《高级英语》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 果程代码:16020604 课程名称:高级英语1 英文名称:Advanced English I 课程类别:学科基础课 学 时:64 学 分:4 适用对象:英语语言文学专业 考核方式:考试 先修课程:基础英语、语音、听力、口语、英语泛读、写作、语法、英语视听说 二、课程简介 《高级英语I》是为英语专业三年级学生第一学期所设的培养阅读和写作技能的 课程。 本课程通过阅读和分析题材广泛的、时代气息浓厚的课文,包括涉及政治、经济、 社会、语言、文学、教育、地理、科普和哲学等方面的名家作品,使学生从多个角度 认识当代英美社会的各个方面,包括种族问题、文化差异、名人轶事、网络技术、语 言、教育、社会问题等,令他们在学习英语的过程中,拓展视野,陶治情操,提高素 养。 本课程选用教材体裁多样,有记叙文、说明文和论说文等。使学生在巩固和提高 英语语言技能的同时,也能熟稔不同的文体,培养分析和欣赏能力,增强逻辑思维与 独立思考的能力。 Advanced English I is a course for junior English majors,which is aimed at training read ing and writing skills. With a selection of texts that cover a wide range of topics,including politics economics,language,literature,education,geography,popular science and philosophy,this course will help students know more about various aspects of the British and American societies,such as racial problems,cultural gaps,information technology,and other social issues This selection of texts also involves different types of writing,namely,description, narration,exposition and argumentation,which will help students to get familiar with the
1 《高级英语 I》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:16020604 课程名称:高级英语 I 英文名称:Advanced English I 课程类别:学科基础课 学 时:64 学 分:4 适用对象: 英语语言文学专业 考核方式:考试 先修课程:基础英语、语音、听力、口语、英语泛读、写作、语法、英语视听说 二、课程简介 《高级英语 I》是为英语专业三年级学生第一学期所设的培养阅读和写作技能的 课程。 本课程通过阅读和分析题材广泛的、时代气息浓厚的课文,包括涉及政治、经济、 社会、语言、文学、教育、地理、科普和哲学等方面的名家作品,使学生从多个角度 认识当代英美社会的各个方面,包括种族问题、文化差异、名人轶事、网络技术、语 言、教育、社会问题等,令他们在学习英语的过程中,拓展视野,陶冶情操,提高素 养。 本课程选用教材体裁多样,有记叙文、说明文和论说文等。使学生在巩固和提高 英语语言技能的同时,也能熟稔不同的文体,培养分析和欣赏能力,增强逻辑思维与 独立思考的能力。 Advanced English I is a course for junior English majors, which is aimed at training reading and writing skills. With a selection of texts that cover a wide range of topics, including politics, economics, language, literature, education, geography, popular science and philosophy, this course will help students know more about various aspects of the British and American societies, such as racial problems, cultural gaps, information technology, and other social issues. This selection of texts also involves different types of writing, namely, description, narration, exposition and argumentation, which will help students to get familiar with the
main features of different writing styles and thus improve their abilities to think and write logically in the English language. 三、课程性质与教学目的 《高级英语1》是英语专业本科三年级学生的专业技能必修课。教学目的主要是 进一步全面提高学生运用英语的综合能力。在听、说、读、写、译等方面能力不断提 高的基础上,培养学生拓展思维空间,扩大知识面,提高语言理解、分析能力、鉴赏 能力、口头沟通能力、书面表达能力。着重提高学生阅读与写作的能力。在阅读方面, 引导学生分析文章的结构布局,文体修辞以及语言技巧,提高学生逻辑思维和判断评 述的能力。通过对题材广泛的课文进行批判性阅读,可以使学生从多个角度认识当代 英美社会的各个方面,从而了解中西方基本政治制度的差异,加强对我国基本政治制 度和社会主义核心价值观的认同、对中华民族传统文化的认同,帮助学生树立文化自 信、民族自信,培养他们的家国情怀。在写作方面,训练学生注重文章的组织结构和 正确表达,逐步做到行文得体流畅:并在此基础上,训练学生注重文章的思想内容, 引导他们树立正确的价值观、人生观和世界观。 四、教学内容及要求 教学要求 《高级英语》是为英语专业三年级学生第一学期所开设的一门主干课程,是在 《基础英语I》至《基础英语V》基础上的提高和延续,仍然以全面提高学生的语言 综合运用能力为目标,着重培养阅读和写作技能,使学生能在更高的层次上进行语言 交际。课程结束后,要求学生基本达到《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》中所规定 的要求,能做到: 1、阅读难度一股的英、美报刊、杂志上的文章和难度一般的英文原著 2、在理解的基础上分析文章的思想观点、篇章结构和文体风格。 3、阅读速度为每分钟140-180个单词,理解准确率不低于75%。能在5分钟内 速读1300词左右的文章,掌握文章的主旨和大意。 4、进·步扩大知识面,增强对文化差异的敏感性,提高综合运用英语讲行交际 的能力。 教学内容 本课程选用的教材为何兆熊主编的《综合教程(第2版)》第五册。该教材为“十 二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材,是为高等院校英语专业三年级学生编写的 高级英语课教材。所有课文选自报纸杂志的时政类文章及英美文学的一些经典名篇, 全部为英美作者的原文,只在个别情况下做了极少的删节及改动。本册教材包括14 个单元。每个单元的构成如下: 2
2 main features of different writing styles and thus improve their abilities to think and write logically in the English language. 三、课程性质与教学目的 《高级英语 I》是英语专业本科三年级学生的专业技能必修课。教学目的主要是 进一步全面提高学生运用英语的综合能力。在听、说、读、写、译等方面能力不断提 高的基础上,培养学生拓展思维空间,扩大知识面,提高语言理解、分析能力、鉴赏 能力、口头沟通能力、书面表达能力。着重提高学生阅读与写作的能力。在阅读方面, 引导学生分析文章的结构布局,文体修辞以及语言技巧,提高学生逻辑思维和判断评 述的能力。通过对题材广泛的课文进行批判性阅读,可以使学生从多个角度认识当代 英美社会的各个方面,从而了解中西方基本政治制度的差异,加强对我国基本政治制 度和社会主义核心价值观的认同、对中华民族传统文化的认同,帮助学生树立文化自 信、民族自信,培养他们的家国情怀。在写作方面,训练学生注重文章的组织结构和 正确表达,逐步做到行文得体流畅;并在此基础上,训练学生注重文章的思想内容, 引导他们树立正确的价值观、人生观和世界观。 四、教学内容及要求 教学要求 《高级英语 I》是为英语专业三年级学生第一学期所开设的一门主干课程,是在 《基础英语 I》至《基础英语 IV》基础上的提高和延续,仍然以全面提高学生的语言 综合运用能力为目标,着重培养阅读和写作技能,使学生能在更高的层次上进行语言 交际。课程结束后,要求学生基本达到《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》中所规定 的要求,能做到: 1、 阅读难度一般的英、美报刊、杂志上的文章和难度一般的英文原著。 2、 在理解的基础上分析文章的思想观点、篇章结构和文体风格。 3、 阅读速度为每分钟 140-180 个单词,理解准确率不低于 75%。能在 5 分钟内 速读 1300 词左右的文章,掌握文章的主旨和大意。 4、 进一步扩大知识面,增强对文化差异的敏感性,提高综合运用英语进行交际 的能力。 教学内容 本课程选用的教材为何兆熊主编的《综合教程(第 2 版)》第五册。该教材为“十 二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材,是为高等院校英语专业三年级学生编写的 高级英语课教材。所有课文选自报纸杂志的时政类文章及英美文学的一些经典名篇, 全部为英美作者的原文,只在个别情况下做了极少的删节及改动。本册教材包括 14 个单元。每个单元的构成如下:
