Textbook: 国外大学生物学优秀教材(影印版】 ECOLOGY- Ecology Principles and Application principles and applications (Second Edition) (Bilingual M Reianan teaching 生态学 双语教学》 原理与应用(第二版) 自请华大学出版社影Cambridge University Press
Textbook Textbook: ECOLOGY ECOLOGYPrinciples and Principles and Application Application (Bilingual (Bilingual teaching teaching 双语教学)
Textbook and References 教材与参考文献 Ecology:Principles and applications (Second Edition edited by J L Chapman and M J Reiss, Cambridge University Press,1999) (影印版,清华大学出版社,2001) Ecological Principles of Agriculture Edited by L E Powers and R McSorley,Delmar of Thomson Learning,2000) 骆世明,农业生态学Aaroeso1ogy.中国农业出版社,2009
Textbook and References Textbook and References 教材与参考文献 教材与参考文献 Ecology: Principles and applications (Second Edition edited by J L Chapman and M J Reiss, Cambridge University Press,1999) (影印版,清华大学出版社,2001 ) Ecological Principles of Agriculture Edited by L E Powers and R McSorley, Delmar of Thomson Learning,2000) 骆世明,农业生态学Agroecology. 中国农业出版社,2009
Why Bilingual Teaching >Requirement from Ministry of Education >Globalization >English is most widely spoken Language in the World used for international communication in various fields like aviation,business,internet,science and technology
¾Requirement from Ministry of Education ¾Globalization ¾English is most widely spoken Language in the World used for international communication in various fields like aviation, business, internet, science and technology Why Bilingual Teaching Bilingual Teaching
Is Bilingual Teaching Possible? 1.You have learnt English for more than 10 years 2.I have learnt English for more than 30 years 3.I have taught Bilingual Teaching for 10 years This course is national demonstration course It is high time to use English for learning and communication
Is Bilingual Teaching Possible? Is Bilingual Teaching Possible? 1. You have learnt English for more than 10 years 2. I have learnt English for more than 30 years 3. I have taught Bilingual Teaching for 10 years 。 This course is national demonstration course It is high time to use English for learning and communication
Food is No.1 need 1.民以食为天,食以安为先,安以境为本 开门七件事,柴米油盐酱醋茶。 2. 人与自然和谐理念(Concept of man and nature in harmony) 3.生态文明ecological civilization.是人类为实现人与自然和 谐而付出的努力及其获得的积极成果,表征着人与自然关 系的进步状态。 生态文明核心:实现人与自然的和谐 Food comes from the environment. Human lives in the environment
Food is No. 1 need Food is No. 1 need 1. 民以食为天,食以安为先,安以境为本 开门七件事,柴米油盐酱醋茶。 2. 人与自然和谐理念 (Concept of man and nature in harmony ) 3. 生态文明ecological civilization是人类为实现人与自然和 谐而付出的努力及其获得的积极成果,表征着人与自然关 系的进步状态。 生态文明核心:实现人与自然的和谐 Food comes from the environment. Human lives in the environment
中回共产党第十七次全国代表大会 XINH “Ecological civilization生态文明”首次写入报告 十七大报告指出: “建设生态文明,基本形成节约能源资源和保 护生态环境的产业结构、增长方式、消费模式”。 报告还强调,要使“生态文明观念在全社会牢 固树立
“Ecological civilization 生态文明 ”首次写入报告 十七大报告指出: “建设生态文明,基本形成节约能源资源和保 护生态环境的产业结构、增长方式、消费模式 ” 。 报告还强调,要使 “生态文明观念在全社会牢 固树立 ”
How an organism can survive, reproduce and interact with other organisms? Carlson '96
How an organism can survive, reproduce and interact with other organisms?
How does the organism obtain its food?
How does the organism obtain its food?
Why is ecology so important in modern society
Why is ecology so important in modern society
Global Pollution Radiati pollu pollutio Light Heat pollutic pollut Ecosystem Noise Water pollutio Soil Living pollution Agricultural pollution pollution
农 村 Water pollution Air pollution Living pollution Soil pollution Heat pollution Radiation pollution Noise pollution Light pollution Agricultural pollution Ecosystem Global Pollution