《大学英语A(新视野)》教学大纲 中文名,大学英蹈 华程管理院《套发教新室:外适学发大好美路前一、第二数研空 装a欧9心生9 学英语程后。 考试方式与成课定 中心学生的自主学习记录相结合的形式进持 学 每费书的调全天由生领文装在教学何修干台上的我学长件自主学习。教师走行混外雀母收网用 学目的 prticipate n essential oaly.bat also e in [教学时最】6p地riods [教学方法与手段】交式、讨论式、启发式:多螺体、网路、自主学习中心教师辅导。 [教学步】 Sootion A The detailed at of the text
《大学英语 A(新视野)》教学大纲 一、课程代码 二、课程名称:大学英语 (1)中文名 大学英语 (2)英文名 College English 三、课程管理院(系)及教研室:外语学院大学英语第一、第二教研室 四、大纲说明 1. 适用专业、层次 大学英语实行分级教学,本大纲适用于非英语专业的大学英语(A 班)学生,要求学生在网上 自主学完教材第一册,课堂教学从第二册开始。 2. 学时与学分数 学时为周四,第一学期为56学时,第二、三、四学期分别为64学时,共计学时248,学分16分。 3. 课程的性质、目的与任务 大学英语教学是高等教育的一个有机组成部分,是大学生的一门必修的基础课程。大学英语是以 英语语言知识与应用技能、学习策略和跨文化交际为主要内容,以外语教学理论为指导,并集多种教 学模式和教学手段为一体的教学体系。 大学英语的教学目标是培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后工作和社 会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化 素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。 因A班学生英语基础较好,从教材第二册开始学习。在通过两年的大学英语学习后,学生在听、 说、读、写、译各个方面能有所提高,达到国家教育部颁布的《大学英语课程要求》中的一般要求, 部分学生能达到《大学英语课程要求》中的较高要求。 4. 先行、后续课程: 学生完成了高中阶段的英语学习,掌握了2000左右词汇,具备了一定的英语学习基础。在学完大 学英语课程后,学生可选择英语提高课。 5. 考试方式与成绩评定 大学英语测试采用笔试和口试与多媒体自主学习中心学生的自主学习记录相结合的形式进行,坚持 教考分离制度,学生必须参加所选英语课程的考试,考试不及格者重修。 期末考试分为笔试与口试两大部分。笔试部分由听力(30%)、阅读(30%)、英汉互译(10%)、语法 词汇(10%)、写作(10%)五部分组成。口语考试(10%)中,学生按每三人一组进行,两名教师同时对 他们的口头表达进行综合评分。考试形式分为:朗读、对话、主题讨论。笔试和口试均围绕视听说和读写 译教材内容展开。 五、纲目 第一学期:Book 2: Unit 1-6 第二学期:Book 3: Unit 1-7 第三学期:Book 4: Unit 1-6 第四学期:Book 5: Unit 1-6 每册书的剩余单元由学生通过安装在教学网络平台上的教学软件自主学习,教师进行课外辅导或网上指 导,自学内容纳入期末考试中。 Term I Unit 1 [教学目的] 1. Talk about experiences of learning English 2. Find out ways to learn English well online and offline 3. Writing skills: write a paragraph of cause & effect 4. Reading skills: find out word meanings [教学重点与难点] 1. Key words: reward positive communicate access participate virtual embarrass continual benefit insight expand reflect instruct essential 2. Phrases: not only.but also get access to keep up with give up come across participate in now that play a role in be/become aware of in add 3. Structures: I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never worrying much about making mistakes. (present participle phrase) Not only did learning another language teach me the value of hard work, but it also gave me insights into another culture. (inverted order) [教学时数] 6 periods [教学方法与手段] 交互式、讨论式、启发式;多媒体、网络、自主学习中心教师辅导。 [教学步骤] Section A Learning a Foreign Language Warm-up activities New words and phrases The detailed study of the text
Keys to Suecessful Online Learning ons on others. 5.Reading skills:read for the main ideas in paragraphs. 【歌学重点与连点】 reaction focus 2 at one'sbest find out pick up in part 货学有话于园支道大。计地式自发式多强依同雕、自主学习中心者得装。 Section A How to Make a Good Iapression Body Lagug Yiei影。listening and speaking 【教学日的1 【教学重点与隆点] 1.koy words consist rotes intelligent incline hand over ose to valk erery step vill show 前手生心 Being Bonest and Open The detailed study of the text ob Site Resources:The Best Aid for Cheatin? Text analysis Exercises
Exercises Writing skills Section B Keys to Successful Online Learning Reading skills Text analysis & Exercises Section C Viewing, listening and speaking Unit 2 [教学目的] 1. Talk about good qualities in communication. 2. Make good impressions on others. 3. Understand the importance of nonverbal communication. 4. Writing skills: develop a paragraph of a statement supported by a list of things. 5. Reading skills: read for the main ideas in paragraphs. [教学重点与难点] 1. Key words: impression conscious reaction encounter focus physical absorb consistent depress instant assume estimate passive 2. Phrases: range from.to focus on at one’s best lack of find out in relation to pick up in part account for be content with 3. Structures: We show our true feeling with our eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes, causing a chain of reactions. You were so absorbed in the moment that you lost all self-consciousness. [教学时数]6 periods [教学方法与手段] 交互式、讨论式、启发式;多媒体、网络、自主学习中心教师辅导。 [教学步骤] Section A How to Make a Good Impression Warm-up activities New words and phrases The detailed study of the text Exercises Writing skills Section B Body Language Reading skills Text analysis & Exercises Section C Viewing, listening and speaking Unit 3 [教学目的] 1. Grasp the nature of honesty. 2. Find inner reasons for cheating and form a correct attitude to tests. 3. Practice new vocabulary. 4. Writing skills: develop a paragraph of a general principle supported by an example. 5. Reading skills: understand idiomatic expressions. [教学重点与难点] 1. Key words: demonstrate apply consist ensure protest clarify intelligent inevitable ultimate contemporary appropriate incline 2. Phrases: sell out (to) at hand the bottom line demand of consist of account for rely on/upon engage in hand over 3. Structures: Where I choose to walk every step will show. A good test for this value is to apply what I call the "Integrity Triangle". [教学时数]6 periods [教学方法与手段] 交互式、讨论式、启发式;多媒体、网络、自主学习中心教师辅导。 [教学步骤] Section A Being Honest and Open Warm-up activities New words and phrases The detailed study of the text Exercises Writing skills Section B Web Site Resources: The Best Aid for Cheating? Reading skills Text analysis & Exercises
Viesin.listening ad spoaking stand fall charge comduct save avoid account【or be sorthy of adjust to he familiar to The use of conjanction shereas .e大.Ea触e idsa s and reaso Section B Culture Shock Vieving.listeming and spaking 〔教学日的 【教学重点与难点】 frown ith aim at take seasure to agree to lead crop birth coatrol remain to'the use of“togothor vith 文式材地大、的械多移务娃 Eavirotal Protection Throughout the orld : Section B Viewing.listeming and speaking 装学日的 1.Key words:
Section C Viewing, listening and speaking Unit 4 [教学目的] 1. Talk about time consciousness of Americans. 2. Learn about cultural differences. 3. Enlarge vocabulary. 4. Learn to read for main ideas. 5. Write applications for studying abroad. [教学重点与难点] 1. Key words: worthy result account replace rest assess stand fall charge run obtain conduct fulfi save spite amuse cope avoid appreciate 2. Phrases: result in nothing but account for in a rush under pressure go with work at save for stand in the hourglass at hand in person due to be worthy of adjust to be familiar to 3. Structures: The use of much less; The use of conjunction whereas [教学时数] 6 periods [教学方法与手段] 采用交互式、讨论式、启发式的教学方法,运用多媒体教学,自主学习中心教师辅导。 [教学步骤] Section A Time Conscious Americans Warm-up activities New words and phrases The detailed study of the text Exercises Writing skills: A paragraph of a general statement supported by specific Details and reasons Section B Culture Shock Reading skills: Reading for the main ideas in paragraphs Text analysis & exercises Section C Viewing, listening and speaking Unit 5 [教学目的] 1. Get familiar with the environmental problems at home and abroad. 2. Develop the words and phrases about environmental protection. 3. Write an article in a problem-solution pattern. 4. Recognize the signs and warnings in English. [教学重点与难点] 1.Key words: undertake initiate diverse erosion reverse finance conflict contaminate remove sponsor generate convert concern impact frown 2.Phrases: concern with regardless of spring up aim at take measure to as result of agree to set up lead to cash crop birth control 3. Structures: the use of "remain to"; the use of "together with " [教学时数] 6 periods [教学方法与手段] 采用交互式、讨论式、启发式的教学方法,运用多媒体教学,自主学习中心教师辅导。 [教学步骤] Section A Environmental Protection Throughout the World New words and phrases The detailed study of the text Exercises Writing skills: A paragraph of a Problem-solution Pattern Section B Green Spaces in Cities Reading skills: Finding Out Word Meaning Text analysis & exercises Section C Viewing, listening and speaking Unit 6 [教学目的] 1. Talk about challenging communication tasks of choosing a life-long partner. 2. Talk about advantages and problems of a cross-cultural marriage. 3. Write about the traditional marriage in your hometown. 4. Tell facts from opinions in reading. 5. Write a personal letter. [教学重点与难点] 1.Key words:
