《 MI Unit2 Growing pains》教学案 课程分析:(本课的作用和学习本课的意义 1、背景说明 常常听学生们谈论成长中的烦恼,有个孩子的某篇写作的精彩片段很好的揭露了这点 虽从哇哇坠地到现在殷殷少年,我一直沉浸在欢乐的海洋中,然而成长的日益增长, 烦恼不尽而来,压力也从此日益沉重,偶尔的松懈便有如释重负的悦感。若成长是一篇 著作,那么烦恼便是藏在段落深处的错字;如果成长是一张白纸,那么烦恼便是附在背 面的—个瑕疵;成长是取舍,而烦恼就是舍中之取。”有些孩子因不能正确地认识成长中 的烦恼,而选择了极端的处理方式,如自杀,殴打父母等。因此,如何引导孩子正确的 认识与对待成长中的烦恼就成了我们教师当前亟待解决的问题。 2、课题的意义: 课题的价值在于是学生学完本课后,不仅能够掌握书本上要求他们应该掌握的知识 内容,还能够理解教师通过对知识的拓展所要传递的如何确的认识与对待成长中的烦 恼的最为重要的信息。也就是说要领会、把握课文中的思想价值。本课题有利于知识性 与思想性很好的结合,对学生的终身发展与成长极为有助。通过本课题的引导可以使学 生学思结合,发挥他们学习的主体性。 3、课题介绍: 课题选自译林出版社牛津英语教科书《牛津高中英语》(必修1)第二单元《 Growing pains》第二谢时《 reading》部分。 课 1、你的成长过程中有烦恼吗?你认为你成长过程中最大的烦恼是什么? 2、你曾经与家人发生过口角上甚至手脚上的冲突吗?如果有,你是如何 处理的?事情如何结束的? 前问题设计 3、你看过成长的烦恼这部影片吗?你觉得你有过类似的成长烦恼吗?如 果有,你是如何处理的? 4、你认为“成长的烦恼”真正的内涵是什么? 5、学完本课后请你写一篇作文仔细谈谈如何正确的认识与对待成长中 烦恼?
《M1 Unit 2 Growing pains》 教学案 课程分析:(本课的作用和学习本课的意义) 1、背景说明: 常常听学生们谈论成长中的烦恼,有个孩子的某篇写作的精彩片段很好的揭露了这点: “虽从哇哇坠地到现在殷殷少年,我一直沉浸在欢乐的海洋中,然而成长的日益增长, 烦恼不尽而来,压力也从此日益沉重,偶尔的松懈便有如释重负的悦感。若成长是一篇 著作,那么烦恼便是藏在段落深处的错字;如果成长是一张白纸,那么烦恼便是附在背 面的一个瑕疵;成长是取舍,而烦恼就是舍中之取。”有些孩子因不能正确地认识成长中 的烦恼,而选择了极端的处理方式,如,自杀,殴打父母等。因此,如何引导孩子正确的 认识与对待成长中的烦恼就成了我们教师当前亟待解决的问题。 2、课题的意义: 课题的价值在于是学生学完本课后,不仅能够掌握书本上要求他们应该掌握的知识 内容,还能够理解教师通过对知识的拓展所要传递的如何正确的认识与对待成长中的烦 恼的最为重要的信息。也就是说要领会、把握课文中的思想价值。本课题有利于知识性 与思想性很好的结合,对学生的终身发展与成长极为有助。通过本课题的引导可以使学 生学思结合,发挥他们学习的主体性。 3、课题介绍: 课题选自译林出版社牛津英语教科书《牛津高中英语》(必修 1)第二单元《Growing pains》第二课时《reading》部分。 课 前 问 题 设 计 1、你的成长过程中有烦恼吗?你认为你成长过程中最大的烦恼是什么? 2、你曾经与家人发生过口角上甚至手脚上的冲突吗?如果有,你是如何 处理的?事情如何结束的? 3、你看过成长的烦恼这部影片吗?你觉得你有过类似的成长烦恼吗?如 果有,你是如何处理的? 4、你认为“成长的烦恼”真正的内涵是什么? 5、学完本课后请你写一篇作文仔细谈谈如何正确的认识与对待成长中的 烦恼?
