《归去来兮辞》知识点归纳: 通假字: 乃瞻衡宇(衡,通“横”) 景翳翳以将入(景,通“影”,日光) 二、古今异义 (1)于时风波未静 古义:指战乱 今义:风浪,常用来比喻纠纷或乱子。 (2)尝从人事 古义:指做官。 今义:常用义,人的离合,境遇,存亡等情况,或关于工作人员的录 用,培养,调配,奖罚等工作。 (3)悦亲戚之情话 古义:内外亲戚,包括父母和兄弟。 今义:常用于跟自己家庭有婚姻关系或血统关系的家庭的成员。 (4)幼稚盈室 古义:小孩。 今义:指不成熟的做法。 (5)于是怅然慷慨 古义:感慨。今义:指大方的行为。 (6)将有事于西畴 古义:指耕种之事。今义:指发生某事。 (7)既窈窕以寻壑。 古义:幽深曲折的样子。 今义:女子文静而美好 三、词类活用 1、名词的活用 (1)名词作动词 或棹孤舟 棹,名词作动词 策扶老以流憩策,名词作动词 乐琴书以消忧琴,书:名词用作动词,弹琴,读书 (2)名词作状语 园日涉以城趣 时矫首而遐观
Learn General Secretary on "two to learn a" strengthening "four Consciousnesses" impor tant speech caused a strong reaction in the country. Time, watching "red treasure ", the origin of building the party back to power, how to st rengthen services for the mases, imp rove party cohesion, f ighting to become the grass-root s partymember s and mases hot opi c. G ras-root s party organizat ions "two" is to st rengthen the servi ce of par ty members and cadres, the pioneer spi rit . Di st ribution ofgra s-roots party organizations in al walks of people, clothing, shelter, which belongs to the nerve endings of the par ty organization and comments reputation has a direct percept ion of the masses. Strengthen the party ahead of the "pedal" spir it; strengthen the party members and cadres "su cess does not have to be me" and "the fi rst o bear hardship s, the last to" servi ce spi ri t to set the party's posi tive image among the people ismportant . Grass- roots party organizations "two" is to cleanse al people not happy not o see "stereotypes", establish the honest faithful , dil igent faith for the people. No need to avoid mentioning that, some members of our party can not stand the "money," cor rosion of temptat ion, thin,Xu Zhou, such abuse and corupt bribery, malfeasance borers, and rats. Two, i s to clean up, thin, Xu, Zhou's solution to resto re the party' s f resh and natural, solid and honest work style. Cleansig "take, eat, card, " undesirable and behaviour, "cross, hard and cold, push" at ti tude. Gras-root s party organizat ions "two" is to st rengthen the sense of ordinary party members, parti cipating in consciousnes, unity consciousness. For reasons known, members of gras-root s party branches less mobile, less re sources, and the const ruction of party o rganizations have some lag. Two studies, i s to focus on the grass-root s party b ranches "loose, so ft, loose" problem, advance the party members and cadres, "a gang working", Hong Kong report." Strong cleanup actions, style and rambling, presumptuous "unqualifed" party members, pays pecial atention to party members and cadres "joining party of thought" problem. "Party building" is obtained in the long-term development of our party's historical experience acumulated. Two isour party under the new historical conditons, strengthen the party's construction of a new "rectifation movement." Gras-roots party organizations hould always catch the hard work, results-oriented. Two educational outcomes are long-term oriented and become an important impetus for the work. "Two" should have three kinds of consciousnes "two" study and education, basiclearning lies in the doing. Only the Constiution addres the series of party rules, and do solid work, be qualifed party members had a solid ideological basi. Only the "learning" and "do" real unity, to form a "learn-learn-do-do" the virtuous cycle, and ultimately achieve the fundamental objective of education. This requires that the Organization 写作不但能培养学生的观察力、联想象思考和记忆力,它的重要性更表现在于学生对字词句的运用、对思想语言和口头的提炼、对现实生活知识经验的总结升华、对情感价值观的宣泄。learning education, need three kinds of consciousnes: one is to establi sh an integrated awarenes. "Learning" and "do" what ca r i sTwo-wheel, bird wings, need to go hand in hand, one end can be neglected. Communist theoreti cian and man. Only by closely combining theory and pract ice together in order to truly realize their value. "Learning" i s the Foundation, the Foundation isnot strong, shaking; " "Is the key to net o net thousands of acount s. "Two" education, " lay the basi, going to "do" the key grip, so that the "learning" and "doing" back to standard, so that themajori ty of party members "learn" learning theory of nut rients, in the "doing" pra cti ce party' s purposes. Second, to establish a sense of depth. "Learning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely dif ferent, but he organic unity o f the whole. "Two" learningeducation, we need to explore integrat ing "learning" in "do", exhibi t "do" in "Science ". To avoid the "learning" into simple room inst ruct