Microbiology 5th Edition MICROBIOLOGY Lansing M.Prescott ISBN: 0.07.282905.2 Description: 2002/Hardeover with CDROM Publication October 2002 Date: Overview 5/e is appropriate for students as research,teac New to This Edition The mo seuphadhaiegeanotemcobaohg,ndm8oghnenam erging diseas microorganism interactions and microbial ecology! ch of the art is n Thehhs been modified to provide a more loical ow of topics andive Features .Prescott's textbook contains briefer chapters than most books but more of them (42)Students will find the
Schizanthus Microbiology 5th Edition Lansing M. Prescott ISBN: 0-07-282905-2 Description: ©2002 / Hardcover with CDROM Publication Date: October 2002 Overview Prescott, Harley and Klein's 5th edition provides a balanced, comprehensive introduction to all major areas of microbiology. Because of this balance, Microbiology, 5/e is appropriate for students preparing for careers in medicine, dentistry, nursing, and allied health, as well as research, teaching, and industry. Biology and chemistry are prerequisites. The Fifth Edition has been updated extensively to reflect the latest discoveries in the field. New to This Edition • Every chapter in the book has been updated to reflect the latest discoveries in microbiology, including information on genomics, biofilms, mechanisms of toxins, classification, and emerging diseases. The most extensive revision has occurred in the areas of genetics, microbial ecology, and immunology where material has been updated and reorganized to allow for easier use. • New Genomics chapter: Chapter 15. The genetics coverage has been reorganized for clarity and ease of teaching. The genetics section now ends with a completely new chapter on genomics. New Chapter 28 on microorganism interactions and microbial ecology! • Newly developed art program-much of the art is new or revised! It incorporates color and style consistency throughout so students will easily identify certain topics. • New critical thinking questions have been added to provide practice in analyzing data, predicting outcomes, and to teach students how to think logically. • The general organization of the text has been modified to provide a more logical flow of topics and give greater emphasis to microbial ecology Features • Prescott's textbook contains briefer chapters than most books, but more of them (42). Students will find the concise chapters more palatable and less intimidating. Short chapters give the instructor the opportunity to fit the text more closely to the instructor's syllabus. Topic flexibility is allowed. • There is an outstanding pedagogical system including outlines, concepts, key terms, cross-referencing, readings, new critical thinking questions, etc., to help students understand difficult material
Front Matte PREFACE -Barbara Tuchman magyeceonaly ogy,genetics,taxonomy,pathogenic bacteriology,food and Ten are med with pathogenicity.resistance. three chapters in Part N ne descnbe al micro a fungi,algae,and pr unology.Part Ten first kthe whole Students new to the s thogenic microbial chemo erapy,and ep ed intre ibility and allows the student easy access to in aiming for careers,teaching,and industry.Tw overview of relevant chemistry is lso provided in appendix I. aid the student with are he cal conc epts and xtra informa Organization and Approach t writ lexibility.Some topics ar style,many section headings.an an The book isdividedin 1parts.The first6pa DNA technology ed as co ly as possib bialworld.In the are maior st tumbling block for students.This text le the prot n b ssing and re forcing a stude B p th ed not n ding topics as d erse as clinical m vhen first used:an a very exten page-refer up- and the。el ar ritical to student's lea mclmicTobialecology.halsointoducsaquat and terr of micro re full-colo an othat the enhances the text's attractiv ess Tdenesurial aching el and Con nto t in t
Prescott−Harley−Klein: Microbiology, Fifth Edition Front Matter Preface © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2002 Microbiology is an exceptionally broad discipline encompassing specialties as diverse as biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, taxonomy, pathogenic bacteriology, food and industrial microbiology, and ecology. A microbiologist must be acquainted with many biological disciplines and with all major groups of microorganisms: viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae, and protozoa. The key is balance. Students new to the subject need an introduction to the whole before concentrating on those parts of greatest interest to them. This text provides a balanced introduction to all major areas of microbiology for a variety of students. Because of this balance, the book is suitable for courses with orientations ranging from basic microbiology to medical and applied microbiology. Students preparing for careers in medicine, dentistry, nursing, and allied health professions will find the text just as useful as those aiming for careers in research, teaching, and industry. Two quarters/semesters each of biology and chemistry are assumed, and an overview of relevant chemistry is also provided in appendix I. Organization and Approach The book is organized flexibly so that chapters and topics may be arranged in almost any order. Each chapter has been made as selfcontained as possible to promote this flexibility. Some topics are essential to microbiology and have been given more extensive treatment. The book is divided into 11 parts. The first 6 parts introduce the foundations of microbiology: the development of microbiology, the structure of microorganisms, microbial growth and its control, metabolism, molecular biology and genetics, DNA technology and genomics, and the nature of viruses. Part Seven is a survey of the microbial world. In the fifth edition, the bacterial survey closely follows the general organization of the forthcoming second edition of Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. Although principal attention is devoted to bacteria, eucaryotic microorganisms receive more than usual coverage. Fungi, algae, and protozoa are important in their own right. The introduction to their biology in chapters 25–27 is essential to understanding topics as diverse as clinical microbiology and microbial ecology. Part Eight focuses on the relationships of microorganisms to other organisms and the environment (microbial ecology). It also introduces aquatic and terrestrial microbiology. Chapter 28 presents the general principles underlying microbial ecology and environmental microbiology so that the subsequent chapters on aquatic and terrestrial habitats can be used without excessive redundancy. The chapter also describes various types of microbial interactions such as mutualism, protocooperation, commensalism, and predation that occur in the environment. Parts Nine and Ten are concerned with pathogenicity, resistance, and disease. The three chapters in Part Nine describe normal microbiota, nonspecific host resistance, the major aspects of the immune response, and medical immunology. Part Ten first covers such essential topics as microbial pathogenicity, antimicrobial chemotherapy, and epidemiology. Then chapters 38–40 survey the major human microbial diseases. The disease survey is primarily organized taxonomically on the chapter level; within each chapter diseases are covered according to their mode of transmission. This approach provides flexibility and allows the student easy access to information concerning any disease of interest. The survey is not a simple catalog of diseases; diseases are included because of their medical importance and their ability to illuminate the basic principles of disease and resistance. Part Eleven concludes the text with an introduction to food and industrial microbiology. Five appendices aid the student with a review of some basic chemical concepts and with extra information about important topics not completely covered in the text. This text is designed to be an effective teaching tool. A text is only as easy for a student to use as it is easy to read. Readability has been enhanced by using a relatively simple, direct writing style, many section headings, and an organized outline format within each chapter. The level of difficulty has been carefully set with the target audience in mind. During preparation of the fifth edition, every sentence was carefully checked for clarity and revised when necessary. The American Society for Microbiology’s ASM Style Manual conventions for nomenclature and abbreviations have been followed as consistently as possible. The many new terms encountered in studying microbiology are a major stumbling block for students. This text lessens the problem by addressing and reinforcing a student’s vocabulary development in three ways: (1) no new term is used without being clearly defined (often derivations also are given)—a student does not have to be familiar with the terminology of microbiology to use this text; (2) the most important terms are printed in boldface when first used; and (3) a very extensive, up-to-date, page-referenced glossary is included at the end of the text. Because illustrations are critical to a student’s learning and enjoyment of microbiology, all illustrations are full-color, and many excellent color photographs have been used. Color not only enhances the text’s attractiveness but also increases each figure’s teaching effectiveness. Considerable effort has gone into making the art as attractive and useful as possible. Much of the art in the xv PREFACE Books are the carriers of civilization.Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill.They are engines of change, windows on the world, lighthouses erected in a sea of time. –Barbara Tuchman
