Unit 6 imagination and creativity Text A Was Einstein a space alien? Language focus 1.For the third night in a row ina row happening a number of times,one after the other consecutively 4 nights/3 weeks etc in a row She's been out four nights in a rou.她已经连续四晚外出了 -I've beaten her three times in a row. 1)a number of people standing or sitting next to each other ina line;a number of objects arranged in a line成排 row of somebody/something There is a row oftrees in front of the house. in a row We sat in a row at the back of the room. The vegetables were planted in neat rows. row upon row of somebody/something He looked down at row upon row of eager faces. 他俯视着一排又一排渴望的面孔。 1
1 Unit 6 imagination and creativity Text A Was Einstein a space alien? Language focus 1. For the third night in a row in a row happening a number of times, one after the other = consecutively 4 nights/3 weeks etc in a row She's been out four nights in a row. 她已经连续四晚外出了 I've beaten her three times in a row . 1)a number of people standing or sitting next to each other in a line; a number of objects arranged in a line 成排 row of somebody/something There is a row of trees in front of the house. in a row We sat in a row at the back of the room. The vegetables were planted in neat rows. row upon row of somebody/something He looked down at row upon row of eager faces. 他俯视着一排又一排渴望的面孔
2)Row (used in the name of some roads) I live at 22 Western Row. “street、.road、lane、avenue”和“boulevard” “street”街道,是最普遍的道路,最常见于城镇及周边地区,“street”包括供 人行走的人行道和供车辆使用的道路“road”。 “Road”道路,马路,是专门供车辆行驶使用的,并划分有多个车道“lanes”, “lane”也可以是一种“street”街道或“road”马路,但通常要窄得多。 相比之下,“boulevard”和“avenue”则指更大、更宽、绿树成荫的“街道”, 这些大街道的终点往往是某个重要的地方或建筑。 另外,要强调一点,在给道路起名字的时候,“street、Ioad、lane、avenue”和 “boulevard”并不总是与其字面的定义相关,人们可以任意选择一个来作为路 名。比如,伦敦的牛津街“Oxford Street”和托特纳姆宫路“Tottenham Court Road”,这两条街相连,道路没什么区别,但一个用了“street”,一个却用了 “road”。 3)[usually singular]an act of rowing a boat;the period of time spent doing this We went for a row on the lake. 2.Doze [Date:1600-1700;Origin:From a Scandinavian language;related to Old Norse dusa 'to sleep lightly ]synonym:nap
2 2)Row (used in the name of some roads) I live at 22 Western Row. “street、road、lane、avenue” 和 “boulevard” “street” 街道,是最普遍的道路,最常见于城镇及周边地区,“street”包括供 人行走的人行道和供车辆使用的道路 “road”。 “Road”道路,马路,是专门供车辆行驶使用的,并划分有多个车道“lanes”, “lane” 也可以是一种 “street” 街道或 “road” 马路,但通常要窄得多。 相比之下,“boulevard”和 “avenue” 则指更大、更宽、绿树成荫的“街道”, 这些大街道的终点往往是某个重要的地方或建筑。 另外,要强调一点,在给道路起名字的时候,“street、road、lane、avenue” 和 “boulevard” 并不总是与其字面的定义相关,人们可以任意选择一个来作为路 名。比如,伦敦的牛津街“Oxford Street”和托特纳姆宫路“Tottenham Court Road”,这两条街相连,道路没什么区别,但一个用了 “street”,一个却用了 “road”。 3) [usually singular] an act of rowing a boat; the period of time spent doing this We went for a row on the lake. 2. Doze [Date: 1600-1700; Origin: From a Scandinavian language; related to Old Norse dúsa 'to sleep lightly'] synonym: nap
to sleep lightly for a short time "Grandad was dozing in his chair. doze off phrv to go to sleep,especially when you did not intend to =drop of延,nod off nod of延 "I must have dozed off 3.She was getting older and frail,and she didn't approve of his marriage to Mileva.Relations were strained. Frail /fredl/adj [Date:1300-1400;Language:Old French;Origin:fraile,from Latin fragilis, from frangere 'to break] someone who is frail is weak and thin because they are old or ill .frail elderlypeople .her frail health frail body/physique mentally/physicallyfrail something that is frail is easily damaged or broken =fragile .It seemed impossible that these frail boats could survive in such a storm. the country'sfraileconomy
3 to sleep lightly for a short time Grandad was dozing in his chair. doze off phr v to go to sleep, especially when you did not intend to = drop off, nod off nod off I must have dozed off 3. She was getting older and frail, and she didn’t approve of his marriage to Mileva. Relations were strained. Frail /freɪl/ adj [Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French; Origin: fraile, from Latin fragilis, from frangere 'to break'] someone who is frail is weak and thin because they are old or ill frail elderly people her frail health frail body/physique mentally/physically frail something that is frail is easily damaged or broken = fragile It seemed impossible that these frail boats could survive in such a storm. the country's frail economy
