《英语写作I》课程实验教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:16051802 课程名称:英语写作1 英文名称:English Writing I 实验总学时:16 适用专业:英语专业 课程类别:学科基础课 先修课程:综合英语1 二、实验教学的总体目的和要求 总体目的:《英语写作》课程是英语专业、英语(翻译)专业一年级级必修主干专 业基础课程,是培养提高学生在校及毕业后从事工作所需写作技能系列课程的第一 门。本课程融合了国内外先进的写作教学模式,强调写作过程的教学,积极鼓励学生 参与课堂教学,培养学生获取知识的能力、运用知识的能力、分析问题的能力、独立 提出见解的能力和创新的能力。 作为思政教育的重要领地,英语写作实验课程是在运用写作理论的同时,应充分 发挥写作实贱在思想灌输引导上的优势,将思政教育融于描述文,记叙文,说明文, 议论文等不同文体的写作训练中。总之,英语写作课程当通过有效途径渗透“思政” 元素,教师在课堂中弘扬中华优秀传统文化,渗透爱国主义教育,努力成为社会主义 核心价值观的贱行者和先进文化的传播者 This course equips students with a firm knowledge of the fundamentals of composition. standard English grammar and style.Students'creativity and participation will be strongly encouraged through class-wide and small group activities and discussion.Through this process,students will work towards writing coherent and unified essays using well-developed paragraphs,clear and effective sentences,and appropriate diction. I、对学生的要求:Make full preparations for writing practice from word to paragraph level; read through the instruction and be familiar with basic writing requirements,submit 1
1 《英语写作 I》课程实验教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:16051802 课程名称:英语写作 I 英文名称:English Writing I 实验总学时:16 适用专业:英语专业 课程类别:学科基础课 先修课程:综合英语 I 二、实验教学的总体目的和要求 总体目的:《英语写作 I》课程是英语专业、英语(翻译)专业一年级级必修主干专 业基础课程,是培养提高学生在校及毕业后从事工作所需写作技能系列课程的第一 门。本课程融合了国内外先进的写作教学模式,强调写作过程的教学,积极鼓励学生 参与课堂教学,培养学生获取知识的能力、运用知识的能力、分析问题的能力、独立 提出见解的能力和创新的能力。 作为思政教育的重要领地,英语写作实验课程是在运用写作理论的同时,应充分 发挥写作实践在思想灌输引导上的优势,将思政教育融于描述文,记叙文,说明文, 议论文等不同文体的写作训练中。总之,英语写作课程当通过有效途径渗透“思政” 元素,教师在课堂中弘扬中华优秀传统文化,渗透爱国主义教育,努力成为社会主义 核心价值观的践行者和先进文化的传播者。 This course equips students with a firm knowledge of the fundamentals of composition, standard English grammar and style. Students’ creativity and participation will be strongly encouraged through class-wide and small group activities and discussion. Through this process, students will work towards writing coherent and unified essays using well-developed paragraphs, clear and effective sentences, and appropriate diction. 1、对学生的要求:Make full preparations for writing practice from word to paragraph level; read through the instruction and be familiar with basic writing requirements; submit
assignments before the deadline.work out a draft and o revision afterwards 2、对教师的要求:Design the teaching process,.adjust teaching contents when necessary: give students guidance as to how to form good writing habits,how to analyze sentences and paragraphs etc.;help students to improve writing skills necessary to success in college and in most careers 3、对实验条件的要求:No special requirements 三、实验教学内容 写作实贱的各个环节需巧妙融入思政内容,凸显思政教育;要强化方向引导,以 日常作文的练习为着力点,与大学思政教育体系积极呼应,相得益彰。要结合大学生 的认知特点,阶段性开设不同的主题练习,有目的地开展写作指导。在句子和段落写 作练习中,记叙类的可增加描写中国文明及文化历史,中国在经济发展等方面取得的 重大成就等主题,激发学生的民族自豪感和爱国主义情怀。说明类的,可选取有关表 述我国改革开放政策,习总书记讲话等的内容的文章,让学生深入理解并写出自己的 体会,树立主人翁意识。在议论类的写作训练中,针对不同的写作话题,和学生一起 讨论,引导学生在写作中表达正确的人生观,价值观和世界观。 Lecture 1 Title:Setting specific goals 思政元素:让学生了解英语写作课程特点,确定目标。同时让学生认识到,应把作文 学习当中的认知和思考行为,当做思政教育的内化过程。写一篇好的作文需要经历 个由观察分析到语言组织、文字表述的转化过程,这一过程与思政教育所追求的效果 异曲同工。 Content: 1.Students work in pairs todiscuss over the questions following: 1.What is your goal for this semester concerning this course?State your goal briefly. 2.Be specific about when you will reach your goal: Why is this goal meaningful for you? What steps are required in order to realize your goal? What will your checkpoints be?(end of day,end of week tracking..)