Front Matter Preface order to make vision of the will be useful in reviewing the chapter. and e ce speci the text.Consequ nost every chapte where app ropriate.Great car 4. Themes in the Book molecular koch' microscopy and the mechanism of flagellar motion Chapter Phosphate uptake and ABC transporters are The importance of molecular biology for microbiology 56 The medical significance of microbiology Chapter 6The chapter has new material on starvation mitation Chapter 8The disc Cha pter 9 To c on have Chapter 11-The chapter now fo on nucle What's New in the Fifth Edition 论te Chapter 12-Materialn expe s)h re an combined with of th n modified to expression Cha ved to the genetics chapters to uding ge tion to ome s cthakocontainsa Chapter 18Virus ta omy has been updated and new life ntroduct w follows the su vey of and the effect b1ad山 Cha atilhcentdnctienoteseondcdiomofBeggy logy Chapters 20-24The procaryotic survey chapters have been form to the forthcoming second Cha r281 40.has beer 2.Pedagogical aids have ben expanded.A new Critical numbers have been given to all major chapter sections in competition,ete.).Adiscussion of microbial movement
Prescott−Harley−Klein: Microbiology, Fifth Edition Front Matter Preface © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2002 fourth edition has been revised and improved for use in the fifth edition. All new line art has been produced under the direct supervision of an art editor and the authors, and designed to illustrate and reinforce specific points in the text. Consequently every illustration is directly related to the narrative and specifically cited where appropriate. Great care has been taken to position illustrations as close as possible to the places where they are cited. Illustrations and captions have been reviewed for accuracy and clarity. Themes in the Book At least seven themes run through the text, though a particular one may be more obvious at some points than are others. These themes or emphases are the following: 1. The development of microbiology as a science 2. The nature and importance of the techniques used to isolate, culture, observe, and identify microorganisms 3. The control of microorganisms and reduction of their detrimental effects 4. The importance of molecular biology for microbiology 5. The medical significance of microbiology 6. The ways in which microorganisms interact with their environments and the practical consequences of these interactions 7. The influences that microorganisms and microbiological applications have on everyday life These themes help unify the text and enhance continuity. The student should get a feeling for what microbiologists do and for how their activities affect society. What’s New in the Fifth Edition Many substantial changes and improvements have been made in the fifth edition, including the following: 1. The general organization of the text has been modified to provide a more logical flow of topics and give greater emphasis to microbial ecology. Treatment of nucleic acid and protein synthesis has been moved to the genetics chapters to integrate the discussion of gene structure, replication, expression, and regulation. Recombinant DNA technology has been moved to a separate section, which also contains a new chapter on microbial genomics. The three-chapter introduction to microbial ecology now follows the survey of microbial diversity. This places it earlier in the text where basic principles of microbiology are introduced. Part Nine now contains a description of nonspecific host resistance as well as an introduction to the fundamentals of immunology. Symbiotic associations are discussed in the context of microbial ecology. The treatment of microbial pathogenesis has been expanded into a full chapter and placed with other medical topics in Part Ten. 2. Pedagogical aids have been expanded. A new Critical Thinking Questions section with two or more questions follows the Questions for Thought and Review. Section numbers have been given to all major chapter sections in order to make cross references more precise. The summary now contains boldfaced references to tables and figures that will be useful in reviewing the chapter. 3. New illustrations have been added to almost every chapter. In addition, all figures have been carefully reviewed by our art editor, and many have been revised to improve their appearance and usefulness. 4. All reference sections have been revised and updated. Besides these broader changes in the text, every chapter has been updated and often substantially revised. Some of the more important improvements are the following: Chapter 1—A box on molecular Koch’s postulates and a new section on the future of microbiology have been added. Chapter 2—Differential interference contrast microscopy and confocal microscopy are described. Chapter 3—More details on the mechanism of flagellar motion are provided. Chapter 5—Phosphate uptake and ABC transporters are described. Chapter 6—The chapter has new material on starvation proteins, growth limitation by environmental factors, viable but nonculturable procaryotes, and quorum sensing. Chapter 8—The discussions of metabolic regulation and control of enzyme activity have been combined with the introduction to energy and enzymes. Chapter 9—The metabolic overview has been rewritten to aid in understanding. The sections on electron transport, oxidative phosphorylation, and anaerobic respiration have been updated and expanded. Chapter 11—The chapter now focuses on nucleic acid and gene structure, mutations, and DNA repair. New material on DNA methylation has been added. Chapter 12—Material on gene expression (transcription and protein synthesis) has been moved here and combined with an extensive discussion of the regulation of gene expression. New sections on global regulatory systems and two-component phosphorelay systems have been added. Chapter 15—This new chapter provides a brief introduction to microbial genomics, including genome sequencing, bioinformatics, general characteristics of microbial genomes, and functional genomics. Chapter 18—Virus taxonomy has been updated and new life cycle diagrams added. Chapter 19—Material on polyphasic taxonomy and the effects of horizontal gene transfer on phylogenetic trees has been added. The introduction to the second edition of Bergey’s Manual has been revised and updated. Chapters 20–24—The procaryotic survey chapters have been further revised to conform to the forthcoming second edition of Bergey’s Manual. Chapter 28—This chapter, formerly chapter 40, has been substantially rewritten and now includes a treatment of symbiosis and microbial interactions (e.g., mutualism, protocooperation, commensalism, predation, amensalism, competition, etc.). A discussion of microbial movement xvi Preface
Front Matte Chapter 29-The chapter on microorganisms in aquatic new mate topics as oxygen biode radation of pesticides and other pollutants,the sms to the environment,and the use Aids to the Student new It is hard to ov emphasize the importance of pedagogical aids for the s curacy is most i Chapter 31-Thisd gans o land the an introduc sent the sci eaming more and enjoyable.Following the preface the pro on of a s and antibodies antibodies,the classical complement pat vay,and a section e to It end n11 a summary of inde and five appendices.The ary de Chapter 33 The new chapter on medical im nciations als cal aspects of health pae given of the gle nt fu ody int ions use,the fifth edi n ha s has ered three cl ch of m hial city has tra of chemical principl and metaboli into a pathways and nid ging field mechanis of procaryotic taxone sofcxootinactionand provid Chapter n the epidemiolog the emerging diseas New s travel on health have Supplementary Materials Chapters 3840-The dise s have been al di sis,the use For the Student Chapter 41-New aspects of food microbiology incud ons of ified atmosphere packaging.algal resource that provides Cha 2.The Interactive E-TEXT available
