“War on Cancer" 冒屋运图四 CPT 1966 c' : 0- 物中的万个物的抗活行了这 Richard Niron 1971 "National Cance Natural Products and Medicines Marine:Unique Environment and Peculiar Organism 盖然 Marine:A Rich Treasure Chest of New Drug Drugs From The Sea? 曲贝替为
Will Next Anti-cancer Come From Ocean? 先导化合物(Lead Compound) 喜树碱 CAOUo CPT 线 类展有的的抗断 Better Than Nature Better Than Nature bulln-Syntheslzed 1992 岸义人esho Isolated 19 然 著是的嘉整落老特尔oe流怀性比袋起 天然产物化学促进有机化学的发展 天然药物化学的应用 nd Woo eardHo ◆促进其他学科的发展有机化学,分析 化学,生命科学
天然产物化学促进有机化学的发展 天然产物化学促进有机化学的发展 hito Kishi ro-synthetic Analysis 1 o。gnn 岩沙海落毒责X 天然产物化学促进分析化学的发展 天然产物化学诺贝尔奖候选人 Wandering Natural Products Che Ko 9 R,CD,NOE,N可 天然产物化学促进生命科学的发展 Natural Products as Modulators of Bio-molecular Function a 并此健生 9
Natural Products as Modulators of Natural Products as Pharmacologic Tools Bio-mol ecular上nction to Explore Bio-molecular Function 的工具 新究图 于新的情领酒动机是人中南分布最广的一种素6万人 logic Took Protein-Reactive Natural Product 6 RO A是白去新新 Natural Products as Chemical Probes Natural Products as Chemical Probes 面原母鑫 从南 10