2 assignments before the deadline; work out a draft and o revision afterwards. 2、对教师的要求:Design the teaching process; adjust teaching contents when necessary; give students guidance as to how to form good writing habits, how to analyze sentences and paragraphs etc.; help students to improve writing skills necessary to success in college and in most careers 3、对实验条件的要求:No special requirements 三、实验教学内容 写作实践的各个环节需巧妙融入思政内容,凸显思政教育;要强化方向引导,以 日常作文的练习为着力点,与大学思政教育体系积极呼应,相得益彰。要结合大学生 的认知特点,阶段性开设不同的主题练习,有目的地开展写作指导。在句子和段落写 作练习中,记叙类的可增加描写中国文明及文化历史,中国在经济发展等方面取得的 重大成就等主题,激发学生的民族自豪感和爱国主义情怀。说明类的,可选取有关表 述我国改革开放政策,习总书记讲话等的内容的文章,让学生深入理解并写出自己的 体会,树立主人翁意识。在议论类的写作训练中,针对不同的写作话题,和学生一起 讨论,引导学生在写作中表达正确的人生观,价值观和世界观。 Lecture 1 Title:Setting specific goals 思政元素:让学生了解英语写作课程特点,确定目标。同时让学生认识到,应把作文 学习当中的认知和思考行为,当做思政教育的内化过程。写一篇好的作文需要经历一 个由观察分析到语言组织、文字表述的转化过程,这一过程与思政教育所追求的效果 异曲同工。 Content: I. Students work in pairs to discuss over the questions following: 1. What is your goal for this semester concerning this course? State your goal briefly. 2. Be specific about when you will reach your goal: Why is this goal meaningful for you? What steps are required in order to realize your goal? What will your checkpoints be? (end of day, end of week tracking…)
What barriers will prevent you from realizing your goal? How will you deal with the barriers? What must you do each day to make it happen? II.Ask students to make a plan for the study of this course. Type:Orientation Class Hour:1 Objectives and requirements .Set goals for the new semester Work out a feasible plan for the study of this course Reflections:Before setting goals,students are supposed to know well about the course requirements and assessment. Lecture2 Title:Subject-verb agreement 思政元素:在让学生理解正确选词、用词的重要性基础上,例举具有代表性的体现思 政元素的词汇,除单词释义外,结合重点词汇的讲解,让学生练习遣词造句,在学习 词汇的同时挖掘其中的思政价值。 Content: Ask students to summarize the principles of subject-verb agreement: I.Grammatical agreement The verb must match its subject in number:If the subject is plural form,the verb should take the plural form.If the subject is singular,the verb should take the singular form 1.When the noun which is used as the subject is followed by with,along with, together with,but,except,in addition to,besides,like,including.more than,rather than, less than.as well as.etc..we should refer to the noun. 2.Coordination with"and","both...and":Singular-when refer to only one person or thing:plural-when refer to two or more than two persons or things 3.When an infinitive,gerund or noun clause is used as the subject,the verb often takes the singular for 4.When none is used as a subject,the verb can be of a singular form,and can also be 3
3 What barriers will prevent you from realizing your goal? How will you deal with the barriers? What must you do each day to make it happen? II. Ask students to make a plan for the study of this course. Type: Orientation Class Hour:1 Objectives and requirements: • Set goals for the new semester • Work out a feasible plan for the study of this course Reflections:Before setting goals, students are supposed to know well about the course requirements and assessment. Lecture 2 Title:Subject-verb agreement 思政元素:在让学生理解正确选词、用词的重要性基础上,例举具有代表性的体现思 政元素的词汇,除单词释义外,结合重点词汇的讲解,让学生练习遣词造句,在学习 词汇的同时挖掘其中的思政价值。 Content: Ask students to summarize the principles of subject-verb agreement: I. Grammatical agreement The verb must match its subject in number: If the subject is plural form, the verb should take the plural form. If the subject is singular, the verb should take the singular form. 1. When the noun which is used as the subject is followed by with, along with, together with, but, except, in addition to, besides, like, including, more than, rather than, less than, as well as, etc., we should refer to the noun. 2. Coordination with “and”, “both …and”: Singular — when refer to only one person or thing; plural — when refer to two or more than two persons or things 3. When an infinitive, gerund or noun clause is used as the subject, the verb often takes the singular form. 4. When none is used as a subject, the verb can be of a singular form, and can also be