ion, "do" into a monotone for doing. Should exploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "learn" of education and practi ce of car rier, makes general gras- roots members can in "learn" in the has "do" of achievements ense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get sense, real makes partyof theory brain into heart, put for people servi ce concept out side of Yu shaped. Third, to adhere to long-term the awarenes. Style construction on the road forever, "two " had to cat ch the long-term. "Two" study and education, by no means, asaul t- style wind-sport, but he re curent educat ion within the party. In recent years, the party' s mass l ine education practi ce and "three- three" special education in gra s-roots borne ri ch f ruit s, vast numbers of party members and cadres with stood the baptism o f the spir t. "Two" greater need to focus on longer hold long-term, to e stabli sh and perfect the efective mechanism of the education, fo cusing on the creation of long-ter m education, st rive to make the vast number of party member s to maintain their vanguard Color, maintain the party's advanced nature and purity. Awarenes-raisng, antennas and atmosphere –a discusion on how leading cadres of party members "two" curent, "two" activity is in ful swing up and down the country, party cadres as a "key minority" is both a barometer and impetus. The "two" meaning enough dep, isto determine the partycadres can resolve to study hard first. In the "two" in the proces, some cadres of himself, standing long, high awarenes, that Constiution Party rules is simple, its not worth bothering some party cadres think speak series has nothing to do with the gras-roots work, water busines learning series of speeches een as window dresing. These "lazy, casual, and decadent" ideas learning lacks motivation, a serious impediment o "two" efect. John Stuart Mil once said, only a basic element of human thoughtpaterns change dramaticaly, human destiny can make great improvement. The same, only party members and 《归去来兮辞》知识点归纳: 一、通假字: 乃瞻衡宇 (衡,通“横”) 景翳翳以将入 (景,通“影”,日光) 二、古今异义: (1)于时风波未静 古义:指战乱。 今义:风浪,常用来比喻纠纷或乱子。 (2)尝从人事 古义:指做官。 今义:常用义,人的离合,境遇,存亡等情况,或关于工作人员的录 用,培养,调配,奖罚等工作。 (3)悦亲戚之情话 古义:内外亲戚,包括父母和兄弟。 今义:常用于跟自己家庭有婚姻关系或血统关系的家庭的成员。 (4)幼稚盈室 古义:小孩。 今义:指不成熟的做法。 (5)于是怅然慷慨 古义:感慨。今义:指大方的行为。 (6)将有事于西畴 古义:指耕种之事。今义:指发生某事。 (7)既窈窕以寻壑。 古义:幽深曲折的样子。 今义:女子文静而美好 三、词类活用 1、名词的活用 (1)名词作动词 或棹孤舟 棹,名词作动词 策扶老以流憩 策,名词作动词 乐琴书以消忧 琴,书:名词用作动词,弹琴,读书 (2)名词作状语 园日涉以城趣 时矫首而遐观
2、动词活用 瓶无储粟,生生所资生生:前“生”,维持;后“生”,动词用作 名词,生活 审容膝之易安容膝:动词用作名词,仅能容纳双膝的小屋 策扶老以流憩动词用作名词拐杖 3、形容词活用 携幼入室幼形容词作名词孩子 倚南窗以寄傲傲形容词作名词傲然自得的悄怀 善万物之得时善,形容词作动词羡慕 4、意动用法 悦亲戚之情话悦以为悦 乐琴书以消忧乐以为乐 5、使动用法 眄庭柯以怡颜怡使愉快 四.一词多义: 心 因事顺心(心愿) 既自以心为形役(内心) 夫 问征夫以前路(名词) 乐夫天命复奚疑(助词) 故一一故便求之(所以) 亲故多劝余为长吏(故交,朋友) 之一一胡为乎遑遑欲何之(到,动词) 求之靡途(代“为长吏”,代词) 四方之事(助词“的”) 奚一一奚惆怅而独悲(为什么) 乐夫天命复奚疑(什么 而一一门虽设而常关(表转折 觉今是而昨非(表并列) 时矫首而遐观(表修饰) 鸟倦飞而知还(边承接 五.文言句式: 1判断句 (1)皆口腹自役(“皆”表判断 (2)富贵非吾愿(“菲”表否定判断)
Learn General Secretary on "two to learn a" strengthening "four Consciousnesses" impor tant speech caused a strong reaction in the country. Time, watching "red treasure ", the origin of building the party back to power, how to st rengthen services for the mases, imp rove party cohesion, f ighting tobecome the grass-root s party member s and mases hot opi c. G ras-root s party organizat ions "two" is to st rengthen the servi ce of par ty members and cadres, the pioneer spi rit . Di st ribution of gra s-roots party organizations in al walks of people, clothing, shelter, which belongs to the nerve endings of the par ty organization and comments reputation has a direct percept ion of the masses. Strengthen the party ahead of the "pedal" spir it; strengthen the party members and cadres "su cess does not have to be me" and "the fi rst o bear hardship s, the last to" servi ce spi ri t to set the party's posi tive image among the people ismportant .Grass- roots party organizations "two" is to cleanse al people not happy not o see "stereotypes", establish the honest faithful , dil igent faith for the people. No need to avoidmentioning that, some members of our party can not stand the "money," cor rosion of temptat ion, thin, Xu Zhou, such abuse and corupt bribery, malfeasance borers, and rats. Two, i s to clean up, thin, Xu,Zhou's solution to resto re the party' s f resh and natural, solid and honest work style. Cleansig "take, eat, card, " undesirableand behaviour, "cross, hard and cold, push" at ti tude. Gras-root s party organizat ions "two" is to st rengthen