教学构想: 成长的烦恼是每个人成长的过程中必然会出现的一个现象,学生在此之前对于学习 生活中的烦恼已有一定的了解,所以对茡生而言理解成长的烦恼并非难事,关键是如何 正确的认识与对待成长中的烦恼。考虑到课时的安排,这节课是要在一课时内完成的, 如果把学生的任务探究活动都放在课堂上进行,不但学生没有充足的时间准备,而且课 文的理解与分析就会难以处理的到位,无法做到思想性与知识性的完美结合。因此,基 于以上原因,决定把学生的任务探究活动以问题的形式放在课前进行。首先按照学生的 意愿将学生分成不同的小组,分组时兼顾到学生不同能力等因素,尽量做到合理分配。 然后要求学生进行课前预习 (1)查阅有关一些人成长的烦恼的实例; (2)找出这些人成长中产生烦恼的种种原因,并加以分析; (3)尽可能地帮这些人找岀正确解决这些烦恼的方法与途径。 在课上学生要将所找到的实例与解决途径展示给全班同学,最后教师总结并提出更 高的要求和探究课题。这样激发学生的内在能量,达到师生互动的要求,使课堂教学充 满活力,既增进了师生的情感,又充分发挥学生的主体作用,发展学生的个性,培养学 生自主学习的能力,使他们学得主动,学得轻松,使其个性、特长自由发展,素质得到 全面提高。整节课的教学设计流程如图 教学目标 知识与技能 (1)认识成长的烦恼现象 (2)知道产生成长的烦恼的条件; 3)能够通过对课文的学习、分析与理解既要学会课文知识又要学会如何正确的认识 与对待成长中的烦恼,从而解决实际问题。 2.过程与方法: (1)通过实例探究、自我成长中的烦恼回顾与认识,讨论交流成长的烦恼并合理地解」 决它
教学构想: 成长的烦恼是每个人成长的过程中必然会出现的一个现象,学生在此之前对于学习 生活中的烦恼已有一定的了解,所以对学生而言理解成长的烦恼并非难事,关键是如何 正确的认识与对待成长中的烦恼。考虑到课时的安排,这节课是要在一课时内完成的, 如果把学生的任务探究活动都放在课堂上进行,不但学生没有充足的时间准备,而且课 文的理解与分析就会难以处理的到位,无法做到思想性与知识性的完美结合。因此,基 于以上原因,决定把学生的任务探究活动以问题的形式放在课前进行。首先按照学生的 意愿将学生分成不同的小组,分组时兼顾到学生不同能力等因素,尽量做到合理分配。 然后要求学生进行课前预习: (1)查阅有关一些人成长的烦恼的实例; (2)找出这些人成长中产生烦恼的种种原因,并加以分析; (3)尽可能地帮这些人找出正确解决这些烦恼的方法与途径。 在课上学生要将所找到的实例与解决途径展示给全班同学,最后教师总结并提出更 高的要求和探究课题。这样激发学生的内在能量,达到师生互动的要求,使课堂教学充 满活力,既增进了师生的情感,又充分发挥学生的主体作用,发展学生的个性,培养学 生自主学习的能力,使他们学得主动,学得轻松,使其个性、特长自由发展,素质得到 全面提高。整节课的教学设计流程如图: 教学目标: 1.知识与技能: (1)认识成长的烦恼现象; (2)知道产生成长的烦恼的条件; (3)能够通过对课文的学习、分析与理解既要学会课文知识又要学会如何正确的认识 与对待成长中的烦恼,从而解决实际问题。 2.过程与方法: (1)通过实例探究、自我成长中的烦恼回顾与认识,讨论交流成长的烦恼并合理地解 决它
(2)体会任务探究的方法,思考现象与本质的关系,寻找正确地解决实际问题的方法 与能力。 (3)任务型阅读方式解决课文知识的梳理与构建 情感、态度与价值观 (1)通过体会、分析生活中成长的烦恼现象,形成认识来自生活并将服务生活的思想, 激发学生的学习动力。 (2)体验自主学习过程,养成乐于观察、勤于思考和合作交流的能力和学习习惯。 (3)通过对教材内容的进一步理解和应用,使学生懂得发现问题与正确地解决问题的 重要性。 教学厘点理解与把握课文的知识结构以及文章的中心思想 教学难点 知识性与教育思想有机的渗透与结合 任务探究法 教学方法: 引导教学法 合作学习法 所需设备 多媒体辅助教学设备 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 新课引入: 学生根据个人兴趣进行分组,充分发挥学生的主体作 设置4个问题,让学生课前|并且交流和探讨选择的问题用,关注与发展学生的个 分组讨论、思考。 性,培养学生自主学习的 能力 授课过程: Step l revision Check the homework exercise Step 2 Lead-in Think about the following questions 1. Have you ever watched the famous American TV comedy"Growing Pains"? 2. Could you list some of the members of the family?(Show them a photo and tell them the family
(2)体会任务探究的方法,思考现象与本质的关系,寻找正确地解决实际问题的方法 与能力。 (3)任务型阅读方式解决课文知识的梳理与构建。 3.情感、态度与价值观: (1)通过体会、分析生活中成长的烦恼现象,形成认识来自生活并将服务生活的思想, 激发学生的学习动力。 (2)体验自主学习过程,养成乐于观察、勤于思考和合作交流的能力和学习习惯。 (3)通过对教材内容的进一步理解和应用,使学生懂得发现问题与正确地解决问题的 重要性。 教学重点: 理解与把握课文的知识结构以及文章的中心思想 教学难点: 知识性与教育思想有机的渗透与结合 教学方法: 任务探究法 引导教学法 合作学习法 所需设备: 多媒体辅助教学设备 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 新课引入: 设置 4 个问题,让学生课前 分组讨论、思考。 学生根据个人兴趣进行分组, 并且交流和探讨选择的问题 充分发挥学生的主体作 用,关注与发展学生的个 性,培养学生自主学习的 能力。 授课过程: Step 1 Revision Check the homework exercise. Step 2 Lead-in: Think about the following questions: 1. Have you ever watched the famous American TV comedy “Growing Pains”? 2. Could you list some of the members of the family? (Show them a photo and tell them the family
3. What do you think of the play? 4. Have you ever experienced growing pains as you grow up just like this boy? Step 3 reading Please go through the Reading strategy and tell me how to read a play (make sure students know how to read a play. Step 4 Fast reading 1. Get the students to skim the play quickly and finish PartA individually 2. Choose the best answer 1). Why did Eric sound frightened when he found his parents were back? A. Because Erics soccer ball hit his mum, and he was afraid of being beaten B. Because he was doing something not allowed C because the room was in a mess and he was worried about being scolded D. Because he didn't give enough food to the dog 2). What didi Daniel think his parents should do? A. Practise Eric and him B Scold Eric and him C. Let him explain D. Be kind to him 3). From the play we can know that A. the parents came back earlier in order to surprise the boys C. the boys thought they should explain what had happened to their parents D Dad decided to go and ask the boys swhat had happened 4). We can infer from the text that A. Daniel. Eric and their