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上海交通大学:《食品安全风险评估》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第六章 危害识别 HAZARD IDENTIFICATION



DEFINITION The identification of biological,chemical,and physical agents capable of causing adverse health effects and which may be present in a particular food or group of foods. “在毒理学和作用模式等可利用的数据基础上评价和权衡有 害作用的证据,即对可能存在于特定食品和和食品类别中 具有导致有害作用的生物、化学和物理等因子的识别

 The identification of biological, chemical, and physical agents capable of causing adverse health effects and which may be present in a particular food or group of foods.  在毒理学和作用模式等可利用的数据基础上评价和权衡有 害作用的证据,即对可能存在于特定食品和和食品类别中 具有导致有害作用的生物、化学和物理等因子的识别

MICROBIOLOGICAL HAZARDS ●Bacteria细菌 ●Viruses病毒 ●Protozoa(oarasites)原生动物(寄生虫)

l Bacteria细菌 l Viruses病毒 l Protozoa (parasites)原生动物(寄生虫)

CHEMICAL HAZARDS o Natural Natural toxins etc. 天然-天然毒素等 Intentionally added-Food additives 有意添加的-食品添加剂 Unintentionally added -Food contaminants 无意添加的-食品污染物

l Natural - Natural toxins etc. 天然 - 天然毒素等 l Intentionally added - Food additives 有意添加的 - 食品添加剂 l Unintentionally added - Food contaminants 无意添加的 - 食品污染物

PHYSICAL HAZARDS Metal金属 Glass玻璃 ●Stone石头 Radiation辐射

l Metal金属 lGlass玻璃 l Stone石头 l Radiation辐射

SOURCES来源 Species related与品种有关 ●Type of plants植物的品种 ●Type of Animals动物的品种 Type of raw materials原料的种类 Process related与加工有关 Type of processing methods加工方法 ●Type of processing facilities.加工设施 ●Packaging related包装污染 Transportation and storage related运输和储存污染 ●Sales related销售污染

l Species related与品种有关 l Type of plants植物的品种 l Type of Animals动物的品种 l Type of raw materials原料的种类 l Process related与加工有关 l Type of processing methods加工方法 l Type of processing facilities加工设施 l Packaging related 包装污染 l Transportation and storage related 运输和储存污染 l Sales related 销售污染

A EXAMPLE:MICROBIOLOGICAL HAZARD IDENTIFICATION IN MEAT AND POULTRY x Bacteria:Salmonella,Campylobacter,Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli 0157:H7. Toxins:Toxins of most concern are produced by Clostridium botulinum,Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus cereus,and Staphylococcus aureus

 Bacteria: Salmonella, Campylobacter, Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli O157:H7.  Toxins: Toxins of most concern are produced by Clostridium botulinum, Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus cereus, and Staphylococcus aureus

x Parasites:Parasites(parasitic worms)of public health importance are the beef and pork tapeworms(Taenia saginata牛肉绦虫and Taenia solium猪肉绦虫, respectively)and the roundworm that causes trichinosis(Trichinella spiralis猪旋毛虫). Viruses and Protozoa:Viruses can cause diseases such as hepatitis and polio and protozoa can cause diseases such as toxoplasmosis弓形虫病and cryptosporidiosis隐孢子虫病in humans

 Parasites: Parasites (parasitic worms) of public health importance are the beef and pork tapeworms (Taenia saginata 牛肉绦虫 and Taenia solium 猪肉绦虫, respectively) and the roundworm that causes trichinosis (Trichinella spiralis猪旋毛虫).  Viruses and Protozoa: Viruses can cause diseases such as hepatitis and polio and protozoa can cause diseases such as toxoplasmosis 弓形虫病 and cryptosporidiosis 隐孢子虫病 in humans

1.SLAUGHTER Table i-Microbiological Hazards in Beef,Lamb,Pork,and Poultry:Slaughter-All Species Process General Species Category Product Biological Hazards Reasonably Likely to be Present and Cause Foodborne Illness denoted by "+"(an empty box Examples signifies that no biological hazard is reasonably likely to occur:however,an unusually high level of contamination or improper handling and storage may cause one or more of the pathogens to become a hazard) Escherichia coli Listeria Staplylococcus Clostridinm Clostridium Salmonella 0157:H7 Campylobacter monocytogenes aurels perfringens botulinmm ① Carcasses, Beef + Slaughter- Carcass Lamb + All Species Parts,and Variety Pork ¥ Meats Poultry X

2.RAW PRODUCT-GROUND Table ii-Microbiological Hazards in Beef,Lamb,Pork,and Poultry:Raw Product--Ground Process General Species Category Product Biological Hazards Reasonably Likely to be Present and Cause Foodborne Illness denoted by"+"(an empty box Examples signifies that no biological hazard is reasonably likely to occur;however,an unusually high level of contamination or improper handling and storage may cause one or more of the pathogens to become a hazard) Escherichia coli Listeria Staplylococcus Clostridium Clostridium Salonella 0157:H7 Campylobacter monocytogenes aurens perfringens botulinum (ii)Raw Ground Beef + + Product- product Lamb + Ground Pork + Poultry + +

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