Pre-reading questions Text comprehension Writing strategies Language work Translation Oral activities Writing Text I Multiple choice questions Questions for discussion 与Text I相关的练习共有7个部分:Pre--reading questions,.Text comprehension, Writing strategies,Language work,Translation,Oral activities,Writing Pre-reading questions与TextI的话题相关但不涉及课文的具体内容,起到“热身' 作用,引导学生进入本单元的主题。 Text comprehension设计的问题都与Text I直接有关,其中既有对果文字面的、局 部意义的理解,又有对课文的整体把握以及对内涵和寓意的理解,从而帮助学生在课 文理解方面做到既见树又见林。 Writing strategies着重解释课文作者所使用的写作、修辞手法,以提高学生对语篇 的欣赏能力和写作水平。 Language work包括多种类型的语言练习。其中有词汇练习,旨在帮助学生掌握 些积极词汇的意义并拓展其用法,做到熟练运用:语法练习对一些常用的语法现象进 行操练,增强学生的语法识别能力和应用能力:完形填空帮助学生从词汇、语法、篇 章结构等方面综合运用语言。 Translation含有两个部分,句子翻译和段落翻译。句子翻译有助于巩固、拓展本 单元所学的词语,段落翻译进一步帮助学生提高综合运用英语的能力。 Oral activities结合Text I撰写了导入语,提出话题,既能激发学生开动脑筋联系 实际展开讨论,又能培养他们运用英语表达观点和思想,并与他人交流、辩论、沟通 的能力,全面提高他们的素质。 Wtg着重用文写作:看图作文、演讲、书评、还有运用因果、对比、举例 论证等手法撰写短文。通过实践,培养学生的写作能力,为今后的论文写作做好铺垫。 TextⅡ是对Text I主题的扩展和深化,前后两篇文章可以起到相辅相成的作用。 Text II配有Multiple choice questions和Questions for discussion两项练习。基本上根据 TxtⅡ以开拓学生的思路为主,让学生就这些问题发表自己的见解,并且运用英语表 达自己的观点和看法,从而养成分析问题、解决问题的能力。 3
3 Pre-reading questions Text I Text comprehension Writing strategies Language work Translation Oral activities Writing Text II Multiple choice questions Questions for discussion 与 Text I 相关的练习共有 7 个部分:Pre-reading questions,Text comprehension, Writing strategies,Language work,Translation,Oral activities,Writing。 Pre-reading questions 与 Text I 的话题相关但不涉及课文的具体内容,起到“热身” 作用,引导学生进入本单元的主题。 Text comprehension 设计的问题都与 Text I 直接有关,其中既有对课文字面的、局 部意义的理解,又有对课文的整体把握以及对内涵和寓意的理解,从而帮助学生在课 文理解方面做到既见树又见林。 Writing strategies 着重解释课文作者所使用的写作、修辞手法,以提高学生对语篇 的欣赏能力和写作水平。 Language work 包括多种类型的语言练习。其中有词汇练习,旨在帮助学生掌握一 些积极词汇的意义并拓展其用法,做到熟练运用;语法练习对一些常用的语法现象进 行操练,增强学生的语法识别能力和应用能力;完形填空帮助学生从词汇、语法、篇 章结构等方面综合运用语言。 Translation 含有两个部分,句子翻译和段落翻译。句子翻译有助于巩固、拓展本 单元所学的词语,段落翻译进一步帮助学生提高综合运用英语的能力。 Oral activities 结合 Text I 撰写了导入语,提出话题,既能激发学生开动脑筋联系 实际展开讨论,又能培养他们运用英语表达观点和思想,并与他人交流、辩论、沟通 的能力,全面提高他们的素质。 Writing 着重应用文写作:看图作文、演讲、书评、还有运用因果、对比、举例、 论证等手法撰写短文。通过实践,培养学生的写作能力,为今后的论文写作做好铺垫。 Text II 是对 Text I 主题的扩展和深化,前后两篇文章可以起到相辅相成的作用。 Text II 配有 Multiple choice questions 和 Questions for discussion 两项练习。基本上根据 Text II 以开拓学生的思路为主,让学生就这些问题发表自己的见解,并且运用英语表 达自己的观点和看法,从而养成分析问题、解决问题的能力
具体教学内容如下: (一)目的与要求 After learning this unit,students will be able to 1.understand the main idea of the text and talk about it; 2.understand the organization and development of the text; 3.understand the writing style of the text and the rhetorical devices used in it 4.grasp the key language and grammar points; 5.realize that racial discrimination is still a serious social problem in the U.S. (二)教学内容 1.主要内容 Text I The Fourth of July This is a piece of narrative writing in which first-person narration is employed.The whole text may be divided into four main parts.The first paragraph,which is the beginning part,provides the background of the story,introducing the main characters,the place and time of the major event narrated in the story.The second part,which consists of Paragraphs 2-6.tells us all the necessary preparations,especially the different kinds of food the writer's mother had prepared for their Washington trip.Also,this part briefly relates two examples of racial discrimination and segregation.The third part,which comprises Paragraphs 7-17 is the most important section of the narrative text.This part concentrates on the major event of the text- -the injustice with which the writer and her family members were treated. Included in this part are also some of the writers visits and her psychological state. The title and the textual content bring out the satirical effect prominently.As is known to all,the 4th of July is kept as a national holiday on which the American people commemorate and celebrate their winning of freedom and independence.But on this very day,the writer and her family were treated unfairly and unjustly when they entered an ice-cream store,ordered a dish of vanilla ice cream and got ready to enjoy it.They were not allowed to eat it inside.Besides this major event,the text offers other examples to illustrate the ubiquitous existence of white domination and racial discrimination in the USA at that time Text II Champion of the World 2.语言知识点 1)Words and expressions:Notes 2)Elements of Narrative Writing -Plot,character,setting,style,conflicts,theme 4