hesitate and down work out for a tine with of "never too"to": the use of”(阴位语结物 技方程交红优色式、自发式多体腾:自主孕中心装梅。 Yiewing.listening and speaking [教学目的] rite a shrink 2.Phrases at of bring vith pay for divide into 预等有于之亚代时老大,用发多理,何8、自主学习中心黄带导. Studying Abroad Yiewing.listening and speaking weep assign couple with die from struggle to do die of pick with take for granted of "so that":the use of shich clause" 【教学少程]
tolerance compromise mutual overlook congratulate reserve confirm suspect hesitate cancel proceed resolve arrange anticipate behalf 2.Phrases: ups and downs work out for a time meet with all along have nothing to do with on the surface at one’s worst learn of take care of come up with win over hold one’s breath hit it off 3. Structures: the use of "never too . to"; the use of "appositional structure"(同位语结构) [教学时数] 6 periods [教学方法与手段]: 交互式、讨论式、启发式;多媒体、网络、自主学习中心教师辅导。 [教学步骤] Section A Marriage Across the Nations New words and phrases The detailed study of the text Exercises Writing skills:A paragraph of some opinions Followed by some other opinions Section B Rich Meeting His Future Mother-in Law Reading skills: Recognizing Differences between Facts and Opinions Text analysis & exercises Section C Viewing, listening and speaking Term II Unit 1 [教学目的] 1. Discuss the reasons why so many students would choose to study abroad. 2. Learn some different education conceptions home and abroad. 3. Identify the key idea in a sentence. 4. Write an application [教学重点与难点] 1.Key words: departure routine grant specify insurance accustomed await domestic adapt command exile destination cease shrink forbid 2.Phrases: at first glance as long as live through dream of plan on depend on hit the target in the event of lack of leave behind in turn bring with pay for divide into make a fortune 3. Structures: the use of "as long as"; the use of "it" used as the formal subject [教学时数] 6 periods [教学方法与手段] 交互式、讨论式、启发式;多媒体、网络、自主学习中心教师辅导。 [教学步骤] Section A Studying Abroad New words and phrases The detailed study of the text Exercises Writing skills: A paragraph of a general statement supported by reasons Section B Experiences in Exile Reading skills: Reading for the key Ideas in a Sentence Text analysis & exercises Section C Viewing, listening and speaking Unit 2 [教学目的] 1. Develop your own ideas of teenagers’ problems and parent-child relationship. 2. Get familiar with the new words and useful expressions. Practice developing a paragraph of cause and effect. Learn skills of understanding figurative language. [教学重点与难点] 1.Key words: weep grateful harden drag starve swallow spoil overnight assign accommodate compensate infer fluctuate sour insensitive 2.Phrases: close at hand pick up be grateful be dressed in couple with die from lean on Third World Countries direct at starve of struggle to do die of pick with take for granted hold down turn over a new leaf 3. Structures: the use of "so that"; the use of "which clause" [教学时数] 6 periods [教学方法与手段]: 交互式、讨论式、启发式;多媒体、网络、自主学习中心教师辅导。 [教学步骤]
paragrap of c ad offe Viewing.listening and spoaking substitute confidence specific conceal attach sth.to sth. coae up t up to sth apart froe A帖lis Nao is,SoIs riting paragrap of comparison e tense demy equate blmerer burn the aidnight oil at risk 货季结与手安人、时e式.自皮大多数体、阿路、自主学习中心黄得鞋。 Lighten Your Load asd Save Your Life Teee