Prescott−Harley−Klein: Microbiology, Fifth Edition Front Matter Preface © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2002 between ecosystems has been added, and the treatment of biofilms and microbial mats has been expanded. Chapter 29—The chapter on microorganisms in aquatic environments has new material on such topics as oxygen fluxes in water, the microbial loop, Thiomargarita namibiensis, microorganisms in freshwater ice, and current drinking water standards. Chapter 30—Microorganisms in cold moist area soils, desert soils, and geologically heated hyperthermal soils are discussed. The effects of nitrogen, phosphorus, and atmospheric gases on plants and soils are described more extensively. There is a new section on the subsurface biosphere. Chapter 31—This reorganized chapter discusses normal microbiota and nonspecific resistance. An overview of host resistance; a discussion of the cells, tissues, and organs of the immune system; an introduction to the alternative and lectin complement pathways; and a summary of cytokine properties and functions have been included. Chapter 32—All aspects of specific immunity have been moved to this chapter in order to provide a clearer and more coherent discussion. The chapter contains an overview of specific immunity, a discussion of antigens and antibodies, T-cell and B-cell biology, a discussion of the action of antibodies, the classical complement pathway, and a section on acquired immune tolerance. It ends with a summary of the role of antibodies and lymphocytes in resistance. Chapter 33—The new chapter on medical immunology contains topics more directly related to the practical aspects of health and clinical microbiology: vaccines and immunizations, immune disorders, and in vitro antigen-antibody interactions. Previously these were scattered over three chapters. The treatment of vaccines has been greatly expanded. Chapter 34—The treatment of microbial pathogenicity has been greatly enlarged and made into a separate chapter. Several topics have been expanded or added: regulation of bacterial virulence factors and pathogenicity islands, the mechanisms of exotoxin action, and microbial mechanisms for escaping host defenses. Chapter 37—In the epidemiology chapter, the treatment of emerging diseases has been expanded. New sections on bioterrorism and the effect of global travel on health have been added. Chapters 38–40—The disease survey chapters have been brought up-to-date, and bacterial diseases are now covered in one chapter rather than two. New material has been added on genital herpes, listeriosis, the use of clostridial toxins in therapy, and other topics. A new table describing common sexually transmitted diseases and their treatment is provided. Chapter 41—New aspects of food microbiology include discussions of modified atmosphere packaging, algal toxins, bacteriocins as preservatives, new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, food poisoning by uncooked foods, new techniques in tracing outbreaks of food-related diseases, and the use of probiotics in the diet. Chapter 42—The chapter on industrial microbiology and biotechnology has been revised to include current advances due to new molecular techniques. A section on developing and choosing microorganisms for use in industry has been added. Other topics that have been added or substantially revised include the synthesis of products for medical use, biodegradation of pesticides and other pollutants, the addition of microorganisms to the environment, and the use of microarray technology. Aids to the Student It is hard to overemphasize the importance of pedagogical aids for the student. Accuracy is most important, but if a text is not clear, readable, and attractive, up-to-dateness and accuracy are wasted because students will not read it. Students must be able to understand the material being presented, effectively use the text as a learning tool, and enjoy reading the book. To be an effective teaching tool, a text must present the science of microbiology in a way that can be clearly taught and easily learned. Therefore many aids are included to make the task of learning more efficient and enjoyable. Following the preface a special section addressed to the student user reviews the principles of effective learning, including the SQ4R (survey, question, read, revise, record, and review) study technique. Specific chapter aids are described in the special Visual Preview section. Besides the chapter aids the text also contains a glossary, an index, and five appendices. The extensive glossary defines the most important terms from each chapter and includes page references. Where desirable, phonetic pronunciations also are given. Most of the glossary definitions have not been taken directly from the text but have been rewritten to give the student further understanding of the item. To improve ease of use, the fifth edition has a large, detailed index. It has been carefully designed to make text material more accessible. The appendices aid the student with extra review of chemical principles and metabolic pathways and provide further details about the taxonomy of bacteria and viruses. To aid the student in following the rapidly changing field of procaryotic taxonomy, appendix III provides the classification of procaryotes according to the first edition of Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, and appendix IV gives the classification used by the upcoming second edition of Bergey’s Manual. Supplementary Materials Rich supplementary materials are available for students and instructors to assist learning and course management. For the Student 1. A Student Study Guide by Linda Sherwood of Montana State University is a valuable resource that provides learning objectives, study outlines, learning activities, and self-testing material to help students master course content. 2. The Interactive E-TEXT available on CD-ROM in January 2002 includes all of Microbiology, Fifth Edition, as well as the Preface xvii
Front Matte Preface xv nic format.The multimedia presentati s or e 3.The third edition of by Gloria Delisle and Lewis Tom is an int -ROM th vides clinical ex s of this excitin e din ectly to your textbook.This easy to diseases and pathogens to supplement the from the om to th Motion brings discov back into the leamning and cises in Mi obiology.Fifth ons Th of this CD-ROM are 4 sccondcditiond ustom publishing service Delisle is packed r100 es and ove Course Soltions will assist class mes The fifth editi of Laboratory rd or chat r om onl provide ine testing ohn P.Harlev and ansin M.Prescout has been opportunities for your students,and more prepared to accompany the text Like the text the Online Resources ab atory techniques and princinles that are important in eacharea of microbiology The ough the Prescou 202Online Learning Center,everything you only those exercises that fit hisor her course.The fifth Moreover.this ast Mcrw-Hilrsoureis all reagents Ne nto endi provides Hill's new Biocourse.com site with 6 dilutionprobt d by Ken a huge dynamic array M.Van De Graaff.F.Brer Johnsor ence nmicobiol versity,an Ch feature the following For the Instructor For the 1.A Testing CD is offered free on request to adopters of the active fo choice questions in a self-quizzing ext This coss-afo CD provides a database of over and a grad Electronic flashcards to review key vocabulary ecording tudyutii 2.Aset of 250 full-color ate Transparencies is available to An Inte tive Time Line detailing The Visual Resource Lib ry CD-ROM c tains virtually r in the tex ·Study Tips This presentation software allows you to create your own Student Tutorial Service
Prescott−Harley−Klein: Microbiology, Fifth Edition Front Matter Preface © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2002 Student Study Guide in an interactive electronic format. The etext includes animations and web links to enhance learning. 3. The third edition of Microbes in Motion by Gloria Delisle and Lewis Tomalty is an interactive CD-ROM that brings microbiology to life. A correlation guide on the CD links this exciting resource directly to your textbook. This easy to use tutorial can go from the classroom to the resource center to students’ own personal computers. Microbes in Motion brings discovery back into the learning and education process through interactive screens, animations, video, audio, and hyperlinking questions. The applications of this CD-ROM are only as limited as your good ideas. 4. The second edition of Hyperclinic by Lewis Tomalty and Gloria Delisle is packed with over 100 case studies and over 200 pathogens supported with audio, video, and interactive screens. Students will have fun and gain confidence as they learn valuable concepts and gain practical experience in clinical microbiology. 5. The fifth edition of Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology by John P. Harley and Lansing M. Prescott has been prepared to accompany the text. Like the text, the laboratory manual provides a balanced introduction to laboratory techniques and principles that are important in each area of microbiology. The class-tested exercises are modular and short so that an instructor can easily choose only those exercises that fit his or her course. The fifth edition contains recipes for all reagents and media. New exercises in biotechnology have been added to this edition. A new appendix provides practice in solving dilution problems. 6. A set of 305 Microbiology Study Cards prepared by Kent M. Van De Graaff, F. Brent Johnson, Brigham Young University, and Christopher H. Creek features complete descriptions of terms, clearly labeled drawings, clinical information on diseases, and much more. For the Instructor 1. A Testing CD is offered free on request to adopters of the text. This cross-platform CD provides a database of over 2,500 objective questions for preparing exams and a graderecording program. 