镇江市中小学中青年骨干教师现代教育技术 实践活动教学设计方案 教学目标分析(结合课程标准说明本节课学习完成后所要达到的具体目标) 知识目标:1.熟悉并理解文章的信息及文中一些关键词组;2.能通过图片、标题和上下文语 境猜测课文大意。 能力目标:能学会用正确的语言介绍自己为慈善事业做一些力所能及的事。 情感目标:使学生能对慈善事业更加关注并能为慈善事业做一些力所能及的事。 学习者特征分析(结合实际情况,从学生的学习习惯、心理特征、知识结构等方面进行描 述) 学生都来自农村,英语学习基础很薄弱,学习习惯很差,有些学生对英语学习已失去 了兴趣。学习习惯差表现在:不能主动做好预习工作(如单词预习、课文预习、相关知识 信息的收集等):大多数同学没有做到大声朗读英语短文的习惯;上课时只是被动地跟着老 师的步骤,而不能主动地去思考提问,部分同学参与教学活动的积极性不是很高:知识结 构方面:只关注零散知识点的背记,对短文的整体理解和掌握不重视,甚至有畏惧心理(从 平时测试情况来看,大多数学生在阅读短文上失分很多就是这方面的原因)本班多数学生 英语基础一般,尤其在阅读理解能力方面较薄弱,词汇量不足、阅读技巧欠缺是关键问题 教学过程(按照教学步骤和相应的活动序列进行描述,要注意说明各教学活动中所需的具 体资源及环境) Step1: Greetings and warming-up Present some pictures of Wenchuan earthquake and play the song《爱的奉献》 Step2: Revision There are different groups of people who need our help in the world. Do you know who they are? How can we help the people? Step3: Pre-read i show some pictures of Oxfam Trailwalker and introduce some new words about this event or organization Step4: While-read ing Task 1 Say: Today we are going to read an article about Oxfam Trailwalker. Students read the text quickly and answer some easy questions Task 2 Read the passage as quickly as possible and decide whether the sentences are true or false. Students finish this exercise individually Task 3 Play the recorder of the text. Students listen to the tape carefully then answer more questions Task 4 Read the following dialogue. Replace the underlined words/phrases with a word/phrase of similar meaning from the article in pages 94 and 95. Students finish partB2 on p96
镇江市中小学中青年骨干教师现代教育技术 实践活动教学设计方案 教学目标分析(结合课程标准说明本节课学习完成后所要达到的具体目标): 知识目标:1.熟悉并理解文章的信息及文中一些关键词组;2.能通过图片、标题和上下文语 境猜测课文大意。 能力目标:能学会用正确的语言介绍自己为慈善事业做一些力所能及的事。 情感目标: 使学生能对慈善事业更加关注并能为慈善事业做一些力所能及的事。 学习者特征分析(结合实际情况,从学生的学习习惯、心理特征、知识结构等方面进行描 述): 学生都来自农村,英语学习基础很薄弱,学习习惯很差,有些学生对英语学习已失去 了兴趣。学习习惯差表现在:不能主动做好预习工作(如单词预习、课文预习、相关知识 信息的收集等);大多数同学没有做到大声朗读英语短文的习惯;上课时只是被动地跟着老 师的步骤,而不能主动地去思考提问,部分同学参与教学活动的积极性不是很高;知识结 构方面:只关注零散知识点的背记,对短文的整体理解和掌握不重视,甚至有畏惧心理(从 平时测试情况来看,大多数学生在阅读短文上失分很多就是这方面的原因)。本班多数学生 英语基础一般,尤其在阅读理解能力方面较薄弱,词汇量不足、阅读技巧欠缺是关键问题。 教学过程(按照教学步骤和相应的活动序列进行描述,要注意说明各教学活动中所需的具 体资源及环境): Step1: Greetings and warming-up Present some pictures of Wenchuan earthquake and play the song 《爱的奉献》 Step2: Revision There are different groups of people who need our help in the world. Do you know who they are? How can we help the people? Step3: Pre-reading: show some pictures of Oxfam Trailwalker and introduce some new words about this event or organization Step4: While-reading: Task 1: Say:Today we are going to read an article about Oxfam Trailwalker. Students read the text quickly and answer some easy questions: Task 2: Read the passage as quickly as possible and decide whether the sentences are true or false. Students finish this exercise individually. Task 3: Play the recorder of the text. Students listen to the tape carefully then answer more questions. Task 4: Read the following dialogue. Replace the underlined words/phrases with a word/phrase of similar meaning from the article in pages 94 and 95. Students finish PartB2 on P96
