Lost civilizations教学案 课程分析:(本课的作用和学习本课的意义 《 Lost civilizations》是苏教版高中英语模块三第三单元的课文,介绍了意大利庞贝及 中国楼兰两大历史名城的消失,能激发学生热爱历史遗迹、探索历史及自然奥秘的兴趣 问题设计 引入:中国历史及世界遗迹 a]E: 1. Can you name some buildings that could represent ancient civilization in Ch Can you name some buildings that could represent ancient civilization in foreign countries? 3. Where are the places in the pictures? 4. What have you known about them? 5. What else do you want to know about them 教学构想及目标 知识目标: Enable students to understand the general idea of the passage 能力目标:1. Enable students to read the passage wi thout any difficulty. 2. Enable students to retell the general idea freely. Enable students to know the right reading strategy of diary entries. 情感目标:通过利用网络提供的文字、图像、声音、动画、视频等多方位信息,帮助学生 进一步理解课文内容,同时激发学生探索历史遗迹的强烈愿望 教学重点: How to help students use the right reading strategy to understand the articl 教学难点:怎样解决教学对象当前水平差异,不能对课文进行复述的问题 教学方法:.,利用 Brainstorm及所设计的问题,通过大量图片的展示,充实教材内容, 使学生在感受世界文化遗产的丰富的同时,掌握课文的大意,能流利复述 课文,从而培养学生运用正确阅读技巧的能力和习惯。 2.借助多媒体课件创设情境,引导学生理解这两座历史名城的湮灭,解决 教学难点 所需设备:「校园网、多媒体投影(展示学习网站和多媒体课件) 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 借助旧知,引入新课: 师: Can you name some 结合图片,引导学生将视线 buildings that could 转入世界文化遗产,激发学 represent anc 生的兴趣 civilization in china?
1 Lost Civilizations 教学案 课程分析:(本课的作用和学习本课的意义) 《Lost Civilizations 》是苏教版高中英语模块三第三单元的课文,介绍了意大利庞贝及 中国楼兰两大历史名城的消失,能激发学生热爱历史遗迹、探索历史及自然奥秘的兴趣。 问题设计 引入:中国历史及世界遗迹 问题: 1.Can you name some buildings that could represent ancient civilization in China? 2.Can you name some buildings that could represent ancient civilization in foreign countries? 3.Where are the places in the pictures? 4.What have you known about them? 5.What else do you want to know about them? 教学构想及目标: 知识目标:Enable students to understand the general idea of the passage. 能力目标:1.Enable students to read the passage without any difficulty. 2.Enable students to retell the general idea freely. 3.Enable students to know the right reading strategy of diary entries. 情感目标:通过利用网络提供的文字、图像、声音、动画、视频等多方位信息,帮助学生 进一步理解课文内容,同时激发学生探索历史遗迹的强烈愿望。 教学重点: How to help students use the right reading strategy to understand the article. 教学难点: 怎样解决教学对象当前水平差异,不能对课文进行复述的问题。 教学方法: 1.利用 Brainstorm 及所设计的问题,通过大量图片的展示,充实教材内容, 使学生在感受世界文化遗产的丰富的同时,掌握课文的大意,能流利复述 课文,从而培养学生运用正确阅读技巧的能力和习惯。 2.借助多媒体课件创设情境,引导学生理解这两座历史名城的湮灭,解决 教学难点。 所需设备: 校园网、多媒体投影(展示学习网站和多媒体课件) 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 一、 借助旧知,引入新课: 师 : Can you name some buildings that could represent ancient civilization in China? 结合图片,引导学生将视线 转入世界文化遗产,激发学 生的兴趣
(板书:课题) 、学生分组讨论、汇报分享1、分4人一小组,针对学习 Can you name some buildings网上的资料进行小组内交流。学生分小组,对丰富的文化 that could represent|(组长负责主持:记录员记遗产进行初步了解。课堂上 ancient civilization in录;汇报员做好总结准备)|相互分享,激发学生的兴 foreign countries? 2、汇报员展示交流成果:趣 3、语言过渡 1. Where are the places in 这样过渡自然,让学生 the pictures? 不知不觉中开展了新内容 2. What have you known about 的学习,并且激发学生对课 them? 文内容学习的兴趣 3. What else do you want to know about them? 三、READⅠNG STEP 1: FAST READING 用 Skimming的阅读法快速阅有助于培养学生快速阅读 1. Where are Pompeii and读,寻找答案。 的能力。 Loulan? (In Italy and China.) 2 What is one main similarity between Pompei and Loulan? (Both of them were lost civilizations long ago.) 3. What was Loulan buried beneath? STEP 2: Reading strategy 有助于学生理解 dairy reading diary entries 1.学生理解,记忆 entries的阅读策略,为下
2 (板书:课题) 二、学生分组讨论、汇报分享 Can you name some buildings that could represent ancient civilization in foreign countries? 3、语言过渡: 1.Where are the places in the pictures? 2.What have you known about them? 3.What else do you want to know about them? 三、READING STEP 1: FAST READING: 1.Where are Pompeii and Loulan? (In Italy and China.) 2.What is one main similarity between Pompei and Loulan? (Both of them were lost civilizations long ago.) 3.What was Loulan buried beneath? STEP 2 : Reading strategy: reading diary entries 1、分 4 人一小组,针对学习 网上的资料进行小组内交流。 (组长负责主持;记录员记 录;汇报员做好总结准备) 2、汇报员展示交流成果: 用 Skimming 的阅读法快速阅 读,寻找答案。 1.学生理解,记忆 学生分小组,对丰富的文化 遗产进行初步了解。课堂上 相互分享,激发学生的兴 趣。 这样过渡自然,让学生 不知不觉中开展了新内容 的学习,并且激发学生对课 文内容学习的兴趣。 有助于培养学生快速阅读 的能力。 有 助 于 学 生 理 解 dairy entries 的阅读策略,为下