2. A set of 250 full-color acetate Transparencies is available to supplement classroom lectures. These have been enhanced for projection and are available to adopters of the fifth edition. 3. The Visual Resource Library CD-ROM contains virtually all of the art and many of the photos from Microbiology, Fifth Edition, as well as the tables that appear in the text. This presentation software allows you to create your own multimedia presentations or export images into other programs. Images may be sorted by a number of criteria. Features include an Interactive Slide Show and a Slide Editor. 4. A set of 50 Projection Slides provides clinical examples of diseases and pathogens to supplement the illustrations in the text. 5. Your McGraw-Hill representative may arrange a Customized Laboratory Manual combining your own material with exercises from Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology, Fifth Edition, by John P. Harley and Lansing M. Prescott. Contact your McGraw-Hill representative for details about this custom publishing service. 6. Designed specifically to help you with your individual course needs, PageOut, PageOut Lite, and McGraw-Hill Course Solutions will assist you in integrating your syllabus with the fifth edition’s state-of-the-art media tools. Create your own course-specific web page supported by McGraw-Hill’s extensive electronic resources, set up a class message board or chat room online, provide online testing opportunities for your students, and more! Online Resources Through the Prescott 2002 Online Learning Center, everything you need for effective, interactive teaching and learning is at your fingertips. Moreover, this vast McGraw-Hill resource is easily loaded into course management systems such as WebCT or Blackboard. Through the Online Learning Center, you will also link to McGrawHill’s new Biocourse.com site with a huge dynamic array of resources to supplement your learning experience in microbiology. Some of the online features you will find to support your use of Microbiology by Prescott, Harley, and Klein include the following. For the Student: • Additional multiple-choice questions in a self-quizzing interactive format • Electronic flashcards to review key vocabulary • Study Outlines • Web Links and Exercises • Clinical Case Studies • An Interactive Time Line detailing events and highlighting personalities critical to the development of microbiology • Study Tips • Student Tutorial Service xviii Preface
Front Matte Instructor's Manual and Test Item File ons. and pas .The Labergt .A Course Consultant to answer your specific Acknowledgments Botsford,New Mexico State Pattle P.T.Pun.Wheaton College Alfred E.Brown.Auburn University Ronald Wayne Roncadori.Universiry of Univ Reviewers for the First and Second Editions van Roth Will of georia-athens Richard J.Alperin,Communiry College of College park Cc可rnt Richard P. Frank B.Dazzo,Michign Srate F.Ste Res Saskatchewan A.S.Dhaliwal,Loyola University of Moraine Valley re Linfield College Barbara Bruff Hemmingsen.Sn Diego Camlina Blake W r.Bates College B.0 Calvin Young.California State en Gre gory,Rollins College Universiry-Fullertor an H mbus Reviewers for the Third and Fourth Editions MariaA.Florida Intemational Robert I.Krasner Laurie A.Achenbach.Southern Illinois Robert Gunsalus.UCLA MacMurray College Joan Henson,Montana State University Colleg St.Amb Rice un Richard LMyers.Soulwest Missouri State University
Prescott−Harley−Klein: Microbiology, Fifth Edition Front Matter Preface © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2002 For the Instructor: • A complete Instructor’s Manual and Test Item File written by David Mullin of Tulane University. The Instructor’s Manual contains chapter overviews and objectives, correlation guides, and more. The Test Item File containing over 2,500 questions, and password protected, provides a powerful instructional tool. • T he Laboratory Resource Guide provides answers to all exercises in Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology, Fifth Edition, by John P. Harley and Lansing M. Prescott. • Images and tables from the text in a downloadable format for classroom presentation. • Correlation guides for use of all resources available with the text and correlations of text material with the ASM Guidelines. • Answers to Critical Thinking Questions in the text. • Web Links to active microbiology sites and to other sites with teaching resources. • A Course Consultant to answer your specific questions about using McGraw-Hill resources with your syllabus. Preface xix Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank the reviewers, who provided detailed criticism and analysis. Their suggestions greatly improved the final product. Reviewers for the First and Second Editions Richard J. Alperin, Community College of Philadelphia Susan T. Bagley, Michigan Technological University Dwight Baker, Yale University R. A. Bender, University of Michigan Hans P. Blaschek, University of Illinois Dennis Bryant, University of Illinois Douglas E. Caldwell, University of Saskatchewan Arnold L. Demain, Massachusetts Institute of Technology A. S. Dhaliwal, Loyola University of Chicago Donald P. Durand, Iowa State University John Hare, Linfield College Robert B. Helling, University of Michigan–Ann Arbor Barbara Bruff Hemmingsen, San Diego State University R. D. Hinsdill, University of Wisconsin–Madison John G. Holt, Michigan State University Robert L. Jones, Colorado State University Martha M. Kory, University of Akron Robert I. Krasner, Providence College Ron W. Leavitt, Brigham Young University David Mardon, Eastern Kentucky University Glendon R. Miller, Wichita State University Richard L. Myers, Southwest Missouri State University G. A. O’Donovan, North Texas State University Pattle P. T. Pun, Wheaton College Ralph J. Rascati, Kennesaw State College Albert D. Robinson, SUNY–Potsdam Ronald Wayne Roncadori, University of Georgia–Athens Ivan Roth, University of Georgia–Athens Thomas Santoro, SUNY–New Paltz Ann C. Smith, University of Maryland, College Park David W. Smith, University of Delaware Paul Smith, University of South Dakota James F. Steenbergen, San Diego State University Henry O. Stone, Jr., East Carolina University James E. Struble, North Dakota State University Kathleen Talaro, Pasadena City College Thomas M. Terry, The University of Connecticut Michael J. Timmons, Moraine Valley Community College John Tudor, St. Joseph’s University Robert Twarog, University of North Carolina Blake Whitaker, Bates College Oscar Will, Augustana College Calvin Young, California State University–Fullerton Reviewers for the Third and Fourth Editions Laurie A. Achenbach, Southern Illinois University Gary Armour, MacMurray College Russell C. Baskett, Germanna Community College George N. Bennett, Rice University Prakash H. Bhuta, Eastern Washington University James L. Botsford, New Mexico State University Alfred E. Brown, Auburn University Mary Burke, Oregon State University David P. Clark, Southern Illinois University William H. Coleman, University of Hartford Donald C. Cox, Miami University Phillip Cunningham, Wayne State University Richard P. Cunningham, SUNY at Albany James Daly, Purchase College, SUNY Frank B. Dazzo, Michigan State University Valdis A. Dzelzkalns, Case Western Reserve University Richard J. Ellis, Bucknell University Merrill Emmett, University of Colorado at Denver Linda E. Fisher, University of Michigan–Dearborn John Fitzgerald, University of Georgia Harold F. Foerster, Sam Houston State University B. G. Foster, Texas A&M University Bernard Frye, University of Texas at Arlington Katharine B. Gregg, West Virginia Wesleyan College Eileen Gregory, Rollins College Van H. Grosse, Columbus College–Georgia Maria A. Guerrero, Florida International University Robert Gunsalus, UCLA Barbara B. Hemmingsen, San Diego State University Joan Henson, Montana State University William G. Hixon, St. Ambrose University John G. Holt, Michigan State University Ronald E. Hurlbert, Washington State University
Front Matter Preface XX EdL PR Michac M Yale Universitv Hen University of linoisat Rita Moy Texas A&M Universiry Padget. Roben Zdor,Andrews Universiry RichardA.Patrick.Summit Editorial Reviewers for the Fifth Edition Stephen Aley.Universiry of Teras at El Anthony News Middle Tennessee K.J.Reddy.SUNYR Susar Robert Benoit.Virginia Polytechnic Sabine Rech. Allen C.Rogerson.St.Lawrence MichaelJ.San Francisco,Texas Tech Paul Blum.Universiry of Nebraska n East Tenn James Champine.Southeast Missour Carl Sillman,Penn State Univ James Cooper University of Califomnia ith.rs Daniel DiMai William Staddon.Eastern Kentucky e Prairie Regional Mary LTaylor.Portland State Thomas Terry. University of Comnecticu Diane osch.Eastem Michigar Publicationof nle besides th ould not have beet ible without his authors.We wish to cial at orial and hankfor work In par sfor each chapter.T ce.patience. dding.and atly helped with the section m by Jam Our project worked hard to revise and improve both old and ne Zoila R. ore-Bustamente,Michael P Shiaris,Donald B.Tait. Finally.but mo t important we wish to extend anpreciation tributed immensely to the text'sc nty.consis cy,and read wants to thank Cicorge M.Ga -in-chief Donald A.Klein