Section A Weeping for My Smoking Daughter New words and phrases The detailed study of the text Exercises Writing skills: A paragraph of cause and effect Section B Stop Spoiling your Children Reading skills: Understanding Figurative Language Text analysis & exercises Section C Viewing, listening and speaking Unit 3 [教学目的] 1. Learn about English names. 2. Develop a paragraph of comparison. 3. Enlarge vocabulary. 4. Review reading for the main idea in a paragraph. [教学重点与难点] 1.Key words: application elegant substitute confidence characteristic approval reserve specific qualify impressive confess award quotient despair determine sweat conceal exclusive wander prevail 2.Phrases: fill out for better or worse convey to attach sth. to sth. even so turn down blind date come up to press for sth. be ill at ease free from be guilty of take charge of stick with sth. go to great lengths to do speak of turn sb. off more or less up to sth. apart from 3. Structures: the use of "independent element" the use of "-ing participle clause" [教学时数] 6 periods [教学方法与手段]: 交互式、讨论式、启发式;多媒体、网络、自主学习中心教师辅导。 [教学步骤] Section A As His Name is, So Is He! New words and phrases The detailed study of the text Exercises Writing skills: A paragraph of comparison Section B Judge by Appearances Reading skills: Reading for the Main Ideas in Paragraphs Text analysis & exercises Section C Viewing, listening and speaking Unit 4 [教学目的] 1. Talk about health and stress 2. Get familiar with the new words and phrases 3. Writing skills: cause and effect 4. Reading skills: Finding out word meanings [教学重点与难点] Key words: overwhelm spin tense excess pump attribute perfection delegate emphasis argument outlet recommend independent stimulate priority flee hazard workaholic deny equate 2.Phrases: be out of control blood pressure blow one’s top stir in one’s own juice blow apart on one’s trail cut down keep sth. In mind other than suffer from burn the midnight oil at risk 3. Structures: the use of the principle of endweight the use of the more the more [教学时数]6 periods [教学方法与手段]: 交互式、讨论式、启发式;多媒体、网络、自主学习中心教师辅导。 [教学步骤] Section A Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life New words and phrases The detailed study of the text Exercises Writing skills: A paragraph of cause and effect Section B Are You a Workaholic? Reading skills: Finding out Word meaning Text analysis & exercises
Yiewing.listening and speaking 2 accordingly edible display aceording to be woll off at a low be fond of arrive read of go oe strike in the long run pay safe astnc1rsi of "shile" 有学挂手圆交式、材色式,自视心银体路,自主学习中心9。 Section A There's a Lot Vore to Life than ajb 1.Toll stories about the Albert by working out of the texts. onsiderate restore deceive inherit disguise exploit thrill simplify twist raise a glass to fall upon dark days stick by sb. add on fix up stare after Usages of "sow that' [货李有吉程发式。时老式、启现大多型压a,自主学对中心黄际样导。 Section A The atdy of the test Viewing,listemine and speaking 【教学目的] liable typical digest
Section C Viewing, listening and speaking Unit 5 [教学目的] 1. Talk about how to increase our understanding of life 2. Get familiar with the new words and phrases 3. Writing skills: facts and reasons 4. Reading skills: distinguishing between facts and opinions [教学重点与难点] Key words: Resident humanity accordingly enroll specialize confine occupation prefer incredible contribute accumulate puzzle distinguish account prospect construct comparison display 2.Phrases: if only according to be well off at a low be fond of be proud of arrive be meant to do read of go on strike in the long run pay safe no wonder in short 3. Structures: the use of "while" [教学时数]6 periods [教学方法与手段] 交互式、讨论式、启发式;多媒体、网络、自主学习中心教师辅导。 [教学步骤] Section A There's a Lot More to Life than a Job New words and phrases The detailed study of the text Exercises Writing skills: A paragraph of Facts and Reasons Section B What Youngsters Expect in Life Reading skills: Distinguishing between Facts & Opinions Text analysis & exercises Section C Viewing, listening and speaking Unit 6 [教学目的] 1. Tell stories about Lord Williams and the secret agent Albert by working out the 5 Ws of the texts. 2. Learn how to budget your expenses properly. 3. Learn to scan a passage. 