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《综合商务英语川》课程教学大纲 Course syl labus of Business English:An Integrated Course I 一、课程基本信息(Basic Course Information) 课程代码:16025404 课程名称:综合商务英语Ⅱ 英文名称:Business English:An Integrated Course 课程类别:专业技能课 学时:64学时 学 分:4学分 适用对象:商务英语一年级学生第二学期 考核方式:考试 先修课程:综合商务英语】 二、课程简介(Brief Course Introduction) 《综合商务英语Ⅱ》课程是英语(商务英语)专业一年级主要基础课之一,是 一门综合商务英语技能课。该课程旨在培养学生的跨文化交际能力,兼顾同其他商务 英语技能课程和商务专业课程的衔接。结合商务英语语言和教学的特点,着重训练学 生商务英语的阅读理解能力、口语表达能力以及听力、写作等技能。商务专业素质与 人文素质并重,强调语言、文化与商务三者的有机融合,注重学生思维能力、创新能 力和自主学习能力的培养。 三、课程性质与教学目的(Course Description and Objectives) 《综合商务英语山》是英语(商务英语)专业一年级下学期的主干基础课程,旨 在全面培养和提高学生商务英语读、说、听、写、译的多种技能。本课程以商务、文 化和科技等不同主题为教学单元,每单元紧扣社会热点话题,选择不同难度和文体的 课文,兼顾语言学习、商务知识、外国文化、中国文化:课文选材篇幅适中,语言精 练,有丰富的思想内涵,语言可读性强,充分反映经济全球化时代的特点贯彻任务教 学法,设计丰富的学习任务,训练学生的跨文化交际能力和合作学习能力。突出多媒 体技术的应用,加大语言学习的趣味性和输入的有效性,调动学生课堂参与积极性, 为进入高年级的学习打下扎实的专业基础。 除此之外,本课程还结合每个单元的课程内容,以该单元的课程内容为主题,结

1 《综合商务英语 II》课程教学大纲 Course syllabus of Business English: An Integrated Course Ⅰ 一、课程基本信息(Basic Course Information) 课程代码:16025404 课程名称:综合商务英语 II 英文名称:Business English: An Integrated Course 课程类别:专业技能课 学 时: 64 学时 学 分: 4 学分 适用对象: 商务英语一年级学生第二学期 考核方式:考试 先修课程:综合商务英语 I 二、课程简介(Brief Course Introduction) 《综合商务英语 II》课程是英语(商务英语)专业一年级主要基础课之一,是 一门综合商务英语技能课。该课程旨在培养学生的跨文化交际能力,兼顾同其他商务 英语技能课程和商务专业课程的衔接。结合商务英语语言和教学的特点,着重训练学 生商务英语的阅读理解能力、口语表达能力以及听力、写作等技能。商务专业素质与 人文素质并重,强调语言、文化与商务三者的有机融合,注重学生思维能力、创新能 力和自主学习能力的培养。 三、课程性质与教学目的(Course Description and Objectives) 《综合商务英语 II》是英语(商务英语)专业一年级下学期的主干基础课程,旨 在全面培养和提高学生商务英语读、说、听、写、译的多种技能。本课程以商务、文 化和科技等不同主题为教学单元,每单元紧扣社会热点话题,选择不同难度和文体的 课文,兼顾语言学习、商务知识、外国文化、中国文化;课文选材篇幅适中,语言精 练,有丰富的思想内涵,语言可读性强,充分反映经济全球化时代的特点贯彻任务教 学法,设计丰富的学习任务,训练学生的跨文化交际能力和合作学习能力。突出多媒 体技术的应用,加大语言学习的趣味性和输入的有效性,调动学生课堂参与积极性, 为进入高年级的学习打下扎实的专业基础。 除此之外,本课程还结合每个单元的课程内容,以该单元的课程内容为主题,结