of a plural form.But when none refers to an uncountable thing,the verb should take a singular form. 5.%of+noun (S.):the verb takes a singular form:%of+noun (PL.):the verb takes a plural form II.Notional agreement The verb can sometimes agree with the subject according to the notion of number rather than to the actual presence of the grammatical marker for that notion 1.When an infinite pronoun is a subject,the verb form is decided by the noun it stands for,such as all,most,some,etc. 2.When"the+adj."is used as a subject,such as the rich,the poor,the living.the verb takes a plural form. 3.When nouns phrases,such as bread and butter,knife and fork,law and order,are used as the subject,the verb takesa singular form. III.Proximity The principle of proximity denotes agreement of the verb with the head of the noun phrase that functions as subject.Inverted sentences introduced by here,there,where,etc the verb agrees with the real subject Type:Word-level skills Class Hour:1 Objectives and requirements: .Leam to choose the correct/appropriate word foran idea Be aware of avoiding making errors in subject-verb agreement Reflections:Give students a quick test on how to choose the appropriate word if time permits. Lecture 3 Title:Modifiers 思政元素:分析材中所说的“恰当用词”的含义,通过词语对比,例句说明,让学 生深刻认识到“恰当”的内涵。让学生分享经典名言、名篇,理解其中的精辟用语, 同时让学生感受优秀文学作品的力量,以及如何从文学作品中汲取正能量 Content:
4 of a plural form. But when none refers to an uncountable thing, the verb should take a singular form. 5. …% of + noun (S.): the verb takes a singular form; …% of + noun (Pl.): the verb takes a plural form II. Notional agreement The verb can sometimes agree with the subject according to the notion of number rather than to the actual presence of the grammatical marker for that notion. 1. When an infinite pronoun is a subject, the verb form is decided by the noun it stands for, such as all, most, some, etc. 2. When “the + adj.” is used as a subject, such as the rich, the poor, the living, the verb takes a plural form. 3. When nouns phrases, such as bread and butter, knife and fork, law and order, are used as the subject, the verb takes a singular form. III. Proximity The principle of proximity denotes agreement of the verb with the head of the noun phrase that functions as subject. Inverted sentences introduced by here, there, where, etc the verb agrees with the real subject. Type: Word-level skills Class Hour:1 Objectives and requirements: • Learn to choose the correct/ appropriate word for an idea • Be aware of avoiding making errors in subject-verb agreement Reflections:Give students a quick test on how to choose the appropriate word if time permits. Lecture 3 Title:Modifiers 思政元素:分析教材中所说的“恰当用词”的含义,通过词语对比,例句说明,让学 生深刻认识到“恰当”的内涵。让学生分享经典名言、名篇,理解其中的精辟用语, 同时让学生感受优秀文学作品的力量,以及如何从文学作品中汲取正能量 Content:
1.A summary of modifiers As has been said before,the subject and the verb are the essential parts of every sentence Anything else included or added to the sentence tells about either the subiect or the verb The"anything else"that is added is called a modifier.It explains,describe ,and limits the word or words it modifies.A modifier may be a word (an adjective or an adverb).or it may be a phrase (two or more related words that have no subject or verb),or it may be a dependent clause.There may be several different modifiers in a single sentence. MODIFIERS 1.Adjectives and adverbs are modifiers 2.Some but not all phrases are modifiers 3.Adjective and adverb clauses are modifiers 4.Appositives are modifiers 5.Misplaced modifiers can be misleading 6.Parenthetical expressions are set offby commas II.Ask students to work in groups and give examples for each type mentioned above Type:Word-level skills Class Hour:1 Objectives and requirements: Know how to choose better words and can use words concisely.precisely and effectively Understand how to use modifiers correctly Reflections:Students need to pay more attention to problems with modifiers(refer to the textbook) Lecture4 Title:Redundancy 思政元素:在探讨章节中对如何更好地选词的论述的基础上,以“离别”为题,让学 生对比不同中英文表达,分析其措辞,同时阅读相关经典文学作品,理解其中的离别 意象,体验中文语言的文字之美、意境之美,提升学生的文化自信。 Content: I.Students work in pairs to identify redundancy in the examples given
