第一讲 CAPITVLVM PRIMVM ● 第1变格法名词 ● 第1变位法动词 ● 主格、宾格、属格、与格、夺格 ● 拉丁语的词序 ● 课文Paulus and Luica(1) Part1语法 一、第1变格法名词 拉丁语名词在句中可用作:主语、宾语(包括介词宾语)、物主代词,还可以表示间接 宾语,以及说明动作的方式。拉丁语通过名词形式变化来完成这些语法功能,这种变化称为 “变格”(declinatio)。在拉丁语中,名词有六种变格,它们分别是: 主格nominative nom. 宾格accusative acc. 属格genitive gen. 与格dative dat 夺格ablative abl. 呼格vovative voc. 再考虑单数和复数,一个拉丁语名词就有12种变化!例如puella girl sg. nom. puella girl acc puellam girl gen puellae of the girl dat puellae tolfor the girl abl. puella by/with the girl VoC. puella girl! pl. nom. puellae girls acc. puellas girls gen. puellarum of the girls dat. puellis to/for the girls abl. puellis by/with the girls voc puellae grls! 从上面变格中可以看到,名词的单数与复数的呼格与主格相同,故一般变格表中不再列出。 拉丁语名词的单数属格是名词分类的表征。根据拉丁语名词单数属格,名词变格分为5
第一讲 CAPITVLVM PRIMVM 第 1 变格法名词 第 1 变位法动词 主格、宾格、属格、与格、夺格 拉丁语的词序 课文 Paulus and Luica(1) Part 1 语法 一、 第 1 变格法名词 拉丁语名词在句中可用作:主语、宾语(包括介词宾语)、物主代词,还可以表示间接 宾语,以及说明动作的方式。拉丁语通过名词形式变化来完成这些语法功能,这种变化称为 “变格”(declinatio)。在拉丁语中,名词有六种变格,它们分别是: 主格 nominative nom. 宾格 accusative acc. 属格 genitive gen. 与格 dative dat. 夺格 ablative abl. 呼格 vovative voc. 再考虑单数和复数,一个拉丁语名词就有 12 种变化!例如 puella girl sg. nom. puella girl acc puellam girl gen puellae of the girl dat puellae to/for the girl abl. puella by/with the girl voc. puella girl ! pl. nom. puellae girls acc. puellas girls gen. puellarum of the girls dat. puellis to/for the girls abl. puellis by/with the girls voc. puellae girls ! 从上面变格中可以看到,名词的单数与复数的呼格与主格相同,故一般变格表中不再列出。 拉丁语名词的单数属格是名词分类的表征。根据拉丁语名词单数属格,名词变格分为 5
CAPITVLVMC PRIMVM CAP.I 类: 第1变格名词:单数属格格尾-ae, 第2变格名词:单数属格格尾-i 第3变格名词:单数属格格尾-, 第4变格名词:单数属格格尾-s, 第5变格名词:单数属格格尾-ei. 熟记拉丁语名词的各种变格是学习拉丁语的关键,本课程前5讲着重介绍名词的五种变格。 I第1变格法名词(prima declinatio) 基本特征:单数属格(gen)的词尾为-ae:多数为阴性名词。本课中第1变格名词有 silva-ae [f]wold,forest; sarcina-ae [f]bag,sack 2第1变格法名词变格示例 例词:silva nom. acc. gen. dat. abl. silva silvam silv-ae silvae silva silvae silvas silvarum silvis silvis 表1 第1变格法名词词尾变格表 sg. pl. nom./voc. -a -ae acc. -am -as gen. -ae -arum dat. -ae -is abl. -a -i迟 记忆:单数主格,单数属格词干+词尾-ae 例词:porta,port-ae gate puella,puell-ae girl rosa,ros-ae rose pecunia,pecuni-ae money patria,patri-ae country sarcina-ae bag,sack silva-ae wood,forest 3注意 有些以-a结尾的名词,但却是阳性的,如poeta [m]poet,,nauta[m]sailor,,agricola[m farmer,这些名词涉及的职业多由罗马的男人完成。它们仍按第1变格法变格。 练习写出下列名词单数与复数的主格、宾格、属格、与格和夺格 porta,puella,rosa,nauta,agricola 2
