Brain science School of life sciences
Brain Science School of Life Sciences
脑 脑间小端 干脑脑脑
脑 ◼ 脑干 ◼ 间脑 ◼ 小脑 ◼ 端脑
Cingulate gyrus plays a role in emotion Thalamus Hippocampus is involved in learning and m Amygdala is involved in emotion and mem
MIwA wYnD 123+5678 1234567 Time(s) MMA 1234567 Time (s) I ime ls 12345678 1234578 Time (s) Time(si
讨论( ■1。你认为神经系统的构成有什么原则? 2。小脑皮层的结构和功能? 3。比较小脑皮层、大脑皮层的结构有何 特点,和功能有何相关? 4。学习神经系统后,有何想法
讨论(一) ◼ 1。你认为神经系统的构成有什么原则? ◼ 2。小脑皮层的结构和功能? ◼ 3。比较小脑皮层、大脑皮层的结构有何 特点,和功能有何相关? ◼ 4。学习神经系统后,有何想法?
讨论(二) 5。帕金森氏症的病因? 6。老年性痴呆症的病因? ■7。舞蹈病的病因? ■8。估计桑兰的病是脊髓何处折断?理由 是什么? ■研究学习和记忆(神经生物学和生理学) 的历史和进展?
讨论(二) ◼ 5。帕金森氏症的病因? ◼ 6。老年性痴呆症的病因? ◼ 7。舞蹈病的病因? ◼ 8。估计桑兰的病是脊髓何处折断?理由 是什么? ◼ 研究学习和记忆(神经生物学和生理学) 的历史和进展?
Learning and memory Xu Yaozhong School of life sciences
Learning and memory Xu Yaozhong School of Life Sciences
LEARNING AND MEMORY Definition: Learning-the ability to act according to past experience-provides the basis for virtually all cognitive functions, Effective learning requires storage of memories of external (or internal) events in a readily retrievable form
CELLULAR BASIS OF LEARNING As first suggested by D. HEBB Repeated activity of given synaptic connection+ long-lasting, selective increase in efficacy of that synapse THREE KINDS OF POST-ACTIVITY POTENTIATION repetitive stimulation can elicit 1. Post-tetanic potentiation (for 1-4 minutes) 2. Short-lasting potentiation (for 20-30 minutes) 3. Long-term potentiation(for many hours, days, even weeks)
Two kinds of long-term memory EXPLICIT IMPLICIT [FACTS EVENTS] Procedural Nonassociative Skills Associative [Habituation Processed by temporal cortex hippocampus Operant Conditioned Emotional Stored in: Association cortex Striatum Cerebellum Amygdala Reflexes