BASICS ARCHITECTURE Lorraine Farrelly representational techniques n relating to or characterised a way of carrying out a by representation particular task especially the execution of an artistic work or a scientific procedure academia
Basics Architecture 01 Lorraine Farrelly This first book in the Basics Architecture series explores the many concepts and techniques used to represent architecture, ranging from the way in which sketches are used to develop conceptual ideas, through to the working drawings and models required for the construction of buildings. Representational Techniques covers both two-dimensional and three-dimensional methods of representation and demonstrates the range of media options available. Using examples from leading international architects and designers, along with more experimental student work, a broad array of interpretations, possibilities and applications are demonstrated. The book provides an invaluable resource for students and architectural professionals, and offers an accessible introduction for anyone interested in graphic communication and drawing techniques. Other titles in AVA’s Basics Architecture series include Construction and Materiality and Architectural Design. Ethical practice is well known, taught and discussed in the domains of medicine, law, science and sociology but was, until recently, rarely discussed in terms of the Applied Visual Arts. Yet design is becoming an increasingly integral part of our everyday lives and its influence on our society ever-more prevalent. AVA Publishing believes that our world needs integrity; that the ramifications of our actions upon others should be for the greatest happiness and benefit of the greatest number. We do not set ourselves out as arbiters of what is ‘good’ or ‘bad’, but aim to promote discussion in an organised fashion for an individual’s understanding of their own ethical inclination. By incorporating a ‘working with ethics’ section and cover stamp on all our titles, AVA Publishing aims to help a new generation of students, educators and practitioners find a methodology for structuring their thoughts and reflections in this vital area. Lorraine Farrelly is an architect, and coordinates the degree courses in architecture and interior design at the University of Portsmouth’s School of Architecture. She has experience of working on both largescale and smaller-scale architectural projects. Lorraine lectures extensively on representation in architecture, specifically exploring freehand sketching, physical and CAD modelling and presentation ideas. Featured topics conceptual sketches analytical sketches observational sketches experimental techniques measuring scale plans sections elevations perspective axonometric drawings isometric drawings photomontage collage modelling cad software graphic and oral presentations storyboards portfolios Featured contributors 6a architects Alsop Architects Architecture Plb Block architecture CJ Lim/Studio 8 Design Engine Dixon Jones dRMM Format Milton Hyde + Hyde Jakob + MacFarlane John Pardey Architects David Mathias Morphosis Piercy Conner Architects Pierre d’Avoine Architects S333 Architecture + Urbanism Ltd Steven Holl Architects Witherford Watson Mann ava publishing sa BASICS 01 ARCHITECTURE representational techniques BASICS 01 n a way of carrying out a particular task especially the execution of an artistic work or a scientific procedure Lorraine Farrelly ARCHITECTURE n relating to or characterised by representation representational techniques Publisher’s note 3rd Proof Title: BA:Representational Technoques Job No: CD909-203/4269 ba01_reptech_new_cov_0709 final 9/25/09 5:03 PM Page 1 £19.95 3rd Proof Title: BA:Representational Technoques UK EDN Job No: CD909-203/4269 ba01_reptech_new_cov_0709 final 9/29/09 1:12 PM Page 1
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C M Y K T Cheryl Basic Architecture Upon approval Please sign: Name and Date: 001-033 chapter 1cw (7).qxd 8/15/07 2:11 PM Page 3 2 | 3 001-033_R+T_1stp_SN.qxd 10/11/07 1:39 PM Page 3
Contents 6 Introduction 8 How to get the most out of this book 10 Sketch 34 Scale 68 Orthographic 12 Tools and materials projection 36 Measuring 14 Conceptual sketches 70 Plans 40 Full size 18 Analytical sketches 78 Sections 44 Detail scale 22 Observational 82 Elevations 50 Interior scale sketches 86 Drawing conventions 54 Building scale 24 Sketchbooks 88 Drawing categories 58 Urban scale 28 Experimental 92 Exercise 3:drawing techniques 62 Not to scale 32 Exercise 1:sketch 66 Exercise 2:scale
C M Y K T Cheryl Basic Architecture Upon approval Please sign: Name and Date: 001-033 chapter 1cw (7).qxd 8/15/07 2:12 PM Page 4 Representational techniques 10 Sketch 12 Tools and materials 14 Conceptual sketches 18 Analytical sketches 22 Observational sketches 24 Sketchbooks 28 Experimental techniques 32 Exercise 1: sketch 34 Scale 36 Measuring 40 Full size 44 Detail scale 50 Interior scale 54 Building scale 58 Urban scale 62 Not to scale 66 Exercise 2: scale 68 Orthographic projection 70 Plans 78 Sections 82 Elevations 86 Drawing conventions 88 Drawing categories 92 Exercise 3: drawing Contents 6 Introduction 8 How to get the most out of this book 001-033_R+T_1stp_SN.qxd 10/11/07 1:39 PM Page 4