合学生的兴趣点,以丰富的载体、多样的形式,向国内相关内容和元素延伸,结合二 十的时事、新闻案例以及中国故事,挖掘并有机地融合课程主题中。在教学过程中 着重凸显“中国式现代化”的典型案例,以“润物细无声”的方式融入课程教学的目 标。 综合商务英语Ⅱ采用的《商务英语综合教程》(第二版)含括八大主题:商务语 言、跨文化沟通、高等教育、商务成功的秘诀、财富、全球化、商务黄金法则、经济 贸易全球化。课程的每章均会先学习西方的商务和文化,之后向国内同类话题延展, 结合中国传统文化,进行中西文化对比。通过对比学习,让学生既能体会到中西方各 自的优势,感受中国现代化发展的迅速,亦能增强学生的民族自豪感。 四、教学内容及要求(Teaching Contents) 教学要求 《商务英语综合教程》是为商务英语专业1年级学生所开设的1门主干课程 教学对象为结束高考刚刚进入商务英语专业学习的新生,因此该课程要求帮助学生适 应专业学习,搭建专业知识基础并达到《高等学校英语专业英语教学教学大纲》所规 定的英语专业1级听、说、读、写、译等技能的要求(关于《高等学校英语专业英语 教学教学大纲》)。同时,根据课程每个单元的主题,学习西方的内容,延伸中方的 相应的主题,将中国的传统文化、民族教育、民族复兴、国内发展形势,以科学的方 式“润物细无声”地结合到每章课程学习中,从而提高学生对传统文化的意识,增加 学生的民族自豪感,培养学生的家国情怀。 教学内容 整体内容 该课程选用的教材《商务英语综合教程IⅡ》由对外经济贸易大学和上海外语教育 出版社合作编写,是第1套按商务英语专业教学要求编写的教材。该教材每册包括8 个单元,提供1个学期的学期内容。其每个单元的具体教学内容构成如下, Unit I The Business of Language and the Language of Business (一)目的与要求 1.Understand the main idea of the three texts and establish the link among them 2.Get to know the history of English development and its social,economical and political position in present day Take command of words and expressions in this unit 4.Realize the differences between British and American English 5.Get to know the history of Chinese development and its social,economical and political position in present day 6.Compare the business language in English with the business language in 2

2 合学生的兴趣点,以丰富的载体、多样的形式,向国内相关内容和元素延伸,结合二 十的时事、新闻案例以及中国故事,挖掘并有机地融合课程主题中。在教学过程中, 着重凸显“中国式现代化”的典型案例,以“润物细无声”的方式融入课程教学的目 标。 综合商务英语 II 采用的《商务英语综合教程》(第二版)含括八大主题:商务语 言、跨文化沟通、高等教育、商务成功的秘诀、财富、全球化、商务黄金法则、经济 贸易全球化。课程的每章均会先学习西方的商务和文化,之后向国内同类话题延展, 结合中国传统文化,进行中西文化对比。通过对比学习,让学生既能体会到中西方各 自的优势,感受中国现代化发展的迅速,亦能增强学生的民族自豪感。 四、教学内容及要求(Teaching Contents) 教学要求 《商务英语综合教程 I》是为商务英语专业 1 年级学生所开设的 1 门主干课程, 教学对象为结束高考刚刚进入商务英语专业学习的新生,因此该课程要求帮助学生适 应专业学习,搭建专业知识基础并达到《高等学校英语专业英语教学教学大纲》所规 定的英语专业 1 级听、说、读、写、译等技能的要求(关于《高等学校英语专业英语 教学教学大纲》)。同时,根据课程每个单元的主题,学习西方的内容,延伸中方的 相应的主题,将中国的传统文化、民族教育、民族复兴、国内发展形势,以科学的方 式“润物细无声”地结合到每章课程学习中,从而提高学生对传统文化的意识,增加 学生的民族自豪感,培养学生的家国情怀。 教学内容 整体内容 该课程选用的教材《商务英语综合教程 II》由对外经济贸易大学和上海外语教育 出版社合作编写,是第 1 套按商务英语专业教学要求编写的教材。该教材每册包括 8 个单元,提供 1 个学期的学期内容。其每个单元的具体教学内容构成如下: Unit 1 The Business of Language and the Language of Business (一)目的与要求 1. Understand the main idea of the three texts and establish the link among them 2. Get to know the history of English development and its social, economical and political position in present day 3. Take command of words and expressions in this unit 4. Realize the differences between British and American English 5. Get to know the history of Chinese development and its social, economical and political position in present day 6. Compare the business language in English with the business language in