4 具体教学内容如下: UNIT 1 (一) 目的与要求 After learning this unit, students will be able to 1. understand the main idea of the text and talk about it; 2. understand the organization and development of the text; 3. understand the writing style of the text and the rhetorical devices used in it; 4. grasp the key language and grammar points; 5. realize that racial discrimination is still a serious social problem in the U.S.. (二) 教学内容 1. 主要内容 Text I The Fourth of July This is a piece of narrative writing in which first-person narration is employed. The whole text may be divided into four main parts. The first paragraph, which is the beginning part, provides the background of the story, introducing the main characters, the place and time of the major event narrated in the story. The second part, which consists of Paragraphs 2-6, tells us all the necessary preparations, especially the different kinds of food the writer’s mother had prepared for their Washington trip. Also, this part briefly relates two examples of racial discrimination and segregation. The third part, which comprises Paragraphs 7-17, is the most important section of the narrative text. This part concentrates on the major event of the text — the injustice with which the writer and her family members were treated. Included in this part are also some of the writer s visits and her psychological state. The title and the textual content bring out the satirical effect prominently. As is known to all, the 4th of July is kept as a national holiday on which the American people commemorate and celebrate their winning of freedom and independence. But on this very day, the writer and her family were treated unfairly and unjustly when they entered an ice-cream store, ordered a dish of vanilla ice cream and got ready to enjoy it. They were not allowed to eat it inside. Besides this major event, the text offers other examples to illustrate the ubiquitous existence of white domination and racial discrimination in the USA at that time. Text II Champion of the World 2. 语言知识点 1) Words and expressions; Notes 2) Elements of Narrative Writing -Plot, character, setting, style, conflicts, theme
3)Plot Structure of Narrative Writing -Beginning,middle,climax,end 4)Different Points of View -First Person point of view -Second Person point of view -Third Person point of view 5)Writing strategies:flashback;symbolism 3.问题与应用 1)Giving A Talk After the founding of the People's Republic of China,working people became the masters of the country.But in spite of the general improvement in people's living standards since then,especially since the implementation of the opening and reform policies in the 1990s,polarization of wealth and poverty seems to be getting more and more serious. Consequently,social inequality and discrimination have occurred in China today.Give examples to illustrate the phenomenon and explore the causes. You could probably begin your talk with"I know that we're,generally speaking,living a happy life.However,for one reason or another,we might have heard of instances of inequality in our society.Now let me give you some examples.' 2)Having A Discussion The text "The Fourth of July"is a vivid illustration of racial discrimination in the United States sometime in the 1940s or 1950s.Although it has long been claimed that all men are created equal and independent.people.in reality.for one reason or another.suffer from discrimination,racial,gender,age,or whatever.On May 25,2020.George Floyd,an African-American man who lived in Minneapolis.Minnesota.died from police violence. This event triggered long-lasting large-scale anti-racism demonstrations across the U.S. even in some European countries.Have a discussion on racial discrimination in the U.S., based on your knowledge of this event and the follow-up demonstrations (三)课后练习 1)Questions for text comprehension 2)Language work 3)Translation exercises 4)Writing practice (四)教学方法与手段 采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段。 5