the sense of ordinary party members, parti cipating in consciousnes, unity consciousness. For reasons known, members of gras-root s party branchesless mobile, less re sources, and the const ruction of party o rganizations have some lag. Two studies, i s to focus on the grass-root s party b ranches "loose, so ft, loose" problem, advance the party members and cadres, "a gang working", Hong Kong report." Strong cleanup actions, style and rambling, presumptuous "unqualifed" party members, pays pecial atention to party members and cadres "joining party of thought" problem. "Party building" is obtained in the long-term development of our party's historical experience acumulated. Two isour party under the new historical conditons, strengthen the party's construction of a new "rectifation movement." Gras-roots party organizations hould always catch the hard work, results-oriented. Two educational outcomes are long-term oriented and become an important impetus for the work. "Two" should have three kinds of consciousnes "two" study and education, basic learning lies in the doing. Only the Constiution addres the series of party rules, and do solid work, be qualifed party members had a solid ideological basi. Only the "learning" and "do" real unity, to form a "learn-learn-do-do" the virtuous cycle, and ultimately achieve the fundamental objective of education. This requires that the Organization 写作不但能培养学生的观察力、联想象思考和记忆力,它的重要性更表现在于学生对字词句的运用、对思想语言和口头的提炼、对现实生活知识经验的总结升华、对情感价值观的宣泄。learning education, need three kinds of consciousnes: one is to establi sh an integrated awarenes. "Learning" and "do" what ca r i sTwo-wheel, bird wings, need to go hand in hand, one end can be neglected. Communist theoreti cian and man. Only by closely combining theory and pract ice together in order to truly realize their value. "Learning" i s the Foundation, the Foundation isnot strong, shaking; " "Is the key to net o net thousands of acount s. "Two" education, " lay the basi, going to "do" the key grip, so that the "learning" and "doing" back to standard, so that the majori ty of party members "learn" learning theory of nut rients, in the "doing" pra cti ce party' s purposes. Second, to establish a sense of depth. "Learning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely dif ferent, but he organic unity o f the whole. "Two" learning education, we need to explore integrat ing "learning" in "do",exhibi t "do" in "Science ". To avoid the "learning" into simple room inst ruct ion, "do" into a monotone for doing. Should exploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "learn" of education and practi ce of car rier, makes general gras- roots members can in "learn" in the has "do" of achievements ense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get sense, real makes partyof theory brain into heart, put for people servi ce concept out side of Yu shaped. Third, to adhere to long-term the awarenes. Style construction on the road forever, "two " had to cat ch the long-term. "Two" study and education, by no means, asaul t- style wind-sport, but he re curent educat ion within the party. In recent years, the party' s mass l ine education practi ce and "three- three" special education in gra s-roots borne ri ch f ruit s, vast numbers of party members and cadres with stood the baptism o f the spir t. "Two" greater need to focus on longer hold long-term, to e stabli sh and perfect the efective mechanism of the education, fo cusing on the creation of long-ter m education, st rive to make the vast number of party member s to maintain their vanguard Color, maintain the party's advanced nature and purity. Awarenes-raisng, antennas and atmosphere –a discusion on how leading cadres of party members "two" curent, "two" activity is in ful swing up and down the country, party cadres as a "key minority" is both a barometer and impetus. The "two" meaning enough dep, isto determine the party cadres can resolve to study hard first. In the "two" in the proces, some cadres of himself, standing long, high awarenes, that Constiution Party rules is simple, its not worth bothering some party cadres think speak series has nothing to do with the gras-roots work, water busines learning series of speeches een as window dresing. These "lazy, casual, and decadent" ideas learning lacks motivation, a serious impediment o "two" efect. John Stuart Mil once said, only a basic element of human thought paterns change dramaticaly, human destiny can make great improvement. The same, only party members and 2、动词活用 瓶无储粟,生生所资 生生:前“生”,维持;后“生”,动词用作 名词,生活 审容膝之易安 容膝:动词用作名词,仅能容纳双膝的小屋 策扶老以流憩 动词用作名词 拐杖 3、形容词活用 携幼入室 幼 形容词作名词 孩子 倚南窗以寄傲 傲 形容词作名词 傲然自得的情怀 善万物之得时 善,形容词作动词 羡慕 4、意动用法 悦亲戚之情话 悦 以 为悦 乐琴书以消忧 乐 以 为乐 5、使动用法 眄庭柯以怡颜 怡 使 愉快 四.一词多义: 心 --因事顺心(心愿) 既自以心为形役(内心) 夫 --问征夫以前路(名词) 乐夫天命复奚疑(助词) 故 --故便求之(所以) 亲故多劝余为长吏(故交,朋友) 之 --胡为乎遑遑欲何之(到,动词) 求之靡途(代“为长吏”,代词) 四方之事(助词“的”) 奚 --奚惆怅而独悲(为什么) 乐夫天命复奚疑(什么) 而 --门虽设而常关(表转折) 觉今是而昨非(表并列) 时矫首而遐观(表修饰) 鸟倦飞而知还(边承接) 五.文言句式: 1 判断句 (1)皆口腹自役(“皆”表判断) (2)富贵非吾愿(“菲”表否定判断)
