An adventure in africa 教学实践报告 (指导思想,设计方法等说明) Give students a chance to express their own ideas about an adventure in Africa and share their ideas with each other. After learning" An adventure in Africa, Students will ga some information about Africa. Students are expected to be motivated to show their love for our nature and protect our nature 、实践过程 Step l. Lead in Guess what continent it is. When people talk about Africa, what will you think of? Do you think Africa is a land full of mysteries and attraction? Would you like to go to Africa for a trip? Step 2 while-reading Task 1: Answer the able to sit How long will the author stay in Africa? Task 2: Tick the names of the places mentioned in Toby's travel plan Task3: What is Toby’ s route(路线) of traveling in Afric Task 4: Finding information Step 3 Post-reading Complete the following letter Step 4 Summary and homework 二、收获与体会 通过生动的图片和视频、音频材料的展示,成功的吸引了学生的注意力,激发了学生学 习英语的兴趣,并且通过小组讨论等环节,巧妙的激发了学生使用英语进行表达的热情,不 仅锻炼了学生口语的表达能力,而且通过积极向上的文化氛围,去影响学生,帮助学生提高 热爱大自然的意识,教学目标达成率高,课堂气氛很活跃,充分发挥出了多媒体教学的优势。 、问题与建议 学生对于自然问题虽然知道一些,但是却不能用流利的英语去表达自己的思想和看法 表现出学生的说的能力欠佳。多媒体教学虽然有助于学生的理解,增加了课堂容量但也从另 一个方面分散了部分学生的注意力。所以应该适当使用多媒体教学同时在平时注意多让学生 练习口头表达,以提高他们的英语表达能力
《 An adventure in Africa 》教学实践报告 (指导思想,设计方法等说明) Give students a chance to express their own ideas about an adventure in Africa and share their ideas with each other. After learning “An adventure in Africa”, Students will gain some information about Africa . Students are expected to be motivated to show their love for our nature and protect our nature. 一、实践过程 Step 1. Lead in Guess what continent it is. Question:: When people talk about Africa, what will you think of? Do you think Africa is a land full of mysteries and attraction? Would you like to go to Africa for a trip? Step 2 While-reading Task 1: Answer the questions Who wrote the following letter? What animal is uncomfortable to sit on? How long will the author stay in Africa? Task 2: Tick the names of the places mentioned in Toby’s travel plan. Task 3: What is Toby’s route (路线) of traveling in Africa? Task 4: Finding information Step 3 Post-reading Complete the following letter: Step 4 Summary and homework 二、收获与体会 通过生动的图片和视频、音频材料的展示,成功的吸引了学生的注意力,激发了学生学 习英语的兴趣,并且通过小组讨论等环节,巧妙的激发了学生使用英语进行表达的热情,不 仅锻炼了学生口语的表达能力,而且通过积极向上的文化氛围,去影响学生,帮助学生提高 热爱大自然的意识,教学目标达成率高,课堂气氛很活跃,充分发挥出了多媒体教学的优势。 三、问题与建议 学生对于自然问题虽然知道一些,但是却不能用流利的英语去表达自己的思想和看法, 表现出学生的说的能力欠佳。多媒体教学虽然有助于学生的理解,增加了课堂容量但也从另 一个方面分散了部分学生的注意力。所以应该适当使用多媒体教学同时在平时注意多让学生 练习口头表达,以提高他们的英语表达能力