When you are reading diary2.齐读 步细读作准备 entries recording someone s travels, you should look l dates and place names 2 facts and historical informati 3. personal feelings and opinions STEP 3: CAREFUL READING I, What happened to pompeii in August Ad 79? 2, How was the buried city discovered? 学生细读 引导学生对重难句进行体 3 What were the stepping 会、领悟 stones along the road in Pompeii used for? 4、 Why was Loulan an important city about years ago 5. How do many people think Loulan di sappeared? 6. According to the last sentence how did the author feel about the loss of Loulan? Step 4: Post ng readin
3 When you are reading diary entries recording someone’ s travels, you should look for: 1.dates and place names 2.facts and historical information 3.personal feelings and opinions STEP 3 : CAREFUL READING 1、 What happened to Pompeii in August AD 79? 2、 How was the buried city discovered? 3、 What were the stepping stones along the road in Pompeii used for? 4、 Why was Loulan an important city about 2,000 years ago? 5、 How do many people think Loulan disappeared? 6、 According to the last sentence, how did the author feel about the loss of Loulan? Step 4: Post – reading 2.齐读 学生细读 一步细读作准备。 引导学生对重难句进行体 会、领悟
(True or false 1. i feel lucky to have won a place on this trip 2. This morning we went to a1.学生大声朗读课文,尽可能 lecture about pompeii.多记住些课文内容。 3 Many people were buried2.完成 True or false alive, and so was the 让学生把先前阅读的零散 4. How amazing 内容在脑中汇总,对课文内 5. People started to dig in 容有个完整的理解 the area for treasure 6. When I walked around the city, I saw streets just as they had been. 7. I am so excited to be here 8. Syen found the remains of building buried under the sand STEP 5: Consolidation 1.填空 提高学生对课文内容的概 Both Pompeii in 括能力。 Loulan in China became about 2000 years opel 1 n the 8th century BC and was e ROmans in 89BC. On 24th Aug aD79, Fill in the blanks with Mount vesuvius proper words
4 (True or false) 1.I feel lucky to have won a place on this trip. 2.This morning we went to a lecture about Pompeii. 3.Many people were buried alive, and so was the city ! 4.How amazing ! 5.People started to dig in the area for treasure. 6.When I walked around the city, I saw streets just as they had been. 7.I am so excited to be here! 8.Sven found the remains of building buried under the sand. STEP 5: Consolidation 1.填空 Both Pompeii in ________and Loulan in China became ____ ________ about 2000 years ago. Pompeii was ________ in the 8th century BC and was _____ _______ by the Romans in 89BC. On 24th Aug.AD79, Mount Vesuvius _________ 1.学生大声朗读课文,尽可能 多记住些课文内容。 2.完成 True or false Fill in the blanks with proper words 让学生把先前阅读的零散 内容在脑中汇总,对课文内 容有个完整的理解。 提高学生对课文内容的概 括能力
and the city was Loulan was a h Silk Road. It disappeared under th There are just a few left. Some as coins and painted pots, were found. 2. Retell the article Prepare for2 minutes and提高学生对课文内容的概 according to some key words. then ask some students to括及口头表达能力 retell it Step 6: Homework 旨在学生们能将课外查找 1. Search fo more 的资料,课内学到的阅读技 information 巧,有机结合起来,努力拓 nternet 宽英语课程资源,切实提高 学生知识的综合运用能力
5 and the city was _______ __________. Loulan was a _________ _________ on the Silk Road. It disappeared under the ________. There are just a few _________ left. Some _________, such as coins and painted pots, were found. 2. Retell the article according to some key words. Step 6: Homework 1.Search for more information on the Internet. Prepare for 2 minutes and then ask some students to retell it. 提高学生对课文内容的概 括及口头表达能力。 旨在学生们能将课外查找 的资料,课内学到的阅读技 巧,有机结合起来,努力拓 宽英语课程资源,切实提高 学生知识的综合运用能力