2被动句 (1)遂见用于小邑(见,被) (2)以心为形役(为,被) 3省略句 (1)情在骏奔(省略主语“余”) (2)寓形字内复几时(“形”与“宇”之间省略介词“于”) (3)稚子候门(省略“于”,正常语序应为:稚子于门候) 4倒装句 宾语前置 (1)复驾言兮焉求(疑问句宾语前置。“焉求”即“求焉”,追求什么) (2)胡为乎遑遑欲何之(疑问句宾语前置。“何之”即“之何”,到哪 里去) (3)乐夫天命复奚疑(宾语前置,“疑奚”) 状语后置 (3)寻程氏妹丧于武昌(介宾结构后置 (4)将有事于西畴(介宾结构后置 (5)农人告余以春及(状语后置,“以春及告余”) 归去来兮辞练习 1.解释下列句子中加点词语的意义。 ①觉今是而昨非 ②三径就荒 ③引壶觞以自酌 ④策扶老以流憩 ⑤请息交以绝遊 ⑥乐琴书以消忧 2.下列句中加点的词解释有错误的一项是 A.既自以心为形役(役:役使) B或命巾车,或棹孤舟(棹: 长桨) C眄庭柯以怡颜(怡:使……现出愉悦)D景翳翳以将入(景: 日光) 3.下列加点词语与现代汉语意义不同的一项是 A.奚惆怅而独悲 B.实迷途其未远 C.僮仆欢迎 D.悦亲戚之情话 4.对下列各句中“以”字的用法分类正确的是 ①舟遥遥以轻飏②木欣欣以向荣③乐琴书以消忧④聊 乘化以归尽
Learn General Secretary on "two to learn a" strengthening "four Consciousnesses" impor tant speech caused a strong reaction in thecountry. Time, watching "red treasure ", the origin of building the party back to power, how to st rengthen services for the mases, imp rove party cohesion, f ighting to become the grass-root s party member s and mases hot opi c. G ras-root s party organizat ions "two" is to st rengthen the servi ce of par ty members and cadres, the pioneer spi rit . Di st ribution ofgra s-roots party organizations in al walks of people, clothing, shelter, which belongs to the nerve endings of the par ty organization and comments reputation has a direct percept ion of the masses. Strengthen the party ahead of the "pedal" spir it; strengthen the party members and cadres "su cess does not have to be me" and "the fi rst o bear hardship s, the last to" servi ce spi ri t to set the party's posi tive image among the people ismportant . Grass- roots party organizations "two" is to cleanse al people not happy not o see "stereotypes", establish the honest faithful , dil igent faith for the people. No need to avoid mentioning that, some members of our party can not stand the "money," cor rosion of temptat ion, thin, Xu Zhou, such abuse and corupt bribery, malfeasance borers, and rats. Two, i s to clean up, thin, Xu, Zhou's solution to resto re the party' s f resh and natural, solid and honest work style. Cleansig "take, eat, card, " undesirable and behaviour, "cross, hard and cold, push" at ti tude. Gras-root s party organizat ions"two" is to st rengthen the sense of ordinary party members, parti cipating in consciousnes, unity consciousness. For reasons known, members of gras-root s party branches less mobile, less re sources, and the const ruction of party o rganizations have some lag. Two studies, i s to focus on the grass-root s party b ranches "loose, so ft, loose" problem, advance the party members and cadres, "a gang working", Hong Kong report." Strong cleanup actions, style and rambling, presumptuous "unqualifed" party members, pays pecial atention to party members and cadres "joining party of thought" problem. "Party building" is obtained in the long-term development of our party's historical experience acumulated. Two isour party under the new historical conditons, strengthen the party's construction of a new "rectifation movement." Gras-roots party organizations hould always catch the hard work, results-oriented. Two educational outcomes are long-term oriented and become an important impetus for the work. "Two" should have three kinds of consciousnes "two" study and education, basic learning lies in the doing. Only the Constiution addres the series of party rules, and do solid work, be qualifed party members had a solid ideological basi. Only the "learning"and "do" real unity, to form a "learn-learn-do-do" the virtuous cycle, and ultimately achieve the fundamental objective of education. This requires that the Organization 写作不但能培养学生的观察力、联想象思考和记忆力,它的重要性更表现在于学生对字词句的运用、对思想语言和口头的提炼、对现实生活知识经验的总结升华、对情感价值观的宣泄。