5 3) Plot Structure of Narrative Writing -Beginning, middle, climax, end 4) Different Points of View -First Person point of view -Second Person point of view -Third Person point of view 5) Writing strategies: flashback; symbolism 3. 问题与应用 1) Giving A Talk After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, working people became the masters of the country. But in spite of the general improvement in people’s living standards since then, especially since the implementation of the opening and reform policies in the 1990s, polarization of wealth and poverty seems to be getting more and more serious. Consequently, social inequality and discrimination have occurred in China today. Give examples to illustrate the phenomenon and explore the causes. You could probably begin your talk with “I know that we’re, generally speaking, living a happy life. However, for one reason or another, we might have heard of instances of inequality in our society. Now let me give you some examples.” 2) Having A Discussion The text “The Fourth of July” is a vivid illustration of racial discrimination in the United States sometime in the 1940s or 1950s. Although it has long been claimed that all men are created equal and independent, people, in reality, for one reason or another, suffer from discrimination, racial, gender, age, or whatever. On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, an African-American man who lived in Minneapolis, Minnesota, died from police violence. This event triggered long-lasting large-scale anti-racism demonstrations across the U.S., even in some European countries. Have a discussion on racial discrimination in the U.S., based on your knowledge of this event and the follow-up demonstrations. (三) 课后练习 1) Questions for text comprehension 2) Language work 3) Translation exercises 4) Writing practice (四) 教学方法与手段 采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段
UNIT2 (一)目的与要求 After learning this unit,students will be able to 1.understand the main idea of the text and talk about it; 2.understand the organization and development of the text 3.understand the writing style of the text and the rhetorical devices used in it: 4.grasp the key language and grammar points. 5.understand the value and importance of Chinese culture (二)教学内容 1.主要内容 Text I The Struggle to Be an All-American Girl In this poignant remembrance,the author recalls the unforgettable,sorrowful experiences of her childhood when she was forced to leam Chinese,which did not interest her.The text may be divided into four parts.The first paragraph,the first part,provides the background of the narrative text.The second part,Paragraphs 2-7,dynamically and vividly describes their forced walks to the Chinese school,the principal,the classroom,the polite formality with which lessons started,etc.Paragraphs 8-11.making up the third part specifically and graphically depict the language gap within the extended family:between the writer and her grandmother and between her brother and mother.And in the last part. which is made up of the last three short paragraphs,the author regrets that in rejecting her Chinese identity when young she is now cut off much of her Chinese heritage Text II No Name Woman 2.语言知识点 1)Words and expressions;Notes 2)Basic features of narrative writing 3)Rhetorical devices:transferred epithet 4)Writing strategies:contrast 3.问题与应用 1)Giving A Talk Mr.Gary Faye Locke(g骆家辉),current US ambassador to the People's Republic of China and a third-generation member of a Chinese emigrant family,is referred to as a typical example of an ABC who has realized the American dream.It is said that he did not leam to speak English until he was five years old and entered school.Now imagine yourself to be an ABC and give a talk about possible hurts and sorrows as Wong's or likely success as Locke's. 6
