第九章Chapter9 当代中国人的生活 The Life of Modern Chinese People
第九章Chapter 9 当代中国人的生活 The Life of Modern Chinese People
内容提要Essentials > 当代中国人的衣食住行 Food,Clothing,Housing and Transportation of Modern Chinese People
内容提要 Essentials 当代中国人的衣食住行 Food, Clothing, Housing and Transportation of Modern Chinese People
当代中国人的衣食住行 Food,Clothing,Housing and Transportation of Modern Chinese People
当代中国人的衣食住行 Food, Clothing, Housing and Transportation of Modern Chinese People
读前思考Pre-reading Questions 1.你印象里当代中国人日常穿什么样的衣服?当代 中国人的着装有什么特点? What's your impression on daily clothing of modern Chinese people,costumes of China? What are characteristics of modern Chinese clothing?
读前思考 Pre-reading Questions 1.你印象里当代中国人日常穿什么样的衣服?当代 中国人的着装有什么特点? What’s your impression on daily clothing of modern Chinese people, costumes of China? What are characteristics of modern Chinese clothing?
2.中国人一直都以自己的饮食文化为骄傲,因为 在中国“饮食”己经不仅是“吃”或“吃什么 这么简单,同时还含有丰富的文化内涵。你了 解的中国饮食包含哪些文化内涵? Chinese people are always proud of their eating and drinking culture,because饮食 f is more than "eat"or "what to eat",it contains lots of cultural contents.What kinds of cultural contents do you know about Chinese eating and drinking?
2. 中国人一直都以自己的饮食文化为骄傲,因为 在中国“饮食”已经不仅是“吃”或“吃什么” 这么简单,同时还含有丰富的文化内涵。你了 解的中国饮食包含哪些文化内涵? Chinese people are always proud of their eating and drinking culture, because 饮食 is more than “eat” or “what to eat”, it contains lots of cultural contents. What kinds of cultural contents do you know about Chinese eating and drinking?
时尚成为服装的焦点 Fashion Becomes the Focus in Clothing 中国人在着装方面讲 求时尚是在改革开放后 才真正开始的。 Chinese people started to make a return to fashion in the early 1980s with the Reform and Opening-up of Chinese economic life. 当代中国流行的时尚服装 Fashion clothing popular in modern China
时尚成为服装的焦点 Fashion Becomes the Focus in Clothing 中国人在着装方面讲 求时尚是在改革开放后 才真正开始的。 Chinese people started to make a return to fashion in the early 1980s with the Reform and Opening-up of Chinese economic life. 当代中国流行的时尚服装 Fashion clothing popular in modern China
时尚成为服装的焦点 Fashion Becomes the Focus in Clothing 20世纪80年代以来,中国服装的样式趋于多元 化,人们对服装的要求已经从御寒保暖发展到追 求时尚、彰显个性。 People's ideas about clothing changed from purely wanting to stay warm in winter to wishing to express themselves with various different styles. 这种变化不仅体现在服装本身,也表现在与服 装相关的配饰及其他外在因素中。 Chinese people started to pay attention to accessories such as scarves,bags and hairstyles
时尚成为服装的焦点 Fashion Becomes the Focus in Clothing 20世纪80年代以来,中国服装的样式趋于多元 化,人们对服装的要求已经从御寒保暖发展到追 求时尚、彰显个性。 People’s ideas about clothing changed from purely wanting to stay warm in winter to wishing to express themselves with various different styles. 这种变化不仅体现在服装本身,也表现在与服 装相关的配饰及其他外在因素中。 Chinese people started to pay attention to accessories such as scarves, bags and hairstyles
越来越红的中国风 Chinese Style Becomes More Popular >在追寻国际时尚的潮流中,中国也开始在服装方面挖掘传统 文化的价值,为创新提供灵感。 >While following international clothing fashions the Chinese have been conscious not to abandon traditional elements of clothing design. 唐装 Tang suit
越来越红的中国风 Chinese Style Becomes More Popular 在追寻国际时尚的潮流中,中国也开始在服装方面挖掘传统 文化的价值,为创新提供灵感。 While following international clothing fashions the Chinese have been conscious not to abandon traditional elements of clothing design. 唐装 Tang suit
越来越红的中国风 Chinese Style Becomes More Popular >“唐装”风 >A trend in wearing the Tang style suit 它拉动了中国服装市场上强劲的民族风,越来越多的人开始 选择具有中国元素的服装。 Since that time,such fashion has made a comeback,especially among many Chinese people dressing up for holidays and special occasions, which are seen as appropriate times to revive traditional elements of Chinese culture. 唐装表达着“喜庆”、“富丽”这样的吉祥意义。 We think of the Tang style suit as signifying special meanings like happiness and auspicious occasions
越来越红的中国风 Chinese Style Becomes More Popular “唐装”风 A trend in wearing the Tang style suit 它拉动了中国服装市场上强劲的民族风,越来越多的人开始 选择具有中国元素的服装。 Since that time,such fashion has made a comeback, especially among many Chinese people dressing up for holidays and special occasions, which are seen as appropriate times to revive traditional elements of Chinese culture. 唐装表达着“喜庆” 、 “富丽”这样的吉祥意义。 We think of the Tang style suit as signifying special meanings like happiness and auspicious occasions
>旗袍风 the cheongsam ◇诠释了中国式的审美观念。 It can be said to denote the traditional Chinese sense of beauty. 旗袍不仅成为中国人在日常 庆典场合展现自身魅力的服饰 更与T台和银幕结下了不解之缘。 如电影《花样年华》。 The cheongsam can be found not only at special occasions but also has an affinity with the catwalk and silver 旗袍 screen.It appeared in many films, Cheongsam such as the film Huayang Nianhua
旗袍风 the cheongsam 诠释了中国式的审美观念。 It can be said to denote the traditional Chinese sense of beauty. 旗袍不仅成为中国人在日常 庆典场合展现自身魅力的服饰, 更与T台和银幕结下了不解之缘。 如电影《花样年华》。 The cheongsam can be found not only at special occasions but also has an affinity with the catwalk and silver screen.It appeared in many films, such as the film Huayang Nianhua. 旗袍 Cheongsam