CAPITVLVMC PRIMVM CAP.I 2 类: 第 1 变格名词:单数属格格尾 -ae, 第 2 变格名词:单数属格格尾 -i, 第 3 变格名词:单数属格格尾 -is, 第 4 变格名词:单数属格格尾 -us, 第 5 变格名词:单数属格格尾 -ei. 熟记拉丁语名词的各种变格是学习拉丁语的关键,本课程前 5 讲着重介绍名词的五种变格。 1 第 1 变格法名词(prima declinatio) 基本特征:单数属格(gen.)的词尾为-ae; 多数为阴性名词。本课中第 1 变格名词有 silva-ae [f] wold, forest; sarcina-ae [f] bag, sack 2 第 1 变格法名词变格示例 例词:silva nom. acc. gen. dat. abl. silva silvam silv-ae silvae silva silvae silvas silvarum silvis silvis 表 1 第 1 变格法名词词尾变格表 sg. pl. nom./voc. acc. gen. dat. abl. -a -am -ae -ae -a -ae -as -arum -is -is 记忆:单数主格, 单数属格词干+词尾-ae 例词:porta, port-ae gate puella, puell-ae girl rosa, ros-ae rose pecunia, pecuni-ae money patria, patri-ae country sarcina-ae bag, sack silva-ae wood, forest 3 注意 有些以-a 结尾的名词,但却是阳性的,如 poeta [m] poet, nauta [m] sailor, agricola [m] farmer, 这些名词涉及的职业多由罗马的男人完成。它们仍按第 1 变格法变格。 练习 写出下列名词单数与复数的主格、宾格、属格、与格和夺格 porta, puella, rosa, nauta, agricola
CAPITVLVMC PRIMVM CAP.I 二、第1变位法动词 本教材前5课介绍主动态直陈式动词,而且把现在时、将来时、未完成时、命令式集中 介绍,由于它们与英语相应语法基本一致,集中学习不会有太大困难。 1现在时 第1变位法动词:主动态现在时不定式词尾-re, 例词: laudare (to praise),amare(to love),ambulare (to walk),sepctare (to watch) 动词的变位(coniugationes): 从不定式词尾-are中去掉-e,便得到“现在时词干”: lauda- ama- ambula- specta- 加上主动态直陈式现在时的人称词尾 sg. pl -0 I, -mus we, -5 you, -tis you, s/he,it -nt they, 就得到: sg. laudo I praise (am praising/do praise) laudas You praise (are praising/do praise) laudat S/he praises (is praising/does praise) pl. laudamus We praise (am praising/do praise) laudatis You praise (am praising/do praise) laudant They praise (am praising/do praise) 注意: (1)第1变位法动词单数第一人称现在时词干最后字母为-4,与人称词尾0结合应该是 ae,但因发生“音变”,而略为“o”,如:laudo,amo;凡第一变位法动词均仿此。 (2)拉丁语中直陈式现在时的一个动作,可以用三种英语现在时形式来翻译。 (3)拉丁语动词加上宾语就构成一个句子,而英语中必须给出人称代词才能表示完整的 句意。例如: Puellam laudat.S/he praises the girl. Rosas spectamus.We are watching the roses. 因此,Latin is more concise than English. 课文中第1变位法动词 amat s/he loves/is loving: amo,amare,amavi,amatum 1 love: ambulat s/he walks/is walking ambulo,ambulare,ambulavi,abulatum I walk. portat s/he carries/is carrying porto,portare,portavi,portatum 1 carry; spectat s/he watches/is watching;specto,spectare,spectavi,spectum I watch, habitat s/he lives/is living: habito,habitare,habitavi,habitatum I live; laborat s/he workes/is working: laboro,laborare,laboravi,laboratum I labor:
CAPITVLVMC PRIMVM CAP.I 3 二、 第 1 变位法动词 本教材前 5 课介绍主动态直陈式动词,而且把现在时、将来时、未完成时、命令式集中 介绍,由于它们与英语相应语法基本一致,集中学习不会有太大困难。 1 现在时 第 1 变位法动词:主动态现在时不定式词尾 –are; 例词: laudare (to praise) , amare( to love) , ambulare (to walk) , sepctare (to watch) 动词的变位(coniugationes) : 从不定式词尾-are 中去掉 -re,便得到“现在时词干”: lauda- ama- ambula- specta- 加上主动态直陈式现在时的人称词尾 sg. pl. -o I , -mus we, -s you , -tis you , -t s/he, it ; -nt they, 就得到: sg. laudo I praise (am praising/ do praise) laudas You praise (are praising/ do praise) laudat S/he praises (is praising/ does praise) pl. laudamus We praise (am praising/ do praise) laudatis You praise (am praising/ do praise) laudant They praise (am praising/ do praise) 注意: (1) 第 1 变位法动词单数第一人称现在时词干最后字母为-a, 与人称词尾 o 结合应该是 ae,但因发生“音变”,而略为“o”,如:laudo, amo;凡第一变位法动词均仿此。 (2) 拉丁语中直陈式现在时的一个动作,可以用三种英语现在时形式来翻译。 (3) 拉丁语动词加上宾语就构成一个句子,而英语中必须给出人称代词才能表示完整的 句意。例如: Puellam laudat. S/he praises the girl. Rosas spectamus. We are watching the roses. 因此,Latin is more concise than English. 课文中第 1 变位法动词 amat s/he loves/ is loving ; amo, amare, amavi, amatum 1 love; ambulat s/he walks/ is walking ; ambulo,ambulare , ambulavi, abulatum 1 walk; portat s/he carries/ is carrying porto, portare, portavi, portatum 1 carry ; spectat s/he watches/ is watching; specto, spectare, spectavi, spectum 1 watch; habitat s/he lives/ is living; habito, habitare, habitavi, habitatum 1 live ; laborat s/he workes/ is working; laboro, laborare,laboravi,laboratum 1 labor;
CAPITVLVMC PRIMVM CAP.I 2将来时:词干+-bi+人称词尾 例词laudo laudare 词千lauda-; 时态特征:bi; 人称词尾0,5,$ -mus,-tis,-nt, 将来时 长 Pl laudabo,I shall praise. laudabimus,We will praise. laudabis. You will praise laudabitis,You will praise laudabit, S/he will praises laudabunt They will praise 注意: (I)第1人称单数与第3人称复数发生音变:bi-o变为bo, bi-t变为bunt (2)翻译时第一人称用shall,第二、三人称用wil 3未完成时:词干+-ba-+人称词尾 例词laudo laudare 词千lauda-; 时态特征:-b- 人称词尾-m,-s,专-muSs,-is,-t 未完成时 sg. Pl laudabam, laudabamus. laudabas, laudabatis, laudabat laudabant 翻译laudabat s/he was praising/kept praising/used to praised/praised. laudabamus we were praising/kept praising/used to praised/praised. etc. 注意: (1)第1人称词尾由o变为m; (2)“未完成时”一般表示过去正在继续或正在进行的动作,偶尔也可以翻译成简单过去 时,特别是在有副词指示持续性动作时。如下第二例: Agricola puellam vocabat.The farmer kept calling/was calling the girl. Nautam saepe laudabam.I ofien praised the sailor:saepe adv.often 小结:动词变位要诀“一时(时态)二数(单数复数)三称(第1、2、3人称)”直陈式 现在时三组人称/时态词尾: 现在 未完成-ba- 将来-bi- 0 -bam -bo -S -bas -bis -t -bat -bit -mus -bamus -bimus -tis -batis -bitis -nt -bant -bunt 注意:
CAPITVLVMC PRIMVM CAP.I 4 2 将来时:词干+-bi-+人称词尾 例词 laudo laudare 词干 lauda-; 时态特征: -bi-; 人称词尾 –o, -s , -t; -mus, -tis, -nt; 将来时 sg. pl. laudabo, I shall praise. laudabimus, We will praise. laudabis, You will praise laudabitis, You will praise laudabit, S/he will praises laudabunt They will praise 注意: (1) 第 1 人称单数与第 3 人称复数发生音变:bi-o 变为 bo; bi-nt 变为 bunt (2) 翻译时第一人称用 shall,第二、三人称用 will. 3 未完成时:词干+-ba-+人称词尾 例词 laudo laudare 词干 lauda-; 时态特征:-ba- 人称词尾 –m, -s , -t; -mus, -tis, -nt 未完成时 sg. pl. laudabam, laudabamus, laudabas, laudabatis, laudabat laudabant 翻译 laudabat s/he was praising/ kept praising/ used to praised/ praised. laudabamus we were praising/kept praising/ used to praised/ praised. etc. 