learning education, need three kinds of consciousnes: one is to establi sh an integrated awarenes. "Learning" and "do" what ca r i sTwo-wheel, bird wings, need to go hand in hand, one end can be neglected. Communist theoreti cian and man. Only by closely combining theory and pract ice together in order to truly realize their value. "Learning" i s the Foundation, the Foundation isnot strong, shaking; " "Is the key to net o net thousands of acount s. "Two" education, " lay the basi, going to "do" the key grip, so that the "learning" and "doing" back to standard, so that the majori ty of party members "learn" learning theory of nut rients, in the "doing" pra cti ce party' s purposes. Second, to establish a sense of depth. "Learning" and "do" not Chudrawn, entirely dif ferent, but he organic unity o f the whole. "Two" learning education, we need to explore integrat ing "learning" in "do", exhibi t "do" in "Science ". To avoid the "learning" into simple room inst ruct ion, "do" into a monotone for doing. Should exploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "learn" of education and practi ce of car rier, makes general gras- roots members can in "learn" in the has "do" of achievements ense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get sense, real makes partyof theorybrain into heart, put for people servi ce concept out side of Yu shaped. Third, to adhere to long-term the awarenes. Style construction on the road forever, "two " had to cat ch the long-term. "Two" study and education, by no means, asaul t- style wind-sport, but he re curent educat ion within the party. In recent years, the party' s mass l ine education practi ce and "three- three" special education in gra s-roots borne ri ch f ruit s, vast numbers of party members and cadres with stood the baptism o f the spir t. "Two" greater need to focus on longer hold long-term, to e stabli sh and perfect the efective mechanism of the education, fo cusing on the creation of long-ter m education, st rive to make the vast number of party member s to maintain their vanguard Color, maintain the party's advanced nature and purity. Awarenes-raisng, antennas and atmosphere –a discusion on how leading cadres of party members "two" curent, "two" activity is in ful swing up and down the country, party cadres as a "key minority" is both a barometer and impetus. The "two" meaning enough dep, isto determine the party cadres can resolve to study hard first. In the "two" in the proces, some cadres of himself, standing long, high awarenes, that Constiution Party rules is simple, its notworth bothering some party cadres think speak series has nothing to do with the gras-roots work, water busines learning series of speeches een as window dresing. These "lazy, casual, and decadent" ideas learning lacks motivation, a serious impediment o "two" efect. John Stuart Mil once said, only a basic element of human thought paterns change dramaticaly, human destiny canmake great improvement. The same, only party members and 2 被动句 (1)遂见用于小邑(见,被) (2)以心为形役(为,被) 3 省略句 (1)情在骏奔(省略主语“余”) (2)寓形宇内复几时(“形”与“宇”之间省略介词“于”) (3)稚子候门(省略“于”,正常语序应为:稚子于门候) 4 倒装句 宾语前置 (1)复驾言兮焉求(疑问句宾语前置。“焉求”即“求焉”,追求什么) (2)胡为乎遑遑欲何之(疑问句宾语前置。“何之”即“之何”,到哪 里去) (3)乐夫天命复奚疑(宾语前置,“疑奚”) 状语后置 (3)寻程氏妹丧于武昌(介宾结构后置) (4)将有事于西畴(介宾结构后置) (5)农人告余以春及(状语后置,“以春及告余”) 归去来兮辞练习 1.解释下列句子中加点词语的意义。 ①觉今是而昨非 ②三径就荒 ③引壶觞以自酌 ④策扶老以流憩 ⑤请息交以绝遊 ⑥乐琴书以消忧 2.下列句中加点的词解释有错误的一项是 A.既自以心为形役(役:役使) B.或命巾车,或棹孤舟(棹: 长桨) C.眄庭柯以怡颜(怡:使……现出愉悦) D.景翳翳以将入(景: 日光) 3.下列加点词语与现代汉语意义不同的一项是 A.奚惆怅而独悲 B.实迷途其未远 C.僮仆欢迎 D.悦亲戚之情话 4. 对下列各句中“以”字的用法分类正确的是 ①舟遥遥以轻飏 ②木欣欣以向荣 ③乐琴书以消忧 ④聊 乘化以归尽
⑤请息交以绝游⑥问征夫以前路⑦农人告余以春及⑧ 眄庭柯以恰颜 A.①②/③④⑤⑥⑦⑧B.①②/③④⑧/⑤/⑥⑦ C.①②④/③⑧/⑤⑥⑦D.①②④③⑤⑧/⑥⑦ 5.从句式的角度分析,不同于其他三项的一项是() A.既自以心为形役 B.胡为乎遑遑欲何之 C.农人告余以春及 D.乐夫天命复奚疑 6.选出句式不同的一项 A.复驾言兮焉求 B.胡为乎遑遑欲何之 C.吾谁与归 D.大王来何操 7.对文意概括与分析不当的一项是() A.首段交待陶渊明归隐田园的真正原因—“心为形役”,即心志被 形体役使,做了许多违心悖情而又无可奈何的事情,想做的却不能做, 不想做的却又不能不做,为下文抒写弃官归田的决心作铺垫。 B.第二段描写宁静淡泊的日常生活、温馨朴实的家乡亲情和清新素 雅的自然景观令诗人留连忘返、自得其乐,同时也通过对夕阳晚照、 苍松兀立、引壶自酌等场景的描写,揭示出诗人与世隔绝、独立自足 的清高和冷寂 C.第三段描写陶渊明的田园之乐,字里行间体现出诗人躬耕陇亩的 舒心惬意,游山玩水的幽雅闲适和琴书相伴、情话相谈的融洽欢快 大自然万物复苏,生机勃发的景象,促使诗人欢欣鼓舞,诗性大发。 D.第四段抒发了诗人委心乘化、乐天安命的情志。诗人崇尚自然, 追求自由,返朴归真,但在聊乘化以归尽,乐夫天命复奚疑?的感 叹和接二连三的反问中却隐含着诗人去留难定、取舍难决的矛盾和苦 闷。 8.把下列句子译成现代汉语 ①问征夫以前路,恨晨光之熹微。 ②园日涉以成趣,门虽设而常关。 ③既窈窕以寻壑,亦崎岖而经丘。 ④善万物之得时,感吾生之行休。 参考答案 1.①正确的,对的②接近③举起④拄着⑤停止⑥以 为乐 2.B(用棹划船)