4|5 94 Three-dimensional 116 Modelling 144 Layout and images 118 Physical models presentation 96 Perspective 122 Physical modelling 146 Layout 100 Axonometric drawings equipment 154 Graphic 104 Isometric drawings 128 Model scales presentations 106 Other applications 132 CAD models 160 Oral presentations 162 Storyboards 112 Photomontage and 134 CAD software collage 164 Portfolios 140 Fly through 114 Exercise 4: 168 Exercise 6:layout 142 Exercise 5: perspective and presentation modelling 170 Conclusion 172 Glossary 174 Further resources 176 Acknowledgements 177 Working with ethics
C M Y K T Cheryl Basic Architecture Upon approval Please sign: Name and Date: 001-033 chapter 1cw (7).qxd 8/15/07 2:13 PM Page 5 Contents 4 | 5 94 Three-dimensional images 96 Perspective 100 Axonometric drawings 104 Isometric drawings 106 Other applications 112 Photomontage and collage 114 Exercise 4: perspective 116 Modelling 118 Physical models 122 Physical modelling equipment 128 Model scales 132 CAD models 134 CAD software 140 Fly through 142 Exercise 5: modelling 144 Layout and presentation 146 Layout 154 Graphic presentations 160 Oral presentations 162 Storyboards 164 Portfolios 168 Exercise 6: layout and presentation 170 Conclusion 172 Glossary 174 Further resources 176 Acknowledgements 001-033_R+T_1stp_SN.qxd 10/20/07 9:27 AM Page 5 177 W orking with ethics
Introduction Representation is an important aspect of any visual or design-based discipline and the techniques for representing architectural ideas are both exciting and challenging.Architectural ideas can eventually become buildings.An idea leads to a concept,which becomes a sketch.The sketch is then developed into a physical sketch model and a set of scale drawings that are explored and investigated in detail. Representing each of these stages of architectural development requires a variety of skills.Sometimes freehand, loose or intuitive drawings and models,where concept and abstraction are critical,are the best techniques to employ. At other times,the precise detail of CAD drawings might be needed to explain how a building is assembled.The challenge of architectural representation is to generate the right type of image to suit the given stage in the design process. Architectural drawings employ a kind of language,and the right dialect is needed for a given situation.The language of architectural drawing is varied,but the vocabulary is basic. Ildeas are expressed as lines and all lines or strokes on a page are careful and considered.The excitement with architectural representation is to use the language of drawing,to perfect it and develop it so it communicates the architectural idea to become a unique,real architectural experience. As with all drawing techniques,it is important to practise and develop your own skills and adapt methods to different situations.Within each of the book's six sections you will find an exercise,which will allow you to test and apply the ideas: introduced.A sketchbook(ideally one that has blank,thick paper and is A4-size or larger)and pencil are important tools to have to hand.Whenever you draw or make a mark in your sketchbook,keep it,don't erase it.There are no such things as mistakes in drawing.It's all a visual record of your ideas; some will be better than others,but they all contribute towards something bigger and better.If nothing else,you can always look back at the first pages you started in your sketchbook and see how far you have travelled
C M Y K T Cheryl Basic Architecture Upon approval Please sign: Name and Date: 001-033 chapter 1cw (7).qxd 8/15/07 2:14 PM Page 6 Representational techniques Representation is an important aspect of any visual or design-based discipline and the techniques for representing architectural ideas are both exciting and challenging. Architectural ideas can eventually become buildings. An idea leads to a concept, which becomes a sketch. The sketch is then developed into a physical sketch model and a set of scale drawings that are explored and investigated in detail. Representing each of these stages of architectural development requires a variety of skills. Sometimes freehand, loose or intuitive drawings and models, where concept and abstraction are critical, are the best techniques to employ. At other times, the precise detail of CAD drawings might be needed to explain how a building is assembled. The challenge of architectural representation is to generate the right type of image to suit the given stage in the design process. Architectural drawings employ a kind of language, and the right dialect is needed for a given situation. The language of architectural drawing is varied, but the vocabulary is basic. Ideas are expressed as lines and all lines or strokes on a page are careful and considered. The excitement with architectural representation is to use the language of drawing, to perfect it and develop it so it communicates the architectural idea to become a unique, real architectural experience. As with all drawing techniques, it is important to practise and develop your own skills and adapt methods to different situations. Within each of the book’s six sections you will find an exercise, which will allow you to test and apply the ideas; introduced. A sketchbook (ideally one that has blank, thick paper and is A4-size or larger) and pencil are important tools to have to hand. Whenever you draw or make a mark in your sketchbook, keep it, don’t erase it. There are no such things as mistakes in drawing. It’s all a visual record of your ideas; some will be better than others, but they all contribute towards something bigger and better. If nothing else, you can always look back at the first pages you started in your sketchbook and see how far you have travelled. Introduction 001-033_R+T_1stp_SN.qxd 10/11/07 1:41 PM Page 6