Chinese.Discuss the difference between them.In pursuing modernization,how does the business language in Chinese develop? (二)教学内容 1.Text I A World of Empire by Other Means isa piece of exposition.It is the main learning task in this unit.The writer points out that the English language has become a global language,but the culture carried with it is American.Students should grasp some difficult sentences and the writer's attitude 2.Text II Talking Business.Watch Your Language is another expository article The author gives several examples to illustrate the cultural barrier in doing business.Doing business in the customer's language may enhance the possibility of a successful transaction.Students should get a general view of the importance of language in international business communication. 3.Text III English:Language of Lost Chances-The Curse of Not Having to Learn Another Tongue to Get By Is Costing Us Dear is an exposition.Students skim through it to grasp the benefits and harmful effects of the victory of English. both to Britons and Americans and to non-English speaking countries. 4.Part Five in this unit contains some exercises related to the three texts Comprehension Practice is the key part (三)实践环节或课后练习 Text-relevant reading comprehension exercises,reading and making interpretations,language focus,comprehensive practice,study skills,writing (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、分组讨论、多媒体、视频 Unit 2 Bridging the Cross-cultural Gap (一) 目的与要求 1.Understand the main idea of the three texts and establish the link among them 2.Have a primary understanding of cross-cultural communication 3.Research on the key terms related to the Unit 4.Understand and use the key words and expressions from the texts 5.Have a raised awareness of cross-cultural communication 3

3 Chinese. Discuss the difference between them. In pursuing modernization, how does the business language in Chinese develop? (二)教学内容 1. Text I A World of Empire by Other Means is a piece of exposition. It is the main learning task in this unit. The writer points out that the English language has become a global language, but the culture carried with it is American. Students should grasp some difficult sentences and the writer’s attitude. 2.Text II Talking Business, Watch Your Language is another expository article. The author gives several examples to illustrate the cultural barrier in doing business. Doing business in the customer’s language may enhance the possibility of a successful transaction. Students should get a general view of the importance of language in international business communication. 3. Text III English: Language of Lost Chances ---The Curse of Not Having to Learn Another Tongue to Get By Is Costing Us Dear is an exposition. Students skim through it to grasp the benefits and harmful effects of the victory of English, both to Britons and Americans and to non-English speaking countries. 4. Part Five in this unit contains some exercises related to the three texts. Comprehension Practice is the key part. (三)实践环节或课后练习 Text-relevant reading comprehension exercises, reading and making interpretations, language focus, comprehensive practice, study skills, writing skills (四) 教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、分组讨论、多媒体、视频 Unit 2 Bridging the Cross-cultural Gap (一) 目的与要求 1. Understand the main idea of the three texts and establish the link among them 2. Have a primary understanding of cross-cultural communication 3. Research on the key terms related to the Unit 4. Understand and use the key words and expressions from the texts 5. Have a raised awareness of cross-cultural communication

6.Discuss the difference between Chinese and western business practices concerning personal and professional relationships? (二)教学内容 1.Understand the main ideas in Text I "The Business Context in Inter-Cultural Context",an expository passage containing some important concepts like culture shock and business cultures and to interpret some complicated sentences and phrases from the text. 2.Text II"Getting to Si,Ja Oui,Hai and Da--How to negotiate Across Culture"is for fast reading in class.Students grasp the main idea,understand the key terminology,and interpret some complicated sentences and phrases from the passage. 3.Skim through Text III"Mentality,Mindset,Mianzi--How to Avoid a Crisis".The focus of teaching is on cultural differences between Chinese and Westem business practices.Studentsare encouraged to finish relevant reading exercises.find out more about Chinese culture and explain them in English 4.Part Five in this unit contains some exercises related to the three texts Comprehension Practice is the key part. 5.Discussion: How do Chinese business people persuade customer?Share your experience with classmates How are Chinese approaches to conducting business different from those of the other cultures? What are the cultural aspects western managers should thoriughly understand if they want to succeed in China? (三)实践环节或课后练习 Text-relevant reading comprehension exercises,reading and making interpretations,language focus,comprehensive practice,study skills,writing skills (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、分组讨论、多媒体、视频 Unit 3 College Education:Searching for a Change