approve of Opposite:disapprove to think that somebody/something is good,acceptable or suitable I told my mother I wanted to leave school but she didn't approve. Do you approve ofmy idea? She didn't quite approve ofthe way he was running things. approve of somebody doing something She doesn't approve ofme leaving school this year. Strained 1)a strained situation or behavior is not relaxed,natural,or friendly =tense I couldn't stand the strained atmosphere at dinner any more. the increasingly strainedrelations between the French and German governments 2)showing the effects of worry or too much work Nina's voice sounded strained. Alex's pale,strained face strain v [Date:1300-1400;Language:Old French;Origin:estraindre,from Latin stringere;STRINGENT]
4 approve of Opposite: disapprove to think that somebody/something is good, acceptable or suitable I told my mother I wanted to leave school but she didn't approve. Do you approve of my idea? She didn't quite approve ofthe way he was running things. approve of somebody doing something She doesn't approve of me leavingschool this year. Strained 1) a strained situation or behavior is not relaxed, natural, or friendly = tense I couldn't stand the strained atmosphereat dinner any more. the increasingly strained relationsbetween the French and German governments 2) showing the effects of worry or too much work Nina's voice sounded strained. Alex's pale, strained face strain v [Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French; Origin: estraindre, from Latin stringere; STRINGENT]
O【INJURE】[T to injure a muscle or part of your body by using it too much or making it work too hard .I've strained a muscle in my leg "You'll strain your eyes trying to read in this light. 回【EFFORT】[I and T to try very hard to do something using all your strength or ability strain(sth)todo sth .She was straining to keep her head above the water 她吃力地把头露出水面 strain for .Bill choked and gasped,straining for air. strain your ears/eyes (=try very hard to hear or see) "I strained my ears,listening for any sound in the silence of the cave. 我竖起耳杂,倾听寂静洞穴中的任何声音。 回【LIQUID】[T] to separate solid things from a liquid by pouring the mixture through something with very small holes in it →sieve .She strained the pasta. ▣【DIFFICULTY】[T] 5
5 【INJURE】 [T] to injure a muscle or part of your body by using it too much or making it work too hard I've strained a muscle in my leg You'll strain your eyes trying to read in this light. 【EFFORT】 [I and T] to try very hard to do something using all your strength or ability strain (sth) to do sth She was straining to keep her head above the water. 她吃力地把头露出水面 strain for Bill choked and gasped, straining for air. strain your ears/eyes (=try very hard to hear or see) I strained my ears, listening for any sound in the silence of the cave. 我竖起耳朵,倾听寂静洞穴中的任何声音。 【LIQUID】 [T] to separate solid things from a liquid by pouring the mixture through something with very small holes in it →sieve She strained the pasta. 【DIFFICULTY】 [T]
to cause difficulties for something by making too much work or too many problems which it cannot deal with easily "The increased costs will certainly strain our finances. 增加的费用背定会使我们的财政捉襟见时 .The incident has strained relations between the two countries. .Ifelt that my patience was being strained to the limit. 我感到自己的心已经到了极限。 回【PULL/PUSH】[I to pull hard at something or push hard against something strain against .Buddy's huge gut strained against the buttons on his shirt. strain at a dog straining at its lead ostrain every nerve to try as hard as possible to do something .He was straining every nerve to impress the judges. 为了给评委留下深刻印象,他绷紧了每一根神经 be straining at the leash热切期望(做现在不被允许做的事) to be eager to be allowed to do something .These young athletes have been training hard and are straining at the leash to compete