Learn General Secretary on "two to learn a" strengthening "four Consciousnesses" impor tant speech caused a strong reaction in the country. Time, watching "red treasure ", the origin of building the party back to power, how to st rengthen services for the mases, imp rove party cohesion, f ighting to become the grass-root s party member s and mases hot opi c. G ras-root s party organizat ions "two" is to st rengthen the servi ce of par ty members and cadres, the pioneer spi rit . Di st ribution of gra s-roots party organizations in al walks of people, clothing, shelter, which belongs to the nerve endings of the par ty organization and comments reputation has a direct percept ion of the masses. Strengthen the party ahead of the "pedal" spir it; strengthen the party members and cadres "su cess does not have to be me" and "the fi rst o bear hardship s, the last to" servi ce spi ri t to set the party's posi tive image among the people ismportant .Grass- roots party organizations "two" is to cleanse al people not happy not o see "stereotypes", establish the honest faithful , dil igent faith for the people. No need to avoidmentioning that, some members of our party can not stand the "money," cor rosion of temptat ion, thin, Xu Zhou, such abuse and corupt bribery, malfeasance borers, and rats. Two, i s to clean up, thin, Xu,Zhou's solution to resto re the party' s f resh and natural, solid and honest work style. Cleansig "take, eat, card, " undesirableand behaviour, "cross, hard and cold, push" at ti tude. Gras-root s party organizat ions "two" is to st rengthen the sense of ordinary party members, parti cipating in consciousnes, unity consciousness. For reasons known, members of gras-root s party branchesless mobile, less re sources, and the const ruction of party o rganizations have some lag. Two studies, i s to focus on the grass-root s party b ranches "loose, so ft, loose" problem, advance the party members and cadres, "a gang working", Hong Kong report." Strong cleanup actions, style and rambling, presumptuous "unqualifed" party members, pays pecial atention to party members and cadres "joining party of thought" problem. "Party building" is obtained in the long-term development of our party's historical experience acumulated. Two isour party under the new historical conditons, strengthen the party's construction of a new "rectifation movement." Gras-roots party organizations hould always catch the hard work, results-oriented. Two educational outcomes are long-term oriented and become an important impetus for the work. "Two" should have three kinds of consciousnes "two" study and education, basic learning lies in the doing. Only the Constiution addres the series of party rules, and do solid work, be qualifed party members had a solid ideological basi. Only the "learning" and "do" real unity, to form a "learn-learn-do-do" the virtuous cycle, and ultimately achieve the fundamental objective of education. This requires that the Organization 写作不但能培养学生的观察力、联想象思考和记忆力,它的重要性更表现在于学生对字词句的运用、对思想语言和口头的提炼、对现实生活知识经验的总结升华、对情感价值观的宣泄。learning education, need three kinds of consciousnes: one is to establi sh an integrated awarenes. "Learning" and "do" what ca r i sTwo-wheel, bird wings, need to go hand in hand, one end can be neglected. Communist theoreti cian and man. Only by closely combining theory and pract ice together in order to truly realize their value. "Learning" i s the Foundation, the Foundation isnot strong, shaking; " "Is the key to net o net thousands of acount s. "Two" education, " lay the basi, going to "do" the key grip, so that the "learning" and "doing" back to standard, so that the majori ty of party members "learn" learning theory of nut rients, in the "doing" pra cti ce party' s purposes. Second, to establish a sense of depth. "Learning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely dif ferent, but he organic unity o f the whole. "Two" learning education, we need to explore integrat ing "learning" in "do",exhibi t "do" in "Science ". To avoid the "learning" into simple room inst ruct ion, "do" into a monotone for doing. Should exploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "learn" of education and practi ce of car rier, makes general gras- roots members can in "learn" in the has "do" of achievements ense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get sense, real makes partyof theory brain into heart, put for people servi ce concept out side of Yu shaped. Third, to adhere to long-term the awarenes. Style construction on the road forever, "two " had to cat ch the long-term. "Two" study and education, by no means, asaul t- style wind-sport, but he re curent educat ion within the party. In recent years, the party' s mass l ine education practi ce and "three- three" special education in gra s-roots borne ri ch f ruit s, vast numbers of party members and cadres with stood the baptism o f the spir t. "Two" greater need to focus on longer hold long-term, to e stabli sh and perfect the efective mechanism of the education, fo cusing on the creation