4 6. Discuss the difference between Chinese and western business practices concerning personal and professional relationships? (二) 教学内容 1. Understand the main ideas in Text I “The Business Context in Inter-Cultural Context”, an expository passage containing some important concepts like culture shock and business cultures and to interpret some complicated sentences and phrases from the text. 2. Text II “Getting to Si, Ja Oui, Hai and Da--How to negotiate Across Culture” is for fast reading in class. Students grasp the main idea, understand the key terminology, and interpret some complicated sentences and phrases from the passage. 3. Skim through Text III “Mentality, Mindset, Mianzi--How to Avoid a Crisis”. The focus of teaching is on cultural differences between Chinese and Western business practices. Students are encouraged to finish relevant reading exercises, find out more about Chinese culture and explain them in English. 4. Part Five in this unit contains some exercises related to the three texts. Comprehension Practice is the key part. 5. Discussion: How do Chinese business people persuade customer? Share your experience with classmates. How are Chinese approaches to conducting business different from those of the other cultures? What are the cultural aspects western managers should thoriughly understand if they want to succeed in China? (三)实践环节或课后练习 Text-relevant reading comprehension exercises, reading and making interpretations, language focus, comprehensive practice, study skills, writing skills (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、分组讨论、多媒体、视频 Unit 3 College Education: Searching for a Change

(一)目的与要求 1.Understand the main idea of the three texts and establish the link among them 2.Have an essential understanding of the functions of university and business school 3.Realize the role of case study and liberal education 4.Understand and use the key words and expressions from the texts 5.Apply the principles in the texts to a business scenario and give a report on the results 6.Discuss:"In the China'path to modernization,How will China provide every child withequal access toeducation?” (二)教学内容 1.Activation: 子曰:“有教无类”。新中国义务教育的普及,特别是脱贫攻坚战的成功, 真正地在教育领域做到了“有教无类”。观看视频,回答以下问题,引入 单元主题。 What is the biggest challenge facing the Chinese education system? .Why is it imperative to prioritize education? How has China benefited from its unremitting efforts towards compulsory education? What role does education play in poverty alleviation in China? According to Rob Tiemey,what should the best education focus on? 2.Text I 'Universities and Their Function"s a piece of expository writing The writer discusses the particular functions of a business school in the text in order to illustrate his view on the general functions of a university.Check students'skills in reading for general and specific information,comprehension questions should be asked at once.Students should be able to paraphrase some complicated sentences from the text. 3.Students read through Text IIThe Case Method of Harvard Business School"and understand the main ideas.They are to grasp what an HBS case is and the differences between the traditional class and an HBS class and answer the comprehension questions. 4.Text III is a very informative and well-written speech delivered by the first female president in Harvard University Drew Gilpin Faust,with the title

5 (一) 目的与要求 1. Understand the main idea of the three texts and establish the link among them 2. Have an essential understanding of the functions of university and business school 3. Realize the role of case study and liberal education 4. Understand and use the key words and expressions from the texts 5. Apply the principles in the texts to a business scenario and give a report on the results 6. Discuss : “In the China’ path to modernization, How will China provide every child with equal access to education?” (二) 教学内容 1. Activation: 子曰:“有教无类”。新中国义务教育的普及,特别是脱贫攻坚战的成功, 真正地在教育领域做到了“有教无类”。观看视频,回答以下问题,引入 单元主题。 · What is the biggest challenge facing the Chinese education system? · Why is it imperative to prioritize education? · How has China benefited from its unremitting efforts towards compulsory education? · What role does education play in poverty alleviation in China? · According to Rob Tierney, what should the best education focus on? 2. Text I “Universities and Their Function”is a piece of expository writing. The writer discusses the particular functions of a business school in the text in order to illustrate his view on the general functions of a university. Check students’skills in reading for general and specific information, comprehension questions should be asked at once. Students should be able to paraphrase some complicated sentences from the text. 3. Students read through Text II“The Case Method of Harvard Business School” and understand the main ideas . They are to grasp what an HBS case is and the differences between the traditional class and an HBS class and answer the comprehension questions. 4. Text III is a very informative and well-written speech delivered by the first female president in Harvard University Drew Gilpin Faust, with the title