6 to cause difficulties for something by making too much work or too many problems which it cannot deal with easily The increased costs will certainly strain our finances. 增加的费用肯定会使我们的财政捉襟见肘 The incident has strained relations between the two countries. I felt that my patience was being strained to the limit . 我感到自己的耐心已经到了极限。 【PULL/PUSH】 [I] to pull hard at something or push hard against something strain against Buddy's huge gut strained against the buttons on his shirt. strain at a dog straining at its lead strain every nerve to try as hard as possible to do something He was straining every nerve to impress the judges. 为了给评委留下深刻印象,他绷紧了每一根神经 be straining at the leash 热切期望(做现在不被允许做的事) to be eager to be allowed to do something These young athletes have been training hard and are straining at the leash to compete
这些年轻的运动员训练非常刻苦,热切渴望参加竞赛。 not strain yourself to not work too hard or do too much physical activity Don't strainyourse乐.不要太劳累 4.mess 1)a person who is dirty or whose clothes and hair are not tidy You'rea mess! 2)a dirty or untidystate The room was in a mess. The kids made a mess in the bathroom. 3)a situation that is full of problems,usually because of a lack of organization or because of mistakes that somebody has made The economy is in a mess. afinancialmess How did this whole mess start? 5.He argued that light came in little bits(later called"photons")and thuslaid the foundation for quantum mechanics. Thus Ways of saying For this reason.' Thus 7
7 这些年轻的运动员训练非常刻苦,热切渴望参加竞赛。 not strain yourself to not work too hard or do too much physical activity Don't strain yourself. 不要太劳累 4. mess 1) a person who is dirty or whose clothes and hair are not tidy You're a mess! 2) a dirty or untidy state The room was in a mess. The kids made a mess in the bathroom. 3) a situation that is full of problems, usually because of a lack of organization or because of mistakes that somebody has made The economy is in a mess. a financial mess How did this whole mess start? 5. He argued that light came in little bits (later called “photons”) and thus laid the foundation for quantum mechanics. Thus Ways of saying ‘For this reason.’ Thus
1)as a result of somethingjust mentioned in formal speech Eating habits formed in childhood tend to continue into adult life.Thus,the best way to prevent heart disease among adults is to encourage healthy eating from an early age 2)in this way;like this The universities have expanded,thus allowing many more people the chance of higher education.大学扩招,让更多人有机会接受高等教育。 She rarely gave interviews and thus avoided being asked questions she would rather not answer.她很少接受采访,避免了被问到她不愿回答的问题。 Therefore(used to introduce thelogicalresult of something that has just been mentioned) Today's children eat more junk food and get less exercise than previous generations ofchildren.It is not surprising,therefore,that rates ofchildhood obesity are on the increase For this reason Children who grow up on a diet ofjunk food find it difficult to change this habit later in life.For this reason,/This is why it is essential that children eat healthily from an early age. Hence(for this reason,for formalspeech) Eating habits formed in childhood tend to continue into adult life,hence the importance ofencouraging healthy eating from an early age
8 1) as a result of something just mentioned in formal speech Eating habits formed in childhood tend to continue into adult life. Thus, the best way to prevent heart disease among adults is to encourage healthy eating from an early age. 2) in this way; like this The universities have expanded, thus allowing many more people the chance of higher education. 大学扩招,让更多人有机会接受高等教育。 She rarely gave interviews and thus avoided being asked questions she would rather not answer. 她很少接受采访,避免了被问到她不愿回答的问题。 Therefore (used to introduce the logical result of something that has just been mentioned) Today’s children eat more junk food and get less exercise than previous generations of children. It is not surprising, therefore, that rates of childhood obesity are on the increase. For this reason Children who grow up on a diet of junk food find it difficult to change this habit later in life. For this reason, /This is why it is essential that children eat healthily from an early age. Hence (for this reason, for formal speech) Eating habits formed in childhood tend to continue into adult life, hence the importance of encouraging healthy eating from an early age