5 I. A summary of modifiers As has been said before, the subject and the verb are the essential parts of every sentence. Anything else included or added to the sentence tells about either the subject or the verb. The “anything else” that is added is called a modifier. It explains, describes, and limits the word or words it modifies. A modifier may be a word (an adjective or an adverb), or it may be a phrase (two or more related words that have no subject or verb), or it may be a dependent clause. There may be several different modifiers in a single sentence. MODIFIERS 1. Adjectives and adverbs are modifiers 2. Some but not all phrases are modifiers 3. Adjective and adverb clauses are modifiers 4. Appositives are modifiers 5. Misplaced modifiers can be misleading 6. Parenthetical expressions are set off by commas II. Ask students to work in groups and give examples for each type mentioned above. Type: Word-level skills Class Hour:1 Objectives and requirements: • Know how to choose better words and can use words concisely, precisely and effectively • Understand how to use modifiers correctly Reflections: Students need to pay more attention to problems with modifiers (refer to the textbook) Lecture 4 Title:Redundancy 思政元素:在探讨章节中对如何更好地选词的论述的基础上,以“离别”为题,让学 生对比不同中英文表达,分析其措辞,同时阅读相关经典文学作品,理解其中的离别 意象,体验中文语言的文字之美、意境之美, 提升学生的文化自信。 Content: I. Students work in pairs to identify redundancy in the examples given
1."I haven't committed a crime.What I did was fail to comply with the law."-David Dinkins.New York City Mayor,answering accusations that he failed to pay his taxes. is a big country,inhabited by many Chinese."-Former French Presiden Charles De Gaulle 3."I'm for abolishing and doing away with redundancy."-J.Curtis McKay of the Wisconsin State Elections Board II.Advice from William Strunk Jr.author of Elements of Styl Vigorous writing is concise.A sentence should contain no unnecessary words.a paragraph no unnecessary sentences,for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts.This requires not that the writer make all his sentences short,or that he avoid all detail and treat his subjects only in outline,but that word tell Eg.All things considered,it seems like the new tax cut imposed by the administration will without a doubt make the wealthy wealthier and the poor poorer.When the administration's upassed.the children living n povertywill be affeetedth ion The tax cur will undoubtedly make the wealthy wealther and the will be severely affected Type:From word to sentence-level skills Class Hour:I Objectives and requirements: .Know how tochoose the better word and avoid redundancy Be able to identify wordiness Reflections:More drills are needed to help students have a better understand of wordiness. Lecture 5 Title:From word to sentence 思政元素:通过分析如何在句子中明确主题,正确表述,让学生以“大学教育目标” 为主题练习句子写作,让学生查阅资料,了解我国高校教育的发展,使学生进一步认 识我国的教育思想源远流长,现代教育在不断变革、发展和进步,增强其对本民族文 化的信心
6 1. "I haven't committed a crime. What I did was fail to comply with the law." - David Dinkins, New York City Mayor, answering accusations that he failed to pay his taxes. 2. "China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese." - Former French President Charles De Gaulle 3. "I'm for abolishing and doing away with redundancy." - J. Curtis McKay of the Wisconsin State Elections Board II. Advice from William Strunk Jr., author of Elements of Style Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This requires not that the writer make all his sentences short, or that he avoid all detail and treat his subjects only in outline, but that every word tell. III. Writing Concise Sentences Eg. All things considered, it seems like the new tax cut imposed by the administration will without a doubt make the wealthy wealthier and the poor poorer. When the administration’s new tax cut is passed, the children living in poverty will be affected the worst. Improved version: The new tax cut imposed by the administration will undoubtedly make the wealthy wealthier and the poor poorer. Consequently, children living in poverty will be severely affected. Type: From word to sentence-level skills Class Hour:1 Objectives and requirements: • Know how to choose the better word and avoid redundancy • Be able to identify wordiness Reflections:More drills are needed to help students have a better understand of wordiness. Lecture 5 Title:From word to sentence 思政元素:通过分析如何在句子中明确主题,正确表述,让学生以“大学教育目标” 为主题练习句子写作,让学生查阅资料,了解我国高校教育的发展,使学生进一步认 识我国的教育思想源远流长,现代教育在不断变革、发展和进步,增强其对本民族文 化的信心