Prescott−Harley−Klein: Microbiology, Fifth Edition Front Matter Preface © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2002 Robert J. Kearns, University of Dayton Henry Keil, Brunel University Tim Knight, Oachita Baptist University Robert Krasner, Providence College Michael J. Lemke, Kent State University Lynn O. Lewis, Mary Washington College B. T. Lingappa, College of the Holy Cross Vicky McKinley, Roosevelt University Billie Jo Mello, Mount Marty College James E. Miller, Delaware Valley College David A. Mullin, Tulane University Penelope J. Padgett, Shippensburg University Richard A. Patrick, Summit Editorial Group Bobbie Pettriess, Wichita State University Thomas Punnett, Temple University Jo Anne Quinlivan, Holy Names College K. J. Reddy, SUNY–Binghamton David C. Reff, Middle Georgia College Jackie S. Reynolds, Richland College Deborah Rochefort, Shepherd College Allen C. Rogerson, St. Lawrence University Michael J. San Francisco, Texas Tech University Phillip Scheverman, East Tennessee University Michael Shiaris, University of Massachusetts at Boston Carl Sillman, Penn State University Ann C. Smith, University of Maryland David W. Smith, University of Delaware Garriet W. Smith, University of South Carolina at Aiken John Stolz, Duquesne University Mary L. Taylor, Portland State University Thomas M. Terry, University of Connecticut Thomas M. Walker, University of Central Arkansas Patrick M. Weir, Felician College Jill M. Williams, University of Glamorgan Heman Witmer, University of Illinois at Chicago Elizabeth D. Wolfinger, Meredith College Robert Zdor, Andrews University Reviewers for the Fifth Edition Stephen Aley, University of Texas at El Paso Susan Bagley, Michigan Technological University Robert Benoit, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Dennis Bazylinski, Iowa State University Richard Bernstein, San Francisco State University Paul Blum, University of Nebraska Matthew Buechner, University of Kansas Mary Burke, Oregon State University James Champine, Southeast Missouri State University John Clausz, Carroll College James Cooper, University of California at Santa Barbara Daniel DiMaio, Yale University Leanne Field, University of Texas Philip Johnson, Grande Prairie Regional College Duncan Krause, University of Georgia Diane Lavett, Georgia Institute of Technology Ed Leadbetter, University of Connecticut Donald Lehman, University of Delaware Mark Maloney, Spelman College Maura Meade-Callahan, Allegheny College Ruslan Medzhitov, Yale University School of Medicine Al Mikell, University of Mississippi Craig Moyer, Western Washington University Rita Moyes, Texas A&M University David Mullin, Tulane University Richard Myers, Southwest Missouri State University Anthony Newsome, Middle Tennessee State University Wade Nichols, Illinois State University Ronald Porter, Pennsylvania State University Sabine Rech, San Jose State University Anna-Louise Reysenbach, Portland State University Thomas Schmidt, Michigan State University Linda Sherwood, Montana State University Michele Shuster, University of Pittsburgh Joan Slonczewski, Kenyon College Daniel Smith, Seattle University Kathleen C. Smith, Emory University James Snyder, University of Louisville School of Medicine William Staddon, Eastern Kentucky University John Stolz, DuQuesne University Thomas Terry, University of Connecticut James VandenBosch, Eastern Michigan University Publication of a textbook requires effort of many people besides the authors. We wish to express special appreciation to the editorial and production staffs of McGraw-Hill for their excellent work. In particular, we would like to thank Deborah Allen, our senior developmental editor, for her guidance, patience, prodding, and support. Our project manager,Vicki Krug, supervised production of this very complex project with commendable attention to detail. Liz Rudder, our art editor, worked hard to revise and improve both old and new art for this edition. Beatrice Sussman, our copy editor for the second through fourth editions, once again corrected our errors and contributed immensely to the text’s clarity, consistency, and readability. Each of us wishes to extend our appreciation to people who assisted us individually in completion of this project. Lansing Prescott wants to thank George M. Garrity, the editor-in-chief of the second edition of Bergey’s Manual, for his aid in the preparation of the fifth edition. Revision of the material on procaryotic xx Preface classification would not have been possible without his assistance. We also much appreciate Amy Cheng Vollmer’s contribution of critical thinking questions for each chapter. They will significantly enrich the student’s learning experience. John Harley was greatly helped with the section on bioterrorism by James Snyder. Donald Klein wishes to acknowledge the aid of Jeffrey O. Dawson, Frank B. Dazzo, Arnold L. Demain, Frank G. Ethridge, Zoila R. Flores-Bustamente, Michael P. Shiaris, Donald B. Tait, and Jean K. Whelan. Finally, but most important, we wish to extend appreciation to our families for their patience and encouragement, especially to our wives, Linda Prescott, Jane Harley, and Sandra Klein. To them, we dedicate this book. Lansing M. Prescott John P. Harley Donald A. Klein
Front Matte Visual Previev VISUAL PREVIEW -Opening Ouotes re designed to perk student interest and provide perspective on chapter contents microbiology. thaper Preface is compodeat ttoth the chapter into perspective at the start. PARTⅡ CHAPTER 5 Microbial Nutrition in the Mic hapte quickly locate topics of interest. significance,historical anecdotes.and descriptions of ary organism
Prescott−Harley−Klein: Microbiology, Fifth Edition Front Matter Visual Preview © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2002 The next few pages show you the tools found throughout the text to help you in your study of microbiology. Opening Quotes are designed to perk student interest and provide perspective on chapter contents. Chapter Preface is composed of one or two short paragraphs that preview the chapter contents and relate it to the rest of the text. The preface is not a summary, but allows the student to put the chapter into perspective at the start. xxi VISUAL PREVIEW PART II Microbial Nutrition, Growth, and Control Chapter 5 Microbial Nutrition Chapter 6 Microbial Growth Chapter 7 Control of Microorganisms by Physical and Chemical Agents CHAPTER 5 Microbial Nutrition Staphylococcus aureus forms large, golden colonies when growing on blood agar. This human pathogen causes diseases such as boils, abscesses, bacteremia, endocarditis, food poisoning, pharyngitis, and pneumonia. Outline 5.1 The Common Nutrient Requirements 96 5.2 Requirements for Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen 96 5.3 Nutritional Types of Microorganisms 97 5.4 Requirements for Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sulfur 98 5.5 Growth Factors 98 5.6 Uptake of Nutrients by the Cell 100 Facilitated Diffusion 100 Active Transport 101 Group Translocation 103 Iron Uptake 104 5.7 Culture Media 104 Synthetic or Defined Media 104 Complex Media 105 Types of Media 105 5.8 Isolation of Pure Cultures 106 The Spread Plate and Streak Plate 106 The Pour Plate 107 Colony Morphology and Growth 108 Concepts 1. Microorganisms require about 10 elements in large quantities, in part because they are used to construct carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Several other elements are needed in very small amounts and are parts of enzymes and cofactors. 2. All microorganisms can be placed in one of a few nutritional categories on the basis of their requirements for carbon, energy, and hydrogen atoms or electrons. 3. Nutrient molecules frequently cannot cross selectively permeable plasma membranes through passive diffusion. They must be transported by one of three major mechanisms involving the use of membrane carrier proteins. Eucaryotic microorganisms also employ endocytosis for nutrient uptake. 4. Culture media are needed to grow microorganisms in the laboratory and to carry out specialized procedures like microbial identification, water and food analysis, and the isolation of particular microorganisms. Many different media are available for these and other purposes. 5. Pure cultures can be obtained through the use of spread plates, streak plates, or pour plates and are required for the careful study of an individual microbial species. Chapter Outlines include all major headings in the chapter with section and page numbers. This helps the reader quickly locate topics of interest. Chapter Concepts briefly summarize some of the most important concepts the student should master. 