Physical Chemistry Presentation Applied Chemistry 0505 HanHao 18tf0ume,2007 PDF文件使用"pdfFactory Pro”试用版本创建ww,,cn
Applied Chemistry 0505 HanHao 18thJune, 2007 Physical Chemistry Presentation PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建
Air Pollution Control Engineering United Nations Environment 迈正霾 Programme PA United States 国家环境保护总局 2H8 SEATE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION OF CHIN PDF文件使用"pdfFactory Pro”试用版本创建
Air Pollution Control Engineering United Nations Environment Programme PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建
Contents Air Pollution Control Engineering 1.Chief introduction ◆------- 2.Air pollution meteorology 一一一一● 3.The concentration model of air pollution ◆------------。 4.Thinking of air pollution control 5.Particulate pollution and health PDF文件使用"pdfFactory Pro”试用版本创建w,,c四
Contents Air Pollution Control Engineering 5.Particulate pollution and health. 2.Air pollution meteorology 4.Thinking of air pollution control 3.The concentration model of air pollution 1.Chief introduction PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 ÿ K
Introduction Air Pollution Control Engineering In our daily life,it is the fact that most of people don't treat the air pollution as seriously as water pollution or other kinds of pollutions But it is really easy for us to ignore the bad effect on our health caused by air pollution because it seems that there are few examples to be seen directly. Now let's have a look at the report of the general condition of our country in the year of 2005 which is written by State Environmental Protection Administration of China. PDF文件使用"pdfFactory Pro”试用版本创建
Introduction In our daily life, it is the fact that most of people don’t treat the air pollution as seriously as water pollution or other kinds of pollutions. But it is really easy for us to ignore the bad effect on our health caused by air pollution because it seems that there are few examples to be seen directly. * Now let’s have a look at the report of the general condition of our country in the year of 2005 which is written by State Environmental Protection Administration of China. Air Pollution Control Engineering PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建
Air Pollution Control Engineering Lead-in Diagram 可比城市环境空气顾置年际比较 空气质量级别 2005年 2004车 费莞 达到咸优于二领(达标)% 519 393 三级,% 375 402 端市控气质量落休载上牛有所货钱:包都分城市芳染物然严重, 劣三级,% 10.6 205 2晒年监到的52个域市中,地缘以上城市319个,甚领城市 8个.空气质量达到-级标准的骏市2个(占42%人二竅标堆的 空气中主要污熟物颗粒物传是影响空气顾量的首奚※热物,但 城迹29个(古6,1%三藏标准的城市1个(估29.1%,考干 总体比上年好转。在可化的战市中,05岭我市颗粒物超过二象存 谁,伦上年演秒12.0个百冷点:餐过三领标准的城审上55%,化上 三镀拆推的越市53个(占10.码,主要污染物为可吸入颗效物。 年璃少94个百奔点。 与上年相此,可此的孩市 颗粒物污染较更的城市 中,城市空气质毯到或优于二 塘市锡 ■524年 主分布在山通,宁是、内 豪的城市此阙晚上年增加1卫6 蒙古,甘萧、川、河南 个百会点;劣于三额的我审地例 膝西,赉南、双宁、新龍, 此上年款99个百分点黄前 北京终背(自希区、搭市力 趋标 空气质量有所成喜。 域市控气威量级别比制 展位惊袜废守凝市比钢 PDF文件使用"pdfFactory Pro”试用版本创建w,fineprint.coc四
Air Pollution Control Engineering Lead-in Diagram PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 ê
Background knowledge Air Pollution Control Engineering According to the report,we can see that the main pollutant in the air is particulate.It is for sure that if we want to make the sky over us clean,we must find some efficient and possible ways to reduce the concentration of particulate to a acceptable level. First of all,we have to get some information and background knowledge about the meteorology... PDF文件使用"pdfFactory Pro”试用版本创建mm,,c里
Background knowledge According to the report, we can see that the main pollutant in the air is particulate. It is for sure that if we want to make the sky over us clean, we must find some efficient and possible ways to reduce the concentration of particulate to a acceptable level. * First of all, we have to get some information and background knowledge about the meteorology… Air Pollution Control Engineering PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建