parents lacked communication B. Daniels father was often angry with his children C. Daniel told his father the truth but his father didnt believe his words D. Eric would be praised by his parents Steps Careful reading and Structure analysing(tT) Read the play and analyse the plot of the play. Ask the students to work in groups to discuss the plot of this rding to the folle tivity is to get students involved activities, as well as to help the students to know how a play is usually organized, and how a play develops Plot of the la Description Background(information about characters, time, and place, etc. (what causes the incident and how it develops Climax ( the most serious conflict) Outcome (end of the conflict Background: Dad and Mom go on vacation. Two boys, Daniel and Eric are left alone at home They are asked to look after the pet dog, Spot, as well as their home
members.) 3. What do you think of the play? 4. Have you ever experienced growing pains as you grow up just like this boy? Step 3 reading Please go through the Reading strategy and tell me how to read a play. (make sure students know how to read a play.) Step 4 Fast reading: 1. Get the students to skim the play quickly and finish Part A individually. 2. Choose the best answer: 1). Why did Eric sound frightened when he found his parents were back? A. Because Eric’s soccer ball hit his mum , and he was afraid of being beaten. B. Because he was doing something not allowed. C. because the room was in a mess , and he was worried about being scolded. D. Because he didn't give enough food to the dog. 2). What didi Daniel think his parents should do ? A. Practise Eric and him B. Scold Eric and him C. Let him explain D. Be kind to him 3). From the play we can know that ___________. A. the parents came back earlier in order to surprise the boys B. Dad thought Daniel behaced badly and should be punished C. the boys thought they should explain what had happened to their parents D. Dad decided to go and ask the boys swhat had happened 4). We can infer from the text that _________________. A. Daniel , Eric and their parents lacked communication B. Daniel’s father was often angry with his children C. Daniel told his father the truth , but his father didn’t believe his words D. Eric would be praised by his parents Step5 Careful reading and Structure analysing(分析) Read the play and analyse the plot of the play. Ask the students to work in groups to discuss the plot of this play according to the following table. The purpose of this activity is to get more students involved in in-class activities, as well as to help the students to know how a play is usually organized, and how a play develops. Plot of the play Description Background (information about characters, time, and place, etc.) problem (conflicts between two sides) Rising action/develop (what causes the incident and how it develops) Climax (the most serious conflict) Outcome (end of the conflict) Sample answers of the development of the play: Background: Dad and Mom go on vacation. Two boys, Daniel and Eric are left alone at home. They are asked to look after the pet dog, Spot, as well as their home
Problem/cause: Spot gets ill and the two boys use the money for dog food to take Spot to the vet. and they don't have time to clean the house Rising action: When Dad and Mom come back home, they find that the room is a mess, and the dog looks tired and hungry. What's worse, the money for the dog food id gone Climax: Dad and Mom shout at Daniel angrily and blame him for his not taking responsibility Daniel cant bear it and shouts back to his parents and rushes into his bed room and shuts the Outcome: ( Ask the students to imagine what will happen. Step 6 Homework: 1. Divide yourself into groups of five and try to act the out 2. Preview the word power section 课后练习: Translate the following words and phrases 3 bad behavior 4. bend to touch the dog 5. shout at sb 6. act like an adult 7. pay attention to the instructions 8. go unpunished 9. describe an unpleasant experience 10. look around 11.