of long-ter m education, st rive to make the vast number of party member s to maintain their vanguard Color, maintain the party's advanced nature and purity. Awarenes-raisng, antennas and atmosphere –a discusion on how leading cadres of party members "two" curent, "two" activity is in ful swing up and down the country, party cadres as a "key minority" is both a barometer and impetus. The "two" meaning enough dep, isto determine the party cadres can resolve to study hard first. In the "two" in the proces, some cadres of himself, standing long, high awarenes, that Constiution Party rules is simple, its not worth bothering some party cadres think speak series has nothing to do with the gras-roots work, water busines learning series of speeches een as window dresing. These "lazy, casual, and decadent" ideas learning lacks motivation, a serious impediment o "two" efect. John Stuart Mil once said, only a basic element of human thought paterns change dramaticaly, human destiny can make great improvement. The same, only party members and ⑤请息交以绝游 ⑥问征夫以前路 ⑦农人告余以春及 ⑧ 眄庭柯以怡颜 A.①②/③④⑤/⑥⑦/⑧ B.①②/③④⑧/⑤/⑥⑦ C.①②④/③⑧/⑤/⑥⑦ D.①②④/③/⑤⑧/⑥⑦ 5.从句式的角度分析,不同于其他三项的一项是( ) A.既自以心为形役 B.胡为乎遑遑欲何之 C.农人告余以春及 D.乐夫天命复奚疑 6.选出句式不同的一项 A.复驾言兮焉求 B.胡为乎遑遑欲何之 C.吾谁与归 D.大王来何操 7.对文意概括与分析不当的一项是( ) A.首段交待陶渊明归隐田园的真正原因——“心为形役”,即心志被 形体役使,做了许多违心悖情而又无可奈何的事情,想做的却不能做, 不想做的却又不能不做,为下文抒写弃官归田的决心作铺垫。 B.第二段描写宁静淡泊的日常生活、温馨朴实的家乡亲情和清新素 雅的自然景观令诗人留连忘返、自得其乐,同时也通过对夕阳晚照、 苍松兀立、引壶自酌等场景的描写,揭示出诗人与世隔绝、独立自足 的清高和冷寂。 C.第三段描写陶渊明的田园之乐,字里行间体现出诗人躬耕陇亩的 舒心惬意,游山玩水的幽雅闲适和琴书相伴、情话相谈的融洽欢快。 大自然万物复苏,生机勃发的景象,促使诗人欢欣鼓舞,诗性大发。 D.第四段抒发了诗人委心乘化、乐天安命的情志。诗人崇尚自然, 追求自由,返朴归真,但在“聊乘化以归尽,乐夫天命复奚疑?”的感 叹和接二连三的反问中却隐含着诗人去留难定、取舍难决的矛盾和苦 闷。 8.把下列句子译成现代汉语 ①问征夫以前路,恨晨光之熹微。 ②园日涉以成趣,门虽设而常关。 ③既窈窕以寻壑,亦崎岖而经丘。 ④善万物之得时,感吾生之行休。 参考答案: 1.①正确的,对的 ②接近 ③举起 ④拄着 ⑤停止 ⑥以…… 为乐 2.B(用棹划船)
3.亲戚:古义包括父母兄弟等在内的亲属和外戚。今义是有婚烟关 系的成员或有血统关系的家庭或它的成员。例如:“寡助之至,亲戚 畔之”(《得道多助,失道寡助》) 4.C.(①②④为连词,表修饰关系,不译;③⑧连词,表目的关系, 译为“来”;⑤连词,表并列关系,不译;⑥⑦为介词,译为把”、“拿”) 5.A项为被动句。B、C、D三项为倒装句。 6.C(介词宾语前置句。其余三项为疑问代词宾语前置句) 7.C(看到万物复苏,生机勃发的景象,诗人不是欢欣鼓舞,诗性 大发,而是悲愁叹老,自伤自悼,这种敏感与哀伤是诗人郁闷难展的 苦痛隐忧的自然流露。) 8.①(我已经)向行人打听前面的道路(了),可恨(这)晨光还是这样 微弱迷离。 “以前路”是后置了的介宾短语作的状语。“之”实在主谓之间的结构 助词,不译。】 ②园子(由于)每天涉足已经成了有趣的园子,大门虽然安设了却常常 闭关。 “日”为名词活用为副词作状语,“以”为承接关系的连词,“而”为转 折关系的连词。】 ③时而沿着幽深婉蜒的溪水进入山谷,时而循着崎岖的小路走过山 丘 “窈窕”“崎岖”都是形容词活用为介宾短语,“以”“而”都是修饰关系的 连词。】 ④我羡慕物得逢天时,感叹自己的一生行将结束。 【“善”都是形容词活用作动词,“以”而”都是修饰关系的连词。】
Learn General Secretary on "two to learn a" strengthening "four Consciousnesses" impor tant speech caused a strong reaction in thecountry. Time, watching "red treasure ", the origin of building the party back to power, how to st rengthen services for the mases, imp rove party cohesion, f ighting to become the grass-root s party member s and mases hot opi c. G ras-root s party organizat ions "two" is to st rengthen the servi ce of par ty members and cadres, the pioneer spi rit . Di st ribution ofgra s-roots party organizations in al walks of people, clothing, shelter, which belongs to the nerve endings of the par ty organization and comments reputation has a direct percept ion of the masses. Strengthen the party ahead of the "pedal" spir it; strengthen the party members and cadres "su cess does not have to be me" and "the fi rst o bear hardship s, the last to" servi ce spi ri t to set the party's posi tive image among the people ismportant . Grass- roots party organizations "two" is to cleanse al people not happy not o see "stereotypes", establish the honest faithful , dil igent faith for the people. No need to avoid mentioning that, some members of our party can not stand the "money," cor rosion of temptat ion, thin, Xu Zhou, such abuse and corupt bribery, malfeasance borers, and rats. Two, i s to clean up, thin, Xu, Zhou's solution to resto re the party' s f resh and natural, solid and honest work style. Cleansig "take, eat, card, " undesirable and behaviour, "cross, hard and cold, push" at ti tude. Gras-root s party organizat ions"two" is to st rengthen the sense of ordinary party members, parti cipating in consciousnes, unity consciousness. For reasons known, members of gras-root s party branches less mobile, less re sources, and the const ruction of party o rganizations have some lag. Two studies, i s to focus on the grass-root s party b ranches "loose, so ft, loose" problem, advance the party members and cadres, "a gang working", Hong Kong report." Strong cleanup actions, style and rambling, presumptuous "unqualifed" party members, pays pecial atention to party members and cadres "joining party of thought" problem. "Party