Arrhythmias 山津失常 重庆医科大学附一院 秦俭
1 重庆医科大学附一院 秦 俭 Arrhythmias
Anatomy of cardiac conduction system(心脏传导系统解别) Overview(慨 主动脉 Bachmann's(Bachmann's bundle) (Aorta) 一房室部 (Atrioventricular part) 膜性室间隔 上腔静肤(Superior vena cava 室间制 (Membranous septum) 宽房动脉Sinoatrial (SA)artery (Interventricular part) 一肺动脉据Pulmonary valve) 塞房结Sinoatrial (SA)node 前结间束(Anterior 房室结Atrioventricuar (AV)node internodal tract) His ICommon AV bundle of (His)] 界轿(Crista terminalis) 右来支(Right bundle branch) 中结间束Middle internodal tract) Purkinje纤维(Purkinje fiber 后结间来Posterior 调节束Moderator band) intemnodal tract) 前乳头肌(Anterior papillary 旁路纤维〔Bypass'ben muscle) Kemt束Accessory bundle (of Kent) Pukinjef纤维(Purkinje fibers 下腔静脉(Inferior vena caval 三尖语环(Annulus of tricuspid valve) 右面(Righ州side
2 Anatomy of cardiac conduction system(心脏传导系统解剖) Overview(概述)
Anatomy of cardiac conduction system(心脏传导系统解剖) Overview(概述 ★ Sinus node-normal pacemaker,highest automaticity窦房结一正常起搏点,自律性最高高。 ★Internodal tracts一connect sinus to AV node(结间 束一连接窦房结与房室结)。 ★ Atrioventricular node (AV node)- second pacemaker(房室结一第二起搏点)。 ★His bundle(希氏束)。 ★The left and right bundle branches(左右束支)。 ★Terminal Purkinje fibers(普肯耶纤维)。 3
3 ★ Sinus node — normal pacemaker,highest automaticity (窦房结—正常起搏点,自律性最高)。 ★ Internodal tracts — connect sinus to AV node(结间 束—连接窦房结与房室结)。 ★ Atrioventricular node (AV node) — second pacemaker(房室结—第二起搏点)。 ★ His bundle (希氏束)。 ★ The left and right bundle branches(左右束支)。 ★ Terminal Purkinje fibers(普肯耶纤维)。 Anatomy of cardiac conduction system(心脏传导系统解剖) Overview (概述)
Definition of arrhythmias(心律失常定义) Overview(概述 ★The abnormalities in frequency rhythm、& source、 speed or sequence of conduction of cardiac pulses (是指心脏冲动的频率、节律、起源部位、传导速度或 激动次序的异常)
4 ★ The abnormalities in frequency、 rhythm、 source、 speed or sequence of conduction of cardiac pulses (是指心脏冲动的频率、节律、起源部位、传导速度或 激动次序的异常)。 Definition of arrhythmias ( 心律失常定义) Overview(概述)
Anatomy of cardiac conduction system(心脏传导系统解剖) Overview(概述 主动制 Bachmann's (Bachmann's bundle) (Aorta) ,一房室部 (Atrioventricular part) 上腔静脉Superior vena cava 膜性室间隔 室间能 (Membranous septum) 套房动脉Sinoatrial (SA)arter (Interventricular part) 肺动脉看ulmonary vah 寞房结Sinoatrial SA)nod 房室结Atrioventricular(AV)nodel 前结间来Anterior intemodal tract) His [Common AV bundle of (His)] 界(Crista terminalis) 右来支(Right bundle branch) 中结间束Mddh intemod由al tract) Purkinje纤维urkinje fibers 后结间束Posterior 请节束Moderar band) intemodal tract) 第乳头n(Anteror papilla 旁路”纤维(Bys'b网 muscle) Kent束Accessory bundle (of Kent)) Purkinjes纤维urkinje fiber 下腔静熟Inferior ve cava) 三尖环(Annulus of tricuspid valve) 右面(Right side)
5 Anatomy of cardiac conduction system(心脏传导系统解剖) Overview(概述)
Classification of arrhythmias(心律失常分类) Overview(概述 *According to mechanisms of arrhythmogenesis they are classified as abnormal source of pulse formation and abnormalities of pulse conduction (根据心律失常发生的不同机制,将其分为冲动形成异 常和冲动传导异常两大类)。 ☆Abnormal source of pulse formation(冲动形成异常): ●Sinus arrhythmias(窦性心律失常): O Sinus tachycardia(窦性心动过速); ○ Sinus bradycardiat(窦性心动过缓); ○ Sinus irregularity(窦性心律不齐); Sinus cardiac arrest(窦性停搏)