6|7 Sketch This section explores ideas of how to sketch and draw at all stages of the design process. Scale This section looks at the range of specific drawing scales that can be used at various stages of the architectural design process.Understanding the application of these scales for different situations is critical. Orthographic projection Orthographic projection looks at the measured drawings that explain the idea of the building in two-dimensional form:plans,sections and elevations.These two-dimensional drawings reveal the three-dimensional intention of the building. Three-dimensional images These are the most easily accessible images and provide a perspective view of a space,which will give an impression of the experience of the building on a particular site or location. Three-dimensional images are also useful for creating construction and assembly drawings. Modelling Modelling ideas allow an exploration spatially of concepts, spaces and form at all stages of the design process.Models can be created physically or using CAD software. Layout and presentation The communication of the idea is critical.How it is organised and presented is an important design consideration
C M Y K T Cheryl Basic Architecture Upon approval Please sign: Name and Date: 001-033 chapter 1cw (7).qxd 8/15/07 2:14 PM Page 7 6 | 7 Introduction Sketch This section explores ideas of how to sketch and draw at all stages of the design process. Scale This section looks at the range of specific drawing scales that can be used at various stages of the architectural design process. Understanding the application of these scales for different situations is critical. Orthographic projection Orthographic projection looks at the measured drawings that explain the idea of the building in two-dimensional form: plans, sections and elevations. These two-dimensional drawings reveal the three-dimensional intention of the building. Three-dimensional images These are the most easily accessible images and provide a perspective view of a space, which will give an impression of the experience of the building on a particular site or location. Three-dimensional images are also useful for creating construction and assembly drawings. Modelling Modelling ideas allow an exploration spatially of concepts, spaces and form at all stages of the design process. Models can be created physically or using CAD software. Layout and presentation The communication of the idea is critical. How it is organised and presented is an important design consideration. 001-033_R+T_1stp_SN.qxd 10/11/07 1:41 PM Page 7
How to get the most out of this book This book introduces different aspects of representational techniques in architecture via dedicated chapters for each topic.Each chapter provides examples of the creative use of different representational techniques in architecture at each stage of the design process.The examples shown are contributions from a range of contemporary architects and, together with detailed analysis in the text,form a book that offers a unique insight into the practical and professional world of architectural design. Chapter openers These introduce and outline the key information in each chapter. Images Captions Examples from contemporary Provide contextual information architects and designers bring the about each featured project and principles under discussion to life. highlight the practical application of key principles
1st Proof Title: BA Representational Techniques : AVA Job No: D909-121/4269 008-009_R+T_1stp_SN_.qxd 9/24/09 5:32 PM Page 8 Sketch › Scale › Orthographic projection Representational techniques Scale 34 | 35 Project: Phare Tower Location: Paris, France Architect: Morphosis Date: 2006 This schematic design by architects Morphosis is a proposal for a structure in the Parisian district of La Défense. The Phare Tower is a 300 metre-high commercial building that is scheduled for completion in 2012. This computer-generated photomontage image provides an idea of the impressive scale of the proposed structure, which is set to become an iconic form in the city. Scale has multiple meanings in architecture. Drawings can be to scale (adhering to an established or agreed reference or system), ‘out of’, or ‘not to’ scale. Historically, architects have employed a range of scale systems. Classical Greek and Roman architecture, for example, used a modular system of measurement. In classical architecture each module was the width of the column base, and this was used to determine the classical system of orders and their relative proportioning. Le Corbusier also used a modular system based on the proportions of the human body, which ensured that his architectural designs related to human scale. To represent a space or building, comparative scale systems are needed to design, develop and explain the architectural idea. Plan, section and elevation drawings and models are the conventions used to communicate the idea; however, they need to be created using a system that can be measured and is understood by the architect, builder and client alike. When drawing to scale, the right scale system needs to be used for the appropriate context. Smaller or larger scale investigations will lend themselves better to different types of projects, for example, the design of a city will be better understood in large scale, whereas the design of a piece of furniture will necessitate a smaller scale system and drawing. Understanding scale is to connect with the relative size of cities, places, buildings, spaces and objects