of"Baccalaureate Address to Class of 2008".The teacher should guide students through some culturally-loaded phases and inspirational sentences, which will be helpful and significant for students'future career choices. 5.Part Five in this unit contains some exercises related to the three texts Comprehension Practice is the key part. (三)实践与思考环节 Text-relevant reading comprehension exercises,reading and making interpretations,language focus,comprehensive practice,study skills,writing group assignment:research:Global factors influencing college education (四)教学方法与手马 课堂讲授、分组讨论、多媒体、视频 Unit4 The Reality of Success in Business (一)目的与要求 1.Understand the main idea of the three texts and establish the link among them 2.Understand the key terms related to"entrepreneurship"try to use the words to make sentences. 3.Make some research on entrepreneurship of Chinese university graduates,and people's attitudes towards and advice on entrepreneurship in the modem times. 4.Discuss what are the priorities in starting an enterprise.and how (二)教学内容 1.Understand the writer'scritical attitude towards Text I"How Jack Welch Runs GE"(abridged)and grasp the key words,the main idea and to interpret some complicated sentences and phrases from the passage. 2.Understand the main ideas in Text II "the United States of Entrepreneurs leamning what are the advantages that support America to change into a more entrepreneurial economy.Students should understand the main ideas given in the text,discuss the presented problem in groups,and master the uses of some key terms. 3.Skim through TextⅢ“Li”,a piece of expository writing about one of 6

6 of “Baccalaureate Address to Class of 2008”. The teacher should guide students through some culturally-loaded phases and inspirational sentences, which will be helpful and significant for students’ future career choices. 5. Part Five in this unit contains some exercises related to the three texts. Comprehension Practice is the key part. (三) 实践与思考环节 Text-relevant reading comprehension exercises, reading and making interpretations, language focus, comprehensive practice, study skills, writing skills. group assignment: research: Global factors influencing college education (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、分组讨论、多媒体、视频 Unit 4 The Reality of Success in Business (一)目的与要求 1. Understand the main idea of the three texts and establish the link among them. 2. Understand the key terms related to “entrepreneurship”. try to use the words to make sentences. 3. Make some research on entrepreneurship of Chinese university graduates, and people’s attitudes towards and advice on entrepreneurship in the modern times. 4. Discuss what are the priorities in starting an enterprise, and how. (二)教学内容 1. Understand the writer’s critical attitude towards Text I “How Jack Welch Runs GE” (abridged) and grasp the key words, the main idea and to interpret some complicated sentences and phrases from the passage. 2. Understand the main ideas in Text II “the United States of Entrepreneurs”, learning what are the advantages that support America to change into a more entrepreneurial economy. Students should understand the main ideas given in the text, discuss the presented problem in groups, and master the uses of some key terms. 3. Skim through Text III “Li”, a piece of expository writing about one of

Hong Kong's biggest property developers.Students are to finish the comprehension exercises and do a research on entrepreneurship of Chinese university graduates and people's attitudes towards and advice on entrepreneurship. 4.Part Five in this unit contains some exercises related to the three texts. Comprehension Practice is the key part. (三)实践与思考环节 1.Text-relevant reading comprehension exercises,reading and making interpretations,language focus,comprehensive practice,study skills,writing skills. 2.Discussion:if a university graduates in China wants to start his owr business,where can he most likely obtain concrete advice?What is he usually advised to place priority on? (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、分组讨论、多媒体、视频 Unit 5 Empire of Wealth (一)目的与要求 1.Get to know about UHNWIs.And learn some words or expression that describe the impression of UHNWIs 2.Understand the main idea of the three texts and establish the link among them. 3.Understand the key terms of wealth 4.Brainstorm about some famous American billionaires with their wealth topping others 5.Discuss about the Confucian teaching about wealth acquisition. (二)教学内容 1.Understand the writer's critical attitude towards Text I"in praise of competitive urges"and grasp the key words,the main idea and to interpret some complicated sentences and phrases from the passage. 2.Understand the main ideas in Text II "self-made Wealth in America:Robber Barons and Silicon Sultans",learning some similarities that the author mention between the robber barons and silicon sultans.Students shoul understand the main ideas given in the text,discuss the presented problem in groups,and master the uses 7

