ardiomyopatne (心肌病) Department of Internal Medicine 1st Affiliated Hospital, Chongqing University of Medical Sciences QIN Jian
1 (心 肌 病) Department of Internal Medicine 1 st Affiliated Hospital, Chongqing University of Medical Sciences QIN Jian
Introduction ◆A group of diseases; Involvement of the heart muscle itself; ◆Not the result of pericardial(心包), hypertensive(高血压),congenital(先天性), valvular(瓣膜),or ischemic(缺血性)diseases. Restricted to diseases solely involving the heart muscle with unknown causes
2 Introduction ◆A group of diseases; ◆ Involvement of the heart muscle itself; ◆ Not the result of pericardial(心包), hypertensive(高血压), congenital(先天性), valvular(瓣膜), or ischemic(缺血性) diseases. ■Restricted to diseases solely involving the heart muscle with unknown causes
Classification Idiopathic cardiomyopathies of unknown cause): ◇Dilated cardiomyopathy(DcM,扩张型心肌病) ◇Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(HCM,肥厚型心肌病) ◇Restrictive cardiomyopathy(RCM,限制型心肌病) Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy Unclassified cardiomyopathies ◆Specific cardiomyopathies:Alcoholic(酒精性), drug-induced and endemic cardiomyopathies 方性心肌病),etal
3 Classification ◆ Idiopathic cardiomyopathies ( of unknown cause): ◇ Dilated cardiomyopathy ( DCM, 扩张型心肌病 ) ◇ Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM,肥厚型心肌病) ◇ Restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM,限制型心肌病) ◇ Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy ◇ Unclassified cardiomyopathies ◆ Specific cardiomyopathies : Alcoholic (酒精性) , drug-induced and endemic cardiomyopathies (地 方性心肌病),et al
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) 护张型心病)
4 (DCM)
200310/301741:30 Normal long axis image Long axis image from DCM
5 Normal long axis image Long axis image from DCM
Definition(定义) A syndrome characterized by: ◇ventricular chamber dilation(心腔扩大) ◇impaired systolic function(收缩功能减 of one or both ventricles ; ◇arrhythmias(心律失常). ◆Most common in middle-aged males(中年 男性)
6 Definition(定义) ◆A syndrome characterized by: ◇ ventricular chamber dilation(心腔扩大); ◇ impaired systolic function (收缩功能减 退) of one or both ventricles ; ◇ arrhythmias (心律失常) . ◆ Most common in middle-aged males (中年 男性)
Etiology (病因学) ◆Unclear cause. Three possible basic mechanisms of damage: familial and genetic factors; ◇viral myocarditis(病毒性心肌炎)and other cytotoxic insults; immunological abnormalities
7 Etiology (病因学) ◆ Unclear cause. ◆ Three possible basic mechanisms of damage: ◇ familial and genetic factors; ◇ viral myocarditis (病毒性心肌炎) and other cytotoxic insults; ◇ immunological abnormalities
Pathology ◆Postmortem examination(尺体解剖): enlargement and dilation of all four chambers(四个心腔均增大、扩张); ◇normal cardiac valves(正常心脏瓣膜); normal coronary arteries (正常冠状动脉); ◇intracavitary thrombi(血栓)
8 Pathology ◆Postmortem examination (尸体解剖): ◇enlargement and dilation of all four chambers (四个心腔均增大、扩张); ◇ normal cardiac valves (正常心脏瓣膜); ◇ normal coronary arteries (正常冠状动脉); ◇ intracavitary thrombi (血栓)
Clinical manifestations ◆History: asymptomatic -early stage, symptomatic -later; symptoms of congestive heart failure usually left-and right-sided heart failures occur simultaneously)(心力衰 竭,左、右心衰同时发生); ◇emboli and sudden death(血栓、死); ◇all kinds of arrhythmias(心律失當)
9 Clinical manifestations ◆History: ◇ asymptomatic - early stage, symptomatic - later; ◇ symptoms of congestive heart failure ( usually left- and right- sided heart failures occur simultaneously )(心力衰 竭,左、右心衰同时发生) ; ◇ emboli and sudden death (血栓、猝死); ◇ all kinds of arrhythmias (心律失常)
Clinical manifestations(临床表现) Physical examination: findings of congestive heart failure (心衰); ◇cardiac enlargement(心y脏增大) systolic murmurs-non-organic due to mitral or tricuspid valvular regurgitation ) ◇arrhythmias(心律失常) 10
10 Clinical manifestations(临床表现) ◆ Physical examination: ◇ findings of congestive heart failure (心衰); ◇ cardiac enlargement(心脏增大); ◇ systolic murmurs- non- organic ( due to mitral or tricuspid valvular regurgitation ); ◇ arrhythmias(心律失常)