and to learn how they in turn connect with one another and the people that occupy and use them. Representational techniques Images Examples from contemporary architects and designers bring the principles under discussion to life. Chapter openers These introduce and outline the key information in each chapter. Captions Provide contextual information about each featured project and highlight the practical application of key principles. This book introduces different aspects of representational techniques in architecture via dedicated chapters for each topic. Each chapter provides examples of the creative use of different representational techniques in architecture at each stage of the design process. The examples shown are contributions from a range of contemporary architects and, together with detailed analysis in the text, form a book that offers a unique insight into the practical and professional world of architectural design. How to get the most out of this book TEXT BLACK 1st Proof Title: BA Representational Techniques : AVA Job No: D909-121/4269 008-009_R+T_1stp_SN_.qxd 9/24/09 5:32 PM Page 8
8|9 Information panels Section headings Supporting information panels Each chapter unit has a clear provide contextual and heading to allow readers to quickly supplementary content,which locate an area of interest supports the body text. ge过 ing th Introductions Body text Chapter navigation Each unit's introduction appears in In-depth discussion of working Highlights the current chapter bold text and outlines the concepts methods and best practice is unit and lists the previous and that are to be discussed. covered in the book's body text. following units. 票 MOH
1st Proof Title: BA Representational Techniques : AVA Job No: D909-121/4269 008-009_R+T_1stp_SN_.qxd 9/24/09 5:32 PM Page 9 Sketch Architectural ideas or concepts are described in a form of sketch shorthand. A conceptual explanation of how a building works can sometimes be conveyed in a simple line drawing. Conversely, the concept may be more complex and so require a series of sketches to fully explain the underlying idea. A concept can be related to any aspect of the architectural design process. For example, an urban concept might reference the scale of a city or location, or a material concept could describe the different details of a building and how they are connected together. The architectural concept can be conveyed in both the macro and micro elements of a scheme design. At any stage of the process the concept is something that drives the design forward and as such it needs to be recorded. A sketch is a quick, easy and useful way to do this, and a concept sketch can take many forms. Project: University Centre Location: Winchester, UK Architect: Design Engine Date: 2005 A parti drawing is reductive, it can display a complex idea in a very simple form. This concept parti drawing reduces the concept of a university building to a diagram. The design idea is concerned with views in two directions; those at the first and second floors across a sloped site and those at ground floor across a more sheltered site. This architectural idea responds to particular site conditions. Parti diagrams Concepts are dynamic, and the clearest forms of conceptual design will be simple and informative. A ‘parti’ diagram (the term is derived from the French verb ‘prendre parti’, which means to make a choice) is very helpful in this respect. Popularised during the nineteenth century in the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, these drawings are reductive and transform the concept into a few simple lines, which explain complex ideas and motifs in clear and simple terms. Parti diagrams are abstract sketches that are loaded with architectural meaning and intent, and can be referred to at all stages of the design project. Reductive parti drawings are simple in their execution, but require a great deal of consideration as they are often underpinned by quite complex thought processes. As such they convey a meaning that goes beyond the line on the paper, and will usually need to be fully described by accompanying text. The concept sketch may also require descriptive text or commentary alongside the drawing in order to strongly associate the drawing with its architectural intention. Conceptual sketches 14 | 15 Tools and materials › Conceptual sketches › Analytical sketches École des Beaux-Arts (School of Fine Arts), Paris The École des Beaux-Arts was the official school of art in France. It was established in 1793 as part of the reforms of the French Revolution and was formerly part of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture. The school had a reputation for its conservative approach, founded on ‘classical’ architectural ideas and classical Greco-Roman architectural principles, but provided a sound technical grounding in painting, architecture and sculpture. A beaux-arts style evolved from the nineteenth century and many influential architects trained there from Europe and USA. The style that it influenced was classical, grand and technically precise. It was an appropriate style for the end of the nineteenth century in Europe. Buildings built in the beauxarts style include the Paris Opéra by Garnier (1861), the Palais de Justice in Brussels by Polaert (1866) and the Petit Palais in Paris by Girault (1897). It represents both an influential architectural style and also a type of artistic and architectural education. Introductions Each unit’s introduction appears in bold text and outlines the concepts that are to be discussed. Information panels Supporting information panels provide contextual and supplementary content, which supports the body text. Section headings Each chapter unit has a clear heading to allow readers to quickly locate an area of interest. Body text In-depth discussion of working methods and best practice is covered in the book’s body text. Chapter navigation Highlights the current chapter unit and lists the previous and following units. How to get the most out of this book 8 | 9 TEXT BLACK 1st Proof Title: BA Representational Techniques : AVA Job No: D909-121/4269 008-009_R+T_1stp_SN_.qxd 9/24/09 5:32 PM Page 9