4. Write a paragraph combined with a general viewpoint, specific details and a concluding sentence. [教学重点与难点] 1. Key words: arouse considerate restore glorious furnish crystal deceive inherit motive disguise exploit thrill simplify twist 2. Phrases: raise a glass to fall upon dark days stick by sb. add on fix up raise the devil stare after 3. Structures: Usages of "as"; Usages of "now that" [教学时数] 6 periods [教学方法与手段] 交互式、讨论式、启发式;多媒体、网络、自主学习中心教师辅导。 [教学步骤] Section A Expensive Fantasy of Lord Williams Warm-up activities New words and phrases The detailed study of the text Exercises Writing skills Section B The Romantic Life of Secret Agent6 Albert Reading skills Text analysis & exercises Section C Viewing, listening and speaking Unit 7 [教学目的] 1. Learn more about iron and the benefits brought by exercise. 2. Develop related vocabulary. 3. To develop reading skills:Distinguishing between facts and opinions 4. Write an article in the cause-and-effect pattern [教学重点与难点] 1.Key words: moderate evidence respectively liable typical digest indicate interfere advisable consume imply obst consequently neglect academic
bounce back out of breath take in bsolute strctures 【教学步] Does Etercise Have Unespected Benefits? Viewing.listening and speaking 1.To know and talk about Hde School. 【教学重点与难点】 Key words 2.Phrases: be achoduled to do over protes kind of convince-of(that) distinguish.from 安.a.性ee Where Principles Cone First The dotailed study of the text friting skills Caltural ester ad Japanese Decisio-kin and talk about five fanous syhos of the ited States 钱华复装oa度forathe 1.Key words: approve grave reputation 2.Phrases: astonish the Statu of Liberty approve of rise to fame be suited to date back to take off pluge into 【教学时数】 Absolute strcture:Conjusction+propositional phrase 图欧B Five Fanous Symbols of Anerican Culture arup activ Theotaled ftte
2.Phrases: derive.from bounce back up to out of breath take in 3.Structures: appositives; absolute structures [教学时数] 6 periods [教学方法与手段] 交互式、讨论式、启发式;多媒体、网络、自主学习中心教师辅导。 [教学步骤] Section A Iron and the Effects of Exercise Warm-up activities New words and phrases The detailed study of the text Exercises Writing skills Section B Does Exercise Have Unexpected Benefits? Reading skills Text analysis & exercises Section C Viewing, listening and speaking Term III Unit 1 [教学目的] 1. To know and talk about Hyde School. 2. To develop a paragraph by listing. 3. To learn to write a general statement supported with examples 4. To develop reading skills: Predicting the author’s ideas [教学重点与难点] 1. Key words: Cultivate controversial suspend strain preliminary energetic conventional curriculum outlook utmost outset fruitful faculty insu consult delicate fundamental sophisticated 2. Phrases: see.as be scheduled to do over protest kind of have.to do with convince.of(that) distinguish.from 3. Structures: Usages of "as"; Usage of "once". [教学时数] 6 periods [教学方法与手段] 交互式、讨论式、启发式;多媒体、网络、自主学习中心教师辅导。 [教学步骤] Section A Where Principles Come First Warm-up activities New words and phrases The detailed study of the text Exercises Writing skills Section B Cultural Differences in Western and Japanese Decision-making Reading skills: Text analysis & exercises Section C Viewing, listening and speaking Unit 2 [教学目的] 1. To know and talk about five famous symbols of the United States 2. To develop a paragraph by time sequence 3. To learn to write with time sequence 4. To master the skills of understanding figurative language [教学重点与难点] 1. Key words: enlighten approve affection exaggerate version univer grave settlement liberate reputation astonish imaginary influential the Statue of Liberty 2. Phrases: approve of rise to fame be suited to date back to take off plunge into 3. Structures: Absolute structure; Conjunction + prepositional phrase [教学时数] 6 periods [教学方法与手段] 交互式、讨论式、启发式;多媒体、网络、自主学习中心教师辅导。 [教学步骤] Section A Five Famous Symbols of American Culture Warm-up activities New words and phrases The detailed study of the text
