QUIZ:Describing People's Appearance What do the words 'overweight'and 'skinny describe? A.someone's body B.someone's face eC.someone's hair
QUIZ: Describing People’s Appearance ◦What do the words ‘overweight’ and ‘skinny’ describe? A. someone’s body ◦B. someone’s face ◦C. someone’s hair
Part one Describing Bodies He's well-built,with broad shoulders. He's very muscular/muscly 'He looks strong
Part one Describing Bodies ◦He’s well-built, with broad shoulders. ◦He’s very muscular/muscly ◦‘He looks strong.’
Other Words for“uscular” Beefy Broad Someone with a lot of muscles. “Broad”actually means“wide.” This is informal and usually used Well-built for men. Big.Strong. Buff o Ripped In good physical shape.Probably having strong,well-developed muscles that can be seen through the skin有明显肌肉线条的 with visible muscle action going on.He is in the gym every day trying to get a Burly ripped body. Strong,heavy,like a warrior. Have six-pack abs looks ripped Six-pack abs(A popular term for the rectus abdominis muscle of body builders)
Other Words for “Muscular” ◦ Beefy Someone with a lot of muscles. This is informal and usually used for men. ◦ Buff In good physical shape. Probably with visible muscle action going on. ◦ Burly Strong, heavy, like a warrior. ◦ Broad “Broad” actually means “wide.” ◦ Well-built Big. Strong. ◦ Ripped having strong, well-developed muscles that can be seen through the skin 有明显肌肉线条的 ◦ He is in the gym every day trying to get a ripped body. ◦ Have six-pack abs looks ripped ◦ Six-pack abs (A popular term for the rectus abdominis muscle of body builders)
Words for“Fat”or“Large” 。Overweight 。Paunchy大腹便便 This simply means“heavier than is healthy.” They don't just get fat everywhere-just the Obese stomach. It means very overweight.Sometimes it can be Pot-bellied quite dangerous. The same as“paunchy.” o Stout o Big-boned Maybe slightly fat but strong or solid looking. With a large body structure. Usually quite short. Solid Stocky Short with a wide body. As a child,James was always quite solid. .He's got the stocky build of a rugby player. 。big 。他拥有橄榄球运动员般粗壮的身材 used as a less direct way of saying 'fat':Sophie didn't use to be so big,did she?
Words for “Fat” or “Large” ◦ Overweight This simply means “heavier than is healthy.” ◦ Obese It means very overweight. Sometimes it can be quite dangerous . ◦ Stout Maybe slightly fat but strong or solid looking. Usually quite short. ◦ Stocky Short with a wide body. ◦ He’s got the stocky build of a rugby player. ◦ 他拥有橄榄球运动员般粗壮的身材 ◦ Paunchy 大腹便便 They don’t just get fat everywhere — just the stomach. ◦ Pot-bellied The same as “paunchy.” ◦ Big-boned With a large body structure. ◦ Solid ◦ As a child, James was always quite solid. ◦ big ◦ used as a less direct way of saying ‘fat’: Sophie didn’t use to be so big, did she?
Words for“Fat”or“Large” Curvy This can be used in two ways. Sometimes,it describes a woman with a thin waist and wide hips. And sometimes,it's used as a euphemism to mean"fat." Flabby We usually use this to describe a part of someone's body,not the person as a whole. E.g.flabby arms or a flabby stomach. It means they have a lot of loose fat(or skin)that kind of shakes and wobbles when they move around
Words for “Fat” or “Large” ◦ Curvy This can be used in two ways. ◦ Sometimes, it describes a woman with a thin waist and wide hips. ◦ And sometimes, it’s used as a euphemism to mean “fat.” ◦ Flabby We usually use this to describe a part of someone’s body, not the person as a whole. ◦ E.g. flabby arms or a flabby stomach. ◦ It means they have a lot of loose fat (or skin) that kind of shakes and wobbles when they move around
Positive Words for“Fat”or“Large” o Chubby A little bit fat.Slightly overweight.But only a bit. 。Plump The same as“chubby.” o Podgy Also the same as“chubby.” Plump and chubby mean'slightly fat'but both sound almost pleasant and are often used of young children She was admiring the baby's plump little legs. Look at his lovely chubby cheeks!
Positive Words for “Fat” or “Large” ◦ Chubby A little bit fat. Slightly overweight. But only a bit. ◦ Plump The same as “chubby.” ◦ Podgy Also the same as “chubby.” ◦ Plump and chubby mean ‘slightly fat’ but both sound almost pleasant and are often used of young children ◦ She was admiring the baby’s plump little legs。 ◦ Look at his lovely chubby cheeks!
She's in good shape has an athletic physique/fit MAGGIE VESSEY
She’s in good shape/ has an athletic physique/ fit/
Other Words for "Thin”or“Smalli” Slender/Slim Thin,in a pretty or elegant kind of way.A positive word for"thin."You can use this to compliment people: Lanky Tall and thin.But in an awkward kind of way. o Skinny Very thin,possibly too thin.Like someone who doesn't eat enough. Slight You know those people who are so thin that it looks like they might break into pieces if they fall down. That's slight. We don't usually say“She's slight.”We usually say“She's got a slight build.” Petite This is French for"small."In English it also means"small,"but we tend to use it to describe short women
Other Words for “Thin” or “Small” ◦ Slender/Slim Thin, in a pretty or elegant kind of way. A positive word for “thin.” You can use this to compliment people: ◦ Lanky Tall and thin. But in an awkward kind of way. ◦ Skinny Very thin, possibly too thin. Like someone who doesn’t eat enough. ◦ Slight You know those people who are so thin that it looks like they might break into pieces if they fall down. That’s slight. We don’t usually say “She’s slight.” We usually say “She’s got a slight build.” ◦ Petite This is French for “small.” In English it also means “small,” but we tend to use it to describe short women
Other Body Shape Adjectives Gangly A person,usually a boy or young man,who is very tall and thin and moves awkwardly. 。(通常指男孩或男青年)高瘦而笨拙的 a gangly youth Stooped 。If someonestoops,their head and shouldersare always bent forwards and down.佝偻,弓背 e.g.He's over six feet tall,but the way he stoops()makes him look shorter. Pigeon-toed Standing with your feet facing each other Adjective +build medium build','slim build',proportionate build'and 'stocky build'.('Stocky'means big or wide,usually with muscle rather than fat.)
Other Body Shape Adjectives ◦ Gangly A person, usually a boy or young man, who is very tall and thin and moves awkwardly. ◦ (通常指男孩或男青年)高瘦而笨拙的 ◦ a gangly youth ◦ Stooped ◦ If someone stoops, their head and shoulders are always bent forwards and down. 佝偻,弓背 e.g. He‘s over six feet tall, but the way he stoops (弓着背) makes him look shorter. ◦ Pigeon-toed Standing with your feet facing each other ◦ Adjective +build ◦ ‘medium build’, ‘slim build’, ‘proportionate build’ and ‘stocky build’. (‘Stocky’ means big or wide, usually with muscle rather than fat.)