注意: (1) 第 1 人称词尾由 o 变为 m; (2) “未完成时”一般表示过去正在继续或正在进行的动作,偶尔也可以翻译成简单过去 时,特别是在有副词指示持续性动作时。如下第二例: Agricola puellam vocabat. The farmer kept calling/was calling the girl. Nautam saepe laudabam. I often praised the sailor. saepe adv. often 小结: 动词变位要诀“一时(时态)二数(单数复数)三称(第 1、2、3 人称)”直陈式 现在时三组人称/时态词尾: 现在 未完成-ba- 将来-bi- -o -bam -bo -s -bas -bis -t -bat -bit -mus -bamus -bimus -tis -batis -bitis -nt -bant -bunt 注意:
CAPITVLVMC PRIMVM CAPI (1)未完成时的“-ba-系统”和将来时的“-bi系统” (2)对于一个拉丁动词,必须记住两点:一是词干(stem),给出动词本意:二是词尾 所指明的动作发生的主体和发生的不同条件(时态、语态、语气等等) 4主动态现在时命令式THE IMPERATIVE:命令,请求 单数命令式的形式与现在时词干相同Lauda!(praise!) 复数命令式的形式:现在词干+-把 Laudate! 例:spectare Specta!(Look!用于单数): Spectate!!(Look!用于复数) 注意:动词的命令式,用以发出命令、请求、告诚。所以往往只用于第2人称。 练习写出下列动词现在时、将来时、未完成时的各种变位: amare(to love),ambulare (to walk),spectare (to watch) 三、主格、宾格、属格、与格、夺格、呼格 1主格(nominativus,.nom.) 名词或代词在句子中作主语,或表语: Puer puellam amat.The boy loves the girl. Puer主格 Puella est discipulae.The girl is a female student. Discipulae表语(主格:est=is) 2宾格(accusativus,.acc.) 宾格在句子中作及物动词的宾语: Agricola sarcinam portat.The famer carries the bag. 一些表示方向性的介词(in,ad,per)也要求用宾语。 3属格(genitivus,gen.) 属格主要用于表示“所有”,说明一件事物的归属,这种用法称为“物主属格”: Puellae rosae the ro,ses of the girl..(注意:-ae可以是第1变格法名词的单数属格、单 数与格、复数主格的词尾) 属格的其他用法见第4讲。 4与格(dativus,.dat.) 与格用于表示把物体“给与”谁,这时一般是“间接宾语”,或“与谁”、“与什么”: Puer puellae rosas dat.The boy is giving the roses to the girl. 与格的其他用法见后。 5夺格(ablativus,.abl.) 夺格用于表示“用什么”、“靠什么”,更多时用在介词cum(with),in(in,om),ab(rom, by以,ex(olof,away from,of) Agricolae in silva ambulant. The famers are walking in the wood
CAPITVLVMC PRIMVM CAP.I 5 (1)未完成时的“-ba-系统”和将来时的“-bi-系统” (2)对于一个拉丁动词,必须记住两点: 一是词干(stem),给出动词本意;二是词尾 所指明的动作发生的主体和发生的不同条件(时态、语态、语气等等) 4 主动态现在时命令式 THE IMPERATIVE:命令,请求 单数命令式的形式与现在时词干相同 Lauda!(praise!) 复数命令式的形式:现在词干+-te Laudate! 例:spectare Specta! (Look! 用于单数); Spectate!(Look! 用于复数) 注意:动词的命令式, 用以发出命令、请求、告诫。所以往往只用于第 2 人称。 练习 写出下列动词现在时、将来时、未完成时的各种变位: amare( to love) , ambulare (to walk) , spectare (to watch) 三、主格、宾格、属格、与格、夺格、呼格 1 主格(nominativus, nom.) 名词或代词在句子中作主语,或表语: Puer puellam amat. The boy loves the girl. Puer 主格 Puella est discipulae. The girl is a female student. Discipulae 表语(主格; est= is) 2 宾格(accusativus, acc.) 宾格在句子中作及物动词的宾语: Agricola sarcinam portat. The famer carries the bag. 一些表示方向性的介词(in, ad, per)也要求用宾语。 3 属格(genitivus,gen.) 属格主要用于表示“所有”,说明一件事物的归属,这种用法称为“物主属格”; Puellae rosae the roses of the girl. (注意:-ae 可以是第 1 变格法名词的单数属格、单 数与格、复数主格的词尾) 属格的其他用法见第 4 讲。 4 与格(dativus, dat.) 与格用于表示把物体“给与”谁,这时一般是“间接宾语”,或“与谁”、“与什么”; Puer puellae rosas dat. The boy is giving the roses to the girl. 与格的其他用法见后。 5 夺格(ablativus, abl.) 夺格用于表示“用什么”、“靠什么”,更多时用在介词 cum(with), in( in,on), ab( from, by),ex( out of, away from, off) Agricolae in silva ambulant. The famers are walking in the wood
