 (三)、教师宣布本次课的主要内 教师 容和教学任务。 (五)要求:1、在田径场地 (四)、教师安排见习生。 2、背风、背阳 二、preparation parts: (一)、warm-up 1、jog 400_600m 2、pop arm(print to back) 3、turn upper body 4、bent trunk and turn trunk 5、cross-step walk 6、turn hip 7、press legs in lunge position 8、press legs in side 9、turn ankles 三、Teaching components: (一)、teaching methods: 1、To study hip action (1)turn hip drill (2)cross-step walk 2、To study feet action 3、To study arm action 10 15 65 -1-
组织、教法与要求 时间 分配 (二)、 Teaching components 1、 To study hip action (1) Students practice The student of the first group does this 8.2 Students are divided into two group drill, others watch them. Then both group are changing. What mistake of their hip is in everybod (2) Students speak their hip mistake, right technique and their principle. The hip should turn around vertical axis From back to front. Don' t up and down or right and left. The path of center of gravity of body is straight line. Thus distance is minimum. If strides length are longer strides Frequency are speed. He would get best performance. How right action does student get? The turning action is Around that vertical axis through brace side hip point. The feet standing point must be on a line. The direction of free arm and drive leg must be face front (3)To study hips action O turn hips drill(standing) requirement: I turn axis Il free hip go to front. ② Cross- step walk requirement:same①I.Ⅲ,Ⅲ. feet must be one line. Practice agai O longer stride walk on a line 2 Walk in slower velocity. 3 Walk from study to medium (4)face-to-face relay in walk
组 织、教 法 与 要 求 时间 分配 (二)、Teaching components 1、To study hip action (1)Students practice: Students are divided into two group. G.2 The student of the first group does this drill, Others watch them .Then both group are changing. What mistake of their hip is in everybody? G.1 (2)Students speak their hip mistake, right technique and their principle. The hip should turn around vertical axis From back to front. Don’t up and down or right and left. The path of center of gravity of body is straight line. Thus distance is minimum. If strides length are longer, strides Frequency are speed. He would get best performance. How right action does student get? The turning action is Around that vertical axis through brace side hip point. The feet standing point must be on a line. The direction of free arm and drive leg must be face front. (3)To study hips action ① turn hips drill(standing) requirement:Ⅰturn axis Ⅱfree hip go to front. ② Cross-step walk requirement: same①Ⅰ. Ⅱ,Ⅲ.feet must be one line. Practice again ① longer stride walk on a line. ② Walk in slower velocity. ③ Walk from study to medium. (4)face-to-face relay in walk. -2-
组织、教法与要求 时间 分配 2、 To study feet action (1)Walk from slowly to medium velocity. 2-3X50m Students think: free foot standing action. what time the drive foot go out (2)speak O first, the heel of free foot stand ground it turn to feet print along out side of 2 when the free foot heel touches the ground, the drive foot tip goes out ground at once (3) walk again 3-4×50m 3、 To study arm action (1)walk2×50m (3)walk aga 2-3X50m straight+50m curve 4, put kerchief game in the walk. 5、 time walk400m 课后 小结
组 织、教 法 与 要 求 时间 分配 2、To study feet action: (1) Walk from slowly to medium velocity. 2-3×50m Students think: free foot standing action. what time the drive foot go out ground? (2) speak: ① first, the heel of free foot stand ground it turn to feet print along out side of it. ② when the free foot heel touches the ground, the drive foot tip goes out ground at once (3) walk again 3-4×50m 3、To study arm action (1)walk 2×50m (2)speak: ①shoulders must relaxed②arms action are light nature and power③the angle between upper arm and print arm is go degree (3)walk again 2-3×50m straight+50m curve 4、put kerchief game in the walk. 5、time walk 400m 课后 小结 -3-
体育教育系田径必修_课项目_Walk第_1次课 1, To improve walk technique. 内容 2, To improve hip action 目标 3, To improve feet action 4, To improve arm action 教学重点 To improve hip action 组织、教法与要求 时间 分配 开始部分:(集合队形如图1) 图1 (一)、班长整队,报告人数。 (二)、师生问好,教师检查学生 学生 服装填写考勤表 (三)、教师宣布本次课的主要内 教师 容和教学任务。 (五)要求:1、在田径场地 (四)、教师安排见习生。 2、背风、背阳 、 preparation parts 15 (-)、warm-up l、jog400600m 2, pop arm print to back) 3、 turn upper body 4 bent trunk and turn trunk 5、 cross- step walk 6、 turn hip 7, press legs in lunge position 8、 press legs in side 9、 turn ankles Teaching components (一)、 teaching methods 1、 To improve hip actio (1) turn hip drill (2)cross-step walk 2 To improve feet action 3 To improve arm action