7.1 Definition of Frequently Used Terms 137 We all labour against our own cure, for death is the cure of all diseases. —Sir Thomas Browne The chapters in Part II are concerned with the nutrition, growth, and control of microorganisms. This chapter addresses the subject of the nonspecific control and destruction of microorganisms, a topic of immense practical importance. Although many microorganisms are beneficial and necessary for human well-being, microbial activities may have undesirable consequences, such as food spoilage and disease. Therefore it is essential to be able to kill a wide variety of microorganisms or inhibit their growth to minimize their destructive effects. The goal is twofold: (1) to destroy pathogens and prevent their transmission, and (2) to reduce or eliminate microorganisms responsible for the contamination of water, food, and other substances. This chapter focuses on the control of microorganisms by nonspecific physical and chemical agents. Chapter 35 introduces the use of antimicrobial chemotherapy to control microbial disease. From the beginning of recorded history, people have practiced disinfection and sterilization, even though the existence of microorganisms was long unsuspected. The Egyptians used fire to sterilize infectious material and disinfectants to embalm bodies, and the Greeks burned sulfur to fumigate buildings. Mosaic law commanded the Hebrews to burn any clothing suspected of being contaminated with the leprosy bacterium. Today the ability to destroy microorganisms is no less important: it makes possible the aseptic techniques used in microbiological research, the preservation of food, and the prevention of disease. The techniques described in this chapter are also essential to personal safety in both the laboratory and hospital (Box 7.1). There are several ways to control microbial growth that have not been included in this chapter, but they should be considered for a more complete picture of how microorganisms are controlled. Chapter 6 describes the effects of osmotic activity, pH, temperature, O2, and radiation on microbial growth and survival (see pp. 121–31). Chapter 41 discusses the use of physical and chemical agents in food preservation (see pp. 000–00). 7.1 Definition of Frequently Used Terms Terminology is especially important when the control of microorganisms is discussed because words like disinfectant and antiseptic often are used loosely. The situation is even more confusing because a particular treatment can either inhibit growth or kill depending on the conditions. The ability to control microbial populations on inanimate objects, like eating utensils and surgical instruments, is of considerable practical importance. Sometimes it is necessary to eliminate all microorganisms from an object, whereas only partial destruction of the microbial population may be required in other situations. Sterilization [Latin sterilis, unable to produce offspring or barren] is the process by which all living cells, viable spores, viruses, and viroids (see chapter 18) are either destroyed or removed from an object or habitat. A sterile object is totally free of viable microorganisms, spores, and other infectious agents. When sterilization is achieved by a chemical agent, the chemical is called a sterilant. In Personnel safety should be of major concern in all microbiology laboratories. It has been estimated that thousands of infections have been acquired in the laboratory, and many persons have died because of such infections. The two most common laboratoryacquired bacterial diseases are typhoid fever and brucellosis. Most deaths have come from typhoid fever (20 deaths) and Rocky Mountain spotted fever (13 deaths). Infections by fungi (histoplasmosis) and viruses (Venezuelan equine encephalitis and hepatitis B virus from monkeys) are also not uncommon. Hepatitis is the most frequently reported laboratory-acquired viral infection, especially in people working in clinical laboratories and with blood. In a survey of 426 U.S. hospital workers, 40% of those in clinical chemistry and 21% in microbiology had antibodies to hepatitis B virus, indicating their previous exposure (though only about 19% of these had disease symptoms). Efforts have been made to determine the causes of these infections in order to enhance the development of better preventive measures. Although often it is not possible to determine the direct cause of infection, Box 7.1 Safety in the Microbiology Laboratory some major potential hazards are clear. One of the most frequent causes of disease is the inhalation of an infectious aerosol. An aerosol is a gaseous suspension of liquid or solid particles that may be generated by accidents and laboratory operations such as spills, centrifuge accidents, removal of closures from shaken culture tubes, and plunging of contaminated loops into a flame. Accidents with hypodermic syringes and needles, such as self-inoculation and spraying solutions from the needle, also are common. Hypodermics should be employed only when necessary and then with care. Pipette accidents involving the mouth are another major source of infection; pipettes should be filled with the use of pipette aids and operated in such a way as to avoid creating aerosols. People must exercise care and common sense when working with microorganisms. Operations that might generate infectious aerosols should be carried out in a biological safety cabinet. Bench tops and incubators should be disinfected regularly. Autoclaves must be maintained and operated properly to ensure adequate sterilization. Laboratory personnel should wash their hands thoroughly before and after finishing work. Boxed Readings are found in most chapters and describe items of interest that are not essential to the primary thrust of the chapter. Topics include currently exciting research areas, the practical impact of microbial activities, items of medical significance, historical anecdotes, and descriptions of extraordinary organisms
Viseal Preview hapte ature.References through early 2001 have been included. renced to the page on
Prescott−Harley−Klein: Microbiology, Fifth Edition Front Matter Visual Preview © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2002 xxii Visual Preview Critical Thinking Questions contains questions designed to stimulate more analytical and synthetic reasoning. Questions for Thought and Review at the end of the chapter contains factual questions and some thoughtprovoking questions to aid the student in reviewing, integrating, and applying the material in the chapter. Additional Reading 151 Additional Reading General Barkley, W. E., and Richardson, J. H. 1994. Laboratory safety. In Methods for general and molecular bacteriology, P. Gerhardt, et al., editors, 715–34. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology. Block, S. S. 1992. Sterilization. In Encyclopedia of microbiology, 1st ed., vol. 4, J. Lederberg, editorin-chief, 87–103. San Diego: Academic Press. Block, S. S., editor. 1991. Disinfection, sterilization and preservation, 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger. Centers for Disease Control. 1987. Recommendations for prevention of HIV transmission in health-care settings. Morbid. Mortal. Weekly Rep. 36(Suppl. 2):3S–18S. Centers for Disease Control. 1988. Update: Universal precautions for prevention of transmission of human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, and other bloodborne pathogens in health-care settings. Morbid. Mortal. Weekly Rep. 37(24):377–88. Centers for Disease Control. 1989. Guidelines for prevention of transmission of human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis B virus to health-care and public-safety workers. Morbid. Mortal. Weekly Rep. 38(Suppl. 6):1–37. Centers for Disease Control and National Institutes of Health. 1992. Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories, 3d ed. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. Collins, C. H., and Lyne, P. M. 1976. Microbiological methods, 4th ed. Boston: Butterworths. Henderson, D. K. 1995. HIV-1 in the health-care setting. In Principles and practice of infectious diseases, 4th ed., G. L. Mandell, J. E. Bennett, and R. Dolin editors, 2632–56. New York: Churchill Livingstone. Martin, M. A., and Wenzel, R. P. 1995. Sterilization, disinfection, and disposal of infectious waste. In Principles and practice of infectious diseases, 4th ed., G. L. Mandell, J. E. Bennett, and R. Dolin editors, 2579–87. New York: Churchill Livingstone. Perkins, J. J. 1969. Principles and methods of sterilization in health sciences, 2d ed. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas. Pike, R. M. 1979. Laboratory-associated infections: Incidence, fatalities, causes, and prevention. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 33:41–66. Russell, A. D.; Hugo, W. B.; and Ayliffe, G. A. J., editors. 1992. Principles and practice of disinfection, preservation and sterilization, 2d ed. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications. Sewell, D. L. 1995. Laboratory-associated infections and biosafety. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 8(3):389–405. Strain, B. A., and Gröschel, D. H. M. 1995. Laboratory safety and infectious waste management. In Manual of clinical microbiology, 6th ed., P. R. Murray, editor, 75–85. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology. Warren, E. 1981. Laboratory safety. In Laboratory procedures in clinical microbiology, J. A. Washington, editor, 729–45. New York: Springer-Verlag. Widmer, A. F., and Frei, R. 1999. Decontamination, disinfection, and sterilization. In Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed., P. R. Murray, et al., editors, 138–64. Washington, D.C.: ASM Press. 