6 ★ According to mechanisms of arrhythmogenesis , they are classified as abnormal source of pulse formation and abnormalities of pulse conduction (根据心律失常发生的不同机制,将其分为冲动形成异 常和冲动传导异常两大类) 。 ☆ Abnormal source of pulse formation(冲动形成异常): ● Sinus arrhythmias(窦性心律失常): ○ Sinus tachycardia(窦性心动过速); ○ Sinus bradycardia(窦性心动过缓); ○ Sinus irregularity(窦性心律不齐); ○ Sinus cardiac arrest(窦性停搏)。 Classification of arrhythmias(心律失常分类) Overview(概述)
Classification of arrhythmias(心律失常分类) Overview(概述 ☆Abnormal source of pulse formation(冲动形成异常): Ectopic rhythms(异位心律): Passive ectopic rhythms(被动性异位心律): Escape beats (atrial,junctional ventricular) 逸搏(房性、结性、室性); Escape rhythms (atrial,junctional,ventricular) 逸搏心律(房性、结性、室性); Active ectopic rhythms(主动性异位心律): O Premature systole (atrial,junctional ventricular) 期前收缩或过早搏动(房性、结性、室性); O Paraxysmal tachycardias (atrial,junctional 、 atrioventricular reentrant,:ventricular.)阵发性心动 过速(房性、结性、房室折返性、室性); O Flutter,fibrillation(扑动、颤动):房性、室性。 7
7 ☆ Abnormal source of pulse formation(冲动形成异常): ● Ectopic rhythms (异位心律) : ○ Passive ectopic rhythms(被动性异位心律): ◎ Escape beats(atrial, junctional 、ventricular) 逸搏(房性、结性、室性); ◎ Escape rhythms(atrial,junctional、ventricular) 逸搏心律(房性、结性、室性); ○ Active ectopic rhythms(主动性异位心律): ◎ Premature systole(atrial, junctional , ventricular) 期前收缩或过早搏动(房性、结性、室性); ◎ Paraxysmal tachycardias (atrial,junctional 、 atrioventricular reentrant,ventricular)阵发性心动 过速(房性、结性、房室折返性、室性); ◎ Flutter、fibrillation(扑动、颤动):房性、室性。 Classification of arrhythmias (心律失常分类) Overview(概述)
Classification of arrhythmias(心律失常分类) Overview(概 ☆Abnormalities of pulse conduction(冲动传导异常) ● Physiological(生理性): OInterference and atrioventricular dissociation (干扰和房室分离)。 Pathophysiological(病理性) Sino-atrial block(窦房传导阻滞); O Intra-atrial block(房内传导阻滞); Atria-ventricular block(房室传导阻滞); Branch block(束支或分支阻滞)或 Intraventricular block(室内阻滞)。 Abnormal AV connection-preexcitation syndrome (房室间传导异常一预激综合征)。 8
8 ☆ Abnormalities of pulse conduction (冲动传导异常) ● Physiological(生理性) : ○Interference and atrioventricular dissociation (干扰和房室分离)。 ● Pathophysiological(病理性): ○ Sino-atrial block(窦房传导阻滞); ○ Intra-atrial block(房内传导阻滞); ○ Atrial-ventricular block(房室传导阻滞); ○ Branch block (束支或分支阻滞 )或 Intraventricular block(室内阻滞 )。 ● Abnormal AV connection – preexcitation syndrome (房室间传导异常—预激综合征)。 Classification of arrhythmias (心律失常分类) Overview(概述)
Classification of arrhythmias(心律失常分类)》 Overview(概述 ★According to heart rate(根据心律快慢): ☆Tachydysrhythmias(快速性心律失常); ☆Bradydysrhythmias(缓慢性心律失常)。 9
9 ★ According to heart rate(根据心律快慢): ☆ Tachydysrhythmias(快速性心律失常); ☆ Bradydysrhythmias (缓慢性心律失常)。 Classification of arrhythmias(心律失常分类) Overview(概述)
Mechanisms of arrhythmogenesis(心律失常发生机制) Overview(概述为 Reentry-Most common mechanism of tachydysrhy- thmias (折返一快速性心率失常中最常见的发生机制); ★Increased automaticity(自律性增高); ★Triggered activity(触发活动。 0
10 ★ Reentry— Most common mechanism of tachydysrhythmias (折返—快速性心率失常中最常见的发生机制 ); ★ Increased automaticity(自律性增高); ★ Triggered activity(触发活动)。 Mechanisms of arrhythmogenesis (心律失常发生机制) Overview(概述)