CAPITVLVMC PRIMVM CAP.I Mulus cum Paulo ambulat. Mule is walking with Paul 夺格的各种用法随课文详细介绍。 6呼格(vocativus,voc.) 呼格用于直接呼唤某人或某物,如:O Caesar!O fortuna!除以-us结尾的第2变格单数 之外,呼格形式与主格相同,故通称不列入词形变化表。 四 拉丁语的词序 在一个拉丁语的句子中,典型的词序是: 主语及其修饰词丨间接宾语」直接宾语丨状语丨动词 Puer|puella bellae rosam|dat. The boy is giving a rose to the pretty girl. 由于名词、形容词等因变格而决定了这些单词的语法功用,故可以根据需要灵活放置在 句子的任何位置 Bellae puella puer rosam dat. Bellae puella rosam dat Ipuer. Rosam]puer|puella bellael dat. 记住:Latin is an inflected language.。也就是说,每一个单词的词尾变化决定 了它在中的语法功能,而和其位置没有关系。 Part2课文Paulus and Lucia(I) Paulus in silva Paulus in silva ambulat.Mulus cum Paolo ambulat.Mulus non Paulum sed sarcinam portat.Fessus est Paulus et mulus est lentus.Mulus silvam non amat.Mulus silvam spectat.Silva mulum spectat.Mulus est territus. Vocabula nova amat likes,loves.amao-are-avi-atum 1;love;Eng.amateur;amatory ambulat walks,.is walking.ambulo-are-avi-atum I;walk Eng.ambulant走动的,流动的:ambulance fessus adj.tired lentus adj.slow mulus-i [m]mule portat carries,is carrying.porto-are-avi-atum 1 carry:Eng.potable,portative sarcina-ae [f]bag.sack siva-ae[日wood,forest;.Eng.sylvan森林的,树木多的:乡村的: spectat watches,is watching.specto -are -avi-atum 1 watch:Eng.spectator territus adj.scarred:Eng.terrible;terror,terrify est (s/he is
CAPITVLVMC PRIMVM CAP.I 6 Mulus cum Paulo ambulat. Mule is walking with Paul 夺格的各种用法随课文详细介绍。 6 呼格(vocativus, voc.) 呼格用于直接呼唤某人或某物,如:O Caesar! O fortuna! 除以-us 结尾的第 2 变格单数 之外,呼格形式与主格相同,故通称不列入词形变化表。 四 拉丁语的词序 在一个拉丁语的句子中,典型的词序是: 主语及其修饰词 | 间接宾语 | 直接宾语 | 状语 | 动词 Puer | puella bellae | rosam | dat. The boy is giving a rose to the pretty girl. 由于名词、形容词等因变格而决定了这些单词的语法功用,故可以根据需要灵活放置在 句子的任何位置 Bellae puella |puer| rosam| dat. Bellae puella| rosam| dat |puer. Rosam| puer| puella bellae| dat. 记住:Latin is an inflected language。 也就是说,每一个单词的词尾变化决定 了它在中的语法功能,而和其位置没有关系。 Part 2 课文 Paulus and Lucia ( I ) Paulus in silva Paulus in silva ambulat. Mulus cum Paolo ambulat. Mulus non Paulum sed sarcinam portat. Fessus est Paulus et mulus est lentus. Mulus silvam non amat. Mulus silvam spectat. Silva mulum spectat. Mulus est territus. Vocabula nova amat likes, loves. amao –are –avi –atum 1 ; love ; Eng. amateur; amatory 色情的 ambulat walks, is walking. ambulo –are –avi –atum 1 ; walk Eng. ambulant 走动的,流动的;ambulance fessus adj. tired lentus adj. slow mulus-i [m] mule portat carries, is carrying. porto –are –avi –atum 1 carry; Eng. potable, portative sarcina-ae [f] bag, sack silva-ae [f] wood, forest; Eng. sylvan 森林的,树木多的;乡村的; spectat watches, is watching. specto –are –avi –atum 1 : watch; Eng. spectator territus adj. scarred; Eng. terrible; terror; terrify est (s/he ) is
