Research Institu 上海交通大学通识教育核心课程 环球科学 AMERICAN Robo 2007-2 撰文/比尔·盖茨 家家都有机 脑与机器人(7) INGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERS 1日马日 mw d 曹其新、栾楠 上海交通大学机器人研究所
Research Institute of Robotics RoboLab 脑与机器人(7) 曹其新、栾楠 上海交通大学机器人研究所 上海交通大学通识教育核心课程 脑与机器人首先要解决课题: 机器人对环境的感知、定位和导航(规划) 脑与机器人首先要解决课题: 机器人对环境的感知、定位和导航(规划)
智然机器人的感知、定位和导林(规) 1.概述 2.机器人的环境感知 3.机器人的定位 4.机器人的导航 5.机器人的规划 智能机器人的感知、定位和导航(规划) 1. 概述 2. 机器人的环境感知 3. 机器人的定位 4. 机器人的导航 5. 机器人的规划
Regont1g I and (a) obiecen cluttered environment manipulation of environment facilitates perception (b) complete agent principle principle of information self-strcuturing illustration by Shun lwasawa
Regonizing and object in cluttered environment illustration by Shun Iwasawa manipulation of environment facilitates perception complete agent principle principle of information self-strcuturing
0月8 1.概述 Information self-structuring information self-structuring controller central nervous system motor sensory commands feedback body dynamics/morphology mechanical system sensory system internal physical physical musculoskeletal system sensory receptors stimulation stimuli head with external mechanical camera movement feedback physical movement stimuli sensory feedback: motor command task-environment controller ecological niche Experiments by Lungarella and Sporns,2006
Information self-structuring Experiments by Lungarella and Sporns, 2006 1. 概述