Knowledge of atmosphere Air Pollution Control Engineering Vertical movement Density of the atmosphere Stability of the atmosphere Height of the mixed layer Horizontal movement Wind Polar heating and cooling Atmospheric Rotation of the Earth layer Land and Ocean Smog D月 Atmospheric Stranded inversion(逆温] *I really want to share this part with you just because it is very interesting, and maybe the next thing will even surprise you .. PDF文件使用"pdfFactory Pro”试用版本创建野,,c四
Density of the atmosphere Stability of the atmosphere Height of the mixed layer Polar heating and cooling Rotation of the Earth Land and Ocean Knowledge of atmosphere Atmospheric layer B E C D A Horizontal movement Vertical movement Wind Smog & Stranded Atmospheric inversion(逆温) ** I really want to share this part with you just because it is very interesting, and maybe the next thing will even surprise you … Air Pollution Control Engineering PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 閕
Air Pollution Control Engineering Vertical movement The density of the atmosphere will change while the temperature and humidity are changing. According to the ideal gas equation: Mp P= RT So,at certain height,the density is depended on M and T.If we take the fundamental equation of hydrostatic into consideration: p dz =P8 then we can get: dp __gMd (z is the height) p RT PDF文件使用"pdfFactory Pro”试用版本创建mm,,c里
Vertical movement The density of the atmosphere will change while the temperature and humidity are changing. According to the ideal gas equation: So, at certain height, the density is depended on M and T. If we take the fundamental equation of hydrostatic into consideration: then we can get: (z is the height) M p R T r = dp gM dz p RT = - dp g dz = -r Air Pollution Control Engineering PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建
Air Pollution Control Engineering Vertical movement While a air block is rising up,if we dT/dz is just the slop of the line. ignored the heat exchanged between it and other air,the 65.840t process can be 20.061m regarded as adiabatic and reversible.Of 88S Adiabatic air course we are familiar Standard air with such a process, we have the equation: 36.150t dp CdT 11.021m ò RT Then we get an important equation: dT gM -92.8℃ -56.5℃ 15℃ Temperature .135℉ 69.7T 59℉ d= adiabatic ideal PDF文件使用"pdfFactory Pro”试用版本创建ww,,cn
Vertical movement H eig h t a b o v e t h e s e a le v el, z T r o p osp h e ric la y e r Str atosp h e ric la y e r 65.840ft 20.061m 36.150ft 11.021m -92.8℃ -135℉ 15℃ 59℉ -56.5℃ -69.7℉ Temperature Adiabatic air Standard air Air Pollution Control Engineering While a air block is rising up, if we ignored the heat exchanged between it and other air, the process can be regarded as adiabatic and reversible. Of course we are familiar with such a process, we have the equation: Then we get an important equation: Cp dp dT p RT = - adiabatic ,ideal p dT gM dz C æ ö ç ÷ = - è ø dT/dz is just the slop of the line. PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建
Air Pollution Control Engineering The stability of the air Standard air:dT/dz=-6.5C/km=-3.6F/1000ft 6000t Tanaleas aup Adiabatic air:.dT/dz=-9.8℃/km=-5.4℉/1000t anoqe 1619H 3.00P.M 1000t Dawn+4h Dawn+2h Dawn Temperature 50F 90℉ When z <1000ft,we can see that the temperature of the air will rise up when it is higher and higher,such a phenomenon is called temperature inversion PDF文件使用"pdfFactory Pro”试用版本创建
The stability of the air H eig h t a b o v e t h e s e a le v el, z Temperature 6000ft 1000ft 50℉ 90℉ Air Pollution Control Engineering Standard air: dT/dz=-6.5℃/km=-3.6℉/1000ft Adiabatic air: dT/dz=-9.8℃/km=-5.4℉/1000ft 3.00 P.M Dawn+4h Dawn+2h Dawn When z ≤1000ft, we can see that the temperature of the air will rise up when it is higher and higher, such a phenomenon is called temperature inversion. PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 ÿ ÿ