Content: I.Students work in pairs to sum up the basic elements of sentence and different sentence types. II.From word to sentence 1.Two or more simple sentences written as one are called compound sentences.We connect them with a connecting word or words. The aim is to learn todistinguish between simple and compound sentences EXERCISE:Underline the connecting word between the simple sentences. EXERCISE:Write C if the sentence is compound;write S if the sentence is simple. 2.A dependent clause is not a complete sentence EXERCISE:Underline the dependent clauses in these complex sentences. 3.In structure.there are four kinds of sentences. Here is a review plus an introduction to the forth kind.the compound-complex sentence.A simple sentence is a group of words that express a complete thought.It always contains a subject and a verb,and it may contain more than one subject and more than one verb. EXERCISE:Underline the depe ndent clauses in each of the compound-complex sentences. 4.Connectives are common words we use every day. 5.In the development of thought,there are four kinds of sentences:loose sentence;periodic sentence mixed sentence and balanced sentence. Explanation:Being formal and literary,balanced sentences are nor often used colloquially They are sometimes used in expository and argumentative writing,especially where ideas are contrasted. Type:Sentence-level skills Class Hour:1 Objectives and requirements: Know how to work out clear and concise sentences of different types Be able to use voices effectively,use tenses and moods correctly Reflections:The sentence is the basic of the English language,so grammar is the study of sentence structure,of the function and relationship of words that make up sentences
7 Content: I. Students work in pairs to sum up the basic elements of sentence and different sentence types. II. From word to sentence 1. Two or more simple sentences written as one are called compound sentences. We connect them with a connecting word or words. The aim is to learn to distinguish between simple and compound sentences. EXERCISE: Underline the connecting word between the simple sentences. EXERCISE: Write C if the sentence is compound; write S if the sentence is simple. 2. A dependent clause is not a complete sentence. EXERCISE: Underline the dependent clauses in these complex sentences. 3. In structure, there are four kinds of sentences. Here is a review plus an introduction to the forth kind, the compound-complex sentence. A simple sentence is a group of words that express a complete thought. It always contains a subject and a verb, and it may contain more than one subject and more than one verb. EXERCISE: Underline the dependent clauses in each of the compound-complex sentences. 4. Connectives are common words we use every day. 5. In the development of thought, there are four kinds of sentences: loose sentence; periodic sentence; mixed sentence and balanced sentence. Explanation: Being formal and literary, balanced sentences are nor often used colloquially. They are sometimes used in expository and argumentative writing, especially where ideas are contrasted. Type: Sentence-level skills Class Hour:1 Objectives and requirements: • Know how to work out clear and concise sentences of different types • Be able to use voices effectively, use tenses and moods correctly Reflections:The sentence is the basic of the English language, so grammar is the study of sentence structure, of the function and relationship of words that make up sentences
