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《中国经济专题》课程教学资源(讲义)(英文版)What are the morals of the discussion in last class?

What are the morals of the discussion in last class? a. The results of lacking an indigenous industrial revolution in China. (i) The industrial structure Relatively speaking, China changed from the most industrialised nation to an agrarian nation by the end of 19th century.

中国经济专题讲义-2004年春季一第三讲 第三讲 What are the morals ofthe discussion in last class? a. The results of lacking an indigenous industrial revolution in China (i The industrial structure Relatively speaking, China changed from the most ndustrialised nation to an agrarian nation by the end of 1gth century By the end of 19th century, China was still export textile, at early 20th century, China started to import textile (ii) The incomestructure 2000 years ago, Chinas level of economic performance was probably similar to that of the Roman Empire, and above European levels from around 500 to 1400 AD. But Chinese per capita income stagnated from 1400 to 1950 whilst the West forged ahead(Madison 1995, p 53). In 1820, China's per capita gDP in 1990 International Dollars was 523, UK 1756, US 1287. The gap was widening, in 1950, China 614, UK 6,847, US 9, 573(Madison 1995, table -3,pp.23-4)

中国经济专题讲义-2004 年春季-第三讲 1 第三讲 What are the morals of the discussion in last class? a. The results of lacking an indigenous industrial revolution in China. (i) The industrial structure Relatively speaking, China changed from the most industrialised nation to an agrarian nation by the end of 19th century. By the end of 19th century, China was still export textile, at early 20th century, China started to import textile. (ii) The income structure 2000 years ago, China’s level of economic performance was probably similar to that of the Roman Empire, and above European levels from around 500 to 1400 AD. But Chinese per capita income stagnated from 1400 to 1950 whilst the West forged ahead (Madison 1995, p. 53). In 1820, China’s per capita GDP in 1990 International Dollars was 523, UK 1756, US 1287. The gap was widening, in 1950, China 614, UK 6,847, US 9,573 (Madison 1995, table 1-3, pp. 23-4)

中国经济专题讲义-2004年春季一第三讲 (ii) The international political structure For a century after the 1840s China was a quasi-colony of the West, ceding extra-territorial rights in treaty ports to 20 foreign countries, its customs revenue controlled by foreigners, surrendering territory to British, Japanese, and Russian colonialists The attempt for restoration has been the preoccupation of political and cultural elite in China after the Opium war. Understanding the attempt is the key to understand the mentality of Chinese political and cultural elite.文明的冲突,文明的三因子,器物、组织和精 神(价值) a. Opium war (1840) A shock to therulingelite Middle-kingdom mentality Claiming superiority in culture and value system Purchasing rifle, cannon and gunboat from britain b. The defeat of Sino-Japanese War in1894,上海:黄浦江阅兵 的故事 The adoption of constitutional monarchy system The abandon of civil service examination system The introduction of modern education system The attempt to building up modern industrial system

中国经济专题讲义-2004 年春季-第三讲 2 (iii) The international political structure For a century after the 1840s China was a quasi-colony of the West, ceding extra-territorial rights in treaty ports to 20 foreign countries, its customs revenue controlled by foreigners, surrendering territory to British, Japanese, and Russian colonialists. The attempt for restoration has been the preoccupation of political and cultural elite in China after the Opium war. Understanding the attempt is the key to understand the mentality of Chinese political and cultural elite. 文明的冲突,文明的三因子,器物、组织和精 神(价值) a. Opium war (1840): A shock to the ruling elite Middle-kingdom mentality Claiming superiority in culture and value system Purchasing rifle, cannon and gunboat from Britain b. The defeat of Sino-Japanese War in 1894,上海:黄浦江阅兵 的故事 The adoption of constitutional monarchy system The abandon of civil service examination system The introduction of modern education system The attempt to building up modern industrial system