building" is obtained in the long-term development of our party's historical experience acumulated. Two isour party under the new historical conditons, strengthen the party's construction of a new "rectifation movement." Gras-roots party organizations hould always catch the hard work, results-oriented. Two educational outcomes are long-term oriented and become an important impetus for the work. "Two" should have three kinds of consciousnes "two" study and education, basic learning lies in the doing. Only the Constiution addres the series of party rules, and do solid work, be qualifed party members had a solid ideological basi. Only the "learning"and "do" real unity, to form a "learn-learn-do-do" the virtuous cycle, and ultimately achieve the fundamental objective of education. This requires that the Organization 写作不但能培养学生的观察力、联想象思考和记忆力,它的重要性更表现在于学生对字词句的运用、对思想语言和口头的提炼、对现实生活知识经验的总结升华、对情感价值观的宣泄。learning education, need three kinds of consciousnes: one is to establi sh an integrated awarenes. "Learning" and "do" what ca r i sTwo-wheel, bird wings, need to go hand in hand, one end can be neglected. Communist theoreti cian and man. Only by closely combining theory and pract ice together in order to truly realize their value. "Learning" i s the Foundation, the Foundation isnot strong, shaking; " "Is the key to net o net thousands of acount s. "Two" education, " lay the basi, going to "do" the key grip, so that the "learning" and "doing" back to standard, so that the majori ty of party members "learn" learning theory of nut rients, in the "doing" pra cti ce party' s purposes. Second, to establish a sense of depth. "Learning" and "do" not Chudrawn, entirely dif ferent, but he organic unity o f the whole. "Two" learning education, we need to explore integrat ing "learning" in "do", exhibi t "do" in "Science ". To avoid the "learning" into simple room inst ruct ion, "do" into a monotone for doing. Should exploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "learn" of education and practi ce of car rier, makes general gras- roots members can in "learn" in the has "do" of achievements ense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get sense, real makes partyof theorybrain into heart, put for people servi ce concept out side of Yu shaped. Third, to adhere to long-term the awarenes. Style construction on the road forever, "two " had to cat ch the long-term. "Two" study and education, by no means, asaul t- style wind-sport, but he re curent educat ion within the party. In recent years, the party' s mass l ine education practi ce and "three- three" special education in gra s-roots borne ri ch f ruit s, vast numbers of party members and cadres with stood the baptism o f the spir t. "Two" greater need to focus on longer hold long-term, to e stabli sh and perfect the efective mechanism of the education, fo cusing on the creation of long-ter m education, st rive to make the vast number of party member s to maintain their vanguard Color, maintain the party's advanced nature and purity. Awarenes-raisng, antennas and atmosphere –a discusion on how leading cadres of party members "two" curent, "two" activity is in ful swing up and down the country, party cadres as a "key minority" is both a barometer and impetus. The "two" meaning enough dep, isto determine the party cadres can resolve to study hard first. In the "two" in the proces, some cadres of himself, standing long, high awarenes, that Constiution Party rules is simple, its notworth bothering some party cadres think speak series has nothing to do with the gras-roots work, water busines learning series of speeches een as window dresing. These "lazy, casual, and decadent" ideas learning lacks motivation, a serious impediment o "two" efect. John Stuart Mil once said, only a basic element of human thought paterns change dramaticaly, human destiny canmake great improvement. The same, only party members and 3.亲戚:古义包括父母兄弟等在内的亲属和外戚。今义是有婚姻关 系的成员或有血统关系的家庭或它的成员。例如:“寡助之至,亲戚 畔之”(《得道多助,失道寡助》) 4.C.(①②④为连词,表修饰关系,不译;③⑧连词,表目的关系, 译为“来”;⑤连词,表并列关系,不译;⑥⑦为介词,译为“把”、“拿”) 5.A 项为被动句。B、C、D 三项为倒装句。 6.C(介词宾语前置句。其余三项为疑问代词宾语前置句) 7.C(看到万物复苏,生机勃发的景象,诗人不是欢欣鼓舞,诗性 大发,而是悲愁叹老,自伤自悼,这种敏感与哀伤是诗人郁闷难展的 苦痛隐忧的自然流露。) 8.① (我已经)向行人打听前面的道路(了),可恨(这)晨光还是这样 微弱迷离。 【“以前路”是后置了的介宾短语作的状语。“之”实在主谓之间的结构 助词,不译。】 ②园子(由于)每天涉足已经成了有趣的园子,大门虽然安设了却常常 闭关。 【“日”为名词活用为副词作状语,“以”为承接关系的连词,“而”为转 折关系的连词。】 ③时而沿着幽深婉蜒的溪水进入山谷,时而循着崎岖的小路走过山 丘。 【“窈窕”“崎岖”都是形容词活用为介宾短语,“以”“而”都是修饰关系的 连词。】 ④我羡慕物得逢天时,感叹自己的一生行将结束。 【“善”都是形容词活用作动词,“以”“而”都是修饰关系的连词。】