第一章 渗流的基本规律 Chapter 1 Basic law of percolation
流体(液体,气体及混合物)在多孔介质中的流动叫渗流。 The flow of fluid (liquid, gas and their mixture)in porous medium is called seepage flow. 含有孔隙的固体或固体集合叫做多孔介质。 Solid body containing pores or solid collection is called porous media 孔隙,洞,裂缝 pores, cavern, fractures
第一节 油藏中的静态状况 Section 1 Static state in reservoirs
第一节油气藏中的静态状况 、油气水的分布状况 The distribution of oil and gas in reservoirs 如果在储集层中同时存在油气水时,由于气体最轻,将 占据构造的顶部,称为气顶;石油则聚集在稍低的翼部,而 密度更大的水则位于油的下部。 油气藏中油和水的接触面称为油水界面,投影到水平面 上即为含油边缘。严格来说,含油边缘应划分为含油内缘和 含油外缘。油气界面与储集层顶面的交线称含气边缘。 In reservoir the oil-water contact surface is called oil- water interface, and it shall be the oil-bearing boundary when projected onto the horizontal planar. Strictly speaking oil-bearing boundary should be classified as inner boundary and outer boundary. The intersecting line of oil-gas interface and reservoir top is called gas boundary
第一节油气藏中的静态状况 含油(气)面 油气界面∠ 油 含气 油水界面 水 边缘 油气接触面与储 集层的交线称含 气边缘。 含油 外缘 油水接触面与油 油 油十 水 层顶面的交界线 水 称含油外缘。 油水接触面与油 含油 层底面的交界线 内缘 称含油内缘。 图1-2油、气边缘
第一节油气藏中的静态状况 、油气水的分布状况 如果油气藏外围与天然水源相连通,可向油气藏供液, 称为开敞式油气藏,外廓的投影称为供给边缘。如果外围封 闭且边缘高程与油水界面高程一致,则称为封闭式油气藏, 其外廓称为封闭边缘 If the outer-ring of reservoir connects to source that supply for reservoir, then the reservoir is called open reservoir, the projection of overall profile is called supply boundary. If the outer-ring of reservoir is closed and its altitude is the same as oil-water interface, then the reservoir is called closed reservoir, and its overall profile is called closed boundary
第一节油气藏中的静态状况 、油气水的分布状况 根据油气水分布状况,把位于含油边缘外部的水称为边水 若油层厚度大或构造比较平缓,致使水位于原油之下,这样 的水称为底水。 According to the distribution of oil, gas and water, the water that lies outside the oil-bearing boundary is called edge water; if the reservoir is of large thickness or relatively flat structure that makes the water under the oil. then the water is called bottom water
第一节油气藏中的静态状况 、各种压力概念」 Concept of various pressures 压力是地层能量大小的反映,知道了油气藏的压力场 就等于知道了油层中的流体流动状态。 1、原始地层压力P1 Initial formation pressure p1 油层压力指油层中部的孔隙内的流体压力。油气藏在开 发以前,一般处于平衡状态,此时油层中的流体所承受的压 力称为原始地层压力。 The reservoir pressure is the fluid pressure within the pores in the middle of oil formation. The reservoirs remain a state of relative equilibrium before development) generally, and at this point the fluid pressure is called initial formation pressure
第一节油气藏中的静态状况 油气藏在投入开发以前,油层中任一点M的总能量(或 称总水头)H=z+P(g)为一常数,如下图所示。 图13折算压力图 其中:Oo’为基准面,一般选原始油水界面为基准面; z为离基准面的高度;p为流体密度;p为M点的压力, g为重力加速度
第一节油气藏中的静态状况 2、目前地层压力 o Current formation pressure p 油气藏在开发过程中,使某一油井停止生产而周围其他 油井继续稳定生产,则关闭井的井底压力逐渐升高,经过较 长时间后,压力不再上升,趋于稳定,此时测得的该油井油 层中部深度的实测压力称为目前地层压力。 In the process of oil gas reservoir development, if shut down a well while keep the rest producing, the bottom-hole pressure of the shut-down well will gradually increased. After a long time, the pressure will no longer increases and stabilizes. The measured pressure of mid depth of reservoir of this well is called current formation pressure