中国经济专题讲义-2004年春季一第三讲 c. The overthrow of Qing Dynasty in 1911 五四运动与德先生与赛先生 全盘西化与社会主义思潮 d.社会主义思潮的盛行 i)反西方情节 i)西方社会的问题与马克思主义的唯物历史主义和 毕其功于一役 i)1917年10月革命以后,单方取消不平等条约示好 孙中山的联俄联共政策 iv)30年代苏联计划经济的成功和西方的大萧条 社会主义革命 a. The communist party was founded in 1921 b. Marx's view of socialist revolution: Socialist revolution will occur in all industrialised countries simultaneously c. Leninism It was possible to have the socialist revolution in an individual country. It requires Professional revolution elite as the core Uniting urban workers Early leadership followed Soviet Unions strategy and was defeated repeatedly. Why this strategy succeeded in Russian, but failed in

中国经济专题讲义-2004 年春季-第三讲 3 c. The overthrow of Qing Dynasty in 1911 五四运动与德先生与赛先生 全盘西化与社会主义思潮 d. 社会主义思潮的盛行 i) 反西方情节 ii) 西方社会的问题与马克思主义的唯物历史主义和 毕其功于一役 iii) 1917 年 10 月革命以后,单方取消不平等条约示好 孙中山的联俄联共政策 iv) 30 年代苏联计划经济的成功和西方的大萧条 ⚫ 社会主义革命 a. The communist party was founded in 1921 b. Marx’s view of socialist revolution: Socialist revolution will occur in all industrialised countries simultaneously. c. Leninism It was possible to have the socialist revolution in an individual country. It requires • Professional revolution elite as the core • Uniting urban workers • Early leadership followed Soviet Union’s strategy and was defeated repeatedly. Why this strategy succeeded in Russian, but failed in

中国经济专题讲义-2004年春季一第三讲 China? Urban industrial sectors were small and foreign capitalists in treaty ports controlled the majority of large modern firms. The approach caused direct conflicts with the foreign power. Industrial sector was extremely small, only 12. 5% of GDP in 1949, and was mainly controlled by foreign capitalist in the treaty cities, and bureaucratic capitalist( or crony capitalists in modern words),俄国没 有租界,俄国的工人暴动时,去镇压工人暴动的是沙皇政府,被 镇压时工人容易获得同情及对政府的不满,中国的工人暴动,去 镇压的租界的外国政府,被镇压时,引起同仇敌忾,支持国民党 政府。例如,1925年的上海五卅惨案。 d. Mao's strategy Chinese reality Rural inequality: 3 landlord controlled 26%of land, and 68% poor farmer only had 22% ofland Government controlled was weak in rural area and strong in urban Military strategy: Surrounding the city from the countryside Political strategy: Unite the majority and attack the minority e. New democracy policy (1947) Confiscate the landlords land and distribute it to poor peasants Confiscate monopoly bureaucratic cap ital and turn it to

中国经济专题讲义-2004 年春季-第三讲 4 China? Urban industrial sectors were small and foreign capitalists in treaty ports controlled the majority of large modern firms. The approach caused direct conflicts with the foreign power. Industrial sector was extremely small, only 12.5% of GDP in 1949, and was mainly controlled by foreign capitalist in the treaty cities, and bureaucratic capitalist (or crony capitalists in modern words),俄国没 有租界,俄国的工人暴动时,去镇压工人暴动的是沙皇政府,被 镇压时工人容易获得同情及对政府的不满,中国的工人暴动,去 镇压的租界的外国政府,被镇压时,引起同仇敌忾,支持国民党 政府。例如,1925 年的上海五卅惨案。 d. Mao’s strategy Chinese reality: • Rural inequality: 3 % landlord controlled 26 % of land, and 68% poor farmer only had 22 % of land. • Government controlled was weak in rural area and strong in urban area. Military strategy: Surrounding the city from the countryside Political strategy: Unite the majority and attack the minority e. New democracy policy (1947) ⚫ Confiscate the landlord’s land and distribute it to poor peasants. ⚫ Confiscate monopoly bureaucratic capital and turn it to

中国经济专题讲义-2004年春季一第三讲 the state o Protect the industry and commerce owned by the national bourgeoisie So the ccp did not follow the soviet experience blindly

中国经济专题讲义-2004 年春季-第三讲 5 the state ⚫ Protect the industry and commerce owned by the national bourgeoisie So the CCP did not follow the Soviet experience blindly



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