体育教育 系 田径必修 课 项目 walk 第 1 次课 内 容 目 标 1、To improve walk technique. 2、To improve hip action 3、To improve feet action 4、To improve arm action 教学重点 To improve hip action 组 织、教 法 与 要 求 时间 分配 一、开始部分:(集合队形如图 1) 图 1 (一)、班长整队,报告人数。 (二)、师生问好,教师检查学生 学生 服装填写考勤表。 (三)、教师宣布本次课的主要内 教师 容和教学任务。 (五)要求:1、在田径场地 (四)、教师安排见习生。 2、背风、背阳 二、preparation parts: (一)、warm-up 1、jog 400_600m 2、pop arm(print to back) 3、turn upper body 4、bent trunk and turn trunk 5、cross-step walk 6、turn hip 7、press legs in lunge position 8、press legs in side 9、turn ankles 二、Teaching components: (一)、teaching methods: 1、To improve hip action (1)turn hip drill (2)cross-step walk 2、To improve feet action 3、To improve arm action 10 15 65 -1-
组织、教法与要求 时间 分配 二)、 1, To improve hip action (1)Students practi Students are divided into two groups. The student of the first group does this 8 drill, Others watch them. Then both groups are changing. What mistake of their hip is in everybody? (2) Students speak their hip mistake, right technique and their principle. The hip should turn around vertical axis From back to front. Don' t up and down or right and left. The path of center of gravity of body is straight li Thus distance is minimum. If strides length are longer, strides frequency are speed. He would get best performance How right action does student get? The turning action is Around that vertical axis through brace side hip point. The feet standing point must be on a line. The direction of free arm and drive leg must be face front (3)To improve hips action 3 turn hips drill(standing) requirement: I turn axis Il free hip go to print. ④ Cross- step walk requirement:same①I.Ⅲ,Ⅲ. feet must be one line. Practice agai 4 longer stride walk on a line 6 Walk in slower velocity. 6 Walk from study to medium (4)face-to-face relay in walk
组 织、教 法 与 要 求 时间 分配 (二)、Teaching components 1、To improve hip action (1)Students practice: Students are divided into two groups. G.2 The student of the first group does this drill, Others watch them .Then both groups are changing. What mistake of their hip is in everybody? G.1 (2)Students speak their hip mistake, right technique and their principle. The hip should turn around vertical axis From back to front. Don’t up and down or right and left. The path of center of gravity of body is straight line. Thus distance is minimum. If strides length are longer, strides frequency are speed. He would get best performance. How right action does student get? The turning action is Around that vertical axis through brace side hip point. The feet standing point must be on a line. The direction of free arm and drive leg must be face front. (3)To improve hips action ③ turn hips drill(standing) requirement:Ⅰturn axis Ⅱfree hip go to print. ④ Cross-step walk requirement: same①Ⅰ. Ⅱ,Ⅲ.feet must be one line. Practice again ④ longer stride walk on a line. ⑤ Walk in slower velocity. ⑥ Walk from study to medium. (4)face-to-face relay in walk. -2-
组织、教法与要求 时间 分配 2, To improve feet action: (1)Walk from slowly to medium velocity. 2-3X50m Students think: free foot standing action. what time the drive foot go out (2)speak O first, the heel of free foot stand ground it turn to feet print along out side of it when the free foot heel touches the ground the drive foot tip goes out ground at once (3) walk agai 3-4×50m 3, To improve arm action (2)speak: shoulders must relaxed @2 arms action are light nature and power the angle between upper arm and print arm is 90 degree (3)walk again 2-3X50m straight+50m curve 4、 time walk400r ○ Warm-down 1、 Relaxation exercise×5 2 Teacher conclude the state of the lesson 课后
组 织、教 法 与 要 求 时间 分配 2、To improve feet action: (1) Walk from slowly to medium velocity. 2-3×50m Students think: free foot standing action. what time the drive foot go out ground? (2) speak: ① first, the heel of free foot stand ground it turn to feet print along out side of it ② when the free foot heel touches the ground, the drive foot tip goes out ground at once (3) walk again 3-4×50m 3、To improve arm action (1)walk 2×50m (2)speak: ① shoulders must relaxed ② arms action are light nature and power③the angle between upper arm and print arm is 90 degree (3)walk again 2-3×50m straight+50m curve 4、time walk 400m Warm-down : 1、Relaxation exercise ×5 , 2、Teacher conclude the state of the lesson . 课后 小结 -3-