7 Hong Kong’s biggest property developers. Students are to finish the comprehension exercises and do a research on entrepreneurship of Chinese university graduates and people’s attitudes towards and advice on entrepreneurship. 4. Part Five in this unit contains some exercises related to the three texts. Comprehension Practice is the key part. (三)实践与思考环节 1. Text-relevant reading comprehension exercises, reading and making interpretations, language focus, comprehensive practice, study skills, writing skills. 2. Discussion: if a university graduates in China wants to start his own business, where can he most likely obtain concrete advice? What is he usually advised to place priority on? (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、分组讨论、多媒体、视频 Unit 5 Empire of Wealth (一)目的与要求 1. Get to know about UHNWIs. And learn some words or expression that describe the impression of UHNWIs. 2. Understand the main idea of the three texts and establish the link among them. 3. Understand the key terms of wealth. 4. Brainstorm about some famous American billionaires with their wealth topping others 5. Discuss about the Confucian teaching about wealth acquisition. (二)教学内容 1. Understand the writer’s critical attitude towards Text I“in praise of competitive urges”and grasp the key words, the main idea and to interpret some complicated sentences and phrases from the passage. 2. Understand the main ideas in Text II “self-made Wealth in America: Robber Barons and Silicon Sultans”, learning some similarities that the author mention between the robber barons and silicon sultans. Students should understand the main ideas given in the text, discuss the presented problem in groups, and master the uses

of some key terms. 3.Skim through Text III"The Gods of Wealth"leamning some information about Chinese people's worship of gods of wealth.Students are to finish the comprehension exercises and doa research on gods of wealth in different cultures 4.Part Five in this unit contains some exercises related to the three texts Comprehension Practice is the key part. (三)实践与思考环节 1.Text-relevant reading comprehension exercises,reading and making interpretations, language focus,comprehensive practice,study skills,writing skills. 2.Research:how were the mercantile acquisition of wealth and the merchant class regarded in the traditional feudal ideology of China.Did it differ from the case with America?What effects or consequences did it generate? (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、分组讨论、多媒体、视频 Unit 6A Flat World (一)目的与要求 1.Understand the main idea of the three texts and establish the link among them. 2.Understand the key terms of globalization 3.Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of globalization 4.Have a raised awareness of cross-cultural communication in the business context. (二)教学内容 1.Understand the writer's critical attitude towards Text i"The Drawbacks of Cultural Globalization"(abridged)and grasp the main idea and to interpret some complicated sentences and phrases from the passage. 2.Understand the main ideas in Text II"Rising of the Titans",learning some famous multinational corporation and the problem of taxation caused by them and the losses for the local countries.Students should understand the main ideas given in the text,discuss the presented problem in groups,and master the uses of some key terms. 8

8 of some key terms. 3. Skim through Text III “The Gods of Wealth”, learning some information about Chinese people’s worship of gods of wealth. Students are to finish the comprehension exercises and do a research on gods of wealth in different cultures. 4. Part Five in this unit contains some exercises related to the three texts. Comprehension Practice is the key part. (三)实践与思考环节 1. Text-relevant reading comprehension exercises, reading and making interpretations, language focus, comprehensive practice, study skills, writing skills. 2. Research: how were the mercantile acquisition of wealth and the merchant class regarded in the traditional feudal ideology of China. Did it differ from the case with America? What effects or consequences did it generate? (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、分组讨论、多媒体、视频 Unit 6 A Flat World (一)目的与要求 1. Understand the main idea of the three texts and establish the link among them. 2. Understand the key terms of globalization 3. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of globalization 4. Have a raised awareness of cross-cultural communication in the business context. (二)教学内容 1. Understand the writer’s critical attitude towards Text I “The Drawbacks of Cultural Globalization” (abridged) and grasp the main idea and to interpret some complicated sentences and phrases from the passage. 2. Understand the main ideas in Text II “Rising of the Titans”, learning some famous multinational corporation and the problem of taxation caused by them and the losses for the local countries. Students should understand the main ideas given in the text, discuss the presented problem in groups, and master the uses of some key terms

3.Skim through Text III "What is Glocalization?"a piece of expository writing about the definition of glocalization and its relations with business and culture.Students are to finish the comprehension exercises and do a research on globalization and glocalization in China. 4.Part Five in this unit contains some exercises related to the three texts. Comprehension Practice is the key part. (三)实践与思考环节 Text-relevant reading comprehension exercises,reading and making interpretations,language focus,comprehensive practice,study skills,writing skills (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、分组讨论、多媒体、视频 Unit 7 Is there a golden rule in business? (一)目的与要求 1.Understand the main idea of the three texts and establish the link among them. 2.Understand the key terms related to business and group them in different categories 3.Have a primary understanding of academic honor codes.Discuss with the students about the issue of academic dishonesty and scandal in China 4.Realize and emphasize the importance of business ethics. 5. (二)教学内容 1.Understand the writer's critical attitude towards Text I "Duke MBAs Fail Ethics Test"(abridged)and grasp the main idea and to interpret some complicated sentences and phrases from the passage. 2.Understand the main ideas in TextⅡ“To Tell the Truth”,learning the importance of ethics,and how to deal honestly with customers.Moreover. Students should understand the main ideas given in the text,discuss the presented problem in groups,and master the uses of some key terms. 3.Skim through Text III"corruption from a cross-cultural perspective",learning