6 UNIT 2 (一) 目的与要求 After learning this unit, students will be able to 1. understand the main idea of the text and talk about it; 2. understand the organization and development of the text; 3. understand the writing style of the text and the rhetorical devices used in it; 4. grasp the key language and grammar points; 5. understand the value and importance of Chinese culture. (二) 教学内容 1. 主要内容 Text I The Struggle to Be an All-American Girl In this poignant remembrance, the author recalls the unforgettable, sorrowful experiences of her childhood when she was forced to learn Chinese, which did not interest her. The text may be divided into four parts. The first paragraph, the first part, provides the background of the narrative text. The second part, Paragraphs 2-7, dynamically and vividly describes their forced walks to the Chinese school, the principal, the classroom, the polite formality with which lessons started, etc. Paragraphs 8-11, making up the third part, specifically and graphically depict the language gap within the extended family: between the writer and her grandmother and between her brother and mother. And in the last part, which is made up of the last three short paragraphs, the author regrets that in rejecting her Chinese identity when young she is now cut off much of her Chinese heritage. Text II No Name Woman 2. 语言知识点 1) Words and expressions; Notes 2) Basic features of narrative writing 3) Rhetorical devices: transferred epithet 4) Writing strategies: contrast 3. 问题与应用 1) Giving A Talk Mr. Gary Faye Locke (骆家辉), current US ambassador to the People’s Republic of China and a third-generation member of a Chinese emigrant family, is referred to as a typical example of an ABC who has realized the American dream. It is said that he did not learn to speak English until he was five years old and entered school. Now imagine yourself to be an ABC and give a talk about possible hurts and sorrows as Wong’s or likely success as Locke’s
2)Having A Discussion In the past three decades,millions of Chinese emigrated to developed countries like the U.S.,Canada,Australia,and New Zealand.In recent years,however,there has been a tendency among these Chinese to come back to China.What do you think are the driving forces to get these people back?Have a discussion on this issue based on vour understanding of the value of Chinese culture. (三)课后练习 1)Questions for text comprehension 2)Language work 3)Translation exercises 4)Writing practice (四)教学方法与手段 采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段 UNIT3 (一)目的与要求 After leamning this unit,students will be able to 1.understand the main idea of the text and talk about it; 2. understand the organization and development of the text. 3.understand the writing style of the text and the rhetorical devices used in it; 4.grasp the key language and grammar points: 5.understand the inhumanity of colonialism. (二)教学内容 1.主要内容 TextIAHanging The text.which is a descriptive narration.relates a true story about the execution of a condemned prisoner in Burma.The whole narrative story is made up of 22 paragraphs.The first paragraph,which is the introductory part,presents the background knowledge-the country where the story took place,the time when the story happened and the bad living conditions of the condemned men.Paragraphs 2-14 constitute the second part or the body of the story,describing how a condemned prisoner was escorted to the gallows,how he behaved and walked.What is significant here is the comments the writer makes conceming the cold-blooded destruction of a healthy,conscious man.Paragraphs 15-22 form the denouement of the story.where thought-provoking descriptions are provided and some tragic anecdotes inserted.The whole story is full of dynamic and gruesome narrative 7