把音乐声调高 12浪费时间 13强迫某人做某事 14应该 15乱七八糟 16对某人过于苛刻 17为某人辩护 18让某人负责 19而不是,代替 20比预期的早 II. Fill in the blank according to the play "Home alone Mom and Dad arrive back from earlier than They find the rooms in a with rubish all over the places, and their pet dog tired and but the money for dog food So they shout at their elderson deniel. Daniel feels he cannot have the explain the to them. In fact, when their pare ents are from home, their dog ill and the boys used the money to take it to the had not time to the house Daniels younger brother Eric him to tell the truth to their parents. But Daniel wouldnt At the same time. dad become at Daniel's bad and rudeness. and decide him. Mom thinks they should go and daniel what has happened vcation, expected, mess, hungry, gone, upset, chance, emergency (reason), away, fell, hospital, clean adviced, agree, angry, behaviors, punish, ask
Problem/cause: Spot gets ill and the two boys use the money for dog food to take Spot to the vet. And they don’t have time to clean the house. Rising action: When Dad and Mom come back home, they find that the room is a mess, and the dog looks tired and hungry. What’s worse, the money for the dog food id gone. Climax: Dad and Mom shout at Daniel angrily and blame him for his not taking responsibility. Daniel can’t bear it and shouts back to his parents and rushes into his bed room and shuts the door. Outcome: (Ask the students to imagine what will happen …) Step 6 Homework: 1. Divide yourself into groups of five and try to act the out. 2. Preview the word power section. 课后练习: Ⅰ. Translate the following words and phrases: 1. shut the door ___________________ 2. in the form of a dialogue _____________________ 3. bad behavior___________________ 4. bend to touch the dog ___________________ 5. shout at sb. ___________________ 6. act like an adult ___________________ 7. pay attention to the instructions _________________8. go unpunished ___________________ 9. describe an unpleasant experience _________________10. look around ___________________ 11. 把音乐声调高 ___________________ 12 浪费时间 ___________________ 13 强迫某人做某事 ___________________ 14 应该 ________________ 15 乱七八糟 ___________________ 16 对某人过于苛刻 ___________________ 17 为某人辩护 ___________________ 18 让某人负责 ___________________ 19 而不是,代替 ___________________ 20 比预期的早 ___________________ Ⅱ. Fill in the blank according to the play “Home alone” Mom and Dad arrive back from _________ earlier than ________________ . They find the rooms in a ___________ with rubish all over the places , and their pet dog tired and ___________, but the money for dog food is ___________. So they shout at their elderson Deniel . Daniel feels _____________ as he cannot have the _________ to explain the ______________to them . In fact , when their parents are _________ from home, their dog _____________ill and the boys used the money to take it to the ___________ and they had not time to _________ the house . Daniel’s younger brother Eric _____________ him to tell the truth to their parents. But Daniel wouldn’t _________. At the same time , Dad become _________ at Daniel’s bad ________ and rudeness , and decides to _____________him. Mom thinks they should go and _____________daniel what has happened. vcation , expected, mess, hungry, gone, upset, chance , emergency(reason) , away , fell , hospital, clean , adviced , agree, angry , behaviors, punish, ask
本课题因为与学生生活内容密切相关故深受学生的关注,任 课堂小结: 务设置也符合学生的生活需要故学生研究热情十分高涨。课 堂上,与学生生活很近的文章内容,学生喜闻乐见的影视资 料都引起了学生极大地学习兴趣。教育意义也在潜移默化中 进行收效很大。 课外延伸 让学生体验知识来源生活,走进生活,服务生活。 从课题中学生学会处理成 长中的烦恼,善待生命。善 待他人,善学乐学,尊老爱 幼等思想得以在课外延伸
课堂小结: 本课题因为与学生生活内容密切相关故深受学生的关注,任 务设置也符合学生的生活需要故学生研究热情十分高涨。课 堂上,与学生生活很近的文章内容,学生喜闻乐见的影视资 料都引起了学生极大地学习兴趣。教育意义也在潜移默化中 进行收效很大。 课外延伸: 从课题中学生学会处理成 长中的烦恼,善待生命。善 待他人,善学乐学,尊老爱 幼等思想得以在课外延伸。 让学生体验知识来源生活,走进生活,服务生活