Lecture 6 Title:Writing an effective topic sentence 思政元素:本单元在讲解遣词造句、从句结构等的基础上,让学生尝试着用从句的形 式介绍个人层面的核心价值观,使之在学习英语语言的同时,更清楚地认识到:培育 和践行核心价值观,首先要从“个人层面”做起,将“爱国、敬业、诚信、友善”八 字准则内化为精神,外化为行动。 Content: I.The characteristics ofa topic sentence 1.The topic sentence must be a complete sentence. 2.The topic sentence should always contain both a topic and a controlling idea The Topic Sentence Topic Controlling ldea 3.The topic sentence should be neither too general nor too specific. II Group work I 1.Quote three paragraphs with clear topic sentences in your reading materials 2.The topic sentences in these three paragraphs should be positioned in different places. 3.The topic sentences should be underlined or italicized. 4.The assignment can either be handwrittenor be printed 5.The assignment is to be handed in Next Thursday. III.Group work 2 1.Design a quiz paper concerning the topic sentence 2.Four members in a group 3.Each paper consists of five problems 4.The five problems can be in different kinds 5.The topic sentences should be positioned in different places 6.The keys should be included on another piece of paper. Type:Sentence-level skills Class Hour:1 Objectives and requirements: Leam to write an effective topic sentence 8
8 Lecture 6 Title: Writing an effective topic sentence 思政元素:本单元在讲解遣词造句、从句结构等的基础上,让学生尝试着用从句的形 式介绍个人层面的核心价值观,使之在学习英语语言的同时,更清楚地认识到:培育 和践行核心价值观,首先要从“个人层面”做起,将“爱国、敬业、诚信、友善”八 字准则内化为精神,外化为行动。 Content: I. The characteristics of a topic sentence 1. The topic sentence must be a complete sentence. 2. The topic sentence should always contain both a topic and a controlling idea. The Topic Sentence = Topic + Controlling Idea 3. The topic sentence should be neither too general nor too specific. II. Group work 1 1. Quote three paragraphs with clear topic sentences in your reading materials 2. The topic sentences in these three paragraphs should be positioned in different places. 3. The topic sentences should be underlined or italicized. 4. The assignment can either be handwritten or be printed. 5. The assignment is to be handed in Next Thursday. III. Group work 2 1. Design a quiz paper concerning the topic sentence 2. Four members in a group 3. Each paper consists of five problems 4. The five problems can be in different kinds 5. The topic sentences should be positioned in different places. 6. The keys should be included on another piece of paper. Type: Sentence-level skills Class Hour:1 Objectives and requirements: • Learn to write an effective topic sentence
Use the seven types of attributes correctly and use relative clauses for emphases Reflections:More examples can be given to illustrate the characteristics of a topic sentence and its position Lecture 7 Title:Improving sentence structure 思政元素:在学习分词的运用、长句的写作的基础上,以中文名言的不同译本为例, 用跨文化对比的方法展开思辨式解读,引导学生对中西文化的异同进行思考,发扬精 华、摒弃糟粕,从而帮助学生形成正确的世界观、人生观、价值观。 Content: I.Students work in pairs to summarize the features of run-on sentences Run-on sentences:fused or comma splice 1.Features A sentence can contain more than one subject-verb clause.But it's how we join them wn can be joined If you leave out the conjunction,you create a comma spliced sentence,which is not grammatically correct.A comma splice at least reminds you that you should pause between sentences.because they are separate from each other.A run-on sentence doesn't show that these are two separate clauses,and doesn't indicate any dividing place between them.Both run-ons and comma splices can be fixed the same way. 2.Fixing run-on sentences 1)Put a period instead of the comma,and make two complete sentences: 2)Insert the comma,and add ajoining conjunction 3.Here's a sentence with two clauses joined by a comma and a conjunction1 "I wanted to shop,so my brother drove me to the store." The two basic sentences are:1)"I wanted to shop."2)"My brother drove me to the store." The longer sentence was created correctly,joined by an inserted comma and the added conjunction,"so. Type:Sentence-level skills Class Hour:I
9 • Use the seven types of attributes correctly and use relative clauses for emphases Reflections:More examples can be given to illustrate the characteristics of a topic sentence and its position Lecture 7 Title:Improving sentence structure 思政元素:在学习分词的运用、长句的写作的基础上,以中文名言的不同译本为例, 用跨文化对比的方法展开思辨式解读,引导学生对中西文化的异同进行思考,发扬精 华、摒弃糟粕,从而帮助学生形成正确的世界观、人生观、价值观。 