C M Y K T Cheryl Basic Architecture Upon approval Please sign: Name and Date: the est 001-033_R+T_1stp_SN.qxd 9/2/07 11:14 AM Page 10 Representational techniques 001-033_R+T_1stp_SN.qxd 10/11/07 1:42 PM Page 10
Sketch 1011 A sketch by definition is a quick,loose and open drawing. It is the speed inherent in this sort drawing that makes it a powerful way to describe an idea.Forms of sketching can range from providing a kind of visual note-taking, observing real conditions and situations,to the production of analytical drawings that deconstruct an idea or concept. Sketches can be categorised according to concept, analysis and observation. Conceptual sketches can reveal the essence of a Project:Kielder Observatory complex idea.The challenge in the concept sketch is Location:Northumberland,UK to clearly and concisely communicate the design Architect:Hyde Hyde intention.A concept sketch may be drawn at the Date:2005 beginning of the project,but it should still be relevant The concept underlying this scheme on the project's completion. was a homage to the cosmos.This pencil sketch shows an idea of Analytical sketches can be used to analyse a building, a building as a telescope housing, space or component.These can be created at any stage opening out as a series of steel petals to reveal the sky. of the design process.In a project's initial stages they may convey a design intention;later on in the design The inspiration for this was a flower. process they can explain ideas associated with joureys with petals opening upwards and outward towards the sun.The through the building or aspects of construction concept sketch illustrates how the building reacts to nature in a similar Observational sketches can be used to describe fashion;it is like a piece of machinery aspects of buildings,exploring materials or space that adapts itself and transforms to in detail. allow the view of the night sky. There are many sketching techniques that can be explored and further developed until individual preferences and a personal style are established. Stylistic variations will be in accordance with the medium used(pen,pencil,charcoal etc.);the different use and application of colour,tone or texture;the use of collage and material;the thickness or the sparseness of the line or the size and scale of image.Above all else,a personal sketching technique needs to be developed through practice and experimentation
C M Y K T Cheryl Basic Architecture Upon approval Please sign: Name and Date: Form + Structure Spread heading 001-033 chapter 1cw (7).qxd 8/15/07 2:29 PM Page 11 A sketch by definition is a quick, loose and open drawing. It is the speed inherent in this sort drawing that makes it a powerful way to describe an idea. Forms of sketching can range from providing a kind of visual note-taking, observing real conditions and situations, to the production of analytical drawings that deconstruct an idea or concept. Sketches can be categorised according to concept, analysis and observation. Conceptual sketches can reveal the essence of a complex idea. The challenge in the concept sketch is to clearly and concisely communicate the design intention. A concept sketch may be drawn at the beginning of the project, but it should still be relevant on the project’s completion. Analytical sketches can be used to analyse a building, space or component. These can be created at any stage of the design process. In a project’s initial stages they may convey a design intention; later on in the design process they can explain ideas associated with journeys through the building or aspects of construction. Observational sketches can be used to describe aspects of buildings, exploring materials or space in detail. There are many sketching techniques that can be explored and further developed until individual preferences and a personal style are established. Stylistic variations will be in accordance with the medium used (pen, pencil, charcoal etc.); the different use and application of colour, tone or texture; the use of collage and material; the thickness or the sparseness of the line or the size and scale of image. Above all else, a personal sketching technique needs to be developed through practice and experimentation. Project: Kielder Observatory Location: Northumberland, UK Architect: Hyde + Hyde Date: 2005 The concept underlying this scheme was a homage to the cosmos. This pencil sketch shows an idea of a building as a telescope housing, opening out as a series of steel petals to reveal the sky. The inspiration for this was a flower, with petals opening upwards and outward towards the sun. The concept sketch illustrates how the building reacts to nature in a similar fashion; it is like a piece of machinery that adapts itself and transforms to allow the view of the night sky. Sketch 10 | 11 Sketch › Scale 001-033_R+T_1stp_SN.qxd 10/11/07 1:44 PM Page 11