Task 5 Here are the headings in Ben's letter. Where can he find information in the article on pages 94 and 95? Help him fill in blanks. Students finish Part Cl on P97 Task 6: Lily has heard that Ben is going to join Oxfam Trailwalker. She is asking Ben some questions about the event over the phone. Help him answer her question Students finish part C2 on P97 v. After-read ing Task Lets have a competition. Students guess a word accord ing to the English Wh.p work: we should help each other and let our world be full of love What can we do? Students are divided into several groups. They have a d iscussion to write some sentences about how to make our world be full of love Then show them to the other groups. They should feel free to adapt and expand it any way they wish Ⅵ. Homewor 1. Listen to the tape and read the text at least three times 2. Finish the exercises on the paper 教学资源(说明在教学中资源应用的思路、制作或搜集方法): 1.多媒体投影:用于播放课件以及课文录音 2教学课件:用于完成整节课的教学过程 3课件中汶川震后照片以及歌曲:下载自网络 评价方法或工具(说明在教学过程中将用到哪些评价工具,如何评价以及目的是什么):
Task 5: Here are the headings in Ben’s letter. Where can he find information in the article on pages 94 and 95? Help him fill in blanks. Students finish Part C1 on P97 Task 6: Lily has heard that Ben is going to join Oxfam Trailwalker. She is asking Ben some questions about the event over the phone. Help him answer her question Students finish Part C2 on P97 Ⅴ.After-reading: Task7: Let’s have a competition. Students guess a word according to the English explanation. Task8: Group work: we should help each other and let our world be full of love. What can we do? Students are divided into several groups. They have a discussion to write some sentences about how to make our world be full of love. Then show them to the other groups. They should feel free to adapt and expand it any way they wish. Ⅵ. Homework: 1. Listen to the tape and read the text at least three times. 2. Finish the exercises on the paper. 教学资源(说明在教学中资源应用的思路、制作或搜集方法): 1.多媒体投影:用于播放课件以及课文录音; 2.教学课件:用于完成整节课的教学过程; 3.课件中汶川震后照片以及歌曲:下载自网络; 评价方法或工具(说明在教学过程中将用到哪些评价工具,如何评价以及目的是什么):
在教学过程中运用了形成性评价,主要有1测验(回答问题、判断正误、生词替换、短文 大意概括、短文缺词填空、小组竞赛猜词等):其目的就是利用这些测验方式使学生对短文 整体理解和掌握;2调查: We should help each other and let our world be full of love № hat can we do?其目的就是为了达成本节课的情感目标(对慈善事业更加关注并能为慈 善事业做一些力所能及的事)。同时正视了个体差异,注重过程激励,鼓励他们多开口说英 语,即使说错了,教师也要等到他们说完了再语气和蔼地加以指正,让学生体会到教师的 关心和期望,尽量让每一位学生都体验到成功的喜悦,满足了学生们的成就感,培养了他 们的学习自信心。另外以小组成绩为整体作评价以促进组间竞争,促进相互学习、相互促 进的新格局。重视团体荣誉,注重团体评价,以大面积提高教学效益
在教学过程中运用了形成性评价,主要有 1.测验(回答问题、判断正误、生词替换、短文 大意概括、短文缺词填空、小组竞赛猜词等):其目的就是利用这些测验方式使学生对短文 整体理解和掌握;2.调查:We should help each other and let our world be full of love. What can we do? 其目的就是为了达成本节课的情感目标(对慈善事业更加关注并能为慈 善事业做一些力所能及的事)。同时正视了个体差异,注重过程激励,鼓励他们多开口说英 语,即使说错了,教师也要等到他们说完了再语气和蔼地加以指正,让学生体会到教师的 关心和期望,尽量让每一位学生都体验到成功的喜悦,满足了学生们的成就感,培养了他 们的学习自信心。另外以小组成绩为整体作评价以促进组间竞争,促进相互学习、相互促 进的新格局。重视团体荣誉,注重团体评价,以大面积提高教学效益