CAPITVLVMC PRIMVM CAP.I in prep.in,on [+abl.];into,for [+acc] cum prep.with,together,[+abl.] non not sed conj.but et conj.and Commentarii L.in silva in+abl in,,on.Ablative case:夺格,表示状态、地点、方法、原因,等等。常用在介词im,cum, ex之后.但需注意,in若为to(方向),其后的名词要为宾格acc.如in slivam.(在英语中in仍有介词、 副词两种意义:in the world,count me in) 2.ambulat s/he walks,is walking;ambulare ambulo-are-avi-atum 1.wolk 3.cum Paolo cum+abl.cum:with;与..在一起,后接名词夺格”(ablativus) 4.non...sed....Not...bur 5.et连接词et有and的意思。有时也用-que表示并列. 6.non amat:he does not love... Mulus lente ambulat Paulus est monachus.Benedictus etiam est monachus.Benedictus cibum desiderat Paulus cibum emit et ad monasterium revenit.Nunc Paulus cum mulo in silva ambulat. Cibus est in sarcina.Mulus sarcinam portat.Mulus lente ambulat et silvam spectat. Vocabula nova cibus-i[m]food:Eng.cib.食物 desiderat longs for.desidero-are-avi-atum 1:long for:Eng.desire emit emo-ere emi,emptum 3:buy monachus-i [m]monk monasterium-i [n]monastery revenit returns..revenio-ire reveni,.reventum4:return;re+enire,.venire::come;Eng.revenant亡魂,鬼, (流放后)归来的人 etiam conj.and also ad prep.to,towards [+acc.] nunc adv.now,today,at present lente adv.slowly Commentarii 1.lente副词。拉丁语的副词是一种不变化的品词。分“本原副词”与派生副词"两类。(详见第l4讲) 2.ad表示to,towards:后接acc.如课文中:ad monasterium revenit 3.emit emo-ere-i-ptum,3第3变位法动词:现在词干终于辅音字母或元音字母-u的动词 4.revenit reven-io,-ire-i-tum第4变位法动词:不定式词尾-ire 7
CAPITVLVMC PRIMVM CAP.I 7 in prep. in, on [+abl.]; into, for [+acc] cum prep. with, together; [+abl.] non not sed conj. but et conj. and Commentarii 1. in silva in+abl in, on. Ablative case :夺格,表示状态、地点、方法、原因,等等。常用在介词 in, cum, ex 之后. 但需注意,in 若为 to(方向), 其后的名词要为宾格 acc. 如 in slivam. (在英语中 in 仍有介词、 副词两种意义: in the world; count me in) 2. ambulat s/he walks, is walking; ambulare ambulo –are –avi –atum 1. wolk 3. cum Paolo cum+abl. cum:with; 与……在一起,后接名词“夺格”(ablativus) 4. non …sed …. Not… but 5. et 连接词 et 有 and 的意思。有时也用-que 表示并列. 6. non amat: he does not love… Mulus lente ambulat Paulus est monachus. Benedictus etiam est monachus. Benedictus cibum desiderat. Paulus cibum emit et ad monasterium revenit. Nunc Paulus cum mulo in silva ambulat. Cibus est in sarcina. Mulus sarcinam portat. Mulus lente ambulat et silvam spectat. Vocabula nova cibus-i [m] food; Eng. cib. 