Nanoscale materials in chemistry 3D 2D Energy Energy Energy Energy Bulk Quantum Well Quantum Wire Quantum Dot FIGURE 2.5 Formation of a zero-dimensional (0D)quantum dot by the fommal reduction of dimensions,correlating with the continuing discretization of the energy states. Cited from Nanoscale Materials in cCemistry;Edited by Kenneth J.Klabunc
Nanoscale materials in chemistry Cited from Nanoscale Materials in cCemistry; Edited by Kenneth J. Klabunde
固体:吸收一反射 溶液:吸收分透射 Light (a 650nm 580nm 700 nm 400nm 560nm Ti(H2O),3+ 430nm 490nm (b)
固体: 吸收反射 溶液: 吸收透射
Nano-scale materials in chemistry Nano materials:materials that have a dimension on the 10-100nm Scle.(任何至少有一个维度的尺寸小于100nm或由小于100nm的基本单元组成的材料) 2D Graphene C Nanotubes(CNTs) Fullerenes 石墨烯 C纳米管 富乐烯 Cited from Nanoscale Materials in Chemistry;Edited by Kenneth J.Klabunde
Nano-scale materials in chemistry Nano materials: materials that have a dimension on the 10-100nm scale.(任何至少有一个维度的尺寸小于100nm或由小于100nm的基本单元组成的材料) Cited from Nanoscale Materials in Chemistry; Edited by Kenneth J. Klabunde Fullerenes 富乐烯 C Nanotubes (CNTs) C 纳米管 Graphene 石墨烯
Nano-Materials OD nanomaterials:Nano particles(原子团簇、纳米微粒等). 100 nm 200 nm 100 nm 黄页风 Monodispersed Ag nano particles Commercial Ag nano particles
Nano-Materials 0D nanomaterials:Nano 0D nanomaterials:Nano nanomaterials:Nano particles particles (原子团簇、纳米微粒等). Monodispersed Ag nano particles Commercial Ag nano particles
Nanoscale materials (1)小尺寸效应:当纳米微粒尺寸与光波波长、传导电子的德布 罗意波长及超导态的相干长度、透射深度等物理特征尺寸相当或 更小时,它的周期性边界被破坏,从而使其声、光、电、磁,热 力学等性能呈现出“新奇”的现象。 Ep.I:The nano-scale copper particles are non conductive. Ep.2:Gold particles less than 20 nm in diameter melt at a far lower temperature than bulk gold.(Tmp.=1337.33K,1064.18)
(1)小尺寸效应:当纳米微粒尺寸与光波波长 :当纳米微粒尺寸与光波波长、传导电子的德布 、传导电子的德布 罗意波长及超导态的相干长度、透射深度等物理特征尺寸相当或 、透射深度等物理特征尺寸相当或 更小时,它的周期性边界被破坏 ,它的周期性边界被破坏,从而使其声、光、电、磁,热 力学等性能呈现出“新奇”的现象。 Ep.1: The nano-scale copper particles are non conductive. Nanoscale materials Ep.2:Gold particles less than 20 nm in diameter melt at a far lower temperature than bulk gold. (Tm.p.=1337.33 K ,1064.18 °)
Nanoscale materials in chemistry The Melting Points of Gold particles 1100 1000 一◆◆◆◆ 900- 800 Tmp=1064.18°C 700 202 1 0- 0 34567891011 Particle Radius [nm] FIGURE 2.6 Relation between the size of gold particles and their melting point. Cited from Nanoscale Materials in cCemistry;Edited by Kenneth J.Klabunc
Nanoscale materials in chemistry The Melting Points of Gold particles Tm.p. =1064.18 °C Cited from Nanoscale Materials in cCemistry; Edited by Kenneth J. Klabunde
The solubility of Gold nano-particles in water Ep.3 The nano-scale gold particles are soluble in water and deeply red colored. 2012P Figure 12.46 The solutions of colloidal gold nanoparticles made by Michael Faraday in the 1850s.(In the institute of Great Britain's Faraday Museum in London
The solubility of Gold nano-particles in water Ep.3 :The nano-scale gold particles are soluble in water and deeply red colored. Figure 12.46 The solutions of colloidal gold nanoparticles made by Michael Faraday in the 1850s. (In the institute of Great Britain’s Faraday Museum in London )
2012 Pearson Educalion.Inc Figure 12.45 Stained glass window from the Chartres Cathedral in France
Figure 12.45 Stained glass window from the Chartres Cathedral in France
Nanoscale materials (2)表面与界面效应:纳米晶体粒表面原子数与总原子数之比随粒径变小而 急剧增大后所引起的性质上的变化。 The percentage of TABLE 2.1 The relation between the total number of atoms in full surface atoms shell clusters and the percentage of surface atoms Full-shell Clusters Total Number Surface Atoms of Atoms (% 1 Shell 13 92 2 Shells 55 76 3 Shells 147 63 4 Shells 309 52 5Shells 561 45 7Shells 1415 35 Cited from Nanoscale Materials in Chemistry; Edited by Kenneth J.Klabunde
(2)表面与界面效应:纳米晶体粒表面原子数与总原子数之比随粒径变小而 急剧增大后所引起的性质上的变化。 Nanoscale materials The percentage of surface atoms Cited from Nanoscale Materials in Chemistry; Edited by Kenneth J. Klabunde
Nanoscale materials in chemistry Particle radii Number of atoms Percentage of surface atoms 10nm 4000 40% 1nm 30 99% 100 20 0 10 2030 4050 粒度nm Ex.Gold particles between 2 to 3 nm in diameter becomes chemically active
Nanoscale materials in chemistry Particle radii Number of atoms Percentage of surface atoms 10nm 4000 40% 1nm 30 99% Ex. Gold particles between 2 to 3 nm in diameter becomes chemically active