“Thus”and“so”have similar applications,but“so”is used much more often, and in a wider range of contexts.Similarly,“hence"”and“therefore”convey similar meanings,with "therefore"occurring much more frequently,and "hence" limited to more formal speech. Foundation 1)a principle,an idea or a factthat something is based on and that it grows from Respect and friendship provide a solid foundation for marriage. He laid the foundation of Japan's modern economy. These stories have no foundation(=are not based on any facts). The rumour is totally without foundation(=is not based on any facts). 2)an organization that is established to provide money for a particular purpose, for example for scientific research or charity The money will go to the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. Foundation,base or basis? These are all words for the ideas or facts that something is based on. Basis [usually sing.a principle,an idea or a fact that supports something and that it can develop from: Thisarticle will form the basis for our discussion. Base [usually sing.]an idea,a fact or a situation from which something is
9 “Thus” and “so” have similar applications, but “so” is used much more often, and in a wider range of contexts. Similarly, “hence” and “therefore” convey similar meanings, with “therefore” occurring much more frequently, and “hence” limited to more formal speech. Foundation 1) a principle, an idea or a fact that something is based on and that it grows from Respect and friendship provide a solid foundationfor marriage. He laid the foundation of Japan's modern economy. These stories have no foundation(= are not based on any facts). The rumour is totally without foundation(= is not based on any facts). 2) an organization that is established to provide money for a particular purpose, for example for scientific research or charity The money will go to the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. Foundation, base or basis? These are all words for the ideas or facts that something is based on. Basis [usually sing.] a principle, an idea or a fact that supports something and that it can develop from: This article will form the basis for our discussion. Base [usually sing.] an idea, a fact or a situation from which something is
developed: His arguments have a sound economic base. Basis and base 相同点:都可以作名词使用,表示论点、理论、想法的出发点、基础或根据。 区别: 1)base作名词的时候,可以指“物体的底部”还有“活动的基地”,而basis却 没有这些含义: 2)base作动词的时候,可以表示“以.为基础”和“以.为主要地点”,但 basis却不能作动词使用。 Foundation is often used to talk about larger or more important things than basis: He laid the foundations of Japan's modern economy. These figures formed the basis of their pay claim. Patterns a/the basis/foundation/base for/ofsomething a secure/solid/sound/strong/weak basis/foundation/base to form the basis/foundation/base of something to be without basis/foundation 6.He described his theory of specialrelativity:spaceand time were threads in 10
10 developed: His arguments have a sound economic base. Basis and base 相同点:都可以作名词使用,表示论点、理论、想法的出发点、基础或根据。 区别: 1) base 作名词的时候,可以指 “物体的底部” 还有 “活动的基地”,而 basis 却 没有这些含义; 2) base 作动词的时候,可以表示 “以.为基础”和 “以.为主要地点”,但 basis 却不能作动词使用。 Foundation is often used to talk about larger or more important things than basis: He laid the foundations of Japan’s modern economy. These figures formed the basis of their pay claim. Patterns a/the basis/foundation/base for/of something a secure/solid/sound/strong/weak basis/foundation/base to form the basis/foundation/base of something to be without basis/foundation 6. He described his theory of special relativity: space and time were threads in