食物 desiderat longs for. desidero –are –avi –atum 1: long for; Eng. desire emit emo –ere emi, emptum 3: buy monachus-i [m] monk monasterium-i [n] monastery revenit returns. revenio-ire reveni, reventum 4: return; re+venire; venire: come ; Eng. revenant 亡魂,鬼, (流放后)归来的人 etiam conj. and also ad prep. to, towards [+acc.] nunc adv. now, today, at present lente adv. slowly Commentarii 1. lente 副词。拉丁语的副词是一种不变化的品词。分“本原副词”与“派生副词”两类。(详见第 14 讲) 2. ad 表示 to,towards;后接 acc. 如课文中:ad monasterium revenit 3. emit emo –ere –i -ptum, 3 第 3 变位法动词:现在词干终于辅音字母或元音字母-u 的动词 4.revenit reven-io, -ire –i –tum 第 4 变位法动词:不定式词尾-ire
CAPITVLVMC PRIMVM CAP.I Part3练习 1 Complete the words which have missing endings,and translate: (a)Paul......cum mul......in silv.......ambulat. (b)nmul.est sarcina.…· 2 Choose the correct word and translate (a)Mulus(sarcina/sarcinam)portat. (b)Mulum(Paulus/Paulum)portat 3 chosse the correct verb and translate (a)Mulus silvam non(ambulat/amat). (b)Paulus in silva(portat/ambulat). (c)Mulussilvam(portat/spectat) (d)Non Paulus sed mulus sarcinam(portat/ambulat). 4 Translate into Latin (a)Benedict is not walking in the wood. (b)The bag is on the mule. (c)The mule does not carry Paul but a bag. (d)The mule does not like the wood. 5 Write a Latin sentence with (a)mulus in the accusative; (b)sarcina in the ablative; (c)Paulus in the nominative; (d)monachus in the ablative 5Q&A(question and answer) (a)Quis est Paulus?(who is...?) (b)Ubi Paulus ambulat ?(Where does...?) (c)Quid mulus portat?(What does...?) (d)Nonne Benetictus est munachus?Are Benedict...?) (e)Quid Benetictus desiderat? (f)Ubi cibus est? 8
CAPITVLVMC PRIMVM CAP.I 8 Part 3 练习 1 Complete the words which have missing endings, and translate: (a) Paul……cum mul……in silv…….ambulat. (b) In mul……..est sarcina....... . 2 Choose the correct word and translate (a) Mulus (sarcina/sarcinam) portat. (b) Mulum (Paulus / Paulum) portat 3 chosse the correct verb and translate (a) Mulus silvam non (ambulat/ amat). (b)Paulus in silva (portat/ ambulat). (c) Mulussilvam (portat/ spectat) (d) Non Paulus sed mulus sarcinam (portat/ ambulat). 4 Translate into Latin (a) Benedict is not walking in the wood. (b) The bag is on the mule. (c) The mule does not carry Paul but a bag. (d) The mule does not like the wood. 5 Write a Latin sentence with (a) mulus in the accusative; (b) sarcina in the ablative; (c) Paulus in the nominative; (d) monachus in the ablative 5 Q&A ( question and answer) (a) Quis est Paulus ?(who is ... ?) (b) Ubi Paulus ambulat ? (Where does... ?) (c) Quid mulus portat? ( What does…?) (d) Nonne Benetictus est munachus? ( Are Benedict…?) (e) Quid Benetictus desiderat? (f) Ubi cibus est?