7.4 The Use of Physical Methods in Control Brock, T. D. 1983. Membrane filtration: A user’s guide and reference manual. Madison, Wis.: Science Tech Publishers. Sørhaug, T. 1992. Temperature control. In Encyclopedia of microbiology, 1st ed., vol. 4, J. Lederberg, editor-in-chief, 201–11. San Diego: Academic Press. 7.5 The Use of Chemical Agents in Control Belkin, S.; Dukan, S.; Levi, Y.; and Touati, D. 1999. Death by disinfection: Molecular approaches to understanding bacterial sensitivity and resistance to free chlorine. In Microbial ecology and infectious disease, E. Rosenberg, editor, 133–42. Washington, D.C.: ASM Press. Borick, P. M. 1973. Chemical sterilization. Stroudsburg, Pa.: Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross. McDonnell, G., and Russell, A. D. 1999. Antiseptics and disinfectants: Activity, action, and resistance. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 12(1):147–79. Russell, A. D. 1990. Bacterial spores and chemical sporicidal agents. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 3(2):99–119. Rutala, W. A., and Weber, D. J. 1997. Uses of inorganic hypochlorite (bleach) in health-care facilities. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 10(4):597–610. Dilution Bacterial Growth after Treatment Disinfectant A Disinfectant B Disinfectant C 1/20 1/40 1/80 1/160 1/320 Critical Thinking Questions 1. Throughout history, spices have been used as preservatives and to cover up the smell/taste of food that is slightly spoiled. The success of some spices led to a magical, ritualized use of many of them and possession of spices was often limited to priests or other powerful members of the community. a. Choose a spice and trace its use geographically and historically. What is its common-day use today? b. Spices grow and tend to be used predominantly in warmer climates. Explain. 2. Design an experiment to determine whether an antimicrobial agent is acting as a cidal or static agent. How would you determine whether an agent is suitable for use as an antiseptic rather than as a disinfectant? 3. Suppose that you are testing the effectiveness of disinfectants with the phenol coefficient test and obtained the following results. What disinfectant can you safely say is the most effective? Can you determine its phenol coefficient from these results? Chapter Summaries are a series of brief numbered statements designed to serve more as a study guide than as a complete, detailed summary of the chapter. Useful tables and figures are cited in the summary. Key Terms is a list of all boldfaced terms and is provided at the end of the chapter to emphasize the most significant facts and concepts. Each term is page-referenced to the page on which the term is first introduced in the chapter. 224 Chapter 10 Metabolism:The Use of Energy in Biosynthesis Key Terms acyl carrier protein (ACP) 220 adenine 217 anaplerotic reactions 216 assimilatory nitrate reduction 211 assimilatory sulfate reduction 210 autolysins 223 bactoprenol 221 Calvin cycle 207 carboxysomes 207 CO2 fixation 216 cytosine 217 dissimilatory sulfate reduction 210 fatty acid 218 fatty acid synthetase 218 gluconeogenesis 209 glutamate dehydrogenase 211 glutamate synthase 211 glutamine synthetase 211 glyoxylate cycle 216 guanine 217 macromolecule 205 monomers 205 nitrate reductase 212 nitrite reductase 212 nitrogenase 213 nitrogen fixation 212 nucleoside 217 nucleotide 217 phosphatase 210 phosphatidic acid 220 phosphoadenosine 5′-phosphosulfate 210 purine 216 pyrimidine 216 ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase 208 self-assembly 207 thymine 217 transaminases 221 transpeptidation 223 triacylglycerol 220 turnover 205 uracil 217 uridine diphosphate glucose (UDPG) 209 Summary 1. In biosynthesis or anabolism, cells use energy to construct complex molecules from smaller, simpler precursors. 2. Many important cell constituents are macromolecules, large polymers constructed of simple monomers. 3. Although many catabolic and anabolic pathways share enzymes for the sake of efficiency, some of their enzymes are separate and independently regulated. 4. Macromolecular components often undergo self-assembly to form the final molecule or complex. 5. Photosynthetic CO2 fixation is carried out by the Calvin cycle and may be divided into three phases: the carboxylation phase, the reduction phase, and the regeneration phase (figure 10.4). Three ATPs and two NADPHs are used during the incorporation of one CO2. 6. Gluconeogenesis is the synthesis of glucose and related sugars from nonglucose precursors. 7. Glucose, fructose, and mannose are gluconeogenic intermediates or made directly from them; galactose is synthesized with nucleoside diphosphate derivatives. Bacteria and algae synthesize glycogen and starch from adenosine diphosphate glucose. 8. Phosphorus is obtained from inorganic or organic phosphate. 9. Microorganisms can use cysteine, methionine, and inorganic sulfate as sulfur sources. Sulfate is reduced to sulfide during assimilatory sulfate reduction. 10. Ammonia nitrogen can be directly assimilated by the activity of transaminases and either glutamate dehydrogenase or the glutamine synthetase–glutamate synthase system (figures 10.10–10.12). 11. Nitrate is incorporated through assimilatory nitrate reduction catalyzed by the enzymes nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase. 12. Nitrogen fixation is catalyzed by the nitrogenase complex. Atmospheric molecular nitrogen is reduced to ammonia, which is then incorporated into amino acids (figures 10.14 and 10.16). 13. Amino acid biosynthetic pathways branch off from the central amphibolic pathways (figure 10.17). 14. Anaplerotic reactions replace TCA cycle intermediates to keep the cycle in balance while it supplies biosynthetic precursors. Many anaplerotic enzymes catalyze CO2 fixation reactions. The glyoxylate cycle is also anaplerotic. 15. Purines and pyrimidines are nitrogenous bases found in DNA, RNA, and other molecules. The purine skeleton is synthesized beginning with ribose 5-phosphate and initially produces inosinic acid. Pyrimidine biosynthesis starts with carbamoyl phosphate and aspartate, and ribose is added after the skeleton has been constructed. 16. Fatty acids are synthesized from acetyl-CoA, malonyl-CoA, and NADPH by the fatty acid synthetase system. During synthesis the intermediates are attached to the acyl carrier protein. Double bonds can be added in two different ways. 17. Triacylglycerols are made from fatty acids and glycerol phosphate. Phosphatidic acid is an important intermediate in this pathway. 18. Phospholipids like phosphatidylethanolamine can be synthesized from phosphatidic acid by forming CDP-diacylglycerol, then adding an amino acid. 19. Peptidoglycan synthesis is a complex process involving both UDP derivatives and the lipid carrier bactoprenol, which transports NAM-NAG-pentapeptide units across the cell membrane. Cross-links are formed by transpeptidation (figures 10.28 and 10.29). 20. Peptidoglycan synthesis occurs in discrete zones in the cell wall. Existing peptidoglycan is selectively degraded by autolysins so new material can be added. Additional Reading 225 Additional Reading General Caldwell, D. R. 2000. Microbial physiology and metabolism 2d ed. Belmont, Calif.: Star Publishing. Communications, Inc. Dawes, I. W., and Sutherland, I. W. 1992. Microbial physiology, 2d ed. Boston, Mass.: Blackwell Scientific Publications. Garrett, R. H., and Grisham, C. M. 1999. Biochemistry, 2d ed. New York: Saunders. Gottschalk, G. 1986. Bacterial metabolism, 2d ed. New York: Springer-Verlag. Lehninger, A. L.; Nelson, D. L.; and Cox, M. M. 1993. Principles of biochemistry, 2d ed. New York: Worth Publishers. Mandelstam, J.; McQuillen, K.; and Dawes, I. 1982. Biochemistry of bacterial growth, 3d ed. London: Blackwell Scientific Publications. Mathews, C. K., and van Holde, K. E. 1996. Biochemistry, 2d ed. Redwood City, Calif.: Benjamin/Cummings. Moat, A. G., and Foster, J. W. 1995. Microbial physiology, 3d ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Neidhardt, F. C.; Ingraham, J. L.; and Schaechter, M. 1990. Physiology of the bacterial cell: A molecular approach. Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer Associates. Voet, D., and Voet, J. G. 1995. Biochemistry, 2d ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons. White, D. 1995. The physiology and biochemistry of procaryotes. New York: Oxford University Press. Zubay, G. 1998. Biochemistry, 4th ed. Dubuque, Iowa: WCB/McGraw-Hill. 10.2 The Photosynthetic Fixation of CO2 Schlegel, H. G., and Bowien, B., editors. 1989. Autotrophic bacteria. Madison, Wis.: Science Tech Publishers. Yoon, K.-S.; Hanson, T. E.; Gibson, J. L.; and Tabita, F. R. 2000. Autotrophic CO2 metabolism. In Encyclopedia of microbiology, 2d ed., vol. 1, J. Lederberg, editor-in-chief, 349–58. San Diego: Academic Press. 10.4 The Assimilation of Inorganic Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Nitrogen Brill, W. J. 1977. Biological nitrogen fixation. Sci. Am. 236(3):68–81. Dean, D. R.; Bolin, J. T.; and Zheng, L. 1993. Nitrogenase metalloclusters: Structures, organization, and synthesis. J. Bacteriol. 