PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus The following are key words and phrases selected from Text A. They are frequently used in daily communication.You need to study them carefully.There are a number of exercises to help you learn how to use them. Words and Phrases to Drill absolutely available apologetically awful correspondence destination estimate mostly neighborhood postpone reference reunion skip tough urge a couple of by heart choke up come up every now and go ahead go by then in agreement in the distance hang out keep up correspondence keep in touch (with) @回
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task The following are key words and phrases selected from Text A. They are frequently used in daily communication. You need to study them carefully. There are a number of exercises to help you learn how to use them. Words and Phrases to Drill absolutely awful estimate postpone skip a couple of come up go by in the distance available correspondence mostly reference tough by heart every now and then hang out keep in touch (with) apologetically destination neighborhood reunion urge choke up go ahead in agreement keep up correspondence
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus Words and Phrases to Drill kind/sort of lose touch not much of a on one's mind or something remind sb.of sth. 回)
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task Words and Phrases to Drill kind/sort of on one’s mind lose touch or something not much of a remind sb. of sth
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus VOCABULARY I Basic Practice 1 Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box.Change the form where necessary. absolutely apologetically available correspondence destination neighborhood estimate mostly reference reunion skip tough urge by heart every now and then go ahead go by hang out keep in touch(with) or something remind sb.of sth.come up 1 There was no wind and the oak tree behind the house was standipplutely still. 因四
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task VOCABULARY I Basic Practice Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box. Change the form wherenecessary. 1 absolutely absolutely destination reference urge apologetically neighborhood reunion by heart available estimate skip everynowandthen correspondence mostly tough go ahead There was no wind and the oak tree behind the house was standing still. 1 absolutely go by hang out keepin touch(with) or something remind sb. of sth. come up
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus abselutely apologetically available correspondence destination neighborhood estimate mostly reference reunion skip tough urge by heart every new and then go ahead go by hang out keep in touch(with) or something remind sb.of sth.come up 2 If you don 't want to buy a kite,you can make your own using directionsable Lin books at your local library 3 The girl walked steadily north,pausingery now andto check her direction. then 4 The trade unionsare urging/urged employers to invest more money in professional training. 可)
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task If you don ’t want to buy a kite, you can make your own using directions in books at your local library. The girl walked steadily north, pausing _ to check her direction. The trade unions employers to invest more money in professional training. 2 3 4 available every now and then absolutely absolutely destination reference urge apologetically neighborhood reunion by heart available estimate everynowandthen skip correspondence mostly tough go ahead go by hang out keepin touch(with) or something remind sb. of sth. come up are urging/urged
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus abselutely apologetically available correspondence destination neighborhood estimate mestly reference reunion skip tough uirge by heart every nowand then go ahead go by Aa月gott keep in touch (with) or something remind sb.of sth.come up 5 As a sailing ship has a(n)destination So we must have a definite goal in our life. 6 Before people knew how to make and use metals,houses wermostly built of wood or stone. 7 You 'll probably find Dave at the student center-he oftengs out there
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task As a sailing ship has a(n) , so we must have a definite goal in our life. Before people knew how to make and use metals, houses were built of wood or stone. You ’ll probably find Dave at the student center — he often there. 5 6 7 destination mostly absolutely absolutely destination reference urge apologetically neighborhood reunion by heart available estimate everynowandthen skip correspondence mostly tough go ahead go by hang out keepin touch(with) or something remind sb. of sth. come up hangs out
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus abselutely apologetically available correspondence destinatien neighborhood estimate mestly reference reunion skip tough urge by heart every new and then go ahead go by hang out keep in touch(with) or semething remind sb.of sth.come up 8 You don't have to learn these ruleg heart we just want you to have a basic understanding of them. 9 We had a family reunion_where I met relatives I hadn 't seen for 20 years. 10 I guess Henry has been busy writing an artice something recently.That's why he couldn't come to the dance
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task You don’t have to learn these rules , we just want you to have a basic understanding of them. We had a family where I met relatives I hadn ’t seen for 20 years. I guess Henry has been busy writing an article _ recently. That’s why he couldn’t come to the dance. by heart destination reunion absolutely absolutely destination reference urge apologetically neighborhood reunion by heart available estimate everynowandthen skip correspondence mostly tough go ahead go by hang out keepin touch(with) or something something remind sb. of sth. come up or something hang out mostly 8 9 10
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus abselutely apelegetically available correspondence destination neighborhood es出mate mestly reference reunion skip tough uirge by heart everynowand then ge ahead go by nang out keep in touch (with) or semething remind sb.of sth.come up 11 Scientists estimate that smoking reduces life expectancy(预期寿命)by around 12 years on average. 12 Although it is unlikely that everyone will be able to come, they aregstillg ahead with the plan to hold a class reunion. 13 When asked if I have any comment on recent movies,I Baidogetically that few of the new movies really interested me. ☒⊙
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task Scientists that smoking reduces life expectancy (预期寿命) by around 12 years on average. Although it is unlikely that everyone will be able to come, they are still with the plan to hold a class reunion. When asked if I have any comment on recent movies, I said that few of the new movies really interested me. estimate going ahead absolutely absolutely destination reference urge apologetically neighborhood reunion by heart available estimate everynowandthen skip correspondence mostly tough go ahead go by hang out keepin touch(with) or something remind sb. of sth. come up apologetically destination reunion by heart hang out or something mostly 11 12 13
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus abselutely apelegetically available correspondence destinatien neighborhood estimate mostly reference reunion skip tough urge by heart every new and then ge ahead ge by hang out keep in touch(with) or semething remind sb.of sth.come up 14 We can see from hecorrespondencethat she has her own views about modern art. 15 Three years have gone by_since we last spoke to each other. 可回
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task We can see from her that she has her own views about modern art. Three years have since we last spoke to each other. correspondence gone by absolutely absolutely destination reference urge apologetically neighborhood go by reunion by heart available estimate correspondence everynowandthen go by correspondence everynowandthen skip mostly tough go ahead hang out keepin touch(with) or something remind sb. of sth. come up destination reunion by heart hang out or something mostly 14 15
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus 2 Rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in brackets, keeping the same meaning.The first part has been written for you. 1 He seemed to be still anxious about his failure in the examination.(on one's mind) It seemed that his failurie the examination was still on his mind 2 The sight of his team losing in the final minutes of the game left him so sorrowful that he was completely unable to say a word.(choke up) He was completely choked up with sorrow at the sight of his team losing in the final minutes of the game ☒四
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task Rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in brackets, keeping the same meaning. The first part has been written for you. 2 He seemed to be still anxious about his failure in the examination. (on one’s mind) It seemed that his failure _. The sight of his team losing in the final minutes of the game left him so sorrowful that he was completely unable to say a word. (choke up) He_ _. 1 2 in the examination was still on his mind was completely choked up with sorrow at the sight of his team losing in the final minutes of the game
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus 3 I remembered the class reunion in Beijing when Mary showed me these pictures.(remind sb.of sth.) The pictures Mary showed me_ reminded me of the class reunion in Beijing 4 I am afraid I won't be able to finish the task on time because something has unexpectedly happened.(come up) has come up and I am afraid I won 't be able Somethitlge task on time 回▣
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task I remembered the class reunion in Beijing when Mary showed me these pictures. (remind sb. of sth.) The pictures Mary showed me_ _. I am afraid I won’t be able to finish the task on time because something has unexpectedly happened. (come up) Something_ _. 3 4 reminded me of the class reunion in Beijing has come up and I am afraid I won ’t be able to finish the task on time