9 3. Skim through Text III “What is Glocalization?”, a piece of expository writing about the definition of glocalization and its relations with business and culture. Students are to finish the comprehension exercises and do a research on globalization and glocalization in China. 4. Part Five in this unit contains some exercises related to the three texts. Comprehension Practice is the key part. (三)实践与思考环节 Text-relevant reading comprehension exercises, reading and making interpretations, language focus, comprehensive practice, study skills, writing skills (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、分组讨论、多媒体、视频 Unit 7 Is there a golden rule in business? (一)目的与要求 1. Understand the main idea of the three texts and establish the link among them. 2. Understand the key terms related to business and group them in different categories. 3. Have a primary understanding of academic honor codes. Discuss with the students about the issue of academic dishonesty and scandal in China. 4. Realize and emphasize the importance of business ethics. 5. (二)教学内容 1. Understand the writer’s critical attitude towards Text I “Duke MBAs Fail Ethics Test ”(abridged) and grasp the main idea and to interpret some complicated sentences and phrases from the passage. 2. Understand the main ideas in Text II “To Tell the Truth”, learning the importance of ethics, and how to deal honestly with customers. Moreover, Students should understand the main ideas given in the text, discuss the presented problem in groups, and master the uses of some key terms. 3. Skim through Text III “corruption from a cross-cultural perspective”, learning

the author's intention in writing this essay,and know the category of different types of culture in the world.Students are to finish the comprehension exercises and do a research on globalization and glocalization in China. 4.Part Five in this unit contains some exercises related to the three texts Comprehension Practice is the key part. (三)实践与思考环节 1.Discuss:what solutions does Chinese govemnment take in order to fight against the corruption? 2.Students should be to finish Text-relevant reading comprehension exercises, reading and making interpretations,language focus,comprehensive practice. study skills.writing skills. (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、分组讨论、多媒体、视频 Unit8 Economy and Trade in a Changing World (一)目的与要求 1.Understand the main idea of the three texts and establish the link among them 2.Have a primary understanding of the evolution of central banking system 3.Research on the key terms related to the unit 4.Analyze the role of trade and finance in transforming the cultural landscape of a country 5.Design and conduct a research on central banks in Europe.America and China,and give a report on the result. 6.Discussion:"in promoting china's open development,what international and domestic situations should we consider? (二)教学内容 1.Text I The Myth of the Renaissance in Europe challenges the general perception that man simply "re-found"himself during the European Renaissance and adds an economic dimension to this significant event in European history.The author argues that important developments in trade and science,as well as contact with far-flung empires,were the real causes of this 10

10 the author’s intention in writing this essay, and know the category of different types of culture in the world. Students are to finish the comprehension exercises and do a research on globalization and glocalization in China. 4. Part Five in this unit contains some exercises related to the three texts. Comprehension Practice is the key part. (三)实践与思考环节 1. Discuss: what solutions does Chinese government take in order to fight against the corruption? 2. Students should be to finish Text-relevant reading comprehension exercises, reading and making interpretations, language focus, comprehensive practice, study skills, writing skills. (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、分组讨论、多媒体、视频 Unit 8 Economy and Trade in a Changing World (一)目的与要求 1. Understand the main idea of the three texts and establish the link among them 2. Have a primary understanding of the evolution of central banking system 3. Research on the key terms related to the unit 4. Analyze the role of trade and finance in transforming the cultural landscape of a country 5. Design and conduct a research on central banks in Europe, America and China, and give a report on the result. 6. Discussion: “in promoting china’s open development, what international and domestic situations should we consider? (二)教学内容 1. Text I The Myth of the Renaissance in Europe challenges the general perception that man simply “re-found”himself during the European Renaissance and adds an economic dimension to this significant event in European history. The author argues that important developments in trade and science, as well as contact with far-flung empires, were the real causes of this



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