7 2) Having A Discussion In the past three decades, millions of Chinese emigrated to developed countries like the U.S., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. In recent years, however, there has been a tendency among these Chinese to come back to China. What do you think are the driving forces to get these people back? Have a discussion on this issue based on your understanding of the value of Chinese culture. (三) 课后练习 1) Questions for text comprehension 2) Language work 3) Translation exercises 4) Writing practice (四) 教学方法与手段 采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段。 UNIT 3 (一) 目的与要求 After learning this unit, students will be able to 1. understand the main idea of the text and talk about it; 2. understand the organization and development of the text; 3. understand the writing style of the text and the rhetorical devices used in it; 4. grasp the key language and grammar points; 5. understand the inhumanity of colonialism. (二) 教学内容 1. 主要内容 Text I A Hanging The text, which is a descriptive narration, relates a true story about the execution of a condemned prisoner in Burma. The whole narrative story is made up of 22 paragraphs. The first paragraph, which is the introductory part, presents the background knowledge — the country where the story took place, the time when the story happened and the bad living conditions of the condemned men. Paragraphs 2-14 constitute the second part or the body of the story, describing how a condemned prisoner was escorted to the gallows, how he behaved and walked. What is significant here is the comments the writer makes concerning the cold-blooded destruction of a healthy, conscious man. Paragraphs 15-22 form the denouement of the story, where thought-provoking descriptions are provided and some tragic anecdotes inserted. The whole story is full of dynamic and gruesome narrative
descriptions that are impressive and unforgettable Text II Shooting an Elephant 2.语言知识点 1)Wordsand expressions;Notes 2)Basic features of English descriptive narration 3)Writing strategies:dynamic description,first-person narration 3.问题与应用 1)Giving A Talk Reading the text A Hanging,we can feel acutely the helplessness of the victim and the cruelty in terminating a life.People hold sharply contradictory views about the legal killing of criminals who have committed unpardonable crimes.Capital punishment,which is strongly objected to in some countries,abolished in some others,but practiced in still others, is executed in many ways,including hanging.What is your view on this legal practice? Give your reasons. 2)Having A Discussion Hold a discussion on the inhumanity of colonialism as revealed in Orwell's description of the reactions of the witnesses,including the author himself,before,during and after the hanging (三)课后练习 1)Questions for text comprehension 2)Language work 3)Translation exercises 4)Writing practice (四)教学方法与手段 采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段。 (一)目的与要求 After learning this unit,students will be able to 1.understand the main idea of the text and talk about it; 2.understand the organization and development of the text; 3.understand the writing style of the text and the rhetorical devices used in it. 4.grasp the key language and grammar points; 5.understand the importance of striving for one's life goals (二)教学内容
8 descriptions that are impressive and unforgettable. Text II Shooting an Elephant 2. 语言知识点 1) Words and expressions; Notes 2) Basic features of English descriptive narration 3) Writing strategies: dynamic description, first-person narration 3. 问题与应用 1) Giving A Talk Reading the text A Hanging, we can feel acutely the helplessness of the victim and the cruelty in terminating a life. People hold sharply contradictory views about the legal killing of criminals who have committed unpardonable crimes. Capital punishment, which is strongly objected to in some countries, abolished in some others, but practiced in still others, is executed in many ways, including hanging. What is your view on this legal practice? Give your reasons. 2) Having A Discussion Hold a discussion on the inhumanity of colonialism as revealed in Orwell’s description of the reactions of the witnesses, including the author himself, before, during and after the hanging. (三) 课后练习 1) Questions for text comprehension 2) Language work 3) Translation exercises 4) Writing practice (四) 教学方法与手段 采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段。 UNIT 4 (一) 目的与要求 After learning this unit, students will be able to 1. understand the main idea of the text and talk about it; 2. understand the organization and development of the text; 3. understand the writing style of the text and the rhetorical devices used in it; 4. grasp the key language and grammar points; 5. understand the importance of striving for one’s life goals. (二) 教学内容