175(21):6737–44. Dilworth, M., and Glenn, A. R. 1984. How does a legume nodule work? Trends Biochem. Sci. 9(12):519–23. Glenn, A. R., and Dilworth, M. J. 1985. Ammonia movements in rhizobia. Microbiol. Sci. 2(6):161–67. Howard, J. B., and Rees, D. C. 1994. Nitrogenase: A nucleotide-dependent molecular switch. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 63:235–64. Knowles, R. 2000. Nitrogen cycle. In Encyclopedia of microbiology, 2d ed., vol. 3, J. Lederberg, editor-in-chief, 379–91. San Diego: Academic Press. Kuykendall, L. D.; Dadson, R. B.; Hashem, F. M.; and Elkan, G. H. 2000. Nitrogen fixation. In Encyclopedia of microbiology, 2d ed., vol. 3, J. Lederberg, editor-in-chief, 392–406. San Diego: Academic Press. Lens, P., and Pol, L. H. 2000. Sulfur cycle. In Encyclopedia of microbiology, 2d ed., vol. 4, J. Lederberg, editor-in-chief, 495–505. San Diego: Academic Press. Luden, P. W. 1991. Energetics of and sources of energy for biological nitrogen fixation. In Current topics in bioenergetics, vol. 16, 369–90. San Diego: Academic Press. Mora, J. 1990. Glutamine metabolism and cycling in Neurospora crassa. Microbiol. Rev. 54(3):293–304. Peters, J. W.; Fisher, K.; and Dean, D. R. 1995. Nitrogenase structure and function: A biochemical-genetic perspective. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 49:335–66. 10.10 Patterns of Cell Wall Formation Doyle, R. J.; Chaloupka, J.; and Vinter, V. 1988. Turnover of cell walls in microorganisms. Microbiol. Rev. 52(4):554–67. Harold, F. M. 1990. To shape a cell: An inquiry into the causes of morphogenesis of microorganisms. Microbiol. Rev. 54(4):381–431. Höltje, J.-V. 1998. Growth of the stress-bearing and shape-maintaining murein sacculus of Escherichia coli. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 62(1):181–203. Höltje, J.-V. 2000. Cell walls, bacterial. In Encyclopedia of microbiology, 2d ed., vol. 1, J. Lederberg, editor-in-chief, 759–71. San Diego: Academic Press. Koch, A. L. 1995. Bacterial growth and form. New York: Chapman & Hall. Nanninga, N.; Wientjes, F. B.; Mulder, E.; and Woldringh, C. L. 1992. Envelope growth in Escherichia coli—Spatial and temporal organization. In Prokaryotic structure and function, S. Mohan, C. Dow, and J. A. Coles, editors, 185–222. New York: Cambridge University Press. Questions for Thought and Review 1. Discuss the relationship between catabolism and anabolism. How does anabolism depend on catabolism? 2. Suppose that a microorganism was growing on a medium that contained amino acids but no sugars. In general terms how would it synthesize the pentoses and hexoses it required? 3. Activated carriers participate in carbohydrate, lipid, and peptidoglycan synthesis. Briefly describe these carriers and their roles. 4. Which two enzymes discussed in the chapter appear to be specific to the Calvin cycle? 5. Why can phosphorus be directly incorporated into cell constituents whereas sulfur and nitrogen often cannot? 6. What is unusual about the synthesis of peptides that takes place during peptidoglycan construction? Critical Thinking Questions 1. In metabolism important intermediates are covalently attached to carriers, as if to mark these as important so the cell does not lose track of them. Think about a hotel placing your room key on a very large ring. List a few examples of these carriers and indicate whether they are involved primarily in anabolism or catabolism. 2. Intermediary carriers are in a limited supply— when they cannot be recycled because of a metabolic block, serious consequences ensue. Think of some examples of these consequences. Additional Readings are provided for further study. Most are reviews, monographs, and Scientific American articles rather than original research papers. Publications cited in these reviews introduce sufficiently interested students to the research literature. References through early 2001 have been included. The reference sections are organized into topical groups that correspond to the major sections in each chapter. This arrangement provides ease of access for students interested in particular topics.
Front Matt Visual Previev with the chapter Numbered headings identify each maior topic and are used for oughout the text and the accompanying 3 00 兰连 Multimedia-Supported Illustrations appear throughout the and Function Book Cell Peptidoglycan Topic pp.2-3
Prescott−Harley−Klein: Microbiology, Fifth Edition Front Matter Visual Preview © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2002 Review Questions appear in small boxes at the end of most major sections. These questions help the student master the section’s factual material and major concepts before continuing with the chapter. Numbered Headings identify each major topic and are used for easy reference throughout the text and the accompanying laboratory manual. Multimedia-Supported Illustrations appear throughout the text. To facilitate finding corresponding full-color video, animations, or interactive screens from the third edition of Microbes in Motion, a correlation guide is provided on the CDROM, on the Student Online Learning Center, and in the Student Study Guide. Microbes in Motion, Third Edition, CD-ROM is organized into 18 topical “books,” the books are divided into “chapters,” and the chapters have numbered “pages.” For each multimediasupported illustration, the correlation guide directs the reader to the book, chapter, and page on the CD-ROM where corresponding material can be found. Figure 3.23 Bacterial Structure and Function Book Cell Wall Chapter Peptidoglycan Topic pp. 2–3 Visual Preview xxiii 3.5 The Procaryotic Cell Wall 59 Figure 3.23 The Gram-Negative Envelope. Phospholipid Integral protein Lipopolysaccharide Peptidoglycan O-specific side chains Porin Braun’s lipoprotein Outer membrane Periplasmic space and peptidoglycan Plasma membrane nucleosome. Thus DNA gently isolated from chromatin looks like a string of beads. The stretch of DNA between the beads or nucleosomes, the linker region, varies in length from 14 to over 100 base pairs. Histone H1 appears to associate with the linker regions to aid the folding of DNA into more complex chromatin structures (figure 11.9b). When folding reaches a maximum, the chromatin takes the shape of the visible chromosomes seen in eucaryotic cells during mitosis and meiosis (see figure 4.20). 1. What are nucleic acids? How do DNA and RNA differ in structure? 2. Describe in some detail the structure of the DNA double helix. What does it mean to say that the two strands are complementary and antiparallel? 3. What are histones and nucleosomes? Describe the way in which DNA is organized in the chromosomes of procaryotes and eucaryotes. 11.3 DNA Replication The replication of DNA is an extraordinarily important and complex process, one upon which all life depends. We shall first discuss the overall pattern of DNA synthesis and then examine the mechanism of DNA replication in greater depth. Patterns of DNA Synthesis Watson and Crick published their description of DNA structure in April 1953. Almost exactly one month later, a second paper appeared in which they suggested how DNA might be replicated. They hypothesized that the two strands of the double helix unwind from one another and separate (figure 11.10). Free nucleotides now line up along the two parental strands through complementary base pairing—A with T, G with C (figure 11.7). When these nucleotides are linked together by one or more enzymes, two replicas result, each containing a parental DNA strand and a newly formed strand. Research in subsequent years has proved Watson and Crick’s hypothesis correct. Replication patterns are somewhat different in procaryotes and eucaryotes. For example, when the circular DNA chromosome of E. coli is copied, replication begins at a single point, the origin. Synthesis occurs at the replication fork, the place at which the DNA helix is unwound and individual strands are replicated. Two replication forks move outward from the origin until they have copied the whole replicon, that portion of the genome that contains an origin and is replicated as a unit. When the replication forks move around the circle, a structure shaped like the Greek letter theta () is formed (figure 11.11). Finally, since the bacterial chromosome is a single replicon, the forks meet on the other side and two separate chromosomes are released. 11.3 DNA Replication 235 Parental helix G C A T G C T A T A G C A T A T A C G C G A T A T G G C A T T A C G C T A A T G C New New Parental 5′ 3′ 3′ 5′ 3′ 5′ Parental A T A T G C A T T A C G C T A A T G C Replication fork Replicas G Figure 11.10 Semiconservative DNA Replication. The replication fork of DNA showing the synthesis of two progeny strands. Newly synthesized strands are in maroon. Each copy contains one new and one old strand. This process is called semiconservative replication. Origin Replication forks Figure 11.11 Bidirectional Replication. The replication of a circular bacterial genome. Two replication forks move around the DNA forming theta-shaped intermediates. Newly replicated DNA double helix is in red.