Content: I. Students work in pairs to summarize the features of run-on sentences Run-on sentences: fused or comma splice 1. Features A sentence can contain more than one subject-verb clause. But it's how we join them together that can cause problems. Two clauses that could stand on their own can be joined into one larger sentence by inserting a comma and using joining words called conjunctions. If you leave out the conjunction, you create a comma spliced sentence, which is not grammatically correct. A comma splice at least reminds you that you should pause between sentences, because they are separate from each other. A run-on sentence doesn't show that these are two separate clauses, and doesn't indicate any dividing place between them. Both run-ons and comma splices can be fixed the same way. 2. Fixing run-on sentences 1) Put a period instead of the comma, and make two complete sentences: 2) Insert the comma, and add a joining conjunction: 3. Here's a sentence with two clauses joined by a comma and a conjunction1 "I wanted to shop, so my brother drove me to the store." The two basic sentences are: 1) "I wanted to shop." 2) "My brother drove me to the store." The longer sentence was created correctly, joined by an inserted comma and the added conjunction, "so." Type: Sentence-level skills Class Hour:1
Objectives and requirements: Know how to expand sentences with absolutes Leamn to avoid run-on sentences in writing Reflections:Remind students that if the want to express more complex ideas,try to avoid choppy sentences as well. Lecture 8 Title:Paragraph unity 思政元素:通过探讨如何将句子写作过渡到段落写作,以“一个共产党员的故事”为 切入点,在段落写作的基础上,了解中国共产党光荣的奋斗之路,为人民谋幸福的初 心,以及肩负为世界“人类命运共同体”而奋斗的责任。紧跟时事发展,培养关心国 家发展,熟悉中华文化,弘扬中华文化的外语人。 Content: I.Give students a more detailed illustration of paragraph unity 1.In a paragraph,all the sentences must develop one idea,the one contained in the topic sentence.Anvthing that doesn't contribute to the idea should be omitted from the ls fae isrough His complxio is eatheryand inked.Therere pores in the skin that covers his nose and cheeks.His nose,broken twice in his life,makes him look like a boxer who has lost too many fights.His mouth,unless he smiles,looks hard and threatening.His chin is massive and angular.Shaved or not shaved,my uncle's face is foltowin demonte Example 1---Topic:People's waste of resources People these days waste a lot of resources.Many people buy products with a lot of unnecessary packaging that isn't good for the environment.Some people leave too many lights on around the house.Some aren't careful about how much water they use. le 2--Topic:anice park The park is a pleasant place for everyone.Little kids like to play on the swings and slides.Older children can play little league baseball or other team sports at the larger parks. Teenagers often play Frisbee on the grass or volleyball in the sand.Adults enjoy taking walks,and some seniors like to sit on the park benches and feed the birds
10 Objectives and requirements: • Know how to expand sentences with absolutes • Learn to avoid run-on sentences in writing Reflections:Remind students that if the want to express more complex ideas, try to avoid choppy sentences as well. Lecture 8 Title:Paragraph unity 思政元素:通过探讨如何将句子写作过渡到段落写作,以“一个共产党员的故事”为 切入点,在段落写作的基础上,了解中国共产党光荣的奋斗之路,为人民谋幸福的初 心,以及肩负为世界“人类命运共同体”而奋斗的责任。紧跟时事发展,培养关心国 家发展,熟悉中华文化,弘扬中华文化的外语人。 Content: I. Give students a more detailed illustration of paragraph unity 1. In a paragraph, all the sentences must develop one idea, the one contained in the topic sentence. Anything that doesn’t contribute to the idea should be omitted from the paragraph. Eg. My uncle’s face is rough. His complexion is leathery and wrinkled. There are large pores in the skin that covers his nose and cheeks. His nose, broken twice in his life, makes him look like a boxer who has lost too many fights. His mouth, unless he smiles, looks hard and threatening. His chin is massive and angular. Shaved or not shaved, my uncle’s face is rugged. Examples following also demonstrate paragraph unity. Example 1--- Topic: People’s waste of resources People these days waste a lot of resources. Many people buy products with a lot of unnecessary packaging that isn’t good for the environment. Some people leave too many lights on around the house. Some aren’t careful about how much water they use. Example 2--- Topic: a nice park The park is a pleasant place for everyone. Little kids like to play on the swings and slides. Older children can play little league baseball or other team sports at the larger parks. Teenagers often play Frisbee on the grass or volleyball in the sand. Adults enjoy taking walks, and some seniors like to sit on the park benches and feed the birds