1.主要内容 Text I Force of Nature This narrative article is characterized by an objective and somewhat descriptive style.It may be divided into three parts.The first part,which consists of the first three paragraphs. provides us with some background knowledge.informing us why the writer idolized Marie Curie,and briefly introducing her heroine.The second part,which comprises Paragraphs 4-13.is the body of the narrative story.This major part provides us with true.descriptive. and impressive accounts of the heroine,focusing on her experiences in life and her research work,and vividly telling us the major events that happened to her.The last paragraph,the last part or the summarizing paragraph of the story,concisely points out the writer's understanding of Marie Curie's life as both glorious and tragic. Text II Her World on a String 2语言知识占 1)Words and expressions;Notes 2)Basic features of English descriptive narration 3)Writing strategies:metaphorical language 3.问题与应用 1)Making a Dialogue In our society there are quite a number of"leftover people"in terms of marriage,with more females than males.Successful as they might have been in studies,scientific research, or professional caree,they have had trouble finding a satisfactory spouse.You are expected to make a dialogue with your fellow student,talking about this issue. 2)Having a Discussion Marie Curie won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 and in Chemistry in 1911. Therefore,in our mind,she must have been a super woman.In the text"Force of Nature" however.the author depicts her as an ordinary woman.Have a discussion on the qualities one needs in order to achieve their life goals.You may take into consideration Marie Curie's personalities as reflected by the following details from the text: 1.Marie's attitude towards her first romance; 2.the photo in which she was sitting under an elm tree,with her daughters wrapped in her arms; 3.her reactions to her mother's death when she was ten; 4.what she wrote to Pierre after his funeral; 5.her efforts to rescue wounded soldiers during World War I. (三)课后练习 9
9 1. 主要内容 Text I Force of Nature This narrative article is characterized by an objective and somewhat descriptive style. It may be divided into three parts. The first part, which consists of the first three paragraphs, provides us with some background knowledge, informing us why the writer idolized Marie Curie, and briefly introducing her heroine. The second part, which comprises Paragraphs 4-13, is the body of the narrative story. This major part provides us with true, descriptive, and impressive accounts of the heroine, focusing on her experiences in life and her research work,and vividly telling us the major events that happened to her. The last paragraph, the last part or the summarizing paragraph of the story, concisely points out the writer’s understanding of Marie Curie’s life as both glorious and tragic. Text II Her World on a String 2. 语言知识点 1) Words and expressions; Notes 2) Basic features of English descriptive narration 3) Writing strategies: metaphorical language 3. 问题与应用 1) Making a Dialogue In our society there are quite a number of “leftover people” in terms of marriage, with more females than males. Successful as they might have been in studies, scientific research, or professional career, they have had trouble finding a satisfactory spouse. You are expected to make a dialogue with your fellow student, talking about this issue. 2) Having a Discussion Marie Curie won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 and in Chemistry in 1911. Therefore, in our mind, she must have been a super woman. In the text “Force of Nature”, however, the author depicts her as an ordinary woman. Have a discussion on the qualities one needs in order to achieve their life goals. You may take into consideration Marie Curie’s personalities as reflected by the following details from the text: 1. Marie’s attitude towards her first romance; 2. the photo in which she was sitting under an elm tree, with her daughters wrapped in her arms; 3. her reactions to her mother’s death when she was ten; 4. what she wrote to Pierre after his funeral; 5. her efforts to rescue wounded soldiers during World War I. (三) 课后练习