CAPITVLVMC PRIMVM CAP.I Latina est gaudium et utilis课堂用语 Salve,.discipula(女生)/disciplus(男生)!Hello,student! Salvete,disciplae/discipli(复数)! Hello,students! Salve,magister/magistra! Greetings,teacher! Valete,discipuli et discipulae! Good-bye,student! Vale,magister/magistra. Good-bye teacher! Quid est nomen tibi? What is your name?.(直译:what a name is to you?) Nomen mihi est Marcus My name is... 疑问代词 Quis..est?sgm./f who/what/which Quid? sg.n Qui...sunt pl.m. Quae...sunt?sg.f./n. Quem? acc.sg.m./f. Quid? acc.sg.n Quod? sg.n.who?,which?,what?;what kind of? Cuius? sg.m. of whom?.whose? Quot? how many:of what number A quo? From who?(quo abl.sg.quibus abl.pl.) 疑问形容词 Qui /Quae/Quod 疑问副词 Ubi? Where? Cur?-quia Why?-because Unde? From where? Quo? To what place? Here are some suggestions for eliciting the various cases: Puer puella bellae rosam dat Nom.Quis dat rosam? Puer dat rosam. Acc. Quid dat puer puella?Rosam puer dat puella. Gen. Cuius rosa est? Pueri rosa est. Dat. Cui puer rosam dat? Puella puer rosam dat. Abl. A quo rosa datur? A puero rosa datur.(datur:is given) 9
CAPITVLVMC PRIMVM CAP.I 9 Latina est gaudium et utilis 课堂用语 Salve, discipula(女生)/ disciplus(男生)!Hello, student! Salvete, disciplae / discipli (复数) ! Hello, students! Salve, magister/ magistra! Greetings, teacher! Valete,discipuli et discipulae ! Good-bye, student! Vale, magister / magistra. Good-bye teacher! Quid est nomen tibi? What is your name?( 直译:what a name is to you?) Nomen mihi est Marcus. My name is ... 疑问代词 Quis... est ? sg. m./f. who/what/ which Quid? sg. n Qui...sunt ? pl. m. Quae...sunt? sg. f./n. Quem? acc. sg. m./f. Quid? acc. sg. n Quod? sg. n. who?, which?, what?; what kind of? Cuius? sg. m. of whom?, whose? Quot? how many; of what number A quo? From who?(quo abl.sg. quibus abl. pl.) 疑问形容词 Qui /Quae/Quod ? 疑问副词 Ubi? Where? Cur? -quia Why?-because Unde? From where? Quo? To what place? Here are some suggestions for eliciting the various cases: Puer| puella bellae| rosam| dat Nom. Quis dat rosam? Puer dat rosam. Acc. Quid dat puer puella? Rosam puer dat puella. Gen. Cuius rosa est? Pueri rosa est. Dat. Cui puer rosam dat? Puella puer rosam dat. Abl. A quo rosa datur? A puero rosa datur. (datur: is given)