Lecture 3 Power System Economic Dispatch Dr.Qi Huang School of Energy Science and Engineering UESTC
Lecture 3 Power System Economic Dispatch Dr. Qi Huang School of Energy Science and Engineering UESTC
Contents Introduction Problem formulation Characteristics of prime mover-generator Model of economic dispatch and its solution Economic dispatch considering line loss Gradient method 口 Newton method aDynamic programming Co-dispatch of thermal and hydro plants 电力拿镜广城洲量写控制四川省童点实验蜜 家电网
电力系统广域测量与控制四川省重点实验室 Contents Introduction Problem formulation Characteristics of prime mover-generator Model of economic dispatch and its solution Economic dispatch considering line loss Gradient method Newton method Dynamic programming Co-dispatch of thermal and hydro plants
Introduction Economic dispatch is the main function of EMS To some extents,it is the generation plan, including unit commitment,hydro-thermal plan,exchange plan,repair plan and fuel plan. According to the period:short-term plan,i.e., AGC,short generation plan (in a day or a week);mid-term plan,one month to one year; long-term plan,several to tens of years, including the development plan of power sources and power grid 电力拿镜广城洲量写控制四川省童点实验蜜 家电网
电力系统广域测量与控制四川省重点实验室 Introduction Economic dispatch is the main function of EMS To some extents, it is the generation plan, including unit commitment, hydro-thermal plan, exchange plan, repair plan and fuel plan. According to the period: short-term plan, i.e., AGC, short generation plan (in a day or a week); mid-term plan, one month to one year; long-term plan, several to tens of years, including the development plan of power sources and power grid
Introduction-characteristics of generator Boiler Steam Turbine Generator B G (gross) (net) Auxiliary Power System 2-6% H:MBtu/h,Input thermal energy,1 Btu (British thermal unit)=1054 J F:R/h,Fuel cost 电力拿镜广城洲量写控制四川省童点实验蜜 家电
电力系统广域测量与控制四川省重点实验室 Introduction-characteristics of generator H: MBtu/h,Input thermal energy,1 Btu (British thermal unit) = 1054 J F: R/h,Fuel cost B T G Auxiliary Power System Boiler Steam Turbine Generator (gross) (net) 2-6%
AH H Or△F △P Power output characteristics of P thermal generator Pmin Output,P(MW) Pmax +△HI△P Incremental heat rate of thermal generator Pmin Output,P(MW) Pmax 电力拿镜广城洲量写控制四川省重点实验蜜 家电
电力系统广域测量与控制四川省重点实验室 Pmin Output, P(MW) Pmax Input, H(Mbtu/h) or F(R/h) P H P H or F Incremental hate rate Pmin Output, P(MW) Pmax (Btu/kWh H P / Power output characteristics of thermal generator Incremental heat rate of thermal generator
Valve 4 Valve 3 Valve 2 Valve 1 Pmin Output,P(MW) Pmax Combined cycle Pmin Output,P(MW) Pmax 电力拿镜广城洲量写控制四川省重点实验蜜 家电
电力系统广域测量与控制四川省重点实验室 Pmin Output, P(MW) Pmax Input, H(Mbtu/h) or F(R/h) Incremental hate rate Pmin Output, P(MW) Pmax (Btu/kWh Valve 1 Valve 2 Valve 3 Valve 4 Combined cycle
Combined reheat cycle HP LP Turbine Turbine 已oile condenser ELECTRICAL SUBSTATION UTIL 2 GRI 830MW NATURAL GAS FUEL CLEAN Supplie WATER Terry E.Caldwell COMPRESSOR TURBINE Substation Fig.1。hekankinsp6这de进ht名 10 AIR 75F GENERATOR 200 N01 STACK COMBUSTERS GAS TURBINE STEAM FLTE GENERATOR UNIT Hot Exhaust BOILER WATER HEATER HEAT RECOVERY No Victor Valley Water is used by the STEAM GENERATOR From utilizing the hot exhaust High Desert Power Plant! from the 3 Jet Turbines to power the Steam Turbine results in a 30%increase in electrical power generation. California Aqueduct Water GENERATOR NU.2 COOLING TURBINE WATER TOWER COOLING WATER TREATMENT ST正AM CONDENSER California Aqueduct Water 多控制四川省童点实验蜜 家电
电力系统广域测量与控制四川省重点实验室 Combined reheat cycle
AH ▣Heat comsumption H or AF can be expressed in △P two forms: P .Quadratic or cubic Pmin curve Output,P(MW) Pmax .Piecewise linear +△HI△P curve C,(P6)=&,+BP+yP $/hr (fuel-cost ICi(PGi)= dC (PG)=B+2yPGi S/MWh dPGi Pmin Output,P(MW) Pmax 电力拿镜广城洲量写控制四川省重点实验蜜 家电
电力系统广域测量与控制四川省重点实验室 Pmin Output, P(MW) Pmax Input, H(Mbtu/h) or F(R/h) P H P H or F Incremental hate rate Pmin Output, P(MW) Pmax (Btu/kWh H P / Heat comsumption can be expressed in two forms: •Quadratic or cubic curve •Piecewise linear curve 2 ( ) $/hr (fuel-cost) ( ) ( ) 2 $/MWh i Gi i Gi Gi i Gi i Gi Gi Gi C P P P dC P IC P P dP
Typical curves Unit #1:Coal-fired steam unit: Max output =600MW;Min output 150MW = 510.0+7.2P+0.00142P2 Unit #2:Oil-fired steam unit: Max output =400MW;Min output 100MW H( =310.0+7.85P+0.00194P Unit #3:Oil-fired steam unit: Max output =200MW;Min output 50MW H. MBtu =78.0+7.97+0.00482P2 h 电力集院广城测量与控制四川省重点实验蜜 家电网
电力系统广域测量与控制四川省重点实验室 Typical curves Unit #1: Coal-fired steam unit: Max output =600MW; Min output = 150MW Unit #2: Oil-fired steam unit: Max output =400MW; Min output = 100MW Unit #3: Oil-fired steam unit: Max output =200MW; Min output = 50MW 2 1 1 1 510.0 7.2 0.00142 MBtu H P P h 2 2 2 2 310.0 7.85 0.00194 MBtu H P P h 2 3 3 3 78.0 7.97 0.00482 MBtu H P P h
Mathematic model of economic dispatch and its solution
Mathematic model of economic dispatch and its solution