1)Questions for text comprehension 2)Language work 3)Translation exercises 4)Writing practice (四)教学方法与手段 采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段。 UNIT5 (一)目的与要求 After learning this unit,students will be able to 1.understand the main idea of the text and talk about it. 2.understand the organization and development of the text; 3.understand the writing style of the text and the rhetorical devices used in it 4.grasp the key language and grammar points; 5.get a better understanding of patriotism (二)教学内容 1.主要内容 Text I Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death This text is a forceful argumentative essay,which conveys the speaker's viewpoints and sentiments clearly,convincingly and impressively.The text can be divided into four parts.The first paragraph,the beginning part,presents some background information. telling us about the orator's motive for his speech.The second part,Paragraphs 2-4,points out the cruel truth about reality:the British ministry has not acted in a benevolent manner Rather,Britain is accumulating navies and armies so as to force the Americans into submission.The orator advises the house to know the whole truth,to know the worst and to provide for it.The third part,Paragraphs 5-7,expresses the speaker's sentiments eloquently or persuasively.The orator makes it clear that it is no use further arguing about the subject and resorting to entreaty and humble supplication,and that it is futile to indulge in the fond hope of peace and reconciliation.The orator also criticizes the groundless viewpoint that the Americans are weak-unable to cope with so formidable an adversary.Meanwhile,he argues for the belief that the Americans are able to actually win the battle.The last paragraph,the fourth part,vividly draws attention to the actual situation and urgently calls on the American people to fight for freedom.The last sentence,which has now become a famous and frequently-quoted saying throughout the world,declares the speaker's attitude toward life and freedom. 10
10 1) Questions for text comprehension 2) Language work 3) Translation exercises 4) Writing practice (四) 教学方法与手段 采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段。 UNIT 5 (一) 目的与要求 After learning this unit, students will be able to 1. understand the main idea of the text and talk about it; 2. understand the organization and development of the text; 3. understand the writing style of the text and the rhetorical devices used in it; 4. grasp the key language and grammar points; 5. get a better understanding of patriotism. (二) 教学内容 1. 主要内容 Text I Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death This text is a forceful argumentative essay, which conveys the speaker ’s viewpoints and sentiments clearly, convincingly and impressively. The text can be divided into four parts. The first paragraph,the beginning part, presents some background information, telling us about the orator’s motive for his speech. The second part, Paragraphs 2-4, points out the cruel truth about reality: the British ministry has not acted in a benevolent manner. Rather, Britain is accumulating navies and armies so as to force the Americans into submission. The orator advises the house to know the whole truth, to know the worst and to provide for it. The third part, Paragraphs 5-7, expresses the speaker’s sentiments eloquently or persuasively. The orator makes it clear that it is no use further arguing about the subject and resorting to entreaty and humble supplication, and that it is futile to indulge in the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. The orator also criticizes the groundless viewpoint that the Americans are weak — unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. Meanwhile, he argues for the belief that the Americans are able to actually win the battle. The last paragraph, the fourth part, vividly draws attention to the actual situation and urgently calls on the American people to fight for freedom. The last sentence, which has now become a famous and frequently-quoted saying throughout the world, declares the speaker’s attitude toward life and freedom