黄华量当 1.Rey words withstand architeet portable proportional attach-to- check in in terms of So that: 质季男空、州大店宽多作、路、主对中心 学目的 Loar to ritea coap 1.Key words: Distribute oxecutive delivery r spray 2.Phrases: rival hold dom get a break 3.Structures As if: A Bose is a Boso ar up activities 三 The Chunnel 【教学日的
Exercises Writing skills Section B Engelbreit’ the Name, Cute Is My Name Reading skills: Appreciating Figurative Language Text analysis & Exercises Section C Viewing, listening and speaking Unit 3 [教学目的] 1. Learn how to prepare for earthquakes. 2. Develop the sense of keeping the balance of nature. 3. Practice new vocabulary. 4. Learn to skim. 5. Write paragraphs with a general statement supported by details. [教学重点与难点] 1. Key words: detect withstand architect fasten extinguish handy portable chaos occurrence precaution accordance primitive dinosaur flourish manual proportional manufacture threat 2. Phrases: after all attach.to. agree on check in make a difference in terms of survive on 3. Structures: So that; which [教学时数] 6 periods [教学方法与手段] 交互式、讨论式、启发式;多媒体、网络、自主学习中心教师辅导。 [教学步骤] Section A How to Prepare for Earthquakes Warm-up activities New words and phrases The detailed study of the text Exercises Writing skills Section B Changes in the Balance of Nature Reading skills: Skimming Text analysis & exercises Section C Viewing, listening and speaking Unit 4 [教学目的] 1. Learn to identify the writer’s purpose. 2. Broaden your vocabulary. 3. Learn to write a composition following a problem-solution pattern. 4. To develop reading skills: Identifying the writer’s purpose (I) [教学重点与难点] 1. Key words: Distribute executive discount headquarters circulate delivery soar spray bloom bankrupt amid launch release rival 2. Phrases: go out of style range from.to hold down account for chase . out get a break on sb’s side 3. Structures: As if; non-restrictive attributive clause [教学时数] 6 periods [教学方法与手段] 交互式、讨论式、启发式;多媒体、网络、自主学习中心教师辅导。 [教学步骤] Section A A Rose is a Rose Warm-up activities New words and phrases The detailed study of the text Exercises Writing skills Section B The Chunnel Reading skills: Identifying the Writer's Purpose (1) Text analysis & exercises Section C Viewing, listening and speaking Unit 5 [教学目的] 1. To learn more about cloning. 2. To develop a paragraph by listing
clone 2.坠rases: within one's reach in the wake of fall iato 3.Structures What if:with+prep 【学时数6per0 [教学目的] “2 tons ith. nsiom9ustioas arita bind headline shield rd justification store asay just about n placed at the of 教学步】 cieihemritalAereentg f the text ise Is the Traditional family Structure atrisk? Viewin乙,listening and speaking 1.Grasp tr ture of the text a.To hve a better [教学重点与难应] dense alert skin realn 2.Phrases account for
3. To learn to write short compositions with a general statement supported by reasons, facts, ideas, etc. 4. To master the skills of identifying the writer’s purpose (II). [教学重点与难点] 1. Key words: implication clone fiction draft prohibit relativity ribb fatal technician editorial deliberate comparable 2. Phrases: work for within one’s reach in the wake of fall into break apart with sth. in mind 3. Structures: What if.; with + prep. [教学时数] 6 periods [教学方法与手段] 交互式、讨论式、启发式;多媒体、网络、自主学习中心教师辅导。 [教学步骤] Section A Legal and Moral Implications of Cloning Warm-up activities New words and phrases The detailed study of the text Exercises Writing skills Section B Who Will Take Advantage of Human Cloning? Reading skills: Identifying the Writer's Purpose (2) Text analysis & exercises Section C Viewing, listening and speaking Unit 6 [教学目的] To know more about premarital agreements and the trend of family structure. 2. To develop a paragraph with examples. 3. To develop reading skills: Types of reading comprehension questions. 4. To learn to write short compositions with examples. [教学重点与难点] Key words: marital bind headline candidate sting exposure shield retire enforce sword signature awkward circumstance justification undergo overtake maintain vary casual migrate Phrases: work out store away make no mistake about be in line for under one’s nose just about end up lay bare Structures: While; negative part placed at the beginning of a sentence [教学时数] 6 periods [教学方法与手段] 交互式、讨论式、启发式;多媒体、网络、自主学习中心教师辅导。 [教学步骤] Section A Premarital Agreements Warm-up activities New words and phrases The detailed study of the text Exercises Writing skills Section B Is the Traditional family Structure at risk? Reading skills: Types of Reading Comprehension Questions Text analysis & Exercises Section C Viewing, listening and speaking Term IV Unit 1 [教学目的] 1. Grasp the main idea and structure of the text. 2. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 3. To have a better understanding of what the disabled face, and how they look at life. 4. Write a paragraph of general statement, supported by examples. 5. Reading Skills: Understanding Figurative language. [教学重点与难点] 1. Key words: sticky entitle practically donation screw alert appliance cha thrive convict paste dense steer highlight skim realm 2. Phrases: face with drum up get/be involved in talk back break down account for lend oneself/sth. to convict of load with switch on
Y-ing 【教学步] A Blind n Bped e See the Beautiful Vorld A Hard Job to Come By utility condense 4- persist insure date from in the hands of a satter of ather tha twice as.as: three tines asas 【牧学步] Privacy in the Information Age 【教学日的] substantial on the increase stand by in private a fact of life hit upon/on lose count of Bribery ad Basiness Ethies tivities ed study时the text
3. Structures: be V-ed + to V; V-ing [教学时数] 6 periods [教学方法与手段] 交互式、讨论式、启发式;多媒体、网络、自主学习中心教师辅导。 [教学步骤] Section A Longing for a New Welfare System Warm-up activities New words and phrases The detailed study of the text Exercises Writing skills Section B A Blind Man Helped Me See the Beautiful World Reading skills: Understanding Figurative Language Text analysis & Exercises Section C A Hard Job to Come By Unit 2 [教学目的] 1. Talk about Electronic Communication. 2. Practice New Vocabulary. 3. Develop Paragraphs of Facts and Opinions. 4. Reading Skills: Recognizing Paragraph Patterns [教学重点与难点] 1. Key words: utility parade condense intensive desperate antique strategic recession stake lease reliable disposal revenue persist transmit dose vacuum synthetic crucial insure 2. Phrases: be stuck with date from at one’s disposal keep pace with in the hands of lag behind a matter of sign up come up with 3. Structure: rather than; twice as. as; three times as.as [教学时数] 6 periods [教学方法与手段] 交互式、讨论式、启发式;多媒体、网络、自主学习中心教师辅导。 [教学步骤] Section A The Telecommunications Revolution Warm-up activities New words and phrases The detailed study of the text Exercises Writing skills Section B The Information Superhighway Reading skills: Recognizing Paragraph Patterns (1) Text analysis & Exercises Section C Privacy in the Information Age Unit 3 [教学目的] 1. Learn to define a word with your own language. 2. Learn to analyze the structure of the text. 3. Learn a new way of word formation. 4. Reading Skills: read between the lines and draw inferences. [教学重点与难点] 1. Key words: bribe schedule negotiation substantial commercial violation slip distinguish impo surrender responsibility urban disabled reside 2. Phrases: on the increase stand by in private a fact of life in support of close a deal hit upon/on distinguish between behave oneself on the take square.with crop up lose count of 3. Structures: It is +adjective +to do; What would/will happen if. [教学时数] 6periods [教学方法与手段] 交互式、讨论式、启发式;多媒体、网络、自主学习中心教师辅导。 [教学步骤] Section A Bribery